CMS-PAS-TOP-22-012 | ||
First measurement of the top quark pair production cross section in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13.6 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
22 September 2022 | ||
Abstract: The first measurement of the top quark pair (tˉt) production cross section in proton-proton collisions at √s= 13.6 TeV is presented. Data recorded with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC in July and August 2022 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.20 ± 0.07 fb−1 are analyzed. Events are selected with one or two charged leptons (electrons and muons) and additional jets. A maximum likelihood fit is performed to event categories defined by the number and flavors of the leptons, and the number of jets and jets identified as originating from the decay of b hadrons. An inclusive tˉt production cross section of 887 +43−41 (stat+syst) ± 53 (lumi) pb is measured, in agreement with the standard model prediction of 921 +29−37 pb. | ||
CDS record (PDF) ;
CADI line (restricted) ;
These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, JHEP 08 (2023) 204. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Control plots in the e±μ∓ channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 1-a:
Control plots in the e±μ∓ channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 1-b:
Control plots in the e±μ∓ channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 1-c:
Control plots in the e±μ∓ channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 1-d:
Control plots in the e±μ∓ channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 1-e:
Control plots in the e±μ∓ channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 1-f:
Control plots in the e±μ∓ channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 2:
Control plots in the e+e− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 2-a:
Control plots in the e+e− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 2-b:
Control plots in the e+e− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 2-c:
Control plots in the e+e− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 2-d:
Control plots in the e+e− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 2-e:
Control plots in the e+e− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 2-f:
Control plots in the e+e− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 3:
Control plots in the μ+μ− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 3-a:
Control plots in the μ+μ− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 3-b:
Control plots in the μ+μ− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 3-c:
Control plots in the μ+μ− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 3-d:
Control plots in the μ+μ− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 3-e:
Control plots in the μ+μ− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 3-f:
Control plots in the μ+μ− channel. From upper left to lower right: leading lepton pT and η, leading jet pT, mℓℓ, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 4:
Control plots in the e+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 4-a:
Control plots in the e+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 4-b:
Control plots in the e+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 4-c:
Control plots in the e+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 4-d:
Control plots in the e+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 4-e:
Control plots in the e+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 4-f:
Control plots in the e+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 5:
Control plots in the μ+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 5-a:
Control plots in the μ+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 5-b:
Control plots in the μ+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 5-c:
Control plots in the μ+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 5-d:
Control plots in the μ+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 5-e:
Control plots in the μ+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 5-f:
Control plots in the μ+jets channel. From upper left to lower right: lepton pT and η, leading jet pT and η, number of jets and b jets. The MC predictions are normalized using measured luminosity and theoretical cross sections, and are scaled by the lepton scale factors as obtained in the fit. The uncertainty bands include all experimental statistical and systematic uncertainties including the integrated luminosity, but excluding the lepton scale factors, which have flat prior probability density distributions. The lower panels show the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. |
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Figure 6:
Comparison between simulation and data in the final analysis binning prior to performing the fit. The lepton ID efficiency uncertainties, which have flat prior probability density distributions, are not included in the uncertainty bands. |
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Figure 7:
Resulting postfit agreement and uncertainties after performing the fit. The lepton ID efficiency uncertainties are not included in the uncertainty bands. |
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Figure 8:
The t¯t cross section as a function of √s, as obtained in previous measurements by the CMS experiment in pp collisions [1-6,8,11,12] (blue markers) and at the Tevatron in p¯p collisions [64] (empty black downward triangle). The red bullet shows the result from this analysis at √s. Points corresponding to measurements at the same √s are horizontally shifted for better readability. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Summary of the sources of uncertainty in the σt¯t measurement. The uncertainty in the integrated luminosity and the additional uncertainty due to the jet energy scale are listed separately. The individual values of relative uncertainty are approximate and given without their correlations. The combined uncertainty, which accounts for the correlations, is symmetrized. |
Summary |
The first measurement of the top quark pair (t¯t) production cross section in proton-proton collisions at √s is presented. Data recorded with the CMS detector in July and August 2022, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.20 fb−1, are analyzed. Events are selected with one or two charged leptons (electrons and muons) and additional jets. A maximum likelihood fit is performed to categories defined by the number and flavors of the leptons, and the number of jets and jets identified as originating from the hadronization of b hadrons. In the fit, uncertainties in the lepton selection efficiencies, the jet energy scale, and the b tagging efficiencies are constrained. An inclusive t¯t production cross section of 887 +43−41 (stat+syst) ± 53 (lumi) pb is measured, compared to the standard model prediction of 921 +29−37 pb. |
References | ||||
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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