CMS-PAS-SMP-24-007 | ||
The strong coupling constant and its running from inclusive jet production at CMS | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
8 October 2024 | ||
Abstract: A comprehensive analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) accuracy in quantum chromodynamics (QCD) is presented. It uses double-differential cross section measurements of inclusive jet production from the CMS Collaboration at centre-of-mass energies of 2.76, 7, 8, and 13 TeV. The result is a simultaneous determination of the value of the strong coupling constant at the mass of the Z boson αs(MZ) together with the parton distribution functions of the proton. The value αs(MZ)= 0.1176 +0.0014−0.0016 is obtained. By using the measurements in different intervals of jet transverse momenta, the running of the strong coupling is probed for energy scales between 100 and 1600 GeV. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, Submitted to PLB. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Cross sections of inclusive jet production in pp collisions as measured by CMS (black markers) at √s of 2.76, 7, 8 and 13 TeV, using the anti-kT clustering algorithm with R= 0.7, as a function of individual jet pT in bins of absolute rapidity |y|. Shown is the total uncertainty of every data point (vertical bar). The data are divided by the NNLO LC QCD prediction corrected by the NP and EW effects. The PDFs obtained in this note are used. The total theory uncertainty (shaded band) includes the PDF and scale variation uncertainty. |
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Figure 2:
The fractional Hessian uncertainties in the u-valence uv (upper left), d-valence dv (upper right), gluon g (lower left), and sea quark Σ (lower right) distributions, shown as a function of x at the factorisation scale Q2=m2t. The results of the HERA+CMS fit (blue hatched area) are compared to the results of the HERA-only fit using αS(mZ)= 0.118 (orange hatched area). The uncertainties are given at 68% CL. |
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Figure 3:
Ratios of different global PDF sets at NNLO, in particular CT18 [32], NNPDF4 [33], MSHT20 [34], and HERAPDF20 [13] to the result of the present study. The u-valence uv (upper left), d-valence dv (upper right), gluon g (lower left), and sea quark Σ (lower right) distributions are shown as functions of x at the factorisation scale Q2=m2t. The Hessian PDF uncertainties at 68% CL are shown. |
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Figure 4:
The value of αS(mZ) obtained in this analysis (red marker), compared to a selection of recent results obtained by using different methods (black markers) with their uncertainties (horizontal error bars). Also, the PDG world average is shown (shaded band). |
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Figure 5:
Values of αS as a function of the renormalization scale, obtained in the present QCD analysis at NNLO. The results (black markers) are shown with their total uncertainties (vertical error bars). For comparison, the RGE at five loops is shown using the current world-average value αS(mZ)= 0.1180 ± 0.0009 [39] (red line) together with its associated total uncertainty (shaded band). |
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Figure 6:
Sketch of the treatment of JES sources of uncertainty among the measurements at different √s. A filled black box indicates that the corresponding two uncertainty sources are treated as correlated. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
The CMS inclusive jet measurements considered in this study. The columns show the √s, the integrated luminosity, the number of measured data points, the ranges of individual jet pT and |y|, and the reference. |
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Table 2:
The values of χ2 per number of degrees of freedom, Ndof, as obtained in the fit to HERA and CMS jet data. The partial χ2 is reported for each of the individual datasets considered, together with the contribution to the χ2 from correlated uncertainty sources. |
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Table 3:
The extracted αS(mZ) and the corresponding αS(Q) values for each pT range with their total uncertainties. For αS(Q), the individual uncertainty contributions (fit, scale, model, parametrization) are listed. |
Summary |
The value of the strong coupling constant in the minimal subtraction scheme at the scale of the mass of the Z boson, αS(mZ), is extracted together with the parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton in an analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). The analysis includes electroweak effects at next-to-leading order and non-perturbative corrections. The CMS measurements of inclusive jet production at √s= 2.76, 7, 8 and 13 TeV, using the anti-kT clustering algorithm with a distance parameter of R= 0.7, are used together with the combined deep inelastic scattering (DIS) cross sections from HERA. The simultaneous extraction of αS(mZ) and the PDFs mitigates a possible bias from their correlations. By using the CMS jet data in the fit, the precision of PDFs is significantly improved and the value of αS(mZ)= 0.1176 +0.0014−0.0016 is obtained, in good agreement with the world average. It is the most precise measurement from jet cross sections, to date. Furthermore, by extracting the value of αS in different bins of jet pT, the running of αS is tested at NNLO in QCD up to scales of 1.6 TeV. The observed running of αS is in agreement with the prediction of the QCD renormalization group equation. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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