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Measurement of the dependence of inclusive jet production cross sections on the anti-$k_{\mathrm{T}}$ distance parameter in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{\text{s}}$ = 13 TeV
Abstract: The dependence of inclusive jet production cross sections on the anti-$k_{\mathrm{T}}$ distance parameter in proton-proton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is studied using 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ data collected by the CMS experiment. The ratio of the inclusive cross sections as a function of transverse momentum $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ and rapidity $y$ for distance parameters ranging from 0.1 to 1.2 to that using a distance parameter of 0.4 is presented in the region 84 $ < p_{\mathrm{T}} < $ 1588 GeV and $|y| < $ 2.0. The results are compared to calculations at leading order and next-to-leading order in the strong coupling constant using different parton shower models. The shape of the variation of ratio of cross sections with distance parameter is described well by calculations including a parton shower model, but not by a pure leading order QCD calculation including only nonperturbative effects. The descriptions of the ratios of cross sections are significantly improved when both next-to-leading order QCD calculations and nonperturbative effects are included.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Response matrix for AK4 jets constructed using detector simulation based on a PYTHIA8 Monte Carlo sample (left). Correlation matrix after data is unfolded by the D'Agostini technique using PYTHIA8 simulation for AK4 jets (right) in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5.

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Figure 1-a:
Response matrix for AK4 jets constructed using detector simulation based on a PYTHIA8 Monte Carlo sample.

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Figure 1-b:
Correlation matrix after data is unfolded by the D'Agostini technique using PYTHIA8 simulation for AK4 jets in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5.

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Figure 2:
Nonperturbative correction for the cross section ratio of inclusive AK2 (left) and AK8 jets (right) with respect to AK4 jets in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5.

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Figure 2-a:
Nonperturbative correction for the cross section ratio of inclusive AK2 jets with respect to AK4 jets in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5.

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Figure 2-b:
Nonperturbative correction for the cross section ratio of inclusive AK8 jets with respect to AK4 jets in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5.

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Figure 3:
Total uncertainty (relative) from experimental systematics for ratio of cross section of inclusive jets of size 0.2 (left), 0.8 (right) with respect to that of AK4 jet in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5. Statistical errors are also overlaid as black lines for data and as dark red lines for response matrices (RM) in simulation.

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Figure 3-a:
Total uncertainty (relative) from experimental systematics for ratio of cross section of inclusive jets of size 0.2 with respect to that of AK4 jet in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5. Statistical errors are also overlaid as black lines for data and as dark red lines for response matrices (RM) in simulation.

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Figure 3-b:
Total uncertainty (relative) from experimental systematics for ratio of cross section of inclusive jets of size 0.8 with respect to that of AK4 jet in the rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5. Statistical errors are also overlaid as black lines for data and as dark red lines for response matrices (RM) in simulation.

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Figure 4:
Comparison of ratio of differential cross section of jets of different sizes with respect to that of AK4 jets from data and from NLO predictions using POWHEG + PYTHIA8 (CUETP8M1 tune) in the region $|\text {y}| < $ 0.5. Colored symbols indicate data and colored lines represent prediction from MC. Numbers written in the parentheses have been added to the corresponding data points to separate the results for different jet sizes.

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Figure 5:
Comparison of ratio of differential cross section of AK2 (top) and AK8 (bottom) jets with respect to that of AK4 jets from data and pQCD predictions using NLOJET++ in the region $|\text {y}| < $ 0.5. Black symbols indicate data and colored lines represent pQCD predictions. Statistical error bars are shown for data and NLO prediction with nonperturbative (NP) correction; yellowish olive region around data represents experimental systematic uncertainty where as region shaded in light blue color around NLO$\otimes $NP prediction shows the theory uncertainty in the prediction.

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Figure 5-a:
Comparison of ratio of differential cross section of AK2 jets with respect to that of AK4 jets from data and pQCD predictions using NLOJET++ in the region $|\text {y}| < $ 0.5. Black symbols indicate data and colored lines represent pQCD predictions. Statistical error bars are shown for data and NLO prediction with nonperturbative (NP) correction; yellowish olive region around data represents experimental systematic uncertainty where as region shaded in light blue color around NLO$\otimes $NP prediction shows the theory uncertainty in the prediction.

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Figure 5-b:
Comparison of ratio of differential cross section of AK8 jets with respect to that of AK4 jets from data and pQCD predictions using NLOJET++ in the region $|\text {y}| < $ 0.5. Black symbols indicate data and colored lines represent pQCD predictions. Statistical error bars are shown for data and NLO prediction with nonperturbative (NP) correction; yellowish olive region around data represents experimental systematic uncertainty where as region shaded in light blue color around NLO$\otimes $NP prediction shows the theory uncertainty in the prediction.

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Figure 6:
Comparison of the ratio of cross sections of inclusive jets of various sizes with respect to AK4 jets as a function of jet size in different regions of jet ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ from data and from several theory predictions in rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5 (upper row) and 1.5 $ < |y| < $ 2.0 (lower row) at particle level. When the cross section ratio is taken between fixed NLO predictions for two jet sizes, the ratio becomes LO at ${\alpha _S}$, this is quoted as LO$\otimes $NP in the figure. Experimental uncertainties on the ratio of cross sections are shown in bands around data points, theory uncertainties are shown in bands around fixed order predictions respectively.

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Figure 6-a:
Comparison of the ratio of cross sections of inclusive jets of various sizes with respect to AK4 jets as a function of jet size for jet 196 $< {p_{\mathrm {T}}} <$ 272 GeV from data and from several theory predictions in rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5 at particle level. When the cross section ratio is taken between fixed NLO predictions for two jet sizes, the ratio becomes LO at ${\alpha _S}$, this is quoted as LO$\otimes $NP in the figure. Experimental uncertainties on the ratio of cross sections are shown in bands around data points, theory uncertainties are shown in bands around fixed order predictions respectively.

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Figure 6-b:
Comparison of the ratio of cross sections of inclusive jets of various sizes with respect to AK4 jets as a function of jet size for jet 395 $< {p_{\mathrm {T}}} <$ 468 GeV from data and from several theory predictions in rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5 at particle level. When the cross section ratio is taken between fixed NLO predictions for two jet sizes, the ratio becomes LO at ${\alpha _S}$, this is quoted as LO$\otimes $NP in the figure. Experimental uncertainties on the ratio of cross sections are shown in bands around data points, theory uncertainties are shown in bands around fixed order predictions respectively.

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Figure 6-c:
Comparison of the ratio of cross sections of inclusive jets of various sizes with respect to AK4 jets as a function of jet size for jet 548 $< {p_{\mathrm {T}}} <$ 638 GeV from data and from several theory predictions in rapidity bin $|y| < $ 0.5 at particle level. When the cross section ratio is taken between fixed NLO predictions for two jet sizes, the ratio becomes LO at ${\alpha _S}$, this is quoted as LO$\otimes $NP in the figure. Experimental uncertainties on the ratio of cross sections are shown in bands around data points, theory uncertainties are shown in bands around fixed order predictions respectively.

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Figure 6-d:
Comparison of the ratio of cross sections of inclusive jets of various sizes with respect to AK4 jets as a function of jet size for jet 196 $< {p_{\mathrm {T}}} <$ 272 GeV from data and from several theory predictions in rapidity bin 1.5 $ < |y| < $ 2.0 at particle level. When the cross section ratio is taken between fixed NLO predictions for two jet sizes, the ratio becomes LO at ${\alpha _S}$, this is quoted as LO$\otimes $NP in the figure. Experimental uncertainties on the ratio of cross sections are shown in bands around data points, theory uncertainties are shown in bands around fixed order predictions respectively.

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Figure 6-e:
Comparison of the ratio of cross sections of inclusive jets of various sizes with respect to AK4 jets as a function of jet size for jet 395 $< {p_{\mathrm {T}}} <$ 468 GeV from data and from several theory predictions in rapidity bin 1.5 $ < |y| < $ 2.0 at particle level. When the cross section ratio is taken between fixed NLO predictions for two jet sizes, the ratio becomes LO at ${\alpha _S}$, this is quoted as LO$\otimes $NP in the figure. Experimental uncertainties on the ratio of cross sections are shown in bands around data points, theory uncertainties are shown in bands around fixed order predictions respectively.

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Figure 6-f:
Comparison of the ratio of cross sections of inclusive jets of various sizes with respect to AK4 jets as a function of jet size for jet 548 $< {p_{\mathrm {T}}} <$ 638 GeV from data and from several theory predictions in rapidity bin 1.5 $ < |y| < $ 2.0 at particle level. When the cross section ratio is taken between fixed NLO predictions for two jet sizes, the ratio becomes LO at ${\alpha _S}$, this is quoted as LO$\otimes $NP in the figure. Experimental uncertainties on the ratio of cross sections are shown in bands around data points, theory uncertainties are shown in bands around fixed order predictions respectively.

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Table 1:
Trigger ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ thresholds and effective luminosity of the HLT triggers for AK8 jets.
This paper reports a measurement of the ratio of cross section of inclusive jets of multiple sizes w.r.t. AK4 jets for the first time in the CMS experiment. Due to cancellation of many experimental and theoretical systematic uncertainties for the ratio, it is more sensitive to perturbative and nonperturbative effects than the absolute cross section measurement; the experimental systematic uncertainty for cross section ratio is of similar size as the statistical uncertainty, and theory uncertainty is dominated by the choice of renormalization and factorization scales.

From the ratio measurement, it is observed that the NP correction is important to describe the data at low ${p_{\mathrm{T}}}$. So the modelling of nonperturbative effects, like hadronization and underlying events, and also of perturbative radiation have significant impact to describe the data in different regions of phase-space.

Finally, the variation of the ratio of cross sections with $R$ emphasizes the importance of parton showers to capture the effects of higher order terms in the perturbation series by resummation approach, which is absent in the case of fixed order computation. Therefore this study shows the importance of final-state radiation modelled in Monte Carlo simulation to describe the data, and also points that differences between different parton shower and hadronization models are significant.
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Compact Muon Solenoid