CMS-PAS-HIN-16-020 | ||
Jet properties in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
February 2017 | ||
Abstract: Modifications to high transverse momentum (pT) jets in the quark gluon plasma (QGP) are studied in PbPb and pp collisions at √sNN= 5.02 TeV via correlations between jets with pT> 120 GeV and charged particles with pT> 0.7 GeV. This measurement aims to extend results of the same correlations at √sNN= 2.76 TeV, which observed significant modification of jet track correlations out to large distances from the jet axis in central PbPb events. This analysis measures correlations in relative pseudorapidity (Δη), relative azimuth (Δϕ), and relative distance from the jet axis Δr=√Δη2+Δϕ2. Results are presented as a function of PbPb collision centrality and track pT, providing a differential picture of jet modifications in the medium. Measurements include charged particle densities as a function of distance from jet axis, total charged-particle yields as a function of track-pT (fragmentation functions), and the jet momentum density profile (''jet shape''). This analysis uses data collected with the CMS detector at collision energy √sNN= 5.02 TeV in 2015, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 404 μb−1 for PbPb and 27.4 pb−1 for pp. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, JHEP 05 (2018) 006. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures | References | CMS Publications |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Top row: distributions of charged particle yields correlated to jets with pT> 120 GeV as a function of Δη (projected over |Δϕ|< 1), shown differentially for all ptrkT bins for pp, peripheral PbPb, and central PbPb data. Bottom row: PbPb minus pp difference in these distributions. Hatched lines on ptrkT-inclusive points show total systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 2:
Top row: distributions of charged particle yields correlated to jets with pT> 120 GeV as a function of Δϕ (projected over |Δη|< 1), shown differentially for all ptrkT bins for pp, peripheral PbPb, and central PbPb data. Bottom row: PbPb minus pp difference in these distributions. Hatched lines on ptrkT-inclusive points show total systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 3:
Top row: distributions of charged particle yields correlated to jets with pT> 120 GeV as a function of Δr, shown differentially for all ptrkT bins. Bottom row: PbPb minus pp difference in these distributions. Hatched lines on ptrkT-inclusive points show total systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 4:
Top row: integrated yields of charged particle yields correlated to jets with pT> 120 GeV as a function of ptrkT bins for PbPb data, compared to pp reference. Bottom row: integrated excess yield, PbPb minus pp. New measurements of excess yields at 5.02 TeV are compared to those measured at 2.76 TeV in CMS study [12]. |
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Figure 5:
Top row: Transverse momentum profile of jets P(Δr) in pp and PbPb, shown differentially in ptrkT. Middle row: jet shapes ρ(Δr) (normalized to unity over Δr< 1) in PbPb and pp. Bottom row: jet shape ratio ρ(Δr)PbPb/ρ(Δr)pp. Hatched lines on ptrkT-inclusive points show total systematic uncertainties. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Systematic uncertainties in the measurement of the jet track correlations in PbPb and pp collisions. The numbers presented in this table summarize typical range of systematic uncertainty as a function of collision centrality. The upper limits of the cited values correspond to uncertainties at lowest ptrkT, and uncertainties decrease with rising ptrkT. |
Summary |
This analysis studies properties of high-pT jets in heavy ion collisions, using LHC Run-2 data collected by the CMS detector at collision energy √sNN= 5.02 TeV in 2015. These studies are based on correlations between jets with pT> 120 GeV, and charged-particle tracks with 0.7 <ptrkT< 300 GeV, analyzed differentially in ptrkT and collision centrality. Charged-particle correlations are presented as a function of angular distance from the jet, individually Δη and Δϕ. In these studies, a low-pT excess (tracks with ptrkT< 3 GeV) extending to large angles Δη= 1 and Δϕ= 1 is found in central PbPb collisions relative to pp reference. In addition to separate studies in Δη and Δϕ, charged-particle densities are also measured as a function of distance from the jet axis Δr. To summarize these measurements, correlations are integrated over Δr< 1 to obtain a measurement of the total number of particles in each ptrkT class. A comparison of integrals shows as many as three additional low-pT particles per unit of ptrkT in central PbPb collisions relative to pp reference. In addition to these charged-particle density studies, correlations are constructed with each track weighted by its ptrkT in order to study the overall distribution of ptrkT with respect to the jet axis. This is used to measure the jet shape ρ(Δr) to a distance of Δr= 1 from the jet axis, presented differentially as a function of ptrkT. A comparison of central PbPb versus pp jet shape shows redistribution of ptrkT from small angles (Δr< 0.3) near the jet axis to large angles (Δr= 1) away from the jet axis. In all cases, the modifications observed both in terms of yield modification and jet shapes are similar between the measurements at √sNN= 2.76 and 5.02 TeV when directly comparing PbPb to pp differences in corresponding centrality bins. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
Jet-track correlation signal shape S(Δη,Δϕ) for tracks with 1 <ptrkT< 2 GeV in 0-10% central events (left), and corresponding mixed event shape ME(Δη,Δϕ) for the same centrality and ptrkT bin (center). Their ratio gives the acceptance-corrected yield (right). |
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Additional Figure 2:
Acceptance-corrected 2D jet-track correlation yield (left) is projected over the range 1.5 <|Δη|< 2.5 and re-propagated in Δη to produce a 2D background distribution (center). This background is subtracted from the total yield to obtain the 2D background-subtracted yield shown on the right (for tracks with 1 <ptrkT< 2 GeV). |
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Additional Figure 3:
Jet peak correlated yield or tracks with 1 <ptrkT< 2 GeV, after background subtraction. |
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Additional Figure 4:
Illustration of charged particle correlation observables, shown for tracks with 1 <ptrkT< 2 GeV. Left: Δη distribution of correlated yield (projected over |Δϕ|< 1). Center: Δϕ distribution of correlated yield (projected over |Δη|< 1). Right: Δr distribution of correlated yield (integrated in rings of Δr) |
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Additional Figure 5:
Top row: Transverse momentum profile of jets P(Δr) in pp and PbPb, shown differentially in ptrkT. Middle row: jet shapes ρ(Δr) (normalized to unity over Δr<1) in PbPb and pp. Bottom row: jet shape ratio ρ(Δr)PbPb/ρ(Δr)pp. Hatched lines on ptrkT-inclusive points show total systematic uncertainties. Generator-level PYTHIA 6 is shown with green crosses. |
References | ||||
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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