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Search for H+cˉb in lepton+jets channel using top quark pair events
Abstract: Results on the search for a light charged Higgs boson H+ decaying to cˉb in top quark pair events using the CMS detector at the LHC are presented. The total dataset corresponds to 19.7 fb1 of proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV. In tˉt decays, if one top quark decays to H+b, instead of Wb, and the H+ subsequently decays to cˉb, while other top quark decays leptonically (ˉtWˉbˉνˉb)), the final state then consists of four jets (three b quark jets), one lepton (electron or muon), and missing energy: tˉt(H+b)(Wˉb) (cˉbb)(ˉνˉb). The main observable used in the analysis is an invariant mass of two jets, one of which is identified as a b quark jet. The dijet pair is selected from at least four jets in an event by a dedicated kinematic fitter. No signal for the presence of a charged Higgs boson is observed and upper limits are set at 95% confidence level on the branching ratio for tH+b from 1.1-0.4% for the charged Higgs boson mass in the range 90-150 GeV in the assumption of branching ratio of B(H+cˉb)= 100% for the first time.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1-a:
Expected dijet mass distribution for W from SM t¯t and from H+ signal t¯t in the events with two b-tagged jets (a), and with more than two b-tagged events (b).

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Figure 1-b:
Expected dijet mass distribution for W from SM t¯t and from H+ signal t¯t in the events with two b-tagged jets (a), and with more than two b-tagged events (b).

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Figure 2-a:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 2b-tag category: (a) electron; (b) muon; the other four plots are for the four leading jets. The data-driven correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied in these plots.

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Figure 2-b:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 2b-tag category: (a) electron; (b) muon; the other four plots are for the four leading jets. The data-driven correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied in these plots.

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Figure 2-c:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 2b-tag category: (a) electron; (b) muon; the other four plots are for the four leading jets. The data-driven correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied in these plots.

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Figure 2-d:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 2b-tag category: (a) electron; (b) muon; the other four plots are for the four leading jets. The data-driven correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied in these plots.

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Figure 2-e:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 2b-tag category: (a) electron; (b) muon; the other four plots are for the four leading jets. The data-driven correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied in these plots.

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Figure 2-f:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 2b-tag category: (a) electron; (b) muon; the other four plots are for the four leading jets. The data-driven correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied in these plots.

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Figure 3-a:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 3b-tag category: (top left) electron; (top-right) muon; the four bottom plots are for the four leading jets.

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Figure 3-b:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 3b-tag category: (top left) electron; (top-right) muon; the four bottom plots are for the four leading jets.

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Figure 3-c:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 3b-tag category: (top left) electron; (top-right) muon; the four bottom plots are for the four leading jets.

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Figure 3-d:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 3b-tag category: (top left) electron; (top-right) muon; the four bottom plots are for the four leading jets.

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Figure 3-e:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 3b-tag category: (top left) electron; (top-right) muon; the four bottom plots are for the four leading jets.

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Figure 3-f:
Lepton and jet pT distributions for data and background-only in the 3b-tag category: (top left) electron; (top-right) muon; the four bottom plots are for the four leading jets.

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Figure 4-a:
Jet pT response as a function of reconstructed pT for a b quark jet, c quark jet, and light-flavour jets in |η|< 0.174.

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Figure 4-b:
Jet pT response as a function of reconstructed pT for a b quark jet, c quark jet, and light-flavour jets in |η|< 0.174.

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Figure 4-c:
Jet pT response as a function of reconstructed pT for a b quark jet, c quark jet, and light-flavour jets in |η|< 0.174.

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Figure 5-a:
Corrected pT response distributions for b quark jets for |η|<0.174. From (a) to (d), some selected plots for different pT ranges: (50,60), (70,80), (90,100), and (150,300).

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Figure 5-b:
Corrected pT response distributions for b quark jets for |η|<0.174. From (a) to (d), some selected plots for different pT ranges: (50,60), (70,80), (90,100), and (150,300).

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Figure 5-c:
Corrected pT response distributions for b quark jets for |η|<0.174. From (a) to (d), some selected plots for different pT ranges: (50,60), (70,80), (90,100), and (150,300).

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Figure 5-d:
Corrected pT response distributions for b quark jets for |η|<0.174. From (a) to (d), some selected plots for different pT ranges: (50,60), (70,80), (90,100), and (150,300).

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Figure 7b quark-a:
pT distribution of the top-b-parton in the hadronic side top quark. The b-quark pT distribution in the SM t¯t sample (red) is compared with the H+ signal t¯t sample with M(H+)= 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150 GeV.

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Figure 7b quark-b:
pT distribution of the top-b-parton in the hadronic side top quark. The b-quark pT distribution in the SM t¯t sample (red) is compared with the H+ signal t¯t sample with M(H+)= 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150 GeV.

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Figure 7b quark-c:
pT distribution of the top-b-parton in the hadronic side top quark. The b-quark pT distribution in the SM t¯t sample (red) is compared with the H+ signal t¯t sample with M(H+)= 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150 GeV.

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Figure 7b quark-d:
pT distribution of the top-b-parton in the hadronic side top quark. The b-quark pT distribution in the SM t¯t sample (red) is compared with the H+ signal t¯t sample with M(H+)= 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, and 150 GeV.

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Figure 8-a:
Dijet mass distribution MC background stack in the two b-tagged jets events in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel. Dijet mass distribution of H+ signal sample with H+ mass 110 GeV (140 GeV ) are compared on top of the background stack.

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Figure 8-b:
Dijet mass distribution MC background stack in the two b-tagged jets events in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel. Dijet mass distribution of H+ signal sample with H+ mass 110 GeV (140 GeV ) are compared on top of the background stack.

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Figure 9-a:
Dijet mass distribution MC background stack in the three b-tagged jets events in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel with the normal fitter. Dijet mass distribution of H+ signal sample with H+ mass of 110 GeV is compared on top of the background stack.

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Figure 9-b:
Dijet mass distribution MC background stack in the three b-tagged jets events in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel with the normal fitter. Dijet mass distribution of H+ signal sample with H+ mass of 110 GeV is compared on top of the background stack.

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Figure 10-a:
Dijet mass distribution MC background stack in the three b-tagged jets events in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel with the high mass fitter. Dijet mass distribution of H+ signal sample with H+ mass 140 GeV is compared on top of the background stack.

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Figure 10-b:
Dijet mass distribution MC background stack in the three b-tagged jets events in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel with the high mass fitter. Dijet mass distribution of H+ signal sample with H+ mass 140 GeV is compared on top of the background stack.

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Figure 11-a:
Comparison of dijet mass distribution using low mass fitter for the SM t¯t (a) and for charged Higgs boson signal at 100 GeV (b) in 3 b-tags e+jets channel: shifts due to jet energy scale: t¯t (a), signal (b), t¯t MC generator (c).

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Figure 11-b:
Comparison of dijet mass distribution using low mass fitter for the SM t¯t (a) and for charged Higgs boson signal at 100 GeV (b) in 3 b-tags e+jets channel: shifts due to jet energy scale: t¯t (a), signal (b), t¯t MC generator (c).

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Figure 11-c:
Comparison of dijet mass distribution using low mass fitter for the SM t¯t (a) and for charged Higgs boson signal at 100 GeV (b) in 3 b-tags e+jets channel: shifts due to jet energy scale: t¯t (a), signal (b), t¯t MC generator (c).

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Figure 12-a:
Dijet mass distribution MC stack in the two b-tagged jets events are fitted on the observed data by maximum likelihood fit in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel. The best branching ratio from the fit is written on the figure for a 100 GeV (a) and a 140 GeV (b) H+ mass. Dijet mass distribution with injecting signal B(tH+b) equal to the expected limit is overlaid.

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Figure 12-b:
Dijet mass distribution MC stack in the two b-tagged jets events are fitted on the observed data by maximum likelihood fit in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel. The best branching ratio from the fit is written on the figure for a 100 GeV (a) and a 140 GeV (b) H+ mass. Dijet mass distribution with injecting signal B(tH+b) equal to the expected limit is overlaid.

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Figure 13-a:
Dijet mass distribution MC stack in the at least three b-tagged jets events are fitted on the observed data by maximum likelihood fit in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel with the low (a) and high mass (b) fitter. Dijet mass distribution with injecting signal B(tH+b) equal to the expected limit is overlaid.

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Figure 13-b:
Dijet mass distribution MC stack in the at least three b-tagged jets events are fitted on the observed data by maximum likelihood fit in e+jets (a) and μ+jets (b) channel with the low (a) and high mass (b) fitter. Dijet mass distribution with injecting signal B(tH+b) equal to the expected limit is overlaid.

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Figure 14-a:
Observed upper limits on B(tH+b) with 95% C.L. are shown for electron channel (a), muon channel (b), and combined channel (c) with expected limits including all systematic uncertainties. The limits with statistical uncertainty only are overlaid in blue dots to show the effect of systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 14-b:
Observed upper limits on B(tH+b) with 95% C.L. are shown for electron channel (a), muon channel (b), and combined channel (c) with expected limits including all systematic uncertainties. The limits with statistical uncertainty only are overlaid in blue dots to show the effect of systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 14-c:
Observed upper limits on B(tH+b) with 95% C.L. are shown for electron channel (a), muon channel (b), and combined channel (c) with expected limits including all systematic uncertainties. The limits with statistical uncertainty only are overlaid in blue dots to show the effect of systematic uncertainties.

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Table 1:
Four 2HDM models with each right-handed fermions coupling to each of two Higgs doublets. Each model leads to natural flavour conservation.

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Table 2:
Event yields with the e+jets selection from simulation and data corresponding to 19.7 fb1 at s= 8 TeV. The correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied here.

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Table 3:
Event yields with the μ+jets selection from simulation and data corresponding to 19.7 fb1 at s= 8 TeV. The correction to the t¯t simulation in the 3 b-tag region is not applied here.

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Table 4:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties in the search for a charged Higgs boson covering both the μ+jet and e+jet channels. For cases where the uncertainties in the μ+jet and e+jet channels differ, range is given. Rate uncertainties for the H± signal, t¯t, non-t¯t are listed for the 2 b-tag and 3 b-tag selections, and the uncertainties marked with (s) are used for shape systematic uncertainties.
Results on the search for a light charged Higgs boson H+ decaying to cˉb in top quark pair events using the CMS detector at the LHC are presented. The total dataset corresponds to 19.7 fb1 of proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV. In tˉt decays, if one top quark decays to H+b, instead of Wb, and the H+ subsequently decays to cˉb, while other top quark decays leptonically (ˉtWˉbˉνˉb), the final state then consists of four jets (three b quark jets), one lepton (electron or muon), and missing energy: tˉt(H+b)(Wˉb) (cˉbb)(ˉνˉb). The main observable used in the analysis is an invariant mass of two jets, one of which is identified as a b quark jet. The dijet pair is selected from at least four jets in an event by a dedicated kinematic fitter. No signal for the presence of a charged Higgs boson is observed and upper limits are set at 95% confidence level on the branching ratio for tH+b from 1.1-0.4% for the charged Higgs boson mass in the range 90-150 GeV in the assumption of branching ratio of B(H+cˉb)= 100% for the first time.
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Compact Muon Solenoid