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Search for a high mass dimuon resonance associated with b quark jets at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for high-mass dimuon resonance production in association with one or more b quark jets is presented. The study uses proton-proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Model-independent limits are derived on the number of events with b quark jets. Results are also interpreted in a lepton flavor-universal model with Z' boson couplings to a bb quark pair (gb), an sb quark pair (gbδbs), and any same-flavor charged lepton (g) or neutrino pair (gν), with gν=g. For a Z' boson with a mass of 350 GeV (2 TeV) and δbs 0.25, the majority of the parameter space with 0.0057 <g< 0.35 (0.25 <g< 0.43) and 0.0079 <gb< 0.46 (0.34 <gb< 0.57) is excluded at 95% confidence level. Finally, constraints are set on a specific Z' model with parameters consistent with low-energy bs measurements. In this scenario, most of the allowed parameter space is excluded for a Z' boson with a mass 500 GeV while the constraints are less stringent for higher Z' mass hypotheses.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Feynman diagrams of Zμ+μ with a Z' produced via b¯bZ or s¯bZ, and at least one b quark in the final state. While a Zbb coupling may be present in any generic model, a Zsb coupling could arise through flavor mixing between second and third generation quarks.

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Figure 1-a:
Feynman diagrams of Zμ+μ with a Z' produced via b¯bZ or s¯bZ, and at least one b quark in the final state. While a Zbb coupling may be present in any generic model, a Zsb coupling could arise through flavor mixing between second and third generation quarks.

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Figure 1-b:
Feynman diagrams of Zμ+μ with a Z' produced via b¯bZ or s¯bZ, and at least one b quark in the final state. While a Zbb coupling may be present in any generic model, a Zsb coupling could arise through flavor mixing between second and third generation quarks.

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Figure 1-c:
Feynman diagrams of Zμ+μ with a Z' produced via b¯bZ or s¯bZ, and at least one b quark in the final state. While a Zbb coupling may be present in any generic model, a Zsb coupling could arise through flavor mixing between second and third generation quarks.

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Figure 1-d:
Feynman diagrams of Zμ+μ with a Z' produced via b¯bZ or s¯bZ, and at least one b quark in the final state. While a Zbb coupling may be present in any generic model, a Zsb coupling could arise through flavor mixing between second and third generation quarks.

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Figure 2:
Distributions of mμμ in the signal regions. The event categories Nb= 1 and Nb 2 are shown on the left and right, respectively. The stacked histogram displays the expected distribution from the simulation of the SM backgrounds, while the overlaid open histograms illustrate the size and shape of the Z' contribution from the lepton flavor-universal model described in Eq. 1, for a variety of Z' mass hypotheses. For illustration purposes, we choose couplings g=gν=gb= 0.05 and δbs= 0. The observed data are shown as black points with statistical error bars. The SM background simulation is only used for illustration purposes, as the background is estimated directly from data across the full mμμ range of interest.

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Figure 2-a:
Distributions of mμμ in the signal regions. The event categories Nb= 1 and Nb 2 are shown on the left and right, respectively. The stacked histogram displays the expected distribution from the simulation of the SM backgrounds, while the overlaid open histograms illustrate the size and shape of the Z' contribution from the lepton flavor-universal model described in Eq. 1, for a variety of Z' mass hypotheses. For illustration purposes, we choose couplings g=gν=gb= 0.05 and δbs= 0. The observed data are shown as black points with statistical error bars. The SM background simulation is only used for illustration purposes, as the background is estimated directly from data across the full mμμ range of interest.

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Figure 2-b:
Distributions of mμμ in the signal regions. The event categories Nb= 1 and Nb 2 are shown on the left and right, respectively. The stacked histogram displays the expected distribution from the simulation of the SM backgrounds, while the overlaid open histograms illustrate the size and shape of the Z' contribution from the lepton flavor-universal model described in Eq. 1, for a variety of Z' mass hypotheses. For illustration purposes, we choose couplings g=gν=gb= 0.05 and δbs= 0. The observed data are shown as black points with statistical error bars. The SM background simulation is only used for illustration purposes, as the background is estimated directly from data across the full mμμ range of interest.

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Figure 3:
Invariant mass mμμ distributions in the event categories with (left) Nb= 1 and (right) Nb 2 shown together with the corresponding selected background functional forms used as input to the discrete profiling method [38] when probing the mZ= 500 GeV hypothesis. For illustration purposes, we overlay the expected a signal distribution for the lepton flavor-universal model described in Eq. 1, with couplings g=gν=gb= 0.05 and δbs= 0. The signal distribution is scaled by a factor of 0.5 to improve visibility.

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Figure 3-a:
Invariant mass mμμ distributions in the event categories with (left) Nb= 1 and (right) Nb 2 shown together with the corresponding selected background functional forms used as input to the discrete profiling method [38] when probing the mZ= 500 GeV hypothesis. For illustration purposes, we overlay the expected a signal distribution for the lepton flavor-universal model described in Eq. 1, with couplings g=gν=gb= 0.05 and δbs= 0. The signal distribution is scaled by a factor of 0.5 to improve visibility.

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Figure 3-b:
Invariant mass mμμ distributions in the event categories with (left) Nb= 1 and (right) Nb 2 shown together with the corresponding selected background functional forms used as input to the discrete profiling method [38] when probing the mZ= 500 GeV hypothesis. For illustration purposes, we overlay the expected a signal distribution for the lepton flavor-universal model described in Eq. 1, with couplings g=gν=gb= 0.05 and δbs= 0. The signal distribution is scaled by a factor of 0.5 to improve visibility.

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Figure 4:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the number of selected BSM events with Nb 1 as a function of mZ, for the different representative values of f2b= 0 (top left), 0.5 (top right), and 1 (bottom). The quantity f2b is the fraction of BSM events passing the analysis selection that have at least two b quark jets. The solid black (red) line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis.

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Figure 4-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the number of selected BSM events with Nb 1 as a function of mZ, for the different representative values of f2b= 0 (top left), 0.5 (top right), and 1 (bottom). The quantity f2b is the fraction of BSM events passing the analysis selection that have at least two b quark jets. The solid black (red) line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis.

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Figure 4-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the number of selected BSM events with Nb 1 as a function of mZ, for the different representative values of f2b= 0 (top left), 0.5 (top right), and 1 (bottom). The quantity f2b is the fraction of BSM events passing the analysis selection that have at least two b quark jets. The solid black (red) line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis.

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Figure 4-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the number of selected BSM events with Nb 1 as a function of mZ, for the different representative values of f2b= 0 (top left), 0.5 (top right), and 1 (bottom). The quantity f2b is the fraction of BSM events passing the analysis selection that have at least two b quark jets. The solid black (red) line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis.

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Figure 5:
Observed (solid) and median expected (dashed) exclusion limits at 95% CL in the gb--g plane for the lepton flavor-universal model. The scenarios considered have δbs values of either 0 (left) or 0.25 (right). In all cases, we assume gν=g. The curves extend only up to coupling values at which the Z' width is equal to half of the μμ invariant mass resolution, marked by the dotted curves. Beyond these coupling values, the narrow width approximation intrinsic to the search strategy is not considered valid. The enclosed regions are excluded.

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Figure 5-a:
Observed (solid) and median expected (dashed) exclusion limits at 95% CL in the gb--g plane for the lepton flavor-universal model. The scenarios considered have δbs values of either 0 (left) or 0.25 (right). In all cases, we assume gν=g. The curves extend only up to coupling values at which the Z' width is equal to half of the μμ invariant mass resolution, marked by the dotted curves. Beyond these coupling values, the narrow width approximation intrinsic to the search strategy is not considered valid. The enclosed regions are excluded.

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Figure 5-b:
Observed (solid) and median expected (dashed) exclusion limits at 95% CL in the gb--g plane for the lepton flavor-universal model. The scenarios considered have δbs values of either 0 (left) or 0.25 (right). In all cases, we assume gν=g. The curves extend only up to coupling values at which the Z' width is equal to half of the μμ invariant mass resolution, marked by the dotted curves. Beyond these coupling values, the narrow width approximation intrinsic to the search strategy is not considered valid. The enclosed regions are excluded.

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Figure 6:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL in the |θ23|--gZ plane for the B3L2 model [3], for representative values of mZ. The solid (dashed) curves represent the observed (median expected) exclusions. The dotted lines denote the coupling values at which the Z' width equals one half of the μμ invariant mass resolution. Beyond these coupling values, the narrow width approximation intrinsic to the search strategy is not considered valid. For a given mass, the region enclosed between the solid (dashed) and the dotted lines is (expected to be) excluded. The dotted line for mZ= 500 GeV lies beyond the displayed gZ range and is, therefore, not shown. The shaded gray area represents the region preferred by the global fit from Ref. [3] at 95% CL, while the region above the green dash-dotted curve is incompatible at 95% CL with the measurement of the mass difference between the mass eigenstates of the neutral Bs mesons.

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Table 1:
Summary of signal uncertainties relevant in this analysis. The uncertainties are grouped based on whether they affect the normalization or the shape of the signal. The fit parameter ¯mμμ corresponds to the position of the maximum of the mμμ distribution after detector effects, and ¯σmass is the resolution parameter used in the fit, distinguished from the values of σmass extracted from simulation.
A search for high-mass dimuon resonance production in association with one or more b quark jets is presented, using data collected with the CMS experiment at the LHC that correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb1 at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. Model-independent limits are derived on the total number of signal events with Nb= 1 and 2, varying the relative fraction of events with Nb 2. The limits are presented as a function of the analyzed dimuon resonance mass values. Results are also interpreted in terms of a lepton flavor-universal model that involves Z' boson couplings to b quarks (gb) and muons, where the Z' boson couplings to all neutrinos (gν) and to all charged leptons (g) are assumed to be equal, the gb coupling scales both Zbb and Zsb interactions, and a separate δbs coupling solely scales the Zsb interaction. The exclusions in this model are presented in terms of the coupling strengths g and gb, and mZ. For a Z' boson with a mass of 350 GeV (2 TeV) and δbs 0.25, the majority of the parameter space with 0.0057 <g< 0.35 (0.25 <g< 0.43) and 0.0079 <gb< 0.46 (0.34 <gb< 0.57) is excluded at 95% confidence level. Finally, constraints are set on a model where the production of a Z' boson is predicted to have implications in low-energy bs observables. In this scenario, most of the allowed parameter space is excluded for a Z' boson with a mass 500 GeV while the constraints are less stringent for higher Z' mass hypotheses.
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Compact Muon Solenoid