CMS-PAS-B2G-17-017 | ||
Search for resonant $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ production in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
June 2018 | ||
Abstract: A search for a heavy resonance decaying into top quark and antiquark ($\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$) pairs is performed using proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV. The search uses the full data set collected with the CMS detector in 2016, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 36 fb$^{-1}$. The analysis is split into three exclusive final states and uses reconstruction techniques that are optimized for top quarks with high Lorentz boosts, which requires the use of nonisolated leptons and jet substructure techniques. No significant excess of events relative to the expected yield from standard model processes is observed. Upper limits on the production cross section of heavy resonances decaying to $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ are calculated. Limits are derived for a leptophobic topcolor Z' resonance with widths of 1%, 10%, and 30% relative to the mass of the resonance. Additional exclusion limits are set for a Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitation of the gluon in the Randall-Sundrum model and a model where a narrow Z' resonance is exclusively produced in association with jets. To date, these are the most stringent limits on a $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ resonance. | ||
CDS record (PDF) ;
CADI line (restricted) ;
These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, JHEP 04 (2019) 031. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
The invariant mass distributions for 4 different signal models at 3 (left) and 5 (right) TeV. |
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Figure 1-a:
The invariant mass distributions for 4 different signal models at 3 (left) and 5 (right) TeV. |
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Figure 1-b:
The invariant mass distributions for 4 different signal models at 3 (left) and 5 (right) TeV. |
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Figure 2:
Distributions of $\Delta R_{\text {sum}}$ before the fit to data in $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) events. The hashed band on the simulation represents the statistical and pre-fit systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 2-a:
Distributions of $\Delta R_{\text {sum}}$ before the fit to data in $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) events. The hashed band on the simulation represents the statistical and pre-fit systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 2-b:
Distributions of $\Delta R_{\text {sum}}$ before the fit to data in $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) events. The hashed band on the simulation represents the statistical and pre-fit systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 2-c:
Distributions of $\Delta R_{\text {sum}}$ before the fit to data in $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) events. The hashed band on the simulation represents the statistical and pre-fit systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 3:
W+jets BDT distributions in the muon (left) and electron (right) single lepton channel. The signal region is defined as events with $ {{\mathrm {W}}}\text {+jets BDT} \ge 0.5$. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 3-a:
W+jets BDT distributions in the muon (left) and electron (right) single lepton channel. The signal region is defined as events with $ {{\mathrm {W}}}\text {+jets BDT} \ge 0.5$. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 3-b:
W+jets BDT distributions in the muon (left) and electron (right) single lepton channel. The signal region is defined as events with $ {{\mathrm {W}}}\text {+jets BDT} \ge 0.5$. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 4:
Dijet rapidity difference for events passing the fully hadronic event selection: (left) $\Delta $Y (inclusive in $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $), (right) $\Delta $Y $({M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} > $ 2 TeV). The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 4-a:
Dijet rapidity difference for events passing the fully hadronic event selection: (left) $\Delta $Y (inclusive in $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $), (right) $\Delta $Y $({M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} > $ 2 TeV). The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 4-b:
Dijet rapidity difference for events passing the fully hadronic event selection: (left) $\Delta $Y (inclusive in $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $), (right) $\Delta $Y $({M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} > $ 2 TeV). The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 5:
Distributions of the $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ variable in the background-enriched control sample for $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) sub-channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 5-a:
Distributions of the $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ variable in the background-enriched control sample for $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) sub-channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 5-b:
Distributions of the $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ variable in the background-enriched control sample for $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) sub-channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 5-c:
Distributions of the $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ variable in the background-enriched control sample for $\mu \mu $ (left), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle) and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (right) sub-channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 6:
Distributions of the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ and $M_{\text {SD}}$ for the W+jets background in the muon (left) and electron (right) channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 6-a:
Distributions of the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ and $M_{\text {SD}}$ for the W+jets background in the muon (left) and electron (right) channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 6-b:
Distributions of the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ and $M_{\text {SD}}$ for the W+jets background in the muon (left) and electron (right) channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 6-c:
Distributions of the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ and $M_{\text {SD}}$ for the W+jets background in the muon (left) and electron (right) channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 6-d:
Distributions of the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ and $M_{\text {SD}}$ for the W+jets background in the muon (left) and electron (right) channels. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 7:
t-tagging mistag rate as measured with an anti-tag and probe procedure separately for each b-tagged category. |
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Figure 8:
Distributions of $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ for the $\mu \mu $ (top), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle), and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (bottom) signal regions in the boosted (left) and non-boosted (right) regions. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-a:
Distributions of $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ for the $\mu \mu $ (top), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle), and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (bottom) signal regions in the boosted (left) and non-boosted (right) regions. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-b:
Distributions of $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ for the $\mu \mu $ (top), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle), and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (bottom) signal regions in the boosted (left) and non-boosted (right) regions. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-c:
Distributions of $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ for the $\mu \mu $ (top), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle), and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (bottom) signal regions in the boosted (left) and non-boosted (right) regions. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-d:
Distributions of $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ for the $\mu \mu $ (top), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle), and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (bottom) signal regions in the boosted (left) and non-boosted (right) regions. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-e:
Distributions of $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ for the $\mu \mu $ (top), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle), and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (bottom) signal regions in the boosted (left) and non-boosted (right) regions. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 8-f:
Distributions of $ {S_{\text {T}}} $ for the $\mu \mu $ (top), $ {\mathrm {e}} {\mathrm {e}}$ (middle), and $ {\mathrm {e}}\mu $ (bottom) signal regions in the boosted (left) and non-boosted (right) regions. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 9:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel signal regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories with (top) and without (bottom) t-tagging. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 9-a:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel signal regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories with (top) and without (bottom) t-tagging. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 9-b:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel signal regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories with (top) and without (bottom) t-tagging. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 9-c:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel signal regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories with (top) and without (bottom) t-tagging. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 9-d:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel signal regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories with (top) and without (bottom) t-tagging. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 10:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel control regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories that are light (top) and heavy (bottom) flavor enriched. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 10-a:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel control regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories that are light (top) and heavy (bottom) flavor enriched. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 10-b:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel control regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories that are light (top) and heavy (bottom) flavor enriched. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 10-c:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel control regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories that are light (top) and heavy (bottom) flavor enriched. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 10-d:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the single lepton channel control regions for the muon (left) and electron (right) categories that are light (top) and heavy (bottom) flavor enriched. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 11:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the fully hadronic channel signal region categories, used to extract the final results. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 11-a:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the fully hadronic channel signal region categories, used to extract the final results. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 11-b:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the fully hadronic channel signal region categories, used to extract the final results. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 11-c:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the fully hadronic channel signal region categories, used to extract the final results. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 11-d:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the fully hadronic channel signal region categories, used to extract the final results. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 11-e:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the fully hadronic channel signal region categories, used to extract the final results. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 11-f:
Distributions of $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ for the fully hadronic channel signal region categories, used to extract the final results. The hashed band on the simulation represents the post-fit uncertainties. |
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Figure 12:
Comparison of sensitivities for each analysis channel contributing to the combination. The expected limits are shown for each channel in the colored lines, while the combination result is shown in the black line. These results are shown specifically for the $ {g_{\text {KK}}} $ signal hypothesis as this model has characteristics that are common to many $ {{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}} $ resonance searches. |
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Figure 13:
Observed and expected limits for each of the four signal hypotheses considered in this analysis. |
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Figure 13-a:
Observed and expected limits for each of the four signal hypotheses considered in this analysis. |
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Figure 13-b:
Observed and expected limits for each of the four signal hypotheses considered in this analysis. |
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Figure 13-c:
Observed and expected limits for each of the four signal hypotheses considered in this analysis. |
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Figure 13-d:
Observed and expected limits for each of the four signal hypotheses considered in this analysis. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Sources of systematic uncertainty that affect the $ {M_{{{\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}}}} $ distribution in each analysis channel. For uncertainty sources that apply to multiple channels, the corresponding nuisance parameter is fully correlated across these channels if the check symbol appears in the same row of the table. For normalization uncertainties, the size of the effect on the prior distribution is shown. Shape uncertainties have pirors of one standard deviation (s.d.), and the dependence on kinematic quantities is shown. |
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Table 2:
Limits on the product of the resonance production cross section times branching fraction, for the narrow (1%) width Z' boson resonance hypothesis. |
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Table 3:
Limits on the product of the resonance production cross section times branching fraction, for the wide (10%) width Z' boson resonance hypothesis. |
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Table 4:
Limits on the product of the resonance production cross section times branching fraction, for the extra-wide (30%) width Z' boson resonance hypothesis. |
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Table 5:
Limits on the product of the resonance production cross section times branching fraction, for the $ {g_{\text {KK}}} $ gluon resonance hypothesis. |
Summary |
A search for a generic massive $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ resonance has been presented. The analysis was performed on 36 fb$^{-1}$ of data collected by the CMS experiment in 2016 at the LHC with a $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV. The analysis focused on searches for $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ resonances above 2 TeV, where the decay products of the top quark have become collimated due to a large Lorentz boost. The analysis performs an in-situ measurement of the analysis backgrounds and the t-tagging efficiency. The measure data are consistent with the background-only hypothesis, and no evidence for a massive $ \mathrm{t\bar{t}} $ resonance has been found. Since no signal was observed, limits at 95% CL are calculated for the production cross-section for a spin-1 resonance decaying to $ \mathrm{t\bar{t}} $ pairs with a variety of decay widths. Limits are calculated for two benchmark BSM processes that decay to $ \mathrm{t\bar{t}} $ pairs. The topcolor Z' boson with relative widths ($\Gamma/M$) of 1%, 10%, and 30% are excluded in the mass ranges 0.5-3.8, 0.5-5.0, and 0.5-5.0 TeV, respectively. KK excitations of the gluon in the Randall-Sundrum scenario are excluded between 0.5-4.55 TeV. This is the first search by CMS at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV for $ \mathrm{t\bar{t}} $ resonances that combines all three decay topologies of the $ \mathrm{t\bar{t}} $ system: dilepton, single lepton, and all hadronic. The sensitivity of the analysis exceeds previous searches at $\sqrt{s} = $ 8 and 13 TeV, particularly at high $ \mathrm{t\bar{t}} $ invariant mass. The absolution cross-section limits are 10-40% better, for $ {M_{\mathrm{t\bar{t}}}} $ above 2 TeV, than the previous result released by CMS scaled to 36 fb$^{-1}$. Previous measurements excluded the ${g_{\text{KK}}}$ up to 3.3 TeV and the topcolor Z' up to 2.5, 3.9, and 4.0 TeV for relative widths of 1%, 10%, and 30%, respectively. The presented analysis improves upon those limits, extending the ${g_{\text{KK}}}$ exclusion to 4.55 TeV and the Z' exclusions to 3.8, 5.0, and 5.0 TeV. These are the most stringent limits on the ${g_{\text{KK}}}$ and the topcolor Z' to date. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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