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Compact Muon Solenoid

Standard Model Physics Publications $\sin^{2}\theta_W $ Measurement
179 SMP-23-002 High-precision measurement of the W boson mass with the CMS experiment at the LHC Submitted to Nature 18 December 2024
174 SMP-22-010 Measurement of the Drell-Yan forward-backward asymmetry and of the effective leptonic weak mixing angle in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV Submitted to PLB 14 August 2024
160 SMP-18-010 Measurement of the $ \tau $ lepton polarization in Z boson decays in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV JHEP 01 (2024) 101 2024-01-19
123 SMP-18-012 Measurements of the W boson rapidity, helicity, double-differential cross sections, and charge asymmetry in pp collisions at 13 TeV PRD 102 (2020) 092012 2020-11-30
98 SMP-16-007 Measurement of the weak mixing angle using the forward-backward asymmetry of Drell-Yan events in pp collisions at 8 TeV EPJC 78 (2018) 701 2018-09-01
16 EWK-11-003 Measurement of the weak mixing angle with the Drell-Yan process in proton-proton collisions at the LHC PRD 84 (2011) 112002 2011-12-08
Compact Muon Solenoid