CMS-HIG-14-033 ; CERN-PH-EP-2015-284 | ||
Search for a low-mass pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with a $\mathrm{ b \bar{b} }$ pair in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
11 November 2015 | ||
Phys. Lett. B 758 (2016) 296 | ||
Abstract: A search is reported for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson decaying to a pair of $\tau$ leptons, produced in association with a $\mathrm{ b \bar{b} }$ pair, in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models. The results are based on pp collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb$^{-1}$. Pseudoscalar boson masses between 25 and 80 GeV are probed. No evidence for a pseudoscalar boson is found and upper limits are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction to $\tau$ pairs between 7 and 39 pb at the 95% confidence level. This excludes pseudoscalar A bosons with masses between 25 and 80 GeV, with SM-like Higgs boson negative couplings to down-type fermions, produced in association with $\mathrm{ b \bar{b} }$ pairs, in Type II, two-Higgs-doublet models. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:1511.03610 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures & Tables | Summary | Additional Figures | References | CMS Publications |
Figures | |
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Figure 1-a:
Observed and predicted $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a,b), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (c,d), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (e,f) channels. The plots on the left are the zoomed-in versions for $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions below 50 GeV. A signal for a mass of $m_{\mathrm{A} }= $ 35 GeV is shown for a cross section of 40 pb. In $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ and $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ final states, the electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mathrm{ e } \mathrm{ e } $, $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mu \mu $, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. In the $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ final state, the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{ e } /\mu $ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson is negligible and therefore not shown. Expected background contributions are shown for the values of nuisance parameters (systematic uncertainties) obtained after fitting the signal + background hypothesis to the data. |
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Figure 1-b:
Observed and predicted $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a,b), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (c,d), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (e,f) channels. The plots on the left are the zoomed-in versions for $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions below 50 GeV. A signal for a mass of $m_{\mathrm{A} }= $ 35 GeV is shown for a cross section of 40 pb. In $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ and $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ final states, the electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mathrm{ e } \mathrm{ e } $, $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mu \mu $, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. In the $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ final state, the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{ e } /\mu $ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson is negligible and therefore not shown. Expected background contributions are shown for the values of nuisance parameters (systematic uncertainties) obtained after fitting the signal + background hypothesis to the data. |
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Figure 1-c:
Observed and predicted $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a,b), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (c,d), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (e,f) channels. The plots on the left are the zoomed-in versions for $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions below 50 GeV. A signal for a mass of $m_{\mathrm{A} }= $ 35 GeV is shown for a cross section of 40 pb. In $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ and $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ final states, the electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mathrm{ e } \mathrm{ e } $, $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mu \mu $, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. In the $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ final state, the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{ e } /\mu $ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson is negligible and therefore not shown. Expected background contributions are shown for the values of nuisance parameters (systematic uncertainties) obtained after fitting the signal + background hypothesis to the data. |
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Figure 1-d:
Observed and predicted $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a,b), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (c,d), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (e,f) channels. The plots on the left are the zoomed-in versions for $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions below 50 GeV. A signal for a mass of $m_{\mathrm{A} }= $ 35 GeV is shown for a cross section of 40 pb. In $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ and $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ final states, the electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mathrm{ e } \mathrm{ e } $, $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mu \mu $, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. In the $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ final state, the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{ e } /\mu $ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson is negligible and therefore not shown. Expected background contributions are shown for the values of nuisance parameters (systematic uncertainties) obtained after fitting the signal + background hypothesis to the data. |
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Figure 1-e:
Observed and predicted $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a,b), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (c,d), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (e,f) channels. The plots on the left are the zoomed-in versions for $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions below 50 GeV. A signal for a mass of $m_{\mathrm{A} }= $ 35 GeV is shown for a cross section of 40 pb. In $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ and $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ final states, the electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mathrm{ e } \mathrm{ e } $, $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mu \mu $, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. In the $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ final state, the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{ e } /\mu $ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson is negligible and therefore not shown. Expected background contributions are shown for the values of nuisance parameters (systematic uncertainties) obtained after fitting the signal + background hypothesis to the data. |
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Figure 1-f:
Observed and predicted $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a,b), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (c,d), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (e,f) channels. The plots on the left are the zoomed-in versions for $m_{\tau \tau }$ distributions below 50 GeV. A signal for a mass of $m_{\mathrm{A} }= $ 35 GeV is shown for a cross section of 40 pb. In $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ and $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ final states, the electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mathrm{ e } \mathrm{ e } $, $\mathrm{ Z } \to \mu \mu $, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. In the $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ final state, the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{ e } /\mu $ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson is negligible and therefore not shown. Expected background contributions are shown for the values of nuisance parameters (systematic uncertainties) obtained after fitting the signal + background hypothesis to the data. |
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Figure 2-a:
Observed and expected upper limits at 95% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with two b quarks, that decays to two $\tau $ leptons, in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (b), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (c) channels. The 1$\sigma $ and 2$\sigma $ bands represent the 1 and 2 standard deviation uncertainties on the expected limits. |
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Figure 2-b:
Observed and expected upper limits at 95% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with two b quarks, that decays to two $\tau $ leptons, in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (b), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (c) channels. The 1$\sigma $ and 2$\sigma $ bands represent the 1 and 2 standard deviation uncertainties on the expected limits. |
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Figure 2-c:
Observed and expected upper limits at 95% CL on the product of cross section and branching fraction for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with two b quarks, that decays to two $\tau $ leptons, in the $\mu {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (a), $\mathrm{ e } {\tau _\mathrm {h}} $ (b), and $\mathrm{ e } \mu $ (c) channels. The 1$\sigma $ and 2$\sigma $ bands represent the 1 and 2 standard deviation uncertainties on the expected limits. |
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Figure 3:
Expected cross sections for TypeII 2HDM, superimposed on the expected and observed combined limits from this search. Cyan and green points, indicating small values of $\tan\beta $ as shown in the colour scale, have $\sin(\beta - \alpha ) \approx 1$, $\cos(\beta - \alpha ) > $ 0, and low $m_{12}^{2}$, and correspond to models with SM-like Yukawa coupling, while red and orange points, with large $\tan\beta $, have $\sin(\beta + \alpha ) \approx$ 1, small cos$(\beta - \alpha ) < $ 0 , and $\tan\beta > $ 5 , and correspond to the models with a ``wrong sign" Yukawa coupling. Theoretically viable points are shown only up to $m_{\mathrm{A} } = m_{\mathrm{h} }/2$ [19]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Systematic uncertainties that affect the normalisation. |
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Table 2:
Expected and observed combined upper limits at 95% CL in pb, along with their 1 and 2 standard deviation uncertainties, in the product of cross section and branching fraction for pseudoscalar Higgs bosons produced in association with ${\mathrm{ b \bar{b} } }$ pairs. |
Summary |
A search by the CMS experiment for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with a $\mathrm{ b \bar{b} }$ pair and decaying to a pair of $\tau$ leptons is reported. Three final states: ${\mu\tau_\mathrm{h}} $, ${\mathrm{ e }\tau_\mathrm{h}} $, and ${\mathrm{ e }\mu}$, are used where ${\tau_\mathrm{h}} $ represents a hadronic $\tau$ decay. The results are based on proton-proton collision data accumulated at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb$^{-1}$. Pseudoscalar boson masses between 25 and 80 GeV are probed. No evidence for a pseudoscalar boson is found and upper limits are set on the product of cross section and branching fraction to $\tau$ pairs between 7 and 39 pb at the 95% confidence level. This excludes pseudoscalar A bosons with masses between 25 and 80 GeV, with SM-like Higgs boson negative couplings to down-type fermion, produced in association with $\mathrm{ b \bar{b} } $ pairs, in Type II, two-Higgs-doublet models. A search by the CMS experiment for a light pseudoscalar Higgs boson produced in association with a $\mathrm{ b \bar{b} }$ pair and decaying to a pair of $\tau$ leptons is reported. Three final states: $\mu {\tau_\mathrm {h}}$, $\mathrm{e} {\tau _\mathrm {h}}$, and $\mathrm{e} \mu$, are used where $\tau _\mathrm {h}$ represents a hadronic $\tau$ decay. The results are based on proton-proton collision data accumulated at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb$^{-1}$. Pseudoscalar boson masses between 25 and 80 GeV are probed. No evidence for a pseudoscalar boson is found and upper limits are set on the production cross section times branching fraction to $\tau$ pairs between 7 and 39 pb at the 95% confidence level. This excludes a pseudoscalar A boson with a mass below 80 GeV, produced in association with a $\mathrm{ b \bar{b} }$ pair in Type-II 2HDMs with SM-like h boson negative couplings to down-type fermions. |
Additional Figures | |
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Additional Figure 1:
Observed and predicted transverse missing energy distributions in the $\mu\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 2:
Observed and predicted distributions of the hadronic tau transverse momentum in the $\mu\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 3:
Observed and predicted distributions of the hadronic tau pseudorapidity in the $\mu\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 4:
Observed and predicted distributions of the muon pseudorapidity in the $\mu\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 5:
Observed and predicted distributions of the hadronic tau transverse momentum in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 6:
Observed and predicted distributions of the hadronic tau pseudorapidity in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 7:
Observed and predicted distributions of the electron transverse momentum in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 8:
Observed and predicted distributions of the electron pseudorapidity in the $\mathrm{e}\tau_h$ channel. The electroweak background is composed of $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow \mathrm{ee}$, $\mathrm{Z}\rightarrow\mu\mu$, W+jets, diboson, and single top quark contributions. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 9:
Observed and predicted distributions of the $P_\zeta$ variable in the $\mathrm{e}\mu$ channel. the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{e}/\mu$ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 10:
Observed and predicted distributions of the transverse missing energy in the $\mathrm{e}\mu$ channel. the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{e}/\mu$ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 11:
Observed and predicted distributions of the electron transverse momentum in the $\mathrm{e}\mu$ channel. the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{e}/\mu$ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 12:
Observed and predicted distributions of the muon transverse moemntum in the $\mathrm{e}\mu$ channel. the electroweak background is composed of diboson and single top backgrounds, while the misidentified $\mathrm{e}/\mu$ background is due to QCD multijet and W+jets events. The contribution from the SM Higgs boson and from the signal are negligible and therefore not shown. A maximum likelihood fit to data, taking into account systematic uncertainties, is performed. |
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Additional Figure 13:
Signal acceptance times efficiency for different pseudoscalar Higgs boson mass hypotheses, in the $\mu\tau_h$ (points), $\mathrm{e}\mu$ (squares) and $\mathrm{e}\tau_h$ (triangles) channels. |
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Additional Figure 14:
Observed and predicted distributions of the $\tau\tau$ mass in the $\mu\tau_h$ channel. The $ p_{ \mathrm{T} } $ threshold of muon, tau and 2 jets are raised to 30 GeV to obtain a control region that is largely dominated by $ \mathrm{ t \bar{t} } $ events. The agreement between prediction and observation validate the normalisation and distribution estimation of $ \mathrm{ t \bar{t} } $ background in signal region. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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