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CMS-HIG-14-027 ; CERN-PH-EP-2015-255
Search for the associated production of a Higgs boson with a single top quark in proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV
JHEP 06 (2016) 177
Abstract: This paper presents the search for the production of a Higgs boson in association with a single top quark (tHq), using data collected in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb1. The search exploits a variety of Higgs boson decay modes resulting in final states with photons, bottom quarks, and multiple charged leptons, including tau leptons, and employs a variety of multivariate techniques to maximize sensitivity to the signal. The analysis is optimized for the opposite sign of the Yukawa coupling to that in the standard model, corresponding to a large enhancement of the signal cross section. In the absence of an excess of candidate signal events over the background predictions, 95% confidence level observed (expected) upper limits on anomalous tHq production are set, ranging between 600 (450) fb and 1000 (700) fb depending on the assumed diphoton branching fraction of the Higgs boson. This is the first time that results on anomalous tHq production have been reported.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Dominant Feynman diagrams for the production of tHq events: the Higgs boson is typically radiated from the heavier particles of the diagram, i.e. the W boson (left) or the top quark (right).

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Figure 1-a:
One of the dominant Feynman diagram for the production of tHq events: the Higgs boson is typically radiated from the heavier particles of the diagram, here the W boson.

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Figure 1-b:
One of the dominant Feynman diagram for the production of tHq events: the Higgs boson is typically radiated from the heavier particles of the diagram, here the top quark.

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Figure 2:
Invariant mass of the diphoton system for events passing the event selection requirements, but for the likelihood discriminant cut (left), and for events passing the full selection (right). The data (black markers) are compared to the MC simulation (stacked histograms). No events are observed after the requirement on the likelihood discriminant.

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Figure 2-a:
Invariant mass of the diphoton system for events passing the event selection requirements, but for the likelihood discriminant cut. The data (black markers) are compared to the MC simulation (stacked histogram).

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Figure 2-b:
Invariant mass of the diphoton system for events passing the full selection. The MC simulation is shown as a stacked histogram. No events are observed after the requirement on the likelihood discriminant.

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Figure 3:
Distributions of the NN output for the Hbˉb channel for events with three (four) b-tagged jets are shown in the upper (lower) row. The left (right) column shows events containing a high-pT electron (muon). All backgrounds are normalized to the output of a maximum likelihood fit of the corresponding distributions. ``EW'' indicates electroweak backgrounds: single top quark, W/Z boson plus jets, and di- and tri-boson production. The line shows the expected contribution from the tHq process with Ct=1 multiplied by the factor indicated in the legend. In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The shaded band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 3-a:
Distributions of the NN output for the Hbˉb channel for events with three (four) b-tagged jets are shown in the upper (lower) row. The left (right) column shows events containing a high-pT electron (muon). All backgrounds are normalized to the output of a maximum likelihood fit of the corresponding distributions. ``EW'' indicates electroweak backgrounds: single top quark, W/Z boson plus jets, and di- and tri-boson production. The line shows the expected contribution from the tHq process with Ct=1 multiplied by the factor indicated in the legend. In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The shaded band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 3-b:
Distributions of the NN output for the Hbˉb channel for events with three (four) b-tagged jets are shown in the upper (lower) row. The left (right) column shows events containing a high-pT electron (muon). All backgrounds are normalized to the output of a maximum likelihood fit of the corresponding distributions. ``EW'' indicates electroweak backgrounds: single top quark, W/Z boson plus jets, and di- and tri-boson production. The line shows the expected contribution from the tHq process with Ct=1 multiplied by the factor indicated in the legend. In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The shaded band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 3-c:
Distributions of the NN output for the Hbˉb channel for events with three (four) b-tagged jets are shown in the upper (lower) row. The left (right) column shows events containing a high-pT electron (muon). All backgrounds are normalized to the output of a maximum likelihood fit of the corresponding distributions. ``EW'' indicates electroweak backgrounds: single top quark, W/Z boson plus jets, and di- and tri-boson production. The line shows the expected contribution from the tHq process with Ct=1 multiplied by the factor indicated in the legend. In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The shaded band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 3-d:
Distributions of the NN output for the Hbˉb channel for events with three (four) b-tagged jets are shown in the upper (lower) row. The left (right) column shows events containing a high-pT electron (muon). All backgrounds are normalized to the output of a maximum likelihood fit of the corresponding distributions. ``EW'' indicates electroweak backgrounds: single top quark, W/Z boson plus jets, and di- and tri-boson production. The line shows the expected contribution from the tHq process with Ct=1 multiplied by the factor indicated in the legend. In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The shaded band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 4:
Post-fit Bayes classifier output, for the eμ (left), μμ (center), and trilepton channel (right). In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The gray band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 4-a:
Post-fit Bayes classifier output, for the eμ (left), μμ (center), and trilepton channel (right). In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The gray band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 4-b:
Post-fit Bayes classifier output, for the eμ (left), μμ (center), and trilepton channel (right). In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The gray band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 4-c:
Post-fit Bayes classifier output, for the eμ (left), μμ (center), and trilepton channel (right). In the box below each distribution, the ratio of the observed and predicted event yields is shown. The gray band represents the post-fit systematic and statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 5:
Expected (histograms) and observed (points) distributions of the Fisher discriminant in the eμτh channel (left) and μμτh channel (right). The dashed line gives the expected contribution from the tHq signal (Ct=1) case, multiplied by ten.

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Figure 5-a:
Expected (histograms) and observed (points) distributions of the Fisher discriminant in the eμτh channel (left) and μμτh channel (right). The dashed line gives the expected contribution from the tHq signal (Ct=1) case, multiplied by ten.

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Figure 5-b:
Expected (histograms) and observed (points) distributions of the Fisher discriminant in the eμτh channel (left) and μμτh channel (right). The dashed line gives the expected contribution from the tHq signal (Ct=1) case, multiplied by ten.

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Figure 6:
The 95% CL upper limits on the excess event yields predicted by the enhanced tHq cross section and Higgs boson to diphoton branching fraction for Ct=1. The limits are normalized to the Ct=1 predictions [57], and are shown for each analysis channel, and combined. The black solid and dotted lines show the observed and background-only expected limits, respectively. The 1σ and 2σ bands represent the 1 and 2standard deviation uncertainties on the expected limits.

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Figure 7:
The 95% CL upper limits on the tHq production cross section as a function of the assumed Higgs boson to diphoton branching fraction. The black solid and dotted lines show the observed and background-only expected limits, respectively. The 1σ and 2σ bands represent the 1 and 2standard deviation uncertainties on the expected limits. The red horizontal line shows the predicted tHq cross section for the SM Higgs boson with mH= 125 GeV in the Ct=1 scenario, while the black horizontal line shows the predicted tHq cross section in the SM (i.e. , Ct=+1).

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Table 1:
Expected yields for the diphoton analysis, based on simulations. Yields are counted for events with diphoton mass in the 122-128 GeV range. The additional contributions to the tˉtH and VH processes arising from the enhanced Higgs to diphoton branching fraction due to the Ct=1 assumption are marked with a dagger().

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Table 2:
Data yields and post-fit expected backgrounds after the event pre-selection for single top plus Higgs events appearing in events with eμ, μμ, or . Contributions from tHq and tHW are shown separately, as well as expected events where the Higgs boson decays to W bosons, or to tau leptons. Uncertainties include systematic and statistical sources. ``Rare SM'' comprises VVV, tbZ, ZZ, tˉtWW, and WW processes for the dilepton channels, and WVV for the trilepton channel.

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Table 3:
Expected and observed event yields for the eμτh and μμτh channels. The given uncertainties include all systematic uncertainties added in quadrature, including uncertainties due to the limited numbers of simulated events or events in control data samples.

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Table 4:
Upper limit on μ=σ/σCt=1 for each tHq channel. The observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the signal strength parameter μ for each tHq channel are also shown.
The production of the standard-model-like Higgs boson in association with a single top quark has been investigated using data recorded by the CMS experiment at s= 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb1. Signatures resulting from leptonic top quark decay and different decay modes of the Higgs boson have been analyzed. In particular, the searches have been optimized for the Hγγ, Hbˉb, HWW, and Hττ decay modes. The results are consistent with the background-only hypothesis. A 95% confidence level limit on the production cross section of a single top quark plus a Higgs boson with a non-standard-model coupling is set ranging from 600 to 1000 fb depending on the assumed diphoton branching fraction of the Higgs boson. This is the first time that results on anomalous tHq production have been reported. These results can be combined with other Higgs boson measurements to constrain the coupling of the Higgs boson to SM quarks; they can also be used to probe new physics modifying the top-Higgs couplings. The 13 TeV LHC run will allow a precise determination of both the magnitude and the sign of the top quark Yukawa coupling.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Sample of input variables to the final discriminant in the Hγγ analysis. Left: distribution of the electric charge of the reconstructed lepton. Right: distribution of the pseudorapidity difference between the lepton and the forward jet. Both plots are shown after the initial kinematic selection, and both distributions are normalized to unit area.

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Additional Figure 1-a:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the Hγγ analysis: distribution of the electric charge of the reconstructed lepton. The plot is shown after the initial kinematic selection, and the distribution is normalized to unit area.

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Additional Figure 1-b:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the Hγγ analysis: distribution of the pseudorapidity difference between the lepton and the forward jet. The plot is shown after the initial kinematic selection, and the distribution is normalized to unit area.

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Additional Figure 2:
Sample of input variables to the final discriminant in the Hbˉb channel. Left: distribution of the reconstructed transverse momentum of the bˉb system in the signal hypothesis for events with an high transverse momentum electron or muon and four b-tagged jets. Right: distribution of the invariant mass of the tri-jet system under the hypothesis of the presence of a hadronically-decaying top quark for electron/muon events with exactly three b-tagged jets. In both cases the signal is normalized to the rate for the analous coupling hypothesis, and is shown stacked on top of the SM background prediction. It is also shown as a separate histogram, magnified by a factor of 20 (50) in the four-tag (three-tag) sample to enhance visibility.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the Hbˉb channel: distribution of the reconstructed transverse momentum of the bˉb system in the signal hypothesis for events with an high transverse momentum electron or muon and four b-tagged jets. The signal is normalized to the rate for the analous coupling hypothesis, and is shown stacked on top of the SM background prediction. It is also shown as a separate histogram, magnified by a factor of 20 (50) in the four-tag (three-tag) sample to enhance visibility.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the Hbˉb channel: distribution of the invariant mass of the tri-jet system under the hypothesis of the presence of a hadronically-decaying top quark for electron/muon events with exactly three b-tagged jets. The signal is normalized to the rate for the analous coupling hypothesis, and is shown stacked on top of the SM background prediction. It is also shown as a separate histogram, magnified by a factor of 20 (50) in the four-tag (three-tag) sample to enhance visibility.

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Additional Figure 3:
Sample of input variables to the final discriminant in the HWW analysis. Left: distribution of the number of central jets. Right: distribution of the number of forward jets. The signal contribution is normalized to the prediction of the anomalous coupling hypothesis and stacked on top of the predicted background contributions. The bottom panels show the ratio between data and predictions, together with the statistical and systematic uncertainty bands.

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Additional Figure 3-a:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the HWW analysis: distribution of the number of central jets. The signal contribution is normalized to the prediction of the anomalous coupling hypothesis and stacked on top of the predicted background contributions. The bottom panel shows the ratio between data and predictions, together with the statistical and systematic uncertainty bands.

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Additional Figure 3-b:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the HWW analysis: distribution of the number of forward jets. The signal contribution is normalized to the prediction of the anomalous coupling hypothesis and stacked on top of the predicted background contributions. The bottom panel shows the ratio between data and predictions, together with the statistical and systematic uncertainty bands.

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Additional Figure 4:
Sample of input variables to the final discriminant in the Hττ analysis. The distributions are shown for events failing the tight electron and muon isolation criteria. Left: distribution of the centrality for events with an electron, a muon, and a hadronically-decaying tau lepton. Right: distribution of the rapidity of the most forward jet in events with two muons and a hadronically-decaying tau lepton. The dashed line shows the expected contribution from the tHq signal (Ct=1) case, multiplied by 20.

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Additional Figure 4-a:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the Hττ analysis: distribution of the centrality for events with an electron, a muon, and a hadronically-decaying tau lepton.The distribution is shown for events failing the tight electron and muon isolation criteria. The dashed line shows the expected contribution from the tHq signal (Ct=1) case, multiplied by 20.

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Additional Figure 4-b:
Input variable to the final discriminant in the Hττ analysis: distribution of the rapidity of the most forward jet in events with two muons and a hadronically-decaying tau lepton. The distribution is shown for events failing the tight electron and muon isolation criteria. The dashed line shows the expected contribution from the tHq signal (Ct=1) case, multiplied by 20.
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Compact Muon Solenoid