CMS-EXO-16-056 ; CERN-EP-2018-123 | ||
Search for narrow and broad dijet resonances in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV and constraints on dark matter mediators and other new particles | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
3 June 2018 | ||
JHEP 08 (2018) 130 | ||
Abstract: Searches for resonances decaying into pairs of jets are performed using proton-proton collision data collected at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of up to 36 fb$^{-1}$. A low-mass search, for resonances with masses between 0.6 and 1.6 TeV, is performed based on events with dijets reconstructed at the trigger level from calorimeter information. A high-mass search, for resonances with masses above 1.6 TeV, is performed using dijets reconstructed offline with a particle-flow algorithm. The dijet mass spectrum is well described by a smooth parameterization and no evidence for the production of new particles is observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are reported on the production cross section for narrow resonances with masses above 0.6 TeV. In the context of specific models, the limits exclude string resonances with masses below 7.7 TeV, scalar diquarks below 7.2 TeV, axigluons and colorons below 6.1 TeV, excited quarks below 6.0 TeV, color-octet scalars below 3.4 TeV, W' bosons below 3.3 TeV, Z' bosons below 2.7 TeV, Randall-Sundrum gravitons below 1.8 TeV and in the range 1.9 to 2.5 TeV, and dark matter mediators below 2.6 TeV. The limits on both vector and axial-vector mediators, in a simplified model of interactions between quarks and dark matter particles, are presented as functions of dark matter particle mass and coupling to quarks. Searches are also presented for broad resonances, including for the first time spin-1 resonances with intrinsic widths as large as 30% of the resonance mass. The broad resonance search improves and extends the exclusions of a dark matter mediator to larger values of its mass and coupling to quarks. | ||
Links: e-print arXiv:1806.00843 [hep-ex] (PDF) ; CDS record ; inSPIRE record ; HepData record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
The efficiency of the trigger for the low-mass search (left) and the high-mass search (right) as a function of dijet mass for wide jets, defined in Section 2.5, after all jet calibrations and event selections discussed in Section 2. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. |
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Figure 1-a:
The efficiency of the trigger for the low-mass search as a function of dijet mass for wide jets, defined in Section 2.5, after all jet calibrations and event selections discussed in Section 2. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. |
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Figure 1-b:
The efficiency of the trigger for the high-mass search as a function of dijet mass for wide jets, defined in Section 2.5, after all jet calibrations and event selections discussed in Section 2. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. |
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Figure 2:
The calibration of jets in the low-mass analysis. The percent difference in data (points), between the $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $ of the wide jets reconstructed from Calo-jets at the HLT and the wide jets reconstructed from PF-jets, is fit to a smooth parameterization (curve), as a function of the HLT $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} $. |
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Figure 3:
The azimuthal angular separation between the two wide jets (in radians) from the low-mass search (left) and the high-mass search (right). Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. |
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Figure 3-a:
The azimuthal angular separation between the two wide jets (in radians) from the low-mass search. Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. |
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Figure 3-b:
The azimuthal angular separation between the two wide jets (in radians) from the high-mass search. Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. |
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Figure 4:
The pseudorapidity separation between the two wide jets from the low-mass search (left) and the high-mass search (right). Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. |
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Figure 4-a:
The pseudorapidity separation between the two wide jets from the low-mass search. Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. |
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Figure 4-b:
The pseudorapidity separation between the two wide jets from the high-mass search. Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. |
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Figure 5:
The dijet mass of the two wide jets from the low-mass search (left) and the high-mass search (right). Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. |
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Figure 5-a:
The dijet mass of the two wide jets from the low-mass search. Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. |
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Figure 5-b:
The dijet mass of the two wide jets from the high-mass search. Data (points) are compared to QCD predictions from the PYTHIA 8 MC including detector simulation (histogram) normalized to the data. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. |
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Figure 6:
The dijet mass distribution of the two wide jets from the high-mass search. (Upper) Data (points) are compared to predictions from the POWHEG MC in red (darker) and the PYTHIA 8 MC in green (lighter), including detector simulation, each normalized to the data. (Lower) The ratio of data to the POWHEG prediction, compared to unity and compared to the ratio of the PYTHIA 8 MC to the POWHEG prediction. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. |
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Figure 7:
Dijet mass spectra (points) compared to a fitted parameterization of the background (solid curve) for the low-mass search (left) and the high-mass search (right). The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. The lower panel in each plot shows the difference between the data and the fitted parametrization, divided by the statistical uncertainty of the data. Examples of predicted signals from narrow gluon-gluon, quark-gluon, and quark-quark resonances are shown with cross sections equal to the observed upper limits at 95% CL. |
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Figure 7-a:
Dijet mass spectra (points) compared to a fitted parameterization of the background (solid curve) for the low-mass search. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. The lower panel in each plot shows the difference between the data and the fitted parametrization, divided by the statistical uncertainty of the data. Examples of predicted signals from narrow gluon-gluon, quark-gluon, and quark-quark resonances are shown with cross sections equal to the observed upper limits at 95% CL. |
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Figure 7-b:
Dijet mass spectra (points) compared to a fitted parameterization of the background (solid curve) for the high-mass search. The horizontal lines on the data points show the variable bin sizes. The lower panel in each plot shows the difference between the data and the fitted parametrization, divided by the statistical uncertainty of the data. Examples of predicted signals from narrow gluon-gluon, quark-gluon, and quark-quark resonances are shown with cross sections equal to the observed upper limits at 95% CL. |
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Figure 8:
Signal shapes of narrow resonances with masses of 0.5, 1, and 2 TeV in the low-mass search (left) and masses of 2, 4, 6, and 8 TeV in the high-mass search (right). These reconstructed dijet mass spectra show wide jets from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator including simulation of the CMS detector. |
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Figure 8-a:
Signal shapes of narrow resonances with masses of 0.5, 1, and 2 TeV in the low-mass search. These reconstructed dijet mass spectra show wide jets from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator including simulation of the CMS detector. |
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Figure 8-b:
Signal shapes of narrow resonances with masses of 2, 4, 6, and 8 TeV in the high-mass search. These reconstructed dijet mass spectra show wide jets from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator including simulation of the CMS detector. |
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Figure 9:
Local significance for a narrow resonance from the low-mass search (left) and the high-mass search (right). |
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Figure 9-a:
Local significance for a narrow resonance from the low-mass search. |
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Figure 9-b:
Local significance for a narrow resonance from the high-mass search. |
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Figure 10:
The observed (points) and expected (dashed) ratio between the 95% CL limit on the cross section, including systematic uncertainties, and the limit including statistical uncertainties only for dijet resonances decaying to quark-quark in the low-mass search (left) and in the high-mass search (right). |
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Figure 10-a:
The observed (points) and expected (dashed) ratio between the 95% CL limit on the cross section, including systematic uncertainties, and the limit including statistical uncertainties only for dijet resonances decaying to quark-quark in the low-mass search. |
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Figure 10-b:
The observed (points) and expected (dashed) ratio between the 95% CL limit on the cross section, including systematic uncertainties, and the limit including statistical uncertainties only for dijet resonances decaying to quark-quark in the high-mass search. |
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Figure 11:
The observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for dijet resonances decaying to quark-quark (upper left), quark-gluon (upper right), gluon-gluon (lower left), and for RS gravitons (lower right). The corresponding expected limits (dashed) and their variations at the 1 and 2 standard deviation levels (shaded bands) are also shown. Limits are compared to predicted cross sections for string resonances [20,21], excited quarks [23,24], axigluons [25], colorons [26], scalar diquarks [22], color-octet scalars [27], new gauge bosons W' and Z' with SM-like couplings [29], dark matter mediators for $m_{\mathrm {DM}}=$ 1 GeV [31,32], and RS gravitons [30]. |
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Figure 11-a:
The observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for dijet resonances decaying to quark-quark. The corresponding expected limits (dashed) and their variations at the 1 and 2 standard deviation levels (shaded bands) are also shown. Limits are compared to predicted cross sections for axigluons [25], colorons [26], scalar diquarks [22], new gauge bosons W' and Z' with SM-like couplings [29], and dark matter mediators for $m_{\mathrm {DM}}=$ 1 GeV [31,32]. |
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Figure 11-b:
The observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for dijet resonances decaying to quark-gluon. The corresponding expected limits (dashed) and their variations at the 1 and 2 standard deviation levels (shaded bands) are also shown. Limits are compared to predicted cross sections for string resonances [20,21], and excited quarks [23,24]. |
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Figure 11-c:
The observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for dijet resonances decaying to gluon-gluon. The corresponding expected limits (dashed) and their variations at the 1 and 2 standard deviation levels (shaded bands) are also shown. Limits are compared to predicted cross sections for color-octet scalars [27]. |
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Figure 11-d:
The observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for RS gravitons. The corresponding expected limits (dashed) and their variations at the 1 and 2 standard deviation levels (shaded bands) are also shown. Limits are compared to predicted cross sections for RS gravitons [30]. |
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Figure 12:
The observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for quark-quark, quark-gluon, and gluon-gluon dijet resonances. Limits are compared to predicted cross sections for string resonances [20,21], excited quarks [23,24], axigluons [25], colorons [26], scalar diquarks [22], color-octet scalars [27], new gauge bosons W' and Z' with SM-like couplings [29], dark matter mediators for $m_{\mathrm {DM}}=1$ GeV [31,32], and RS gravitons [30]. |
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Figure 13:
The 95% CL upper limits on the universal quark coupling $ {g_ {\mathrm {q}}} ^{\prime}$ as a function of resonance mass for a leptophobic Z' resonance that only couples to quarks. The observed limits (solid), expected limits (dashed) and their variation at the 1 and 2 standard deviation levels (shaded bands) are shown. The dotted horizontal lines show the coupling strength for which the cross section for dijet production in this model is the same as for a DM mediator (see text). |
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Figure 14:
The 95% CL observed (solid) and expected (dashed) excluded regions in the plane of dark matter mass vs. mediator mass, for an axial-vector mediator (upper) and a vector mediator (lower), compared to the excluded regions where the abundance of DM exceeds the cosmological relic density (light gray). Following the recommendation of the LHC DM working group [31,32], the exclusions are computed for Dirac DM and for a universal quark coupling $ {g_ {\mathrm {q}}} = $ 0.25 and for a DM coupling of $ {g_{\text {DM}}} = $ 1.0. It should also be noted that the excluded region strongly depends on the chosen coupling and model scenario. Therefore, the excluded regions and relic density contours shown in this plot are not applicable to other choices of coupling values or models. |
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Figure 14-a:
The 95% CL observed (solid) and expected (dashed) excluded regions in the plane of dark matter mass vs. mediator mass, for an axial-vector mediator, compared to the excluded regions where the abundance of DM exceeds the cosmological relic density (light gray). Following the recommendation of the LHC DM working group [31,32], the exclusions are computed for Dirac DM and for a universal quark coupling $ {g_ {\mathrm {q}}} = $ 0.25 and for a DM coupling of $ {g_{\text {DM}}} = $ 1.0. It should also be noted that the excluded region strongly depends on the chosen coupling and model scenario. Therefore, the excluded regions and relic density contours shown in this plot are not applicable to other choices of coupling values or models. |
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Figure 14-b:
The 95% CL observed (solid) and expected (dashed) excluded regions in the plane of dark matter mass vs. mediator mass, for a vector mediator, compared to the excluded regions where the abundance of DM exceeds the cosmological relic density (light gray). Following the recommendation of the LHC DM working group [31,32], the exclusions are computed for Dirac DM and for a universal quark coupling $ {g_ {\mathrm {q}}} = $ 0.25 and for a DM coupling of $ {g_{\text {DM}}} = $ 1.0. It should also be noted that the excluded region strongly depends on the chosen coupling and model scenario. Therefore, the excluded regions and relic density contours shown in this plot are not applicable to other choices of coupling values or models. |
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Figure 15:
The 95% CL observed upper limits on a universal quark coupling ${g_ {\mathrm {q}}}$ (color scale at right) in the plane of the dark matter particle mass versus mediator mass for an axial-vector mediator (upper) and a vector mediator (lower). |
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Figure 15-a:
The 95% CL observed upper limits on a universal quark coupling ${g_ {\mathrm {q}}}$ (color scale at right) in the plane of the dark matter particle mass versus mediator mass for an axial-vector mediator. |
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Figure 15-b:
The 95% CL observed upper limits on a universal quark coupling ${g_ {\mathrm {q}}}$ (color scale at right) in the plane of the dark matter particle mass versus mediator mass for a vector mediator. |
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Figure 16:
The resonance signal shapes (left) and observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance (right) for spin-2 resonances produced and decaying in the quark-quark channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 16-a:
The resonance signal shapes for spin-2 resonances produced and decaying in the quark-quark channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 16-b:
Observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for spin-2 resonances produced and decaying in the quark-quark channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 17:
The resonance signal shapes (left) and observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance (right) for spin-2 resonances produced and decaying in the gluon-gluon channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 17-a:
The resonance signal shapes for spin-2 resonances produced and decaying in the gluon-gluon channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 17-b:
Observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for spin-2 resonances produced and decaying in the gluon-gluon channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 18:
The resonance signal shapes (left) and observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance (right) for spin-1 resonances produced and decaying in the quark-quark channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 18-a:
The resonance signal shapes for spin-1 resonances produced and decaying in the quark-quark channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 18-b:
Observed 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section, branching fraction, and acceptance for spin-1 resonances produced and decaying in the quark-quark channel are shown for various values of intrinsic width and resonance mass. The reconstructed dijet mass spectrum for these resonances is estimated from the PYTHIA 8 MC event generator, followed by the simulation of the CMS detector response. |
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Figure 19:
The 95% CL upper limits on the universal quark coupling $ {g_ {\mathrm {q}}} $ as a function of resonance mass for a vector mediator of interactions between quarks and DM particles. The right vertical axis shows the natural width of the mediator divided by its mass. The observed limits taking into account the natural width of the resonance are in red(upper solid curve), expected limits (dashed) and their variation at the 1 and 2 standard deviation levels (shaded bands) are shown. The observed limits from the narrow resonance search are in blue (lower solid curve), but are only valid for the width values up to approximately 10% of the resonance mass. The exclusions are computed for a spin-1 mediator and, Dirac DM particle with a mass $ {m_{\text {DM}}} =$ 1 GeV and a coupling $ {g_{\text {DM}}} = $ 1.0. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Limits from the low-mass search. The observed and expected upper limits at 95% CL on $\sigma B A$ for gluon-gluon, quark-gluon, and quark-quark resonances, and an RS graviton are given as a function of the resonance mass. |
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Table 2:
Limits from the high-mass search. The observed and expected upper limits at 95% CL on $\sigma B A$ for gluon-gluon, quark-gluon, and quark-quark resonances, and an RS graviton are shown as functions of the resonance mass. |
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Table 3:
Observed and expected mass limits at 95% CL from this analysis compared to previously published limits on narrow resonances from CMS with 12.9 fb$^{-1}$ [4]. The listed models are excluded between 0.6 TeV and the indicated mass limit by this analysis. In addition to the observed mass limits listed below, this analysis also excludes the RS graviton model within the mass interval between 1.9 and 2.5 TeV and the Z' model within roughly a 50 GeV window around 3.1 TeV. |
Summary |
Searches have been presented for resonances decaying into pairs of jets using proton-proton collision data collected at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of up to 36 fb$^{-1}$. A low-mass search, for resonances with masses between 0.6 and 1.6 TeV, is performed based on events with dijets reconstructed at the trigger level from calorimeter information. A high-mass search, for resonances with masses above 1.6 TeV, is performed using dijets reconstructed offline with a particle-flow algorithm. The dijet mass spectra are observed to be smoothly falling distributions. In the analyzed data samples, there is no evidence for resonant particle production. Generic upper limits are presented on the product of the cross section, the branching fraction to dijets, and the acceptance for narrow quark-quark, quark-gluon, and gluon-gluon resonances that are applicable to any model of narrow dijet resonance production. String resonances with masses below 7.7 TeV are excluded at 95% confidence level, as are scalar diquarks below 7.2 TeV, axigluons and colorons below 6.1 TeV, excited quarks below 6.0 TeV, color-octet scalars below 3.4 TeV, W' bosons with the SM-like couplings below 3.3 TeV, Z' bosons with the SM-like couplings below 2.7 TeV, Randall-Sundrum gravitons below 1.8 TeV and in the range 1.9 to 2.5 TeV, and dark matter mediators below 2.6 TeV. The limits on both vector and axial-vector mediators, in a simplified model of interactions between quarks and dark matter particles, are presented as functions of dark matter particle mass. Searches are also presented for broad resonances, including for the first time spin-1 resonances with intrinsic widths as large as 30% of the resonance mass. The broad resonance search improves and extends the exclusions of a dark matter mediator to larger values of its mass and coupling to quarks. The narrow and broad resonance searches extend limits previously reported by CMS in the dijet channel, resulting in the most stringent constraints on many of the models considered. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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