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ECFA 2016: Prospects for selected standard model measurements with the CMS experiment at the High-Luminosity LHC
Abstract: The prospects for selected standard model measurements at the High-Luminosity LHC presented at ECFA 2016 workshop are summarized. The extrapolations assume proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 14 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of up to 3 ab1. The achievable precision for top quark mass measurements based on different analysis strategies is estimated. Searches for flavour-changing neutral currents in top quark decays are studied and expected limits are set, based on different scenarios for the extrapolation of systematic uncertainties to the High-Luminosity LHC run conditions. The feasibility of a dedicated track trigger for the Bsϕϕ decay studies is discussed.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Total uncertainty on top quark mass (mt) obtained with different measurement methods and their projections to the HL-LHC for running conditions foreseen after the phase II upgrade. The projections for s= 14 TeV, with 0.3 ab1 or 3 ab1 of data, are based on mt measurements performed at the LHC Run-1, assuming that an upgraded detector will maintain the same physics performance despite a severe pileup.

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Figure 2:
Transverse momentum (left) and pseudorapidity (right) of the photon candidates from t+γ production due to tuγ FCNC interaction and various background processes with V = γ, Z, W. The distributions are obtained using DELPHES simulation for the upgraded CMS detector at s= 14 TeV and on average 200 interactions per bunch crossing.

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Figure 2-a:
Transverse momentum of the photon candidates from t+γ production due to tuγ FCNC interaction and various background processes with V = γ, Z, W. The distributions are obtained using DELPHES simulation for the upgraded CMS detector at s= 14 TeV and on average 200 interactions per bunch crossing.

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Figure 2-b:
Pseudorapidity of the photon candidates from t+γ production due to tuγ FCNC interaction and various background processes with V = γ, Z, W. The distributions are obtained using DELPHES simulation for the upgraded CMS detector at s= 14 TeV and on average 200 interactions per bunch crossing.

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Figure 3:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the branching fractions of tu+γ (left) and t c+γ (right) for an integrated luminosity up to 3 ab1 at s= 14 TeV with 200 interactions per bunch crossing on average. The black curve is the expected upper limit at 95% CL and green and yellow bands show the ±1 and ±2 standard deviations from the expected limits. The results are obtained for the scenario 2 that is described in the text.

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Figure 3-a:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the branching fractions of t u+γ for an integrated luminosity up to 3 ab1 at s= 14 TeV with 200 interactions per bunch crossing on average. The black curve is the expected upper limit at 95% CL and green and yellow bands show the ±1 and ±2 standard deviations from the expected limits. The results are obtained for the scenario 2 that is described in the text.

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Figure 3-b:
Upper limits at 95% CL on the branching fractions of t c+γ for an integrated luminosity up to 3 ab1 at s= 14 TeV with 200 interactions per bunch crossing on average. The black curve is the expected upper limit at 95% CL and green and yellow bands show the ±1 and ±2 standard deviations from the expected limits. The results are obtained for the scenario 2 that is described in the text.

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Figure 4:
Expected upper limits at 95% CL on B(tq+Z) and B(tq+γ) obtained from preliminary projections based on a DELPHES simulation. The horizontal dashed line corresponds to upper limit on B(tq+Z) at 14 TeV with 3 ab1 [56]. The two vertical dashed and dashed-dotted lines show the results of this analysis. The two vertical solid lines are the observed CMS results on B(tu+γ) and B(tc+γ) at 95% CL [44] and the two solid horizontal lines are the current observed 95% CL upper limits on B(tu+Z) and B(tc+Z) from 8 TeV CMS data [57].

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Figure 5:
Feynman graph of the dominant amplitude contributing to the decay B0sϕϕ.

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Figure 6:
Invariant mass distribution of all track pairs with opposite charges, |dz|< 1 cm, dxy< 1 cm, track pT> 2 GeV, and assuming that the tracks are arising from kaons. The event sample does not have a preliminary selection on the B0s mass window. The distributions are normalized to unit area. The blue solid histogram corresponds to the signal events reconstructed with offline tracks, the red dashed one with tracks from L1 trigger system and the green filled area represents the background events.

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Figure 7:
ΔR(ϕ-pair) distribution for all ϕ-pairs with 0.99 <MK+K< 1.04 GeV, |dz|< 1 cm, dxy< 1 cm. The event sample does not have a preliminary selection on the B0s mass window. The distributions are normalized to unit area. The blue solid histogram corresponds to the signal events reconstructed with offline tracks, the red dashed one with tracks from L1 trigger system and the green filled area represents the background events.

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Figure 8:
Invariant mass distribution of all the ϕ-pairs with |dz|(ϕ-pair)< 1 cm, dxy(ϕ-pair)< 1 cm, 0.2 <ΔR(ϕ-pair)< 1, ΔR(K+,K)< 0.12. The distributions are normalized to unit area. The blue solid histogram corresponds to the signal events reconstructed with offline tracks, the red dashed one with tracks from L1 trigger system and the green filled area represents the background events.

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Figure 9:
Efficiency and rate for different selection baselines and for different pileup scenarios. Uncertainties are statistical only.

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Table 1:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties on mt for the reference measurement in lepton+jets channel. Experimental uncertainties are separated from theoretical ones.

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Table 2:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties on mt for the measurements in the single-top quark t-channel. Experimental uncertainties are separated from theoretical ones.

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Table 3:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties on mt for the measurement from msv. Experimental uncertainties are separated from theoretical ones.

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Table 4:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties on mt for the measurement from mJ/ψ+. Experimental uncertainties are separated from theoretical ones.

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Table 5:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties on mt for the measurement from σtˉt. Experimental uncertainties are separated from theoretical ones.

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Table 6:
Upper limits at 95% CL for B(tu+γ) and B(tc+γ), obtained with the 8 TeV data and the projections for 14 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 3 ab1 using CMS DELPHES simulation for two scenarios presented in the text.

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Table 7:
Baseline event selection conditions. The variable dz represents distance between a pair of tracks or trajectories of a pair of reconstructed particles along the beam axis (z) while dxy represents that in the plane perpendicular to the beam axis (xy).

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Table 8:
Efficiency and rate for loose, medium and tight baselines respectively. Pileup dependence of event rate is also presented for <PU >= 70, 140 and 200. Uncertainties are statistical only.
The three physics proposals for the upgrade studies for the HL-LHC CMS detector discussed in this note were prepared for and presented at the ECFA 2016 workshop.

It is demonstrated that with 3 ab1 of data the top quark mass analyses will be limited by systematic uncertainties, and especially by theoretical modeling uncertainties. The reference method, which is the most precise one, is expected to yield an ultimate relative precision below 0.1%. The other techniques, with alternative systematic sensitivity, are expected to reach a precision good enough to carry weight in a combination with the reference method. This would make it possible to further reduce the systematic uncertainties, which are related mostly to the JES and hard process modeling.

According to the projections for a search for the FCNC process in the top quark production associated with a photon at a luminosity of 3 ab1 upper limits at 95% CL on the branching fractions B(tu+γ) < 0.0027% and B( tc+γ) < 0.020% are expected.

The Bs4K channel is used to investigate capabilities of the HL-LHC CMS detector to trigger events in the low-pT region for fully-hadronic final states. The study uses the track trigger to estimate the efficiency for selecting the signal events and the trigger rate of the background events. It is demonstrated that with the track trigger sufficient efficiency can be achieved, while the trigger rate requires further improvement e.g. by including displaced vertex finding tool for low pT tracks and a mitigation of pileup effects.
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Compact Muon Solenoid