CMS-PAS-EXO-16-054 | ||
Search for Dark Matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to two photons | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
May 2017 | ||
Abstract: A search for the associated production of dark matter with a Higgs boson which decays into two photons is presented. The search uses data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2016, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. Results are interpreted in the context of two dark matter models: a two-Higgs-doublet-Z' model where the Z' decays to a pseudoscalar and a standard model-like Higgs Boson and a baryonic Z' simplified model. The search is performed categorizing the events based on the amount of missing transverse momentum in order to also be sensitive to hypothetical signals with small amounts of missing transverse momentum. After the final selection, no significant evidence for dark matter particle production has been observed. Two-Higgs-doublet-Z' signals with a pseudoscalar mass of 300 GeV are excluded at 95% of CL for Z' masses below 900 GeV. Baryonic Z' models with a dark matter mass of 1 GeV are excluded at 95% of CL for Z' masses below 800 GeV. | ||
Links: CDS record (PDF) ; inSPIRE record ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Feynman diagrams for the benchmark DM signal models: baryonic Z' (left) and 2HDM (right). |
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Figure 1-a:
Feynman diagram for the benchmark DM signal baryonic Z' model. |
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Figure 1-b:
Feynman diagram for the benchmark DM signal 2HDM model. |
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Figure 2:
Distribution of the missing transverse momentum of the events passing all other selection criteria. The cross sections of the signals are set to 1 pb. The total MC background is normalized to the integral of the data. Only the MC statistical uncertainties on the total background are shown in the hatched bands. The data-to-simulation ratio is shown in the lower panel. |
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Figure 3:
The mγγ distribution after all selection is applied in the low-pmissT (left) and high-pmissT (right) categories. The cross section of the signals are set to 1 pb. The total MC background is normalized to the integral of the data. Only the MC statistical uncertainties on the total background are shown in the hatched bands. The data-to-simulation ratio is shown in the lower panel. |
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Figure 3-a:
The mγγ distribution after all selection is applied in the low-pmissT category. The cross section of the signals are set to 1 pb. The total MC background is normalized to the integral of the data. Only the MC statistical uncertainties on the total background are shown in the hatched bands. The data-to-simulation ratio is shown in the lower panel. |
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Figure 3-b:
The mγγ distribution after all selection is applied in the high-pmissT category. The cross section of the signals are set to 1 pb. The total MC background is normalized to the integral of the data. Only the MC statistical uncertainties on the total background are shown in the hatched bands. The data-to-simulation ratio is shown in the lower panel. |
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Figure 4:
The power law (dashed black) fit to the data and SM h →γγ contribution (solid red) for low-pmissT (left) and high-pmissT (right) categories. Shown in solid blue is the sum of the non-resonant and resonant shapes used to estimate the total background in this analysis. |
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Figure 4-a:
The power law (dashed black) fit to the data and SM h →γγ contribution (solid red) for the low-pmissT category. Shown in solid blue is the sum of the non-resonant and resonant shapes used to estimate the total background in this analysis. |
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Figure 4-b:
The power law (dashed black) fit to the data and SM h →γγ contribution (solid red) for the high-pmissT category. Shown in solid blue is the sum of the non-resonant and resonant shapes used to estimate the total background in this analysis. |
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Figure 5:
The upper limits on cross section for the 2HDM scenario as a function of mZ′ for mA= 300 GeV. The theoretical cross section (blue) is calculated assuming gZ′= 0.8. |
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Figure 6:
The observed (expected) 95% CL limits on the signal strength (σ95%CL/σth) for all 2HDM mass points shown in a grid of mA and mZ′. The theoretical cross section for each point is calculated assuming gZpr= 0.8. |
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Figure 7:
The upper limits on cross section for the baryonic Z' scenario as a function of mZ′ for mχ= 1 GeV. The theoretical cross section (blue) is calculated assuming gq= 0.25 and sin(θ)= 0.3. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Maximum allowed value of each variable used in barrel and endcap photon identification [26]. The pT used in these formulas is expressed in GeV. |
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Table 2:
Optimized kinematic requirements for the low- and high-pmissT categories. |
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Table 3:
Expected background yields and observed amount of data in the mγγ range of 122 to 128 GeV for low- and high-pmissT categories. The non-resonant background includes QCD, γγ, γ+jet, and EWK backgrounds and is estimated from the fit to data. The irreducible background from the SM Higgs boson associated production is presented separated from the the SM Higgs boson production modes. For the resonant background contributions both the statistical and the systematic uncertainties are listed. As detailed in Sec. 6.1 we do not include any systematic uncertainty associated to the non-resonant background. |
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Table 4:
Efficiency times acceptance and statistical uncertainty for the 2HDM in both the low- and high-pmissT categories. Samples that have negligible efficiencies in the low-pmissT category are shown with a dash (/). |
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Table 5:
Efficiency times acceptance and statistical uncertainty for the Baryonic Z' model in both the low- and high-pmissT categories. Efficiencies are calculated for several Z' mass points for a fixed mχ= 1 GeV. |
Summary |
A search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson is presented. This analysis examines the case where the Higgs boson decays to two photons. The analysis is based on 35.9 fb−1 of pp collisions collected by the CMS experiment in 2016 at √s= 13 TeV. The results of the search are interpreted in terms of 2HDM and baryonic Z' simplified models of dark matter production. After passing trigger requirements, events are selected if they contain two photon candidates passing kinematic requirements on the pT/mγγ of the two photons, EmissT and pTγγ obtained with an optimization study on the benchmark models. The selection optimization has been performed in both low- and high-EmissT categories. A jet veto is applied to reduce the QCD background. Topological requirements avoid events with highly energetic jets collinear with the EmissT for which the EmissT could simply arise from a misreconstruction of the jet itself. Data driven techniques are applied to estimate the non-resonant background contributions. Limits on the signal cross section are calculated. 2HDM signals with mA= 300 GeV are excluded for Z' masses below 900 GeV. Baryonic Z' models are excluded for Z' masses below 800 GeV for a dark matter mass of 1 GeV. Results are mostly driven by the high-EmissT category for the analyzed signal models. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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