CMS-PAS-SUS-20-001 | ||
Search for physics beyond the standard model in final states with two opposite-charge same-flavor leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
July 2020 | ||
Abstract: A search for phenomena beyond the standard model (BSM) is presented in final states with two opposite-charge same-flavor leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum. The search is performed in a data sample of pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1. Three potential signatures of BSM physics are explored: (i) an excess of events with a lepton pair whose invariant mass is consistent with the Z boson mass; (ii) a kinematic edge in the invariant mass distribution of the lepton pair; (iii) the non-resonant production of two leptons. The observed event yields are consistent with the predicted standard model backgrounds. The results are used to constrain models of BSM physics that result in the production of pairs of gluinos, squarks, sleptons, or charginos and neutralinos. Upper limits at 95% CL are set on the production cross-section of supersymmetric particles. Searching for (i) allows to probe gluino masses up to 1875 GeV, as well as chargino (neutralino) masses up to 750 (800) GeV; searching for (ii) allows to exclude light-flavor (bottom) squark masses up to 1800 (1600) GeV; finally, by searching for (iii) slepton masses up to 650 GeV can also be excluded. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, JHEP 04 (2021) 123. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
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Figure 1:
Diagrams for models of (upper left) direct slepton pair production, (upper right) neutralino/chargino production, and GMSB neutralino pair production with (lower left) ZZ and (lower right) ZH bosons in the final state, where in the latter model the ˜χ01 decays to H or Z with a 50% probability for each of the modes. Such models predict the involved SUSY particles to be produced via EW interaction, with absence or moderate presence of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 1-a:
Diagrams for models of (upper left) direct slepton pair production, (upper right) neutralino/chargino production, and GMSB neutralino pair production with (lower left) ZZ and (lower right) ZH bosons in the final state, where in the latter model the ˜χ01 decays to H or Z with a 50% probability for each of the modes. Such models predict the involved SUSY particles to be produced via EW interaction, with absence or moderate presence of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 1-b:
Diagrams for models of (upper left) direct slepton pair production, (upper right) neutralino/chargino production, and GMSB neutralino pair production with (lower left) ZZ and (lower right) ZH bosons in the final state, where in the latter model the ˜χ01 decays to H or Z with a 50% probability for each of the modes. Such models predict the involved SUSY particles to be produced via EW interaction, with absence or moderate presence of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 1-c:
Diagrams for models of (upper left) direct slepton pair production, (upper right) neutralino/chargino production, and GMSB neutralino pair production with (lower left) ZZ and (lower right) ZH bosons in the final state, where in the latter model the ˜χ01 decays to H or Z with a 50% probability for each of the modes. Such models predict the involved SUSY particles to be produced via EW interaction, with absence or moderate presence of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 1-d:
Diagrams for models of (upper left) direct slepton pair production, (upper right) neutralino/chargino production, and GMSB neutralino pair production with (lower left) ZZ and (lower right) ZH bosons in the final state, where in the latter model the ˜χ01 decays to H or Z with a 50% probability for each of the modes. Such models predict the involved SUSY particles to be produced via EW interaction, with absence or moderate presence of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 2:
Diagrams for models of (left) ˜q and (center) ˜b pair production. Such models feature a mass edge from the decay of a ˜χ02 via an intermediate slepton, ˜ℓ. In the diagram in the center, a pair of b quarks is present in the final state. In these models the ˜χ01 mass is fixed to 100 GeV, while the mass of the slepton is taken to be equidistant from the masses of the two neutralinos. (Right) Diagram for a model of GMSB gluino pair production, where each ˜g decays into a pair of quarks and a neutralino. The neutralino then decays to a Z boson and an LSP. All these models assume strong production of SUSY particles and predict abundance of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 2-a:
Diagrams for models of (left) ˜q and (center) ˜b pair production. Such models feature a mass edge from the decay of a ˜χ02 via an intermediate slepton, ˜ℓ. In the diagram in the center, a pair of b quarks is present in the final state. In these models the ˜χ01 mass is fixed to 100 GeV, while the mass of the slepton is taken to be equidistant from the masses of the two neutralinos. (Right) Diagram for a model of GMSB gluino pair production, where each ˜g decays into a pair of quarks and a neutralino. The neutralino then decays to a Z boson and an LSP. All these models assume strong production of SUSY particles and predict abundance of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 2-b:
Diagrams for models of (left) ˜q and (center) ˜b pair production. Such models feature a mass edge from the decay of a ˜χ02 via an intermediate slepton, ˜ℓ. In the diagram in the center, a pair of b quarks is present in the final state. In these models the ˜χ01 mass is fixed to 100 GeV, while the mass of the slepton is taken to be equidistant from the masses of the two neutralinos. (Right) Diagram for a model of GMSB gluino pair production, where each ˜g decays into a pair of quarks and a neutralino. The neutralino then decays to a Z boson and an LSP. All these models assume strong production of SUSY particles and predict abundance of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 2-c:
Diagrams for models of (left) ˜q and (center) ˜b pair production. Such models feature a mass edge from the decay of a ˜χ02 via an intermediate slepton, ˜ℓ. In the diagram in the center, a pair of b quarks is present in the final state. In these models the ˜χ01 mass is fixed to 100 GeV, while the mass of the slepton is taken to be equidistant from the masses of the two neutralinos. (Right) Diagram for a model of GMSB gluino pair production, where each ˜g decays into a pair of quarks and a neutralino. The neutralino then decays to a Z boson and an LSP. All these models assume strong production of SUSY particles and predict abundance of quarks in the final state. |
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Figure 3:
Distributions for (left) mℓℓ, (middle) pTmiss and (right) pTℓℓ in a tˉt-enriched CR in data. The data-driven flavor-symmetric background prediction (gray solid histogram) is compared to data (black marker). Other backgrounds are estimated directly from simulation (green and blue solid histograms). The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 3-a:
Distributions for (left) mℓℓ, (middle) pTmiss and (right) pTℓℓ in a tˉt-enriched CR in data. The data-driven flavor-symmetric background prediction (gray solid histogram) is compared to data (black marker). Other backgrounds are estimated directly from simulation (green and blue solid histograms). The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 3-b:
Distributions for (left) mℓℓ, (middle) pTmiss and (right) pTℓℓ in a tˉt-enriched CR in data. The data-driven flavor-symmetric background prediction (gray solid histogram) is compared to data (black marker). Other backgrounds are estimated directly from simulation (green and blue solid histograms). The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 3-c:
Distributions for (left) mℓℓ, (middle) pTmiss and (right) pTℓℓ in a tˉt-enriched CR in data. The data-driven flavor-symmetric background prediction (gray solid histogram) is compared to data (black marker). Other backgrounds are estimated directly from simulation (green and blue solid histograms). The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 4:
The pTmiss distribution observed in data (black markers) is compared to the background prediction (solid histograms) in the on-Z VRs. (Upper) Comparison in the strong on-Z VRs: (left) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (right) SRC. (Lower) Comparison in the EW on-Z VRs: (left) resolved VZ, (middle) boosted VZ, and (right) HZ. The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 4-a:
The pTmiss distribution observed in data (black markers) is compared to the background prediction (solid histograms) in the on-Z VRs. (Upper) Comparison in the strong on-Z VRs: (left) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (right) SRC. (Lower) Comparison in the EW on-Z VRs: (left) resolved VZ, (middle) boosted VZ, and (right) HZ. The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 4-b:
The pTmiss distribution observed in data (black markers) is compared to the background prediction (solid histograms) in the on-Z VRs. (Upper) Comparison in the strong on-Z VRs: (left) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (right) SRC. (Lower) Comparison in the EW on-Z VRs: (left) resolved VZ, (middle) boosted VZ, and (right) HZ. The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 4-c:
The pTmiss distribution observed in data (black markers) is compared to the background prediction (solid histograms) in the on-Z VRs. (Upper) Comparison in the strong on-Z VRs: (left) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (right) SRC. (Lower) Comparison in the EW on-Z VRs: (left) resolved VZ, (middle) boosted VZ, and (right) HZ. The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 4-d:
The pTmiss distribution observed in data (black markers) is compared to the background prediction (solid histograms) in the on-Z VRs. (Upper) Comparison in the strong on-Z VRs: (left) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (right) SRC. (Lower) Comparison in the EW on-Z VRs: (left) resolved VZ, (middle) boosted VZ, and (right) HZ. The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 4-e:
The pTmiss distribution observed in data (black markers) is compared to the background prediction (solid histograms) in the on-Z VRs. (Upper) Comparison in the strong on-Z VRs: (left) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (right) SRC. (Lower) Comparison in the EW on-Z VRs: (left) resolved VZ, (middle) boosted VZ, and (right) HZ. The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 4-f:
The pTmiss distribution observed in data (black markers) is compared to the background prediction (solid histograms) in the on-Z VRs. (Upper) Comparison in the strong on-Z VRs: (left) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (right) SRC. (Lower) Comparison in the EW on-Z VRs: (left) resolved VZ, (middle) boosted VZ, and (right) HZ. The uncertainty band includes systematic and statistical uncertainties in the prediction. |
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Figure 5:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the strong-production on-Z (upper) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (lower) SRC search regions, for (left) the b veto and (right) b tag categories, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band in the upper panels shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distributions correspond to the gluino pair production model, with the gluino having a mass of 1600 GeV and ˜χ01 having a mass of 700 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 5-a:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the strong-production on-Z (upper) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (lower) SRC search regions, for (left) the b veto and (right) b tag categories, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band in the upper panels shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distributions correspond to the gluino pair production model, with the gluino having a mass of 1600 GeV and ˜χ01 having a mass of 700 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 5-b:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the strong-production on-Z (upper) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (lower) SRC search regions, for (left) the b veto and (right) b tag categories, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band in the upper panels shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distributions correspond to the gluino pair production model, with the gluino having a mass of 1600 GeV and ˜χ01 having a mass of 700 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 5-c:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the strong-production on-Z (upper) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (lower) SRC search regions, for (left) the b veto and (right) b tag categories, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band in the upper panels shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distributions correspond to the gluino pair production model, with the gluino having a mass of 1600 GeV and ˜χ01 having a mass of 700 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 5-d:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the strong-production on-Z (upper) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (lower) SRC search regions, for (left) the b veto and (right) b tag categories, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band in the upper panels shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distributions correspond to the gluino pair production model, with the gluino having a mass of 1600 GeV and ˜χ01 having a mass of 700 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 5-e:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the strong-production on-Z (upper) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (lower) SRC search regions, for (left) the b veto and (right) b tag categories, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band in the upper panels shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distributions correspond to the gluino pair production model, with the gluino having a mass of 1600 GeV and ˜χ01 having a mass of 700 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 5-f:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the strong-production on-Z (upper) SRA, (middle) SRB, and (lower) SRC search regions, for (left) the b veto and (right) b tag categories, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each plot shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band in the upper panels shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distributions correspond to the gluino pair production model, with the gluino having a mass of 1600 GeV and ˜χ01 having a mass of 700 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 6:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the EW on-Z (upper left) boosted VZ, (upper right) resolved VZ, and (lower) HZ search regions, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution for the boosted and resolved VZ search regions correspond to the ˜χ±1/˜χ02 production model with a ˜χ±1/˜χ02 mass of 400 GeV and ˜χ01 mass of 200 GeV, while for the HZ search region the pTmiss distribution corresponds to a ˜χ01 pair production model decaying into a Higgs boson, a Z boson and two ˜G, with the ˜χ01 and the ˜G having a mass of 500 GeV and 1 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 6-a:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the EW on-Z (upper left) boosted VZ, (upper right) resolved VZ, and (lower) HZ search regions, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution for the boosted and resolved VZ search regions correspond to the ˜χ±1/˜χ02 production model with a ˜χ±1/˜χ02 mass of 400 GeV and ˜χ01 mass of 200 GeV, while for the HZ search region the pTmiss distribution corresponds to a ˜χ01 pair production model decaying into a Higgs boson, a Z boson and two ˜G, with the ˜χ01 and the ˜G having a mass of 500 GeV and 1 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 6-b:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the EW on-Z (upper left) boosted VZ, (upper right) resolved VZ, and (lower) HZ search regions, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution for the boosted and resolved VZ search regions correspond to the ˜χ±1/˜χ02 production model with a ˜χ±1/˜χ02 mass of 400 GeV and ˜χ01 mass of 200 GeV, while for the HZ search region the pTmiss distribution corresponds to a ˜χ01 pair production model decaying into a Higgs boson, a Z boson and two ˜G, with the ˜χ01 and the ˜G having a mass of 500 GeV and 1 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 6-c:
The pTmiss distribution in data is compared to the SM background prediction in the EW on-Z (upper left) boosted VZ, (upper right) resolved VZ, and (lower) HZ search regions, before the fits to data described in Section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution for the boosted and resolved VZ search regions correspond to the ˜χ±1/˜χ02 production model with a ˜χ±1/˜χ02 mass of 400 GeV and ˜χ01 mass of 200 GeV, while for the HZ search region the pTmiss distribution corresponds to a ˜χ01 pair production model decaying into a Higgs boson, a Z boson and two ˜G, with the ˜χ01 and the ˜G having a mass of 500 GeV and 1 GeV. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Figure 7:
Results of the counting experiment in the edge search regions, before the fits to data described in Section 8. In each search region, the number of observed events in data (black markers) is compared to the SM background prediction, for the (left) b veto and (right) b tag categories. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources.The signal distribution corresponds to the ˜b pair production model, with the ˜b having a mass of 1250 GeV and the ˜χ02 a mass of 400 GeV. |
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Figure 7-a:
Results of the counting experiment in the edge search regions, before the fits to data described in Section 8. In each search region, the number of observed events in data (black markers) is compared to the SM background prediction, for the (left) b veto and (right) b tag categories. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources.The signal distribution corresponds to the ˜b pair production model, with the ˜b having a mass of 1250 GeV and the ˜χ02 a mass of 400 GeV. |
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Figure 7-b:
Results of the counting experiment in the edge search regions, before the fits to data described in Section 8. In each search region, the number of observed events in data (black markers) is compared to the SM background prediction, for the (left) b veto and (right) b tag categories. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources.The signal distribution corresponds to the ˜b pair production model, with the ˜b having a mass of 1250 GeV and the ˜χ02 a mass of 400 GeV. |
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Figure 8:
Fit to data of the dilepton mass (mℓℓ) distributions in the edge fit search regions, under the signal+background hypothesis, projected onto the (left) SF and (right) DF data samples. The fit shape is shown as a solid blue line. The individual fit components are indicated by dashed and dotted lines. The flavor-symmetric background is shown as a black dashed line. The Z+X background is displayed as a red dotted line. The extracted signal component is displayed as a purple dash-dotted line. The lower panel in each plot shows the difference between the observed data yield and the fit, divided by the square root of the number of fitted events. |
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Figure 8-a:
Fit to data of the dilepton mass (mℓℓ) distributions in the edge fit search regions, under the signal+background hypothesis, projected onto the (left) SF and (right) DF data samples. The fit shape is shown as a solid blue line. The individual fit components are indicated by dashed and dotted lines. The flavor-symmetric background is shown as a black dashed line. The Z+X background is displayed as a red dotted line. The extracted signal component is displayed as a purple dash-dotted line. The lower panel in each plot shows the difference between the observed data yield and the fit, divided by the square root of the number of fitted events. |
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Figure 8-b:
Fit to data of the dilepton mass (mℓℓ) distributions in the edge fit search regions, under the signal+background hypothesis, projected onto the (left) SF and (right) DF data samples. The fit shape is shown as a solid blue line. The individual fit components are indicated by dashed and dotted lines. The flavor-symmetric background is shown as a black dashed line. The Z+X background is displayed as a red dotted line. The extracted signal component is displayed as a purple dash-dotted line. The lower panel in each plot shows the difference between the observed data yield and the fit, divided by the square root of the number of fitted events. |
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Figure 9:
Distribution of pTmiss for events in the slepton (left) search regions and (right) control regions obtained by inverting the mℓℓ selection, used to obtain the DY background normalization, for regions (upper) without jets and (lower) with jets. A background-only fit to data in the control region has been performed to determine the DY+jets contribution as described in section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution corresponds to the direct slepton pair production model, with a slepton mass of 600 GeV and a massless ˜χ01 particle. |
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Figure 9-a:
Distribution of pTmiss for events in the slepton (left) search regions and (right) control regions obtained by inverting the mℓℓ selection, used to obtain the DY background normalization, for regions (upper) without jets and (lower) with jets. A background-only fit to data in the control region has been performed to determine the DY+jets contribution as described in section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution corresponds to the direct slepton pair production model, with a slepton mass of 600 GeV and a massless ˜χ01 particle. |
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Figure 9-b:
Distribution of pTmiss for events in the slepton (left) search regions and (right) control regions obtained by inverting the mℓℓ selection, used to obtain the DY background normalization, for regions (upper) without jets and (lower) with jets. A background-only fit to data in the control region has been performed to determine the DY+jets contribution as described in section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution corresponds to the direct slepton pair production model, with a slepton mass of 600 GeV and a massless ˜χ01 particle. |
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Figure 9-c:
Distribution of pTmiss for events in the slepton (left) search regions and (right) control regions obtained by inverting the mℓℓ selection, used to obtain the DY background normalization, for regions (upper) without jets and (lower) with jets. A background-only fit to data in the control region has been performed to determine the DY+jets contribution as described in section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution corresponds to the direct slepton pair production model, with a slepton mass of 600 GeV and a massless ˜χ01 particle. |
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Figure 9-d:
Distribution of pTmiss for events in the slepton (left) search regions and (right) control regions obtained by inverting the mℓℓ selection, used to obtain the DY background normalization, for regions (upper) without jets and (lower) with jets. A background-only fit to data in the control region has been performed to determine the DY+jets contribution as described in section 8. The lower panel of each figure shows the ratio of observed data to the SM prediction in each pTmiss bin. The hashed band shows the total uncertainty in the background prediction, including statistical and systematic sources. The signal pTmiss distribution corresponds to the direct slepton pair production model, with a slepton mass of 600 GeV and a massless ˜χ01 particle. |
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Figure 10:
Cross section upper limits and exclusion contours at 95% CL for a SMS of GMSB gluino pair production, as a function of the ˜g and ˜χ01 masses, obtained from the results in the strong on-Z search regions. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their ±1 and ±2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. |
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Figure 11:
Cross section upper limits and exclusion contours at 95% CL for a SMS of ˜χ±1˜χ02 production, with final states containing a W± and a Z boson, as a function of the ˜χ±1/˜χ02 and ˜χ01 masses, obtained from the results in the EW on-Z search regions. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their ±1 and ±2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. |
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Figure 12:
Production cross section upper limits at 95% CL as a function of the ˜χ01 mass, for a model of EW ˜χ01 pair production, where either (left) both ˜χ01 decay into a Z boson with 100% branching fraction (B), or (right) each ˜χ01 can decay to a Z or a H boson with equal probability. The magenta curve shows the theoretical production cross section with its uncertainty. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. |
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Figure 12-a:
Production cross section upper limits at 95% CL as a function of the ˜χ01 mass, for a model of EW ˜χ01 pair production, where either (left) both ˜χ01 decay into a Z boson with 100% branching fraction (B), or (right) each ˜χ01 can decay to a Z or a H boson with equal probability. The magenta curve shows the theoretical production cross section with its uncertainty. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. |
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Figure 12-b:
Production cross section upper limits at 95% CL as a function of the ˜χ01 mass, for a model of EW ˜χ01 pair production, where either (left) both ˜χ01 decay into a Z boson with 100% branching fraction (B), or (right) each ˜χ01 can decay to a Z or a H boson with equal probability. The magenta curve shows the theoretical production cross section with its uncertainty. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. |
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Figure 13:
Cross section upper limits and exclusion contours at 95% CL for SMSs of (left) bottom and (right) light-flavor squark pair production, where each squark decays into a quark and a ˜χ02, and the ˜χ02 then decays via an intermediate slepton, forming a kinematic edge in the mℓℓ distribution. The limits are obtained from the results in the edge search regions, and are shown as a function of the (left) ˜b or (right) ˜q and ˜χ02 masses. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their ±1 and ±2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. |
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Figure 13-a:
Cross section upper limits and exclusion contours at 95% CL for SMSs of (left) bottom and (right) light-flavor squark pair production, where each squark decays into a quark and a ˜χ02, and the ˜χ02 then decays via an intermediate slepton, forming a kinematic edge in the mℓℓ distribution. The limits are obtained from the results in the edge search regions, and are shown as a function of the (left) ˜b or (right) ˜q and ˜χ02 masses. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their ±1 and ±2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. |
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Figure 13-b:
Cross section upper limits and exclusion contours at 95% CL for SMSs of (left) bottom and (right) light-flavor squark pair production, where each squark decays into a quark and a ˜χ02, and the ˜χ02 then decays via an intermediate slepton, forming a kinematic edge in the mℓℓ distribution. The limits are obtained from the results in the edge search regions, and are shown as a function of the (left) ˜b or (right) ˜q and ˜χ02 masses. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their ±1 and ±2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. |
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Figure 14:
Cross section upper limits and exclusion contours at 95% CL for a SMS of slepton pair production, as a function of the slepton and ˜χ01 masses, obtained from the results in the slepton search regions. The area enclosed by the thick black curve represents the observed exclusion region, while the dashed red lines indicate the expected limits and their ±1 and ±2 standard deviation (s.d.) ranges. The thin black lines show the effect of the theoretical uncertainties in the signal cross section. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
List of SUSY particles involved in the models considered, together with the symbols representing them. |
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Table 2:
Summary of search category selections. |
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Table 3:
Summary of the rμ/e parameters obtained by fitting the lepton pT and η, in a DY-enriched CR for the different data taking years. Only statistical uncertainties are tabulated. |
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Table 4:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties in the predicted Z+ν background yields, together with their typical sizes across the SRs. |
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Table 5:
Predicted and observed event yields in the strong-production on-Z search regions, for each pTmiss bin, as defined in Table 2, before the fits to data described in Section 8. Uncertainties include both statistical and systematic sources. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Table 6:
Predicted and observed event yields in the EW on-Z search regions, for each pTmiss bin, as defined in Table 2, before the fits to data described in Section 8. Uncertainties include both statistical and systematic sources. The pTmiss template prediction in each search region is normalized to the first pTmiss bin of each distribution in data. |
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Table 7:
Predicted and observed yields in each bin of the edge search counting experiment, as defined in Table 2, before the fits to data described in Section 8. Uncertainties include statistical and systematic sources. |
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Table 8:
Results of the mℓℓ unbinned maximum likelihood fit to data in the edge fit search region, as defined in Table 2. The fitted yields of the Z+X and flavor-symmetric background components are tabulated, together with the fitted value of RSF/DF. The fitted signal contribution and the corresponding edge position are also shown. The local and global signal significances are expressed in terms of standard deviations (s.d.). The uncertainties include both statistical and systematic sources. |
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Table 9:
Predicted and observed event yields in the slepton search regions and control regions. A background-only fit to data in the control region has been performed to determine the DY+jets contribution as described in section 8. Uncertainties include both statistical and systematic sources. |
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Table 10:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties in the signal yields, together with their typical sizes across the search regions and the SMSs under consideration. |
Summary |
A search is presented for phenomena beyond the standard model in events with two opposite-charge, same-flavor leptons, and missing transverse momentum in the final state. The measurements are performed in a sample of pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV, collected with the CMS detector in 2016--2018, and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1. Search regions are defined in order to be sensitive to a wide range of new physics signatures. The observed data yields are found to be consistent with the SM background predictions, and the results are used to set upper limits on the production cross section of simplified models of supersymmetry. We probe gluino masses up to 1875 GeV, light-flavor (bottom) squark masses up to 1800 (1600) GeV, chargino (neutralino) masses up to 750 (800) GeV, and slepton masses up to 650 GeV, typically extending the reach of previous CMS results by hundreds of GeV. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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