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Measurement of electroweak production of two jets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A measurement of the electroweak (EW) production of two jets in association with a Z boson in proton-proton collision at s= 13 TeV is presented, based on data recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The measurement is performed using the jj final state (with = e or μ and j representing the quarks produced in the hard interaction) in the kinematic region defined by M> 50 GeV, Mjj> 120 GeV, transverse momentum pTj> 25 GeV. The cross section of the process is found to be σEW(jj)= 552 ± 19 (stat) ± 55 (syst) fb, in agreement with leading order standard model predictions. The associated jet activity of events in a signal-enriched region is also studied, and the measurements are found to be in agreement with QCD predictions.
Figures Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Representative Feynman diagrams for dilepton production in association with two jets from purely electroweak amplitudes: vector boson fusion (left), bremsstrahlung-like (middle), and multiperipheral production (right).

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Figure 1-a:
Representative Feynman diagram for dilepton production in association with two jets from purely electroweak amplitudes: vector boson fusion.

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Figure 1-b:
Representative Feynman diagram for dilepton production in association with two jets from purely electroweak amplitudes: bremsstrahlung-like.

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Figure 1-c:
Representative Feynman diagram for dilepton production in association with two jets from purely electroweak amplitudes: multiperipheral production.

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Figure 2:
Representative diagrams for order α2S corrections to DY production that comprise the main background for the measurement.

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Figure 2-a:
Representative diagram for order α2S corrections to DY production that comprise the main background for the measurement.

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Figure 2-b:
Representative diagram for order α2S corrections to DY production that comprise the main background for the measurement.

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Figure 3:
Data and simulated distributions for the dielectron event selection: invariant mass of the dijet system (top left), R(pThard) (top right), and z distribution (bottom). The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panels show the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 3-a:
Data and simulated distribution for the dielectron event selection: invariant mass of the dijet system distribution. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 3-b:
Data and simulated distribution for the dielectron event selection: R(pThard) distribution. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 3-c:
Data and simulated distribution for the dielectron event selection: z distribution. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 4:
Data and simulated distributions for the dimuon event selection: invariant mass of the dijet system (top left), R(pThard) (top right), and z distribution (bottom). The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panels show the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 4-a:
Data and simulated distribution for the dimuon event selection: invariant mass of the dijet system distribution. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 4-b:
Data and simulated distribution for the dimuon event selection: R(pThard) distribution. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 4-c:
Data and simulated distribution for the dimuon event selection: z distribution. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 5:
Data and simulated distributions for the dielectron event selection: dijet system transverse momentum (top left), dijet pseudorapidity opening (top right), pT-leading jet QGL (bottom left) and pT-subleading jet QGL (bottom right). The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panels show the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 5-a:
Data and simulated distribution for the dielectron event selection: dijet system transverse momentum. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 5-b:
Data and simulated distribution for the dielectron event selection: dijet pseudorapidity opening. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 5-c:
Data and simulated distribution for the dielectron event selection: pT-leading jet QGL. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 5-d:
Data and simulated distribution for the dielectron event selection: pT-subleading jet QGL. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 6:
Data and simulated distributions for the dimuon event selection: dijet system transverse momentum (top left), dijet pseudorapidity opening (top right), pT-leading jet QGL (bottom left) and pT-subleading jet QGL (bottom right). The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panels show the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 6-a:
Data and simulated distribution for the dimuon event selection: dijet system transverse momentum. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 6-b:
Data and simulated distribution for the dimuon event selection: dijet pseudorapidity opening. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 6-c:
Data and simulated distribution for the dimuon event selection: pT-leading jet QGL. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 6-d:
Data and simulated distribution for the dimuon event selection: pT-subleading jet QGL. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 7:
Distributions for the BDT discriminants in dielectron (left) and dimuon (right) events. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panels show the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 7-a:
Distributions for the BDT discriminants in dielectron events. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 7-b:
Distributions for the BDT discriminants in dimuon events. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 8:
Transverse momentum of the third pT-leading jet (top row), and HT of all additional jets (bottom row) within the pseudorapidity interval of the two tagging jets in dielectron (left) and dimuon (right) events with BDT > 0.92. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panels show the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties. In all plots the first bin contains events where no additional jet with pT> 15 GeV is present.

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Figure 8-a:
Transverse momentum of the third pT-leading jet within the pseudorapidity interval of the two tagging jets in dielectron events with BDT > 0.92. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties. In all plots the first bin contains events where no additional jet with pT> 15 GeV is present.

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Figure 8-b:
Transverse momentum of the third pT-leading jet within the pseudorapidity interval of the two tagging jets in dimuon events with BDT > 0.92. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties. In all plots the first bin contains events where no additional jet with pT> 15 GeV is present.

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Figure 8-c:
HT of all additional jets within the pseudorapidity interval of the two tagging jets in dielectron events with BDT > 0.92. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties. In all plots the first bin contains events where no additional jet with pT> 15 GeV is present.

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Figure 8-d:
HT of all additional jets within the pseudorapidity interval of the two tagging jets in dimuon events with BDT > 0.92. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties. In all plots the first bin contains events where no additional jet with pT> 15 GeV is present.

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Figure 9:
HT of additional soft track jets with pT> 1 GeV in dielectron (left) and dimuon (right) events with BDT > 0.92. Data is compared to MC expectations with the PYTHIA PS model (top row) or the HERWIG++ PS model (bottom row). The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panels show the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 9-a:
HT of additional soft track jets with pT> 1 GeV in dielectron events with BDT > 0.92. Data is compared to MC expectations with the PYTHIA PS model. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 9-b:
HT of additional soft track jets with pT> 1 GeV in dimuon events with BDT > 0.92. Data is compared to MC expectations with the PYTHIA PS model. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 9-c:
HT of additional soft track jets with pT> 1 GeV in dielectron events with BDT > 0.92. Data is compared to MC expectations with the HERWIG++ PS model. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 9-d:
HT of additional soft track jets with pT> 1 GeV in dimuon events with BDT > 0.92. Data is compared to MC expectations with the HERWIG++ PS model. The contributions from the different background sources and the signal are shown stacked, with data points superimposed. The expected signal-only contribution is also shown as an unfilled histogram. The lower panel shows the relative difference between the data and expectations as well as the uncertainty envelopes for JES and QCD scales uncertainties.

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Figure 10:
Efficiency of a gap activity veto in dielectron and dimuon events with BDT > 0.92, as a function of the additional jet pT (left), and of the total HT of additional jets (right). Data points are compared to MC expectations with only DY events, including signal the PYTHIA PS model, or the HERWIG++ PS model. The bands represent the MC statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 10-a:
Efficiency of a gap activity veto in dielectron and dimuon events with BDT > 0.92, as a function of the additional jet pT. Data points are compared to MC expectations with only DY events, including signal the PYTHIA PS model, or the HERWIG++ PS model. The bands represent the MC statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 10-b:
Efficiency of a gap activity veto in dielectron and dimuon events with BDT > 0.92, as a function of the total HT of additional jets. Data points are compared to MC expectations with only DY events, including signal the PYTHIA PS model, or the HERWIG++ PS model. The bands represent the MC statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 11:
Efficiency of a gap activity veto in dielectron and dimuon events with BDT > 0.92, as a function of the leading soft jet pT (left), and of the total soft HT (right). Data points are compared to MC expectations with only DY events, including signal the PYTHIA PS model, or the HERWIG++ PS model. The bands represent the MC statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 11-a:
Efficiency of a gap activity veto in dielectron and dimuon events with BDT > 0.92, as a function of the leading soft jet pT. Data points are compared to MC expectations with only DY events, including signal the PYTHIA PS model, or the HERWIG++ PS model. The bands represent the MC statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 11-b:
Efficiency of a gap activity veto in dielectron and dimuon events with BDT > 0.92, as a function of the total soft HT. Data points are compared to MC expectations with only DY events, including signal the PYTHIA PS model, or the HERWIG++ PS model. The bands represent the MC statistical uncertainty.
The cross section for the electroweak production of a Z boson in association with two jets in the jj final state, in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV has been measured to be

σEW(jj)= 552 ± 19 (stat) ± 55 (syst) fb,

in agreement with the SM prediction. This is the first measurement of the EW Zjj cross sectionin proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV.

The increased cross section and integrated luminosity recorded at 13 TeV, and more precise modelling of background processes have allowed to obtain a more precise measurement of the EWZjj process relative to the Run 1 results.

In events with higher signal purity, the additional hadron activity has also been characterized as well as the efficiencies for a gap activity veto, and good agreement is found between data and QCD predictions with either PYTHIA or HERWIG ++ parton shower and hadronization models.
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Compact Muon Solenoid