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Pseudorapidity distributions of charged hadrons in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV
Abstract: The pseudorapidity (η) distributions of charged hadrons are measured using data collected at a record nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of sNN= 5.36 TeV for collisions of lead-lead (PbPb) ions. The data were recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2022 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 0.3 ± 0.03 μb1. Using the CMS silicon pixel detector, the yields of primary charged hadrons produced in the range |η|< 2.6 are reported. The evolution of the midrapidity particle density as a function of collision centrality is also reported. In the 5% most central collisions, the charged-hadron pseudorapidity density is found to be 2032 ± 91 (syst) in the range |η|< 0.5, with negligible statistical uncertainty. This result is consistent with an extrapolation from lower energy nucleus-nucleus collision data. Comparisons are made to various Monte Carlo event generators, and to previous measurements of PbPb and xenon-xenon collisions at similar collision energies. These observations detail the dependence of midrapidity particle production on the initial collision geometry, collision energy, and system size.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The dNch/dη distributions in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV for events in the 0--80% centrality class (left) and in the 0--5% and 50--55% centrality class (right). The results have been averaged and symmetrized around η= 0. Predictions from the HYDJET 1.9 [18], AMPT 1.26t5 [36], and EPOS LHC v3400 [35,17] event generators are also displayed. The ratios of the dNch/dη distributions of simulation and data, normalized to unity at midrapidity, are shown in the bottom panel. The gray bands denote the total systematic uncertainties, while the statistical uncertainties are negligible.

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Figure 1-a:
The dNch/dη distributions in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV for events in the 0--80% centrality class (left) and in the 0--5% and 50--55% centrality class (right). The results have been averaged and symmetrized around η= 0. Predictions from the HYDJET 1.9 [18], AMPT 1.26t5 [36], and EPOS LHC v3400 [35,17] event generators are also displayed. The ratios of the dNch/dη distributions of simulation and data, normalized to unity at midrapidity, are shown in the bottom panel. The gray bands denote the total systematic uncertainties, while the statistical uncertainties are negligible.

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Figure 1-b:
The dNch/dη distributions in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV for events in the 0--80% centrality class (left) and in the 0--5% and 50--55% centrality class (right). The results have been averaged and symmetrized around η= 0. Predictions from the HYDJET 1.9 [18], AMPT 1.26t5 [36], and EPOS LHC v3400 [35,17] event generators are also displayed. The ratios of the dNch/dη distributions of simulation and data, normalized to unity at midrapidity, are shown in the bottom panel. The gray bands denote the total systematic uncertainties, while the statistical uncertainties are negligible.

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Figure 2:
Charged-hadron dNch/dη in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV at midrapidity as a function of event centrality, shown as is (left) and normalized by 2 A (right), where A is the atomic number of the nuclei. The results are compared to measurements in PbPb and XeXe collisions by the CMS [15,11] and ALICE [42,14,12] Collaborations, and to measurements in CuCu and AuAu collisions by the PHOBOS Collaboration [43]. The bands around the data points denote the total systematic uncertainties, while the statistical uncertainties are negligible.

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Figure 2-a:
Charged-hadron dNch/dη in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV at midrapidity as a function of event centrality, shown as is (left) and normalized by 2 A (right), where A is the atomic number of the nuclei. The results are compared to measurements in PbPb and XeXe collisions by the CMS [15,11] and ALICE [42,14,12] Collaborations, and to measurements in CuCu and AuAu collisions by the PHOBOS Collaboration [43]. The bands around the data points denote the total systematic uncertainties, while the statistical uncertainties are negligible.

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Figure 2-b:
Charged-hadron dNch/dη in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV at midrapidity as a function of event centrality, shown as is (left) and normalized by 2 A (right), where A is the atomic number of the nuclei. The results are compared to measurements in PbPb and XeXe collisions by the CMS [15,11] and ALICE [42,14,12] Collaborations, and to measurements in CuCu and AuAu collisions by the PHOBOS Collaboration [43]. The bands around the data points denote the total systematic uncertainties, while the statistical uncertainties are negligible.

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Figure 3:
Average dNch/dη at midrapidity normalized by Npart, shown as a function of Npart (left) and Npart/2A (right), where A is the atomic number of the nuclei. The results are compared to measurements in PbPb and XeXe collisions by the CMS [15,11]

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Figure 3-a:
Average dNch/dη at midrapidity normalized by Npart, shown as a function of Npart (left) and Npart/2A (right), where A is the atomic number of the nuclei. The results are compared to measurements in PbPb and XeXe collisions by the CMS [15,11]

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Figure 3-b:
Average dNch/dη at midrapidity normalized by Npart, shown as a function of Npart (left) and Npart/2A (right), where A is the atomic number of the nuclei. The results are compared to measurements in PbPb and XeXe collisions by the CMS [15,11]

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Figure 4:
Comparison of average dNch/dη at midrapidity, scaled by Npart in pPb [44.24], pAu [45], dAu [46.47.48] and central heavy ion collisions [], as well as non-single-diffractive (NSD) [] and inelastic [] pp collisions. The data points for nucleus-nucleus (AA) collisions at sNN= 2.76 TeV have been shifted horizontally for visibility. The dashed curves, reproduced from Ref. [24], are included to guide the eye and correspond to a power law functional form.

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Table 1:
Sources of systematic uncertainty affecting the measurement of charged hadron multiplicities and Npart in PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.36 TeV.

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Table 2:
Centrality intervals and corresponding Npart values for 5.36 TeV PbPb collisions. The uncertainties in the Npart values are determined by propagating the uncertainties in the parameters of the Glauber model, which are listed in Section 3.
The pseudorapidity (η) distributions of charged hadrons are measured using data collected in lead-lead collisions of sNN= 5.36 TeV. In the 5% most central collisions, the charged-hadron pseudorapidity η density is found to be 2032 ± 91 (syst) for the range |η|< 0.5, with negligible statistical uncertainty. Comparisons are made to predictions from the EPOS LHC v3400, HYDJET 1.9, and AMPT 1.26t5 event generators. None of the event generators are able to fully describe the measurements in terms of the magnitude, η dependence, and centrality dependence of the dNch/dη distributions. The results are compared to previous measurements in various collision systems, including PbPb collisions at sNN= 2.76 and 5.02 TeV, XeXe collisions at sNN= 5.44 TeV and CuCu and AuAu collisions at sNN= 200 GeV, and show that the dNch/dη at midrapidity is a function of the collision geometry after normalizing by 2 A, where A is the atomic number of the nuclei. These results provide important constraints on models and generators, which describe multiparticle production in relativistic heavy ion collisions at a record collision energy.
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Compact Muon Solenoid