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Photon-nucleus energy dependence of coherent J/ψ cross session in ultraperipheral PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV with CMS
Abstract: To understand the structure and dynamics inside an atomic nucleus at its most fundamental level is a subject at the heart of research on the strong interaction and theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Gluons, the strong interaction carrier, are found to be the dominant constituents inside a nucleus when it is probed at ultra-high energies. Quasi-real photons exchanged in the interactions of highly relativistic heavy ions are powerful and clean probes of the gluonic structures of nuclei and/or nucleons. We report the first measurement of the nuclear gluonic structure probed by high-energy photons via coherent J/ψ photoproduction as a function of photon-nucleon center-of-mass energy (WPbγN) up to WPbγN 400 GeV. Results are obtained with ultraperipheral PbPb collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC during the 2018 PbPb run, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.52 nb1. At high WPbγN the coherent J/ψ cross section is observed to rapidly approach an approximate plateau over 40 WPbγN 400 GeV. This observation may provide the first experimental evidence of the black disk limit reached in high energy photons scattering off heavy nuclei, or indicate a gluon density saturation inside the nucleus that is greater than predictions from state-of-the-art QCD theoretical models. The findings open a new domain of QCD studies in the high gluonic density limit and motivate the development of new theoretical models.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The differential coherent J/ψ production cross section as a function of rapidity in different neutron multiplicity classes: 0n0n, 0nXn, XnXn, and AnAn. Vertical bars and shaded boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. Theoretical predictions from LTA weak/strong shadowing \citep{Guzey:2016piu} and CD_BGK and CD_BGW and CD_IIM [49] are shown in curves. Data for the AnAn case are compared to ALICE [16,20] and LHCb \citep{LHCb:2022ahs} results.

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Figure 2:
The coherent J/ψ photo production cross section as a function of the centre-of-mass energy in the γ-Pb system, WPbγN, measured in 5.02 TeV PbPb UPCs, and compared with ALICE [16,20] and LHCb [23] data at specific rapidity regions. The WPbγN values are evaluated from the center of their corresponding rapidy ranges. Vertical bars and shaded boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. Theoretical model calculations (Impulse Approx. [30], CGC IPsat [50], GG-hs [51], LTA-SS and LTA-WS [31], bBK_GG and bBK_A [52], CD_BGK and CD_BGW and CD_IIM [49]) are shown in curves.

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Figure 3:
The nuclear gluon suppression factor as a function of Bjorken x, calculated from the ratio of the coherent J/ψ photoproduction cross section in photon-nucleus interactions to that from the Impulse Approx. \citep{Guzey:2013xba}. The x values are evaluated from the center of their corresponding rapidy ranges. Vertical bars and shaded boxes represent the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. Theoretical model calculations (GG-hs [51], LTA-SS and LTA-WS [31], bBK_GG and bBK_A [52], CD_BGK and CD_BGW and CD_IIM [49]) are shown as curves.

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Figure A1:
Left: invariant mass distribution of μ+μ pairs within pair pT< 0.2 GeV. Right: transverse momentum distribution of μ+μ pairs falling within the J/ψ mass window (2.95 <mμ+μ< 3.25 GeV). (Values shown in the figure are with statistical uncertainties only).

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Figure A1-a:
Left: invariant mass distribution of μ+μ pairs within pair pT< 0.2 GeV. Right: transverse momentum distribution of μ+μ pairs falling within the J/ψ mass window (2.95 <mμ+μ< 3.25 GeV). (Values shown in the figure are with statistical uncertainties only).

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Figure A1-b:
Left: invariant mass distribution of μ+μ pairs within pair pT< 0.2 GeV. Right: transverse momentum distribution of μ+μ pairs falling within the J/ψ mass window (2.95 <mμ+μ< 3.25 GeV). (Values shown in the figure are with statistical uncertainties only).

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Table A1:
The average values of incoherent and feed-down fractions for each neutron multiplicity class are shown. The uncertainties are calculated from their respective fits.
In summary, the first measurement of the coherent J/ψ photoproduction cross section off lead nuclei as a function of photon-nucleon center-of-mass energy (WPbγN) is presented over a wide energy range. Results are obtained with ultraperipheral PbPb collision data by applying the forward neutron tagging technique. At low WPbγN (< 40 GeV), the measured cross section rapidity increases with WPbγN as expected from theoretical models. However, it is observed at high WPbγN that the coherent J/ψ cross section approaches nearly a plateau up to WPbγN 400 GeV with little energy dependence. This observation may provide the first experimental evidence of black disk limit reached in high energy photons scattering off heavy nuclei, or indicate a gluon density suppression inside a nucleus significantly more than the expectation based on state-of-the-art QCD approaches such as the nuclear shadowing and gluon saturation models. The findings reported in this work suggest that novel methods are needed in this new extreme density region of QCD studies to investigate the complex, multi-gluon system.
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Compact Muon Solenoid