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Measurement of Jet Nuclear Modification Factor in PbPb Collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV with CMS
Abstract: High transverse momentum jet production in PbPb and pp collisions at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV was studied with the CMS detector at the LHC, using a PbPb (pp) data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 404 μb1 (27.4 pb1). Jets are reconstructed using the anti-kt algorithm with 5 radius parameters R between 0.2 and 1.0. The measurements are performed using jets with transverse momentum greater than 200 GeV and in a pseudorapidity window of |η|< 2. To reveal the medium modification of the jet spectra in PbPb collisions, jet nuclear modification factors (RAA) are extracted as functions of the PbPb collision centrality and the jet radius parameter. The dependence of jet suppression on R is expected to be sensitive to both the jet energy loss mechanism and also the medium response. These results are also compared to predictions from quenched jet event generators, theoretical models and analytical calculations.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Azimuthal angle distributions for a single PbPb event: ϕ modulations at mid-rapidity |η|< 1 (left) and forward rapidity 1 <|η|< 2 (right) of charged hadron particle-flow candidates. The v2 (blue curve) and v3 (yellow curve) of the flow components are shown, together with the total modulation used in the analysis to account for the background (red curve).

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Figure 2:
The jet energy scale (top) and resolution (bottom) for an anti-kT jet with R= 0.2 (left) and R= 1.0 (right), and |ηjet|< 2, for different centrality classes.

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Figure 3:
Response matrix in PYTHIA (left) and PYTHIA + HYDJET 0-10% PbPb (right) events for jet R= 0.2 (top), R= 1.0 (bottom) and |ηjet|< 2. The integral for each generated pjetT bin is normalized to unity.

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Figure 4:
The relative systematic uncertainty for measured jet spectra, in pp collisions (left-most panels), and PbPb collisions with centrality classes 50-90%, 30-50%, 10-30%, and 0-10% (right-most panel), for an anti-kT jet with R= 0.2 (top) and R= 1.0 (bottom) and |ηjet|< 2.0.

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Figure 5:
The jet spectra for R= 0.2 (left) and R= 1.0 (right), for pp collisions and different centrality classes of PbPb collisions. The central values of different centrality classes are multiplied by factors of 10 for better separation. The statistical uncertainties are represented as vertical lines (smaller than marker size), while the systematic uncertainties is shown as shaded boxes. The markers are placed at the center of the bin.

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Figure 6:
The spectra ratio for jets for R= 0.2-0.8 with respect to R= 1.0. The statistical uncertainty on data are shown as vertical lines, whereas the systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes. Markers for data are placed at the center of the bin. Comparisons with PYTHIA6 (solid line) and PYTHIA8 (dotted line) are plotted, along with ratios in the bottom panel for R= 0.2 and R= 0.4.

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Figure 7:
The RAA for jets as a function of pjetT for various R and centrality classes. The statistical uncertainty is represented as a vertical line, while the systematic uncertainty is shown as a shaded box. The marker is placed at the center of the bin. Global uncertainties (luminosity for pp and TAA for PbPb) are shown as colored boxes on the dashed line at RAA= 1.

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Figure 8:
The RAA-ratio for jets as a function of R for R=0.3 1.0 with respect to R= 0.2, in various event centrality classes and pjetT ranges. The statistical uncertainty on data are shown as vertical lines, whereas the systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes. The width of the boxes carry no meaning.

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Figure 9:
The RAA for jets as a function of pjetT for various R and 0-10% centrality class. The statistical uncertainty is represented as a vertical line, while the systematic uncertainty is shown as a shaded box. The marker is placed at the center of the bin. Global uncertainties (luminosity for pp and TAA for PbPb) are shown as colored boxes on the dashed line at RAA= 1. Data is compared to predictions from Jewel (orange and purple) and PYQUEN (teal and green) generators as colored boxes.

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Figure 10:
The RAA-ratio for jets as a function of R for R=0.3 1.0 with respect to R= 0.2, in various pjetT ranges for the 0-10% centrality class. The statistical uncertainty on data are shown as vertical lines, whereas the systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes. The width of the boxes carry no meaning. Data is compared to predictions from Jewel (orange and purple) and PYQUEN (teal and green) generators as colored bands.

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Figure 11:
The RAA for jets as a function of pjetT for various R and 0-10% centrality class. The statistical uncertainty is represented as a vertical line, while the systematic uncertainty is shown as a shaded box. The marker is placed at the center of the bin. Global uncertainties (luminosity for pp and TAA for PbPb) are shown as colored boxes on the dashed line at RAA= 1. Data is compared to predictions from HYBRID (pink, dark red and yellow), MARTINI (purple) and LBT (light and dark green) as colored boxes and bands.

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Figure 12:
The RAA-ratio for jets as a function of R for R=0.3 1.0 with respect to R= 0.2, in various pjetT ranges for the 0-10% centrality class. The statistical uncertainty on data are shown as vertical lines, whereas the systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes. The width of the boxes carry no meaning. Data is compared to predictions from HYBRID (pink, dark red and yellow), MARTINI (purple) and LBT (light and dark green) as colored bands.

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Figure 13:
The RAA for jets as a function of pjetT for various R and 0-10% centrality class. The statistical uncertainty is represented as a vertical line, while the systematic uncertainty is shown as a shaded box. The marker is placed at the center of the bin. Global uncertainties (luminosity for pp and TAA for PbPb) are shown as colored boxes on the dashed line at RAA= 1. Data is compared to calculations from SCETG (purple and teal) and jet factorization (grey) formalisms as colored areas.

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Figure 14:
The RAA-ratio for jets as a function of R for R= 0.3-1.0 with respect to R= 0.2, in various pjetT ranges for the 0-10% centrality class. The statistical uncertainty on data are shown as vertical lines, whereas the systematic uncertainties are shown as shaded boxes. The width of the boxes carry no meaning. Data is compared to calculations based from SCETG (purple and teal) and jet factorization (grey) formalism's as colored areas.

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Table 1:
The values of <Ncoll> and TAA and their uncertainties in sNN= 5.02 TeV PbPb collisions for the centrality ranges used in this analysis [45].
Measurements of jet nuclear modification factors based on pp and PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV are presented. For the first time, jet spectra measurements are extended to large radius jet with radius parameter R up to 1.0. A strong suppression of high pT jets reconstructed with all jet radius parameters is observed in the most central collisions. Those results are compared to various predictions from quenched jet event generators, theoretical models and analytical calculations. While all the theoretical models which gave a reasonable description of the RAA of jets reconstructed with small jet radius, they predict a wide range of jet RAA at large radius. The new data place new constraints on the underlying jet quenching mechanisms.
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Compact Muon Solenoid