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Study of isolated-photon+jet correlations in PbPb and pp collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV
Abstract: Measurements of correlations in isolated-photon and jet pairs in pp and PbPb collisions at sNN= 5.02 TeV are reported. Jets are reconstructed with an anti-kT clustering algorithm with a distance parameter of 0.3. For events containing a leading isolated photon with transverse momentum pγT> 40 GeV/c and an associated jet with pJetT> 30 GeV/c, the photon+jet transverse momentum balance in PbPb collisions is studied as a function of collision centrality and pγT. The results are compared to pp reference data collected at the same collision energy. A significant decrease in the ratio pJetT/pγT relative to that in the pp reference is observed.
Figures Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The shower shape variable (σηη) of photons from mid-central (30-50%) PbPb collisions. The black points are PbPb data, the red histogram is the signal template from PYTHIA+HYDJET, and the green histogram is the background template from a non-isolated data sideband. The purity is defined as the fraction of isolated photons in the signal region σηη< 0.01 used in the isolated-photon + jet analysis.

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Figure 2:
Azimuthal correlation of photons and jets in each pγT bin (from left to right) for central PbPb (top) and peripheral PbPb (bottom) after mixed event background subtraction. The correlation is shown on a logarithmic scale and its range is restricted to ΔϕJγ>3π5. The PbPb data is compared to smeared pp data. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 3:
Distribution of xJγ=pJetT/pγT in each pγT bin (from left to right) for central PbPb (top) and peripheral PbPb (bottom). The PbPb data are compared to smeared pp data. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 4:
Average jet over photon transverse momentum ratio (<xJγ>) of the recoiled jets in (left) smeared pp and central PbPb, and (right) smeared pp and peripheral PbPb. The pp results are smeared by the relative jet energy resolution in order to account for the underlying event fluctuations when compared to PbPb data. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 5:
Average number of associated jets per photon (RJγ) as a function of leading photon pT in (left) smeared pp and central PbPb, and (right) smeared pp and peripheral PbPb. The jet energy in the pp data is smeared by the relative jet energy resolution in order to account for the underlying event fluctuations when compared to PbPb data. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 6:
Ratio of jet yield in PbPb collisions to smeared pp. In the low pγT events, the yields in central PbPb events are smaller than in pp for all pJetT bins. As pγT increases, yields at low pJetT are greater in PbPb than smeared pp. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 7:
Distribution of xJγ of photon+jet pairs of pp and PbPb collisions normalized by the number of photon+jet pairs. The momenta of jets in pp are smeared by the relative jet energy resolution to be used as the reference of each centrality bin. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 8:
Comparison of ΔϕJγ width in pp and PbPb collisions shown for different pJetT bins as a function of the average number of participants weighted by the number of collisions. The momenta of jets in pp are smeared by the relative jet energy resolution to be used as the reference of each centrality bin. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 9:
Comparison of <xJγ> in pp and PbPb collisions as a function of the average number of participants weighted by the number of collisions. The momenta of jets in pp are smeared by the relative jet energy resolution to be used as the reference of each centrality bin. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 10-a:
Comparison of RJγ in pp and PbPb collisions as a function of the average number of participants weighted by the number of collisions. The momenta of jets in pp are smeared by the relative jet energy resolution to be used as the reference of each centrality bin. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.

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Figure 10-b:
Comparison of RJγ in pp and PbPb collisions as a function of the average number of participants weighted by the number of collisions. The momenta of jets in pp are smeared by the relative jet energy resolution to be used as the reference of each centrality bin. The lines through the points represent the statistical uncertainty while the shaded boxes represent the systematic uncertainty.
Studies of isolated-photon+jet correlations in pp and PbPb at sNN= 5.02 TeV are reported. The photon+jet transverse momentum ratio, xJγ=pJetT/pγT, and the fraction of photons with an associated jet, RJγ, are studied in bins of leading photon pT and PbPb collision centrality. For all pγT bins, <xJγ> and RJγ in the 0-30% central PbPb collisions are found to be lower than corresponding pp reference values, indicating that a larger fraction of jets lose energy and fall below 30 GeV/c in the PbPb system. By comparing the yields of jets in PbPb and pp collisions triggered by photons above 80 GeV/c, a shift of the jet spectra toward the lower pJetT direction is observed.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
The shower shape variable (σηη) of photons from central (0-30%) PbPb collisions. The black points are PbPb data, the red histogram is the signal template from Pythia+Hydjet, and the green histogram is the background template from a non-isolated data sideband. The purity is defined as the fraction of isolated photons in the signal region σηη< 0.01 used in the isolated-photon+jet analysis.

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Additional Figure 2:
Azimuthal correlation of photons and jets in each pT,γ bin (from left to right) for pp smeared to match central resolution (top) and pp smeared to match peripheral resolution (bottom). The correlation is shown on a logarithmic scale with the range restricted to ΔϕJγ>3π5. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 3:
Distribution of xJγ in each pT,γ bin (from left to right) for pp smeared to match central resolution (top) and pp smeared to match peripheral resolution (bottom). The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 4:
Average jet over photon transverse momentum ratio (<xJγ>) of the recoiled jets in (left) pp smeared to match central resolution, and (right) and pp smeared to match peripheral resolution. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 5:
Average number of associated jets per photon (RJγ) as a function of leading photon pT in (left) pp smeared to match central resolution, and (right) and pp smeared to match peripheral resolution. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 6:
Distribution of xJγ of photon+jet pairs of pp collisions normalized by the number of photon+jet pairs. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], Hybrid Model: [4] [5].

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Additional Figure 7:
Comparison of ΔϕJγ width in pp collisions shown for different pJetT bins. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5], pQCD jet E-loss: [6]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 8:
Comparison of <xJγ> in pp collisions. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], Hybrid Model: [4] [5].

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Additional Figure 9:
Comparison of RJγ in pp collisions. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2].

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Additional Figure 9-a:
Comparison of RJγ in pp collisions. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2].

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Additional Figure 9-b:
Comparison of RJγ in pp collisions. The pp reference is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2].

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Additional Figure 10:
Azimuthal correlation of photons and jets in each pT,γ bin (from left to right) for central PbPb (top) and peripheral PbPb (bottom). The correlation is shown on a logarithmic scale with the range restricted to ΔϕJγ>3π5. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 11:
Distribution of xJγ in each pT,γ bin (from left to right) for central PbPb (top) and peripheral PbPb (bottom). The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 12:
Average jet over photon transverse momentum ratio (<xJγ>) of the recoiled jets in (left) central PbPb, and (right) and peripheral PbPb. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 13:
Average number of associated jets per photon (RJγ) as a function of leading photon pT in (left) central PbPb, and (right) and peripheral PbPb. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 14:
Ratio of jet yield in PbPb collisions to smeared pp. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions. The solid purple line is the prediction of the pQCD jet E-loss model with collisional energy loss, while the dashed purple line is the prediction of the same model without collisional energy loss. JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5], pQCD jet E-loss: [6]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 15:
Distribution of xJγ of photon+jet pairs of PbPb collisions normalized by the number of photon+jet pairs. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], Hybrid Model: [4] [5].

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Additional Figure 16:
Comparison of ΔϕJγ width in PbPb collisions shown for different pJetT bins. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], Hybrid Model: [4] [5].

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Additional Figure 17:
Comparison of <xJγ> in PbPb collisions. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2], LBT 2017: [3], Hybrid Model: [4] [5]. Update Jan 2017: LBT calculations were changed following a correction of the authors of a bug that affected the normalization of the hydrodynamic profile.

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Additional Figure 18:
Comparison of RJγ in PbPb collisions. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2].

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Additional Figure 18-a:
Comparison of RJγ in PbPb collisions. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2].

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Additional Figure 18-b:
Comparison of RJγ in PbPb collisions. The PbPb data is compared to several theoretical predictions: JEWEL: [1], [2].
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Compact Muon Solenoid