CMS-PAS-HIG-19-007 | ||
Search for a low-mass dilepton resonance in Higgs boson decays to four-lepton final states at √s= 13 TeV | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
May 2020 | ||
Abstract: A generic search for a low mass dilepton resonance in Higgs boson decays is conducted in the four-lepton final state. The decay is assumed to proceed via two new particles (beyond the standard model), or one new particle in association with a Z boson. The search uses proton-proton collision data collected by the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb−1, at a center-of-mass energy √s= 13 TeV. No significant deviation from the standard model expectation is observed. Upper limits at 95% confidence level are set on model-independent cross sections and Higgs boson decay branching fractions. Additionally, limits on dark photon and axion-like particle models are reported. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, Submitted to EPJC. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Feynman diagrams for Higgs boson decay via the kinematic mixing (left) or Higgs mixing mechanism (right) [3]. |
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Figure 2:
Event yields in mZ2 with the ZX selection for the muon and electron channel. Numbers in the legend show the total event yields with the ZX selection corresponding to data, each background and signal process. |
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Figure 2-a:
Event yields in mZ2 with the ZX selection for the muon channel. Numbers in the legend show the total event yields with the ZX selection corresponding to data, each background and signal process. |
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Figure 2-b:
Event yields in mZ2 with the ZX selection for the electron channel. Numbers in the legend show the total event yields with the ZX selection corresponding to data, each background and signal process. |
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Figure 3:
Event yields in (mZ1+mZ2)/2 with the XX selection for the 4μ, 2e2μ, 4e final states. Numbers in the legend show the total event yields with the ZX selection corresponding to data, each background and signal process. |
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Figure 3-a:
Event yields in (mZ1+mZ2)/2 with the XX selection for the 4μ final state. Numbers in the legend show the total event yields with the ZX selection corresponding to data, each background and signal process. |
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Figure 3-b:
Event yields in (mZ1+mZ2)/2 with the XX selection for the 2e2μ final state. Numbers in the legend show the total event yields with the ZX selection corresponding to data, each background and signal process. |
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Figure 3-c:
Event yields in (mZ1+mZ2)/2 with the XX selection for the 4e final state. Numbers in the legend show the total event yields with the ZX selection corresponding to data, each background and signal process. |
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Figure 4:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→ZX)×B(X→ee or μμ) assuming a democratic decay of X to dielectrons and dimuons, B(H→ZX)×B(X→μμ) assuming X decays to dimuons only, and B(H→ZX)×B(X→ee) assuming X decays to dielectrons only. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. The discontinuity at 12 GeV in uncertainty for the theory prediction (red curve) is due to the switch from experimentally-driven to theory-driven uncertainty estimates of B(ZD→ee or μμ), as described in text [3]. |
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Figure 4-a:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→ZX)×B(X→ee or μμ) assuming a democratic decay of X to dielectrons and dimuons. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. The discontinuity at 12 GeV in uncertainty for the theory prediction (red curve) is due to the switch from experimentally-driven to theory-driven uncertainty estimates of B(ZD→ee or μμ), as described in text [3]. |
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Figure 4-b:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→ZX)×B(X→μμ) assuming X decays to dimuons only. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
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Figure 4-c:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→ZX)×B(X→ee) assuming X decays to dielectrons only. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
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Figure 5:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→XX)×B(X→ee or μμ)2 assuming a democratic decay of X to dielectron and dimuons, B(H→XX)×B(X→μμ)2 assuming X decays to dimuons only, and B(H→XX)×B(X→ee)2 assuming X decays to dielectrons only. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. The discontinuity at 12 GeV in uncertainty for the theory prediction (red curve) is due to the switch from experimentally-driven to theory-driven uncertainty estimates of B(ZD→ee or μμ), as described in text [3]. |
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Figure 5-a:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→XX)×B(X→ee or μμ)2 assuming a democratic decay of X to dielectron and dimuons. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. The discontinuity at 12 GeV in uncertainty for the theory prediction (red curve) is due to the switch from experimentally-driven to theory-driven uncertainty estimates of B(ZD→ee or μμ), as described in text [3]. |
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Figure 5-b:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→XX)×B(X→μμ)2 assuming X decays to dimuons only. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
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Figure 5-c:
Expected and observed 95% CL limit on B(H→XX)×B(X→ee)2 assuming X decays to dielectrons only. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
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Figure 6:
Expected and observed 95% CL limits on κ, based on the XX selection, as function of mZD. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
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Figure 7:
Exclusion limit on CeffZH/Λ (left) and CeffaH/Λ2 (right) assuming democratic decays of the ALP to dimuons and dielectrons as function of ma at 95% CL. Expected and observed 95% CL limit on CeffZH/Λ and CeffaH/Λ2 as function of ma. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
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Figure 7-a:
Exclusion limit on CeffZH/Λ assuming democratic decays of the ALP to dimuons and dielectrons as function of ma at 95% CL. Expected and observed 95% CL limit on CeffZH/Λ and CeffaH/Λ2 as function of ma. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
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Figure 7-b:
Exclusion limit on CeffaH/Λ2 assuming democratic decays of the ALP to dimuons and dielectrons as function of ma at 95% CL. Expected and observed 95% CL limit on CeffZH/Λ and CeffaH/Λ2 as function of ma. The dashed black curve is the expected upper limit, with one and two standard-deviation bands shown in green and yellow, respectively. The solid black curve is the observed upper limit. |
Summary |
A generic search for a dilepton resonance in Higgs boson decays to the four-lepton final state has been presented. The search considers the two decay topologies pp→H→ZX and pp→H→XX. Without observation of any significant deviation from standard model expectations, the search places strong constraints on model-independent branching fractions and model parameters of two well-motivated models beyond the standard model. In particular, experimental constraints are imposed on products of model independent branching fractions of B(H→ZX), B(H→XX) and B(X→ℓℓ), assuming scenarios of flavor-democratic decays of X to dimuons and dielectrons, exclusive decays of X to dimuons, and exclusive decays of X to dielectrons. The search also provides unique constraints on the Higgs-mixing parameter κ< 0.003 in a dark photon model with the XX selection, in Higgs-mixing-dominated scenarios, while searches for ZD in Drell-Yan processes [51,10] provide better exclusion limits on ε in kinematic-mixing-dominated scenarios. For the axion-like particle model, strong upper limits are placed on two relevant Wilson coefficients CeffZH/Λ and CeffaH, including the parameter space in which the axion-like particle can explain the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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