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Search for heavy Higgs bosons decaying to a top quark pair in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: Multiple new-physics models extending the standard model predict the existence of additional scalar (H) or pseudoscalar (A) Higgs bosons. In this note, a search is presented for such new bosons decaying to a top quark pair in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The data set analyzed corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1 collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016. Final states with one or two charged leptons are considered, where the lepton may be a muon or an electron. The invariant mass of the reconstructed top quark pair system and variables that are sensitive to the spin of the particles decaying into the top quark pair are used to search for signatures of the H or A bosons. The strength of the coupling of the hypothetical bosons to the top quark is probed as a function of the mass and width of the boson. The interference with the standard model top quark pair background is taken into account explicitly. The results are interpreted in a model-independent way as well as in a minimal supersymmetric standard model framework.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The production of new spin-0 states hi decaying into a top quark pair (leading order s-channel Feynman diagram shown in the left) interferes with the SM production of top quark pairs (all gluon fusion diagrams, with the example t channel shown in the right diagram).

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Figure 1-a:
The production of new spin-0 states hi decaying into a top quark pair (leading order s-channel Feynman diagram shown in the left) interferes with the SM production of top quark pairs (all gluon fusion diagrams, with the example t channel shown in the right diagram).

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Figure 1-b:
The production of new spin-0 states hi decaying into a top quark pair (leading order s-channel Feynman diagram shown in the left) interferes with the SM production of top quark pairs (all gluon fusion diagrams, with the example t channel shown in the right diagram).

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Figure 2:
Observed and expected distributions of mt¯t in different |cosθt| regions in the μ+jets (upper) and e+jets (lower) channels. The expected distributions have been obtained with a background-only fit to the data, and an approximate post-fit uncertainty is shown with a gray band. The impact of an example signal is included in the lower panels for illustration.

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Figure 2-a:
Observed and expected distributions of mt¯t in different |cosθt| regions in the μ+jets (upper) and e+jets (lower) channels. The expected distributions have been obtained with a background-only fit to the data, and an approximate post-fit uncertainty is shown with a gray band. The impact of an example signal is included in the lower panels for illustration.

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Figure 2-b:
Observed and expected distributions of mt¯t in different |cosθt| regions in the μ+jets (upper) and e+jets (lower) channels. The expected distributions have been obtained with a background-only fit to the data, and an approximate post-fit uncertainty is shown with a gray band. The impact of an example signal is included in the lower panels for illustration.

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Figure 3:
Observed and expected distributions of observables exploited in the dilepton channel. The expected distributions have been obtained with a background-only fit to the data, and an approximate post-fit uncertainty is shown with a gray band. The impact of an example signal is included in the lower panels for illustration.

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Figure 4:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy pseudoscalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓAt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 4-a:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy pseudoscalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓAt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 4-b:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy pseudoscalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓAt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 4-c:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy pseudoscalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓAt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 4-d:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy pseudoscalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓAt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 4-e:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy pseudoscalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓAt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 4-f:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy pseudoscalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓAt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 5:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy scalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓHt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 5-a:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy scalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓHt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 5-b:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy scalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓHt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 5-c:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy scalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓHt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 5-d:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy scalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓHt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 5-e:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy scalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓHt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 5-f:
Model-independent constraints on the coupling strength modifier as a function of the heavy scalar boson mass, for relative widths of 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25%. The observed constraints are indicated by the blue shaded area. The inner (green) band and the outer (yellow) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The unphysical region of phase space in which the partial width ΓHt¯t becomes larger than the total width is indicated by the hatched lines.

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Figure 6:
Exclusion in the (mA,tanβ) plane of the hMSSM. The inner (dark gray) band and the outer (light gray) band indicate the regions containing 68 and 95%, respectively, of the distribution of constraints expected under the background-only hypothesis. The observed excluded region is indicated by the blue shaded area. Both H and A boson signals are included with masses and widths that correspond to a given point in the plane.

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Table 1:
Event yields and composition of SM background in the single-muon and single-electron channels. Expected yields are computed after the background-only fit to the data as explained in the text. The benchmark signal represents a heavy pseudoscalar Higgs boson with a mass of 500 GeV, a relative total decay width of 5%, and ghit¯t=1, for the sum of the resonant part and the interference.

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Table 2:
Event yields and composition of SM background in the dilepton channel. Expected yields are computed in the same way as in Table 1. The benchmark signal represents a heavy pseudoscalar Higgs boson with a mass of 500 GeV, a relative total decay width of 5%, and ghit¯t=1, for the sum of the resonant part and the interference.

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Table 3:
The systematic uncertainties considered in the analysis, indicating the number of corresponding nuisance parameters (when more than one) in the statistical model, the type (affecting shape or only normalization), the affected processes, and the correlation among the lepton channels. Uncertainties tagged in the last column with "All'' are correlated among the single-lepton and dilepton channels. In case an uncertainty is only applicable to the single-muon, the single-electron, the single-lepton, or the dilepton channel, they are indicated with μ, e, , , respectively.
Results are presented for the search for additional heavy Higgs bosons decaying to a pair of top quarks. A data sample recorded with the CMS detector at s= 13 TeV is analyzed, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The final states with one or two leptons are utilized. The invariant mass of the reconstructed tˉt system as well as angular variables sensitive to the spin of the new boson are used to search for the signal, while taking into account the interference with the SM tˉt production. Constraints on the strength of the coupling of the sought-for boson to top quarks are reported, separately for the scalar and pseudoscalar cases, for the mass ranging from 400 to 750 GeV and the total relative width from 0.5 to 25%. These are the most stringent constraints on this coupling to date. The results are also interpreted in the hMSSM framework. This search probes the values of mA from 400 to 700 GeV and excludes the region with values of tanβ below 1.0 to 1.5, depending on mA. This extends the exclusion obtained in previous searches.
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Compact Muon Solenoid