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Search for a W' boson decaying to a vector-like quark and a top or bottom quark in the all-jets final state
Abstract: A search for a heavy W' resonance decaying to one B or T vector-like quark and either a top or bottom quark, respectively, is presented using proton-proton collision data collected in 2016 by the CMS detector at the LHC. Both decay channels result in a top quark, Higgs boson, and a b quark, each produced with significant energy. The high energy of the final state jets can be investigated with boosted heavy resonance identification techniques, which help suppress standard model backgrounds. The W' decay channel to B and T is analyzed using the invariant mass of these boosted jets. The primary background in this final state is comprised uniquely of jets produced through the strong interaction, and is estimated from data using control regions based on inverting the boosted jet identification criteria. No significant deviations are observed, and cross section upper limits as a function of the W' invariant mass are presented using 35.9 fb1 of integrated luminosity.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The W' boson decays considered in the analysis. The analysis assumes equal branching fraction for W' to tB and bT and 50% for each VLQ to qH.

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Figure 1-a:
The W' boson decays considered in the analysis. The analysis assumes equal branching fraction for W' to tB and bT and 50% for each VLQ to qH.

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Figure 1-b:
The W' boson decays considered in the analysis. The analysis assumes equal branching fraction for W' to tB and bT and 50% for each VLQ to qH.

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Figure 2:
Trigger efficiency as a function of summed AK4 jet pT. The minimum in this analysis is 1.0 TeV as shown by the red dashed line.

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Figure 3:
Normalized distributions of discriminating variables in t¯t, QCD, and signal MC simulation. The QCD distributions are extracted from sets with minimum generator HT> 1000 GeV. From upper left to lower right, maximum subjet b tag for top quark discrimination, τ3/ τ2 for top quark discrimination, softdrop mass used for top quark discrimination, double b tag discriminant used for Higgs jet tagging, and softdrop mass used for Higgs jet tagging. Each variable distribution in this set of figures requires an event that passes the selection on all other variables in order to preserve possible correlations.

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Figure 3-a:
Normalized distributions of discriminating variables in t¯t, QCD, and signal MC simulation. The QCD distributions are extracted from sets with minimum generator HT> 1000 GeV. From upper left to lower right, maximum subjet b tag for top quark discrimination, τ3/ τ2 for top quark discrimination, softdrop mass used for top quark discrimination, double b tag discriminant used for Higgs jet tagging, and softdrop mass used for Higgs jet tagging. Each variable distribution in this set of figures requires an event that passes the selection on all other variables in order to preserve possible correlations.

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Figure 3-b:
Normalized distributions of discriminating variables in t¯t, QCD, and signal MC simulation. The QCD distributions are extracted from sets with minimum generator HT> 1000 GeV. From upper left to lower right, maximum subjet b tag for top quark discrimination, τ3/ τ2 for top quark discrimination, softdrop mass used for top quark discrimination, double b tag discriminant used for Higgs jet tagging, and softdrop mass used for Higgs jet tagging. Each variable distribution in this set of figures requires an event that passes the selection on all other variables in order to preserve possible correlations.

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Figure 3-c:
Normalized distributions of discriminating variables in t¯t, QCD, and signal MC simulation. The QCD distributions are extracted from sets with minimum generator HT> 1000 GeV. From upper left to lower right, maximum subjet b tag for top quark discrimination, τ3/ τ2 for top quark discrimination, softdrop mass used for top quark discrimination, double b tag discriminant used for Higgs jet tagging, and softdrop mass used for Higgs jet tagging. Each variable distribution in this set of figures requires an event that passes the selection on all other variables in order to preserve possible correlations.

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Figure 3-d:
Normalized distributions of discriminating variables in t¯t, QCD, and signal MC simulation. The QCD distributions are extracted from sets with minimum generator HT> 1000 GeV. From upper left to lower right, maximum subjet b tag for top quark discrimination, τ3/ τ2 for top quark discrimination, softdrop mass used for top quark discrimination, double b tag discriminant used for Higgs jet tagging, and softdrop mass used for Higgs jet tagging. Each variable distribution in this set of figures requires an event that passes the selection on all other variables in order to preserve possible correlations.

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Figure 3-e:
Normalized distributions of discriminating variables in t¯t, QCD, and signal MC simulation. The QCD distributions are extracted from sets with minimum generator HT> 1000 GeV. From upper left to lower right, maximum subjet b tag for top quark discrimination, τ3/ τ2 for top quark discrimination, softdrop mass used for top quark discrimination, double b tag discriminant used for Higgs jet tagging, and softdrop mass used for Higgs jet tagging. Each variable distribution in this set of figures requires an event that passes the selection on all other variables in order to preserve possible correlations.

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Figure 4:
Transfer function F(pT,η) used for estimation of the QCD background estimate in the signal region. in the central (left) and high (right) η regions.

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Figure 4-a:
Transfer function F(pT,η) used for estimation of the QCD background estimate in the signal region. in the central (left) and high (right) η regions.

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Figure 4-b:
Transfer function F(pT,η) used for estimation of the QCD background estimate in the signal region. in the central (left) and high (right) η regions.

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Figure 5:
Reconstructed W' mass distributions (mthb) in the b candidate inverted validation region (CR4) shown for data and background contributions. Several signal hypotheses are shown to demonstrate the low signal contamination. The background uncertainty takes into account all systematic and statistical uncertainties considered.

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Figure 6:
Reconstructed W' mass distributions (mthb) in the QCD MC in the signal region for the purposes of validation. The agreement given the systematic uncertainties is at the 1σ level. The background uncertainty takes into account all systematic and statistical uncertainties used for limit setting.

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Figure 7:
Reconstructed W' mass distributions (mthb) in the signal region with estimated backgrounds, and several signal W' boson models. Signal represents the summed contribution from the T and B branching fractions assuming equal probability. The uncertainties shown in the hatched region contain both statistical and systematic uncertainties of all background components.

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Figure 8:
The W' boson 95% CL production cross section limits. The expected (dashed) limits, observed (solid), as well as W' boson theoretical cross section, and the PDF and Q2 normalization uncertainties are shown. The uncertainty in the expected limit band represents the 68% and 95% confidence intervals. The limits given low (top-left), central (top-right), and high (bottom) VLQ mass range (see Tab. 1) are shown.

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Figure 8-a:
The W' boson 95% CL production cross section limits. The expected (dashed) limits, observed (solid), as well as W' boson theoretical cross section, and the PDF and Q2 normalization uncertainties are shown. The uncertainty in the expected limit band represents the 68% and 95% confidence intervals. The limits given low (top-left), central (top-right), and high (bottom) VLQ mass range (see Tab. 1) are shown.

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Figure 8-b:
The W' boson 95% CL production cross section limits. The expected (dashed) limits, observed (solid), as well as W' boson theoretical cross section, and the PDF and Q2 normalization uncertainties are shown. The uncertainty in the expected limit band represents the 68% and 95% confidence intervals. The limits given low (top-left), central (top-right), and high (bottom) VLQ mass range (see Tab. 1) are shown.

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Figure 8-c:
The W' boson 95% CL production cross section limits. The expected (dashed) limits, observed (solid), as well as W' boson theoretical cross section, and the PDF and Q2 normalization uncertainties are shown. The uncertainty in the expected limit band represents the 68% and 95% confidence intervals. The limits given low (top-left), central (top-right), and high (bottom) VLQ mass range (see Tab. 1) are shown.

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Table 1:
The selection efficiency (%) for each signal point in the analysis.

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Table 2:
Selection regions used in the analysis. Cut discriminator selections and regions described in the text are explicitly defined here.

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Table 3:
Event yield table after various selections. All MC yields are scaled to 35.9 fb1 and the theory cross section. Refer to Tab. 2 for the definition of each region. The uncertainties here are shown for the validation region and the signal region and are pre fit; the posteriori uncertainties for t¯t and QCD are constrained down by approximately 40% and 14% respectively.

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Table 4:
Sources of systematic uncertainty affecting the mthb distribution. Sources that list the changes as ±1σ depend on the distribution of the variable given in the parentheses, while those that list the variation in percent are rate uncertainties.
A search for a heavy W' resonance decaying to one B or T vector-like quark and either a top or bottom quark respectively has been presented. The data correspond to 35.9 fb1 of integrated luminosity and was collected in 2016 by the CMS detector at the LHC. The final state considered for both signatures was a top quark, Higgs boson, and b quark. Boosted heavy resonance identification techniques which result in the event signature of three highly energetic jets were used in order to suppress standard model backgrounds. No significant deviations were observed, and cross section upper limits as a function of the W' invariant mass were presented.
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Compact Muon Solenoid