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CMS-BPH-16-004 ; CERN-EP-2019-215
Measurement of properties of B0sμ+μ decays and search forf B0μ+μ with the CMS experiment
JHEP 04 (2020) 188
Abstract: Results are reported for the B0sμ+μ branching fraction and effective lifetime and from a search for the decay B0μ+μ. The analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions accumulated by the CMS experiment in 2011, 2012, and 2016, with center-of-mass energies (integrated luminosities) of 7 TeV (5 fb1), 8 TeV (20 fb1), and 13 TeV (36 fb1). The branching fractions are determined by measuring event yields relative to B+J/ψK+ decays (with J/ψμ+μ), which results in the reduction of many of the systematic uncertainties. The decay B0sμ+μ is observed with a significance of 5.6 standard deviations. The branching fraction is measured to be B(B0sμ+μ)= [2.9 +0.70.6 (exp) ± 0.2 (frag) ]×109, where the first uncertainty combines the experimental statistical and systematic contributions, and the second is due to the uncertainty in the ratio of the B0s and the B+ fragmentation functions. No significant excess is observed for the decay B0μ+μ, and an upper limit of B(B0μ+μ)< 3.6×1010 is obtained at 95% confidence level. The B0sμ+μ effective lifetime is measured to be τμ+μ= 1.70 +0.610.44 ps. These results are consistent with standard model predictions.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Invariant mass distributions for the μμK system used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization sample. The plot on the left shows the 2016A central-region channel (|ηfμ|< 0.7), while the plot on the right shows the 2016B forward-region channel (0.7 <|ηfμ|< 1.4). The mass resolutions for these channels are 30 and 43 MeV, respectively. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlaid with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Figure 1-a:
Invariant mass distribution for the μμK system used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region channel (|ηfμ|< 0.7). The mass resolution for this channel is 30 MeV. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlaid with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Figure 1-b:
Invariant mass distribution for the μμK system used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization sample. The plot shows the 2016B forward-region channel (0.7 <|ηfμ|< 1.4). The mass resolution for this channel is 43 MeV. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlaid with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Figure 2:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distributions for the most discriminating analysis BDT variables in the central channel for 2016B: the flight length significance, the pointing angle, and the number of tracks close to the secondary vertex. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panels display the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 2-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distribution for the flight length significance in the central channel for 2016B. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 2-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distribution for the pointing angle in the central channel for 2016B. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 2-c:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distribution for the number of tracks close to the secondary vertex in the central channel for 2016B. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 3:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distributions for kinematic variables in the central channel for 2016B: the subleading muon pT, the muon helicity angle, and the B meson proper decay time. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panels display the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 3-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distribution for the subleading muon pT for 2016B. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 3-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distribution for the muon helicity angle in the central channel for 2016B. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 3-c:
Comparison of measured and simulated B+J/ψK+ distribution for the B meson proper decay time in the central channel for 2016B. The events are required to pass the preselection for the analysis BDT training. See text for details. The background-subtracted data are shown by solid circles and the MC simulation by the hatched histogram. The MC histograms are normalized to the number of events in the data. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 4:
(Top row) Comparison of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions for B+J/ψK+ in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel for 2011 (left column), 2012 (middle column), and 2016B (right column). The lower panels display the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation. (Bottom row) Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The distributions correspond to the full preselection and are normalized to the same number of entries. The solid markers show the data and the hatched histogram the MC simulation. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundaries provided in Table 1.

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Figure 4-a:
Comparison of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions for B+J/ψK+ in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel for 2011. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 4-b:
Comparison of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions for B+J/ψK+ in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel for 2012. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 4-c:
Comparison of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions for B+J/ψK+ in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel for 2016B. The lower panel displays the ratio of the data to the MC simulation. The band in the ratio plot illustrates a ±20% variation.

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Figure 4-d:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The distribution corresponds to the full preselection in the central channel for 2011 and is normalized to the same number of entries. The solid markers show the data and the hatched histogram the MC simulation. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundaries provided in Table 1.

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Figure 4-e:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The distribution corresponds to the full preselection in the central channel for 2012 and is normalized to the same number of entries. The solid markers show the data and the hatched histogram the MC simulation. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundaries provided in Table 1.

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Figure 4-f:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The distribution corresponds to the full preselection in the central channel for 2016B and is normalized to the same number of entries. The solid markers show the data and the hatched histogram the MC simulation. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundaries provided in Table 1.

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Figure 5:
Invariant mass distributions with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The left (right) plot shows the combined results from the high- (low-)range analysis BDT categories defined in Table 1. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched distributions.

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Figure 5-a:
Invariant mass distributions with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The plot shows the combined results from the high-range analysis BDT categories defined in Table 1. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched distributions.

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Figure 5-b:
Invariant mass distributions with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The plot shows the combined results from the low-range analysis BDT categories defined in Table 1. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched distributions.

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Figure 6:
(Left) Likelihood contours for the fit to the branching fractions B(B0sμ+μ) and B(B0sμ+μ), together with the best-fit value (cross) and the SM expectation (solid square). The contours correspond to regions with 1-5 standard deviation coverage. (Right) The quantity 1CL as a function of the assumed B0sμ+μ branching fraction. The dashed curve shows the median expected value for the background-only hypothesis, while the solid line is the observed value. The shaded region indicates the ±1 standard deviation uncertainty band.

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Figure 6-a:
Likelihood contours for the fit to the branching fractions B(B0sμ+μ) and B(B0sμ+μ), together with the best-fit value (cross) and the SM expectation (solid square). The contours correspond to regions with 1-5 standard deviation coverage.

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Figure 6-b:
The quantity 1CL as a function of the assumed B0sμ+μ branching fraction. The dashed curve shows the median expected value for the background-only hypothesis, while the solid line is the observed value. The shaded region indicates the ±1 standard deviation uncertainty band.

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Figure 7:
Invariant mass (left) and proper decay time (right) distributions, with the 2D UML fit projections overlaid. The data combine all channels passing the analysis BDT discriminator requirements as given in Table 4. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched distributions. The signal component is shown by the single-hatched distribution.

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Figure 7-a:
Invariant mass distribution, with the 2D UML fit projections overlaid. The data combine all channels passing the analysis BDT discriminator requirements as given in Table 4. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched distributions. The signal component is shown by the single-hatched distribution.

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Figure 7-b:
Proper decay time distribution, with the 2D UML fit projections overlaid. The data combine all channels passing the analysis BDT discriminator requirements as given in Table 4. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched distributions. The signal component is shown by the single-hatched distribution.

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Figure 8:
Invariant mass (left) and proper decay time (right) distributions, with the sPlot fit projections overlaid. The data combine all channels passing the analysis BDT discriminator requirements as given in Table 4. For the mass distribution, no requirement on the decay time is applied. The total fit is shown by the solid line, the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched distribution. The signal component is shown by the single-hatched distribution.

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Figure 8-a:
Invariant mass time distribution, with the sPlot fit projections overlaid. The data combine all channels passing the analysis BDT discriminator requirements as given in Table 4. For the mass distribution, no requirement on the decay time is applied. The total fit is shown by the solid line, the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched distribution. The signal component is shown by the single-hatched distribution.

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Figure 8-b:
Proper decay time distribution, with the sPlot fit projections overlaid. The data combine all channels passing the analysis BDT discriminator requirements as given in Table 4. For the mass distribution, no requirement on the decay time is applied. The total fit is shown by the solid line, the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched distribution. The signal component is shown by the single-hatched distribution.

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Table 1:
Analysis BDT discriminator boundaries per category, channel, and running period for the branching fraction determination (2011 has only one category because of the small sample size). Examples of the requirements for the central channels are illustrated in Fig. 4 (bottom row).

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Table 2:
Summary of systematic uncertainty sources described in the text. The uncertainties quoted for the branching fraction B(B0sμ+μ) are relative uncertainties, while the uncertainties for the effective lifetime τμ+μ are absolute and are given for both the 2D UML and sPlot analysis methods. The relative uncertainties in the upper limit on B(B0sμ+μ) differ for the background yields, but have negligible impact on that result. The bottom rows provide the total systematic uncertainty and the total uncertainty in the branching fraction and the effective lifetime measurements. Contributions that are included in other items are indicated by (*).

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Table 3:
Summary of the fitted yields for B0sμ+μ, B0sμ+μ, the combinatorial background for 5.2 <mμ+μ< 5.45 GeV, and the B+J/ψK+ normalization, the average pT of the B0sμ+μ signal, and the ratio of efficiencies between the normalization and the signal for all 14 categories of the 3D UML branching fraction fit. The high and low ranges of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution are defined in Table 1. The size of the peaking background is 5-10% of the B0sμ+μ signal. The average pT is calculated from the MC simulation and has negligible uncertainties. The uncertainties shown include the statistical and systematic components. It should be noted that the B0sμ+μ and B0sμ+μ yields and their uncertainties are determined from the branching fraction fit and also include the normalization uncertainties.

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Table 4:
Analysis BDT discriminator minimum requirements per channel and running period for the 1D and 2D effective lifetime fits.
Measurements of the rare leptonic B meson decays B0sμ+μ and B0μ+μ have been performed in pp collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to integrated luminosities of 5 fb1 at center-of-mass energy 7 TeV, 20 fb1 at 8 TeV, and 36 fb1 at 13 TeV. The B0sμ+μ decay is observed with a significance of 5.6 standard deviations and the time-integrated branching fraction is measured to be B(B0sμ+μ)=esObsBFBsmm, where the experimental uncertainty combines the statistical and systematic terms, and the second uncertainty refers to the uncertainty in the ratio of the B0s and the B+ fragmentation functions. No significant B0μ+μ signal is observed and an upper limit B(B0μ+μ)<3.6×1010 is determined at {95}% confidence level. The B0sμ+μ effective lifetime is found to be τμ+μ=esObsTauBsmmps, where the uncertainty combines both statistical and systematic components. The results for the branching fractions supersede the previous results from CMS [11], which were based on the 7 and 8 TeV\ data only. All of the results are in agreement with the standard model predictions.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
(Left) The two-dimensional probability contours representing the simultaneous measurement of the relative probabilities of the B0sμ+μ vs. B0sμ+μ decays; the various contours correspond to (innermost to outermost) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 standard deviations. The black cross represents the CMS measurement, while the red point corresponds to the SM prediction. (Right) Confidence level (CL) as a function of the assumed B0sμ+μ branching fraction. The blue solid curve shows the values calculated with a likelihood scan which is based on Wilks' theorem, while the red dashed curve show the results from the Feldman-Cousins approach.

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Additional Figure 1-a:
The two-dimensional probability contours representing the simultaneous measurement of the relative probabilities of the B0sμ+μ vs. B0sμ+μ decays; the various contours correspond to (innermost to outermost) 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 standard deviations. The black cross represents the CMS measurement, while the red point corresponds to the SM prediction.

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Additional Figure 1-b:
Confidence level (CL) as a function of the assumed B0sμ+μ branching fraction. The blue solid curve shows the values calculated with a likelihood scan which is based on Wilks' theorem, while the red dashed curve show the results from the Feldman-Cousins approach.

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Additional Figure 2:
The one-dimensional likelihood ratio (2ln(L/Lmax)) as functions of the assumed B0sμ+μ (left) or B0sμ+μ (right) branching fractions, when the other branching fraction is profiled together with other nuisance parameters.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
The one-dimensional likelihood ratio (2ln(L/Lmax)) as functions of the assumed B0sμ+μ branching fraction, when the other branching fraction is profiled together with other nuisance parameters.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
The one-dimensional likelihood ratio (2ln(L/Lmax)) as functions of the assumed B0sμ+μ branching fraction, when the other branching fraction is profiled together with other nuisance parameters.

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Additional Figure 3:
The lifetime distributions of the observed B0sμ+μ candidates, fitted with a function that has the exponential shape expected for the lifetime of a particle. The plot on the left shows all of the candidates; the plot in the middle shows the candidates in the signal region of mμ+μ; the plot on the right shows the distribution after a subtraction of the background contributions. The data in the left-hand histogram are plotted on a logarithmic scale, while the middle and right-hand histograms are plotted using a linear scale. The turnover of the function at very low lifetimes is an artifact of a selection requirement on the minimum decay length of the B0s meson.

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Additional Figure 3-a:
The lifetime distribution of the observed B0sμ+μ candidates, fitted with a function that has the exponential shape expected for the lifetime of a particle. The plot shows all of the candidates. The data are plotted on a logarithmic scale. The turnover of the function at very low lifetimes is an artifact of a selection requirement on the minimum decay length of the B0s meson.

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Additional Figure 3-b:
The lifetime distribution of the observed B0sμ+μ candidates, fitted with a function that has the exponential shape expected for the lifetime of a particle. The plot shows the candidates in the signal region of mμ+μ. The data are plotted using a linear scale. The turnover of the function at very low lifetimes is an artifact of a selection requirement on the minimum decay length of the B0s meson.

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Additional Figure 3-c:
The lifetime distribution of the observed B0sμ+μ candidates, fitted with a function that has the exponential shape expected for the lifetime of a particle. The plot shows the distribution after a subtraction of the background contributions. The data are plotted using a linear scale. The turnover of the function at very low lifetimes is an artifact of a selection requirement on the minimum decay length of the B0s meson.

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Additional Figure 4:
Event displays of a B0sμ+μ candidate in Run 2 data. The two curved red lines correspond to the two muons from the decay. The inset zooms in on the innermost CMS detector region. The tracks other than the muon ones have been removed for clarity. The two muons do not come from the proton-proton collision point, shown as a yellow dot, but from the decay vertex of the B0s meson, shown as a red dot.

Additional Figure 4-a:
Event display of a B0sμ+μ candidate in Run 2 data. The two curved red lines correspond to the two muons from the decay. The tracks other than the muon ones have been removed for clarity.

Additional Figure 4-b:
Event display of a B0sμ+μ candidate in Run 2 data. The two curved red lines correspond to the two muons from the decay. The inset zooms in on the innermost CMS detector region. The tracks other than the muon ones have been removed for clarity. The two muons do not come from the proton-proton collision point, shown as a yellow dot, but from the decay vertex of the B0s meson, shown as a red dot.

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Additional Figure 5:
Invariant mass distribution for each analysis BDT category with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-a:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-b:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-c:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-d:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-e:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-f:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-g:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-h:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-i:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-j:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-k:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-l:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-m:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 5-n:
Invariant mass distribution for one of the analysis BDT categories with the fit projection overlays for the branching fraction results. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines. The signal components are shown by the hatched histograms.

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Additional Figure 6:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distributions for each analysis BDT category, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-a:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-b:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-c:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-d:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-e:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-f:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-g:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-h:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-i:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-j:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-k:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-l:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-m:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-n:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-o:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 6-p:
Invariant mass and proper decay time distribution for on the analysis BDT categories, with the 2D UML fit projections overlayed. The total fit is shown by the solid line and the different background components by the broken lines and cross-hatched histogram. The signal component is shown by the red single-hatched histogram.

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Additional Figure 7:
Invariant-mass distributions for the μμK (top) and μμKK (bottom) systems used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization and B0sJ/ψϕ control samples. From left to right, the plot shows the 2016A central-region, 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region, and 2016B forward-region channels. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-a:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμK system used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-b:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμK system used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization control sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-c:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμK system used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization control sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-d:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμK system used to reconstruct the B+J/ψK+ normalization control sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-e:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμKK system used to reconstruct the B0sJ/ψϕ control sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-f:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμKK system used to reconstruct the B0sJ/ψϕ control sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-g:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμKK system used to reconstruct the B0sJ/ψϕ control sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 7-h:
Invariant-mass distribution for the μμKK system used to reconstruct the B0sJ/ψϕ control sample. The plot shows the 2016A central-region 2016A forward-region, 2016B central-region 2016B forward-region channel. The data are shown by solid black circles, the result of the fit is overlayed with the black line, and the different components are indicated by the hatched regions.

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Additional Figure 8:
Expected mass distributions from MC simulations for a combination of all rare processes (left), of all rare semileptonic decays (middle), and of rare two-body hadronic background components (right), corresponding to the sum of all categories of the high-BDT mass plot.

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Additional Figure 8-a:
Expected mass distribution from MC simulations for a combination of all rare processes, corresponding to the sum of all categories of the high-BDT mass plot.

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Additional Figure 8-b:
Expected mass distribution from MC simulations for a combination of all rare semileptonic decays, corresponding to the sum of all categories of the high-BDT mass plot.

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Additional Figure 8-c:
Expected mass distribution from MC simulations for a combination of rare two-body hadronic background components, corresponding to the sum of all categories of the high-BDT mass plot.

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Additional Figure 9:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the flight length significance in central-region channel. From left to right, the plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+, 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ, 2016B B+J/ψK+, and 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 9-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the flight length significance in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 9-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the flight length significance in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 9-c:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the flight length significance in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 9-d:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the flight length significance in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 10:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the pointing angle (defined in the main text) in central-region channel. From left to right, the plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+, 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ, 2016B B+J/ψK+, and 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 10-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the pointing angle (defined in the main text) in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+ 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 10-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the pointing angle (defined in the main text) in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 10-c:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the pointing angle (defined in the main text) in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 10-d:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the pointing angle (defined in the main text) in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 11:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the number of tracks close to the secondary vertex in central-region channel. From left to right, the plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+, 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ, 2016B B+J/ψK+, and 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 11-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the number of tracks close to the secondary vertex in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 11-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the number of tracks close to the secondary vertex in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 11-c:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the number of tracks close to the secondary vertex in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 11-d:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the number of tracks close to the secondary vertex in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 12:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the subleading muon pT in central-region channel. From left to right, the plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+, 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ, 2016B B+J/ψK+, and 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 12-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the subleading muon pT in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 12-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the subleading muon pT in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 12-c:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the subleading muon pT in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 12-d:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the subleading muon pT in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 13:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the muon helicity angle for 2016A (left) and 2016B (right) B+J/ψK+ candidates in central-region channel.

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Additional Figure 13-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the muon helicity angle for 2016A B+J/ψK+ candidates in central-region channel.

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Additional Figure 13-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the muon helicity angle for 2016B B+J/ψK+ candidates in central-region channel.

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Additional Figure 14:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the B meson proper decay time in central-region channel. From left to right, the plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+, 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ, 2016B B+J/ψK+, and 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 14-a:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the B meson proper decay time in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 14-b:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the B meson proper decay time in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 14-c:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the B meson proper decay time in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 14-d:
Comparison of measured and simulated distributions for the B meson proper decay time in central-region channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. In top row, from left to right, the plot shows the distribution for 2011 B+J/ψK+, 2011 B0sJ/ψϕ, 2012 B+J/ψK+, and 2012 B0sJ/ψϕ candidates. In the bottom row, the plots (from left to right) show the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+, 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ, 2016B B+J/ψK+, and 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-a:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2011 B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-b:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2011 B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-c:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2012 B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-d:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2012 B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-e:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-f:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-g:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B+J/ψK+ candidates.

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Additional Figure 15-h:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distributions in background-subtracted data and MC simulation in the central channel. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B B0sJ/ψϕ candidates.

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Additional Figure 16:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. In top row, from left to right the plot shows the distribution for 2011 central, 2011 forward, 2012 central, and 2012 forward events. In the bottom row, the plots (from left to right) show the distribution for 2016A central, 2016A forward, 2016B central, and 2016B forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundaries.

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Additional Figure 16-a:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2011 central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 16-b:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2011 forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 16-c:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2012 central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 16-d:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2012 forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 16-e:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 16-f:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2016A forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 16-g:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 16-h:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. The plot shows the distribution for 2016B forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 17:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. In top row, from left to right the plot shows the distribution for 2011 central, 2011 forward, 2012 central, and 2012 forward events. In the bottom row, the plots (from left to right) show the distribution for 2016A central, 2016A forward, 2016B central, and 2016B forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundaries.

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Additional Figure 17-a:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2011 central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 17-b:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2011 forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 17-c:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2012 central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 17-d:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2012 forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 17-e:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2016A central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 17-f:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2016A forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

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Additional Figure 17-g:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2016B central events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.

png pdf
Additional Figure 17-h:
Illustration of the analysis BDT discriminator distribution in logarithmic scale in dimuon background data from the 5.45 <mμ+μ< 5.9 GeV sideband and B0sμ+μ signal MC simulation. IThe plot shows the distribution for 2016B forward events. The arrows show the BDT discriminator boundary.
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Compact Muon Solenoid