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Compact Muon Solenoid

CMS-BPH-16-001 ; CERN-EP-2018-131
Observation of the Zψ+ decay in pp collisions at s= 13 TeV
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121 (2018) 141801
Abstract: This Letter presents the observation of the rare Z boson decay Zψ+. Here, ψ represents contributions from direct J/ψ and ψ(2S)J/ψX, + is a pair of electrons or muons, and the J/ψ meson is detected via its decay to μ+μ. The sample of proton-proton collision data, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The signal is observed with a significance in excess of 5 standard deviations. After subtraction of the ψ(2S)J/ψX contribution, the ratio of the branching fraction of the exclusive decay ZJ/ψ+ to the decay Zμ+μμ+μ within a fiducial phase space is measured to be B(ZJ/ψ+)/B(Zμ+μμ+μ)= 0.67 ± 0.18 (stat) ± 0.05 (syst).
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Feynman diagram for the dominant production process and leading-order decay of the ZJ/ψ+.

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Figure 2:
Distribution of invariant masses mμ+μ vs. mμ+μ+ for the selected candidates. The values in the legend give the numbers of candidates per bin.

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Figure 3:
Invariant mass distributions for the ψ muon pairs (left) and for ψ+ (right), for Zψμ+μ (upper) and Zψe+e (lower) candidates. In each histogram the data are represented by the points, with the vertical bars showing the statistical uncertainties, and the solid curve is the overall fit to the data. The shaded region corresponds to the signal yield, while the dashed lines are the ψ meson signal from the Z boson background (left) and the Z boson signal from the ψ meson background (right). The dotted line represents the combinatorial background.

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Figure 3-a:
Invariant mass distribution for the ψ muon pairs, for Zψμ+μ candidates. The data are represented by the points, with the vertical bars showing the statistical uncertainties, and the solid curve is the overall fit to the data. The shaded region corresponds to the signal yield, while the dashed lines are the ψ meson signal from the Z boson background. The dotted line represents the combinatorial background.

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Figure 3-b:
Invariant mass distribution for ψ+, for Zψμ+μ candidates. The data are represented by the points, with the vertical bars showing the statistical uncertainties, and the solid curve is the overall fit to the data. The shaded region corresponds to the signal yield, while the dashed lines are the Z boson signal from the ψ meson background. The dotted line represents the combinatorial background.

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Figure 3-c:
Invariant mass distribution for the ψ muon pairs, for Zψe+e candidates. The data are represented by the points, with the vertical bars showing the statistical uncertainties, and the solid curve is the overall fit to the data. The shaded region corresponds to the signal yield, while the dashed lines are the ψ meson signal from the Z boson background. The dotted line represents the combinatorial background.

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Figure 3-d:
Invariant mass distribution for ψ+, for Zψe+e candidates. The data are represented by the points, with the vertical bars showing the statistical uncertainties, and the solid curve is the overall fit to the data. The shaded region corresponds to the signal yield, while the dashed lines are the Z boson signal from the ψ meson background. The dotted line represents the combinatorial background.

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Table 1:
Definition of the fiducial phase space for the measurement of the ratio of branching fractions. Here, refers to a prompt muon or electron from the signal decay, or to either of the two muons from the higher invariant-mass pair in the reference-channel decay, and μ refers to a J/ψ daughter or a member of the lower invariant-mass pair in the reference-channel decay. The symbol 1 (2) refers to the prompt lepton having the higher (lower) value of pT. The pTJ/ψ threshold is applied to the signal and the m(μ±μ) requirement to the reference channel.

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Table 2:
The contributions to the systematic uncertainty in the ratio of branching fractions for the prompt muon, prompt electron, and combined samples, in percent. The last row gives the sum in quadrature of all components.
In summary, a new decay mode of the Z boson into a ψ meson, where ψ represents the contributions from direct J/ψ and ψJ/ψX, and an additional pair of leptons (muons or electrons), is observed with a statistical significance greater than 5 standard deviations. Using data from proton-proton collisions collected with the CMS detector at s= 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1, 13.0 ± 3.9 events of the Zμ+μ and 11.2 ± 3.4 events of the Ze+e decay are obtained. This is the first observed Z boson decay to a vector meson and two oppositely charged same-flavor leptons. The ratio of the branching fraction for this decay to the one for the reference channel Zμ+μμ+μ in the fiducial phase space of the measurement, as defined in Table 1, after subtracting the ψ feed-down, is RJ/ψ+= 0.67 ± 0.18 (stat) ± 0.05 (syst). Using the known branching fraction for Zμ+μμ+μ results in a branching fraction for ZJ/ψ+ consistent with standard model predictions.
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Compact Muon Solenoid