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CMS-B2G-16-004 ; CERN-EP-2016-296
Search for massive resonances decaying into WW, WZ or ZZ bosons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV
JHEP 03 (2017) 162
Abstract: A search is presented for new massive resonances decaying to WW, WZ or ZZ bosons in $\ell\nu\mathrm{q\bar{q}}$ and $\mathrm{q\bar{q}}\mathrm{q\bar{q}}$ final states. Results are based on data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3-2.7 fb$^{-1}$ recorded in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV with the CMS detector at the LHC. Decays of spin-1 and spin-2 resonances into two vector bosons are sought in the mass range 0.6-4.0 TeV. No significant excess over the standard model background is observed. Combining the results of the $\ell\nu\mathrm{q\bar{q}}$ and $\mathrm{q\bar{q}}\mathrm{q\bar{q}}$ final states, cross section and mass exclusion limits are set for models that predict heavy spin-1 and spin-2 resonances. This is the first search for a narrow-width spin-2 resonance at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Final ${m_\mathrm {jj}}$ distributions for the dijet analysis in six signal regions. The high-purity (on the left) and the low-purity (on the right) categories are shown for the WW (top row), WZ (central row), and ZZ (bottom row) ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ regions. The solid curve represents a background-only fit to the data distribution, where the filled red area corresponds to the $\pm $1 standard deviation statistical uncertainties of the fit. The data are represented by the black points. For the ZZ high-purity category (bottom left), we also show the background-only fit using the two-parameter functional form (blue solid line), for comparison. Signal benchmarks for a mass of 2 TeV are also shown with black dashed lines. In the lower panel of each plot, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data} - N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown.

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Figure 1-a:
Final ${m_\mathrm {jj}}$ distributions for the dijet analysis: high-purity category for the WW ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ region. The solid curve represents a background-only fit to the data distribution, where the filled red area corresponds to the $\pm $1 standard deviation statistical uncertainties of the fit. The data are represented by the black points. Signal benchmark for a mass of 2 TeV is also shown with black dashed lines. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data} - N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown.

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Figure 1-b:
Final ${m_\mathrm {jj}}$ distributions for the dijet analysis: low-purity category for the WW ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ region. The solid curve represents a background-only fit to the data distribution, where the filled red area corresponds to the $\pm $1 standard deviation statistical uncertainties of the fit. The data are represented by the black points. Signal benchmark for a mass of 2 TeV is also shown with black dashed lines. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data} - N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown.

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Figure 1-c:
Final ${m_\mathrm {jj}}$ distributions for the dijet analysis: high-purity category for the WZ ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ region. The solid curve represents a background-only fit to the data distribution, where the filled red area corresponds to the $\pm $1 standard deviation statistical uncertainties of the fit. The data are represented by the black points. Signal benchmark for a mass of 2 TeV is also shown with black dashed lines. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data} - N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown.

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Figure 1-d:
Final ${m_\mathrm {jj}}$ distributions for the dijet analysis: low-purity category for the WZ ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ region. The solid curve represents a background-only fit to the data distribution, where the filled red area corresponds to the $\pm $1 standard deviation statistical uncertainties of the fit. The data are represented by the black points. Signal benchmark for a mass of 2 TeV is also shown with black dashed lines. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data} - N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown.

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Figure 1-e:
Final ${m_\mathrm {jj}}$ distributions for the dijet analysis: high-purity category for the ZZ ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ region. The solid curve represents a background-only fit to the data distribution, where the filled red area corresponds to the $\pm $1 standard deviation statistical uncertainties of the fit. The data are represented by the black points. We also show the background-only fit using the two-parameter functional form (blue solid line), for comparison. Signal benchmark for a mass of 2 TeV is also shown with black dashed lines. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data} - N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown.

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Figure 1-f:
Final ${m_\mathrm {jj}}$ distributions for the dijet analysis: low-purity category for the ZZ ${m_{\text {jet}}}$ region. The solid curve represents a background-only fit to the data distribution, where the filled red area corresponds to the $\pm $1 standard deviation statistical uncertainties of the fit. The data are represented by the black points. Signal benchmark for a mass of 2 TeV is also shown with black dashed lines. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data} - N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown.

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Figure 2:
Distributions in $N$-subjettiness ratio $ {\tau _{21}}$ (left) and pruned $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ (right) from the top quark enriched control sample in the muon channel. The ${\mathrm{ t } \mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ background is rescaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in data. In the lower panel of each plot, the ratio between data and simulation is shown together with the statistical uncertainty in the simulation normalized by its central value.

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Figure 2-a:
Distribution in $N$-subjettiness ratio $ {\tau _{21}}$ from the top quark enriched control sample in the muon channel. The ${\mathrm{ t } \mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ background is rescaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in data. In the lower panel, the ratio between data and simulation is shown together with the statistical uncertainty in the simulation normalized by its central value.

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Figure 2-b:
Distribution in $pruned $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ from the top quark enriched control sample in the muon channel. The ${\mathrm{ t } \mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ background is rescaled such that the total number of background events matches the number of events in data. In the lower panel, the ratio between data and simulation is shown together with the statistical uncertainty in the simulation normalized by its central value.

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Figure 3:
Distributions of the pruned jet mass $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ in the ${\ell \nu }$+jet high-mass (left) and low-mass (right) analyses in the muon channel. All selections are applied except the requirement on $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ signal window. Data are shown as black points. The signal regions and $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ categories of the analyses are indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The shaded $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ region 105 -135 GeV is not used in these analyses. In the lower panel of each plot, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data}- N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown together with the uncertainty band of the fit normalized by the statistical uncertainty of data points, $\sigma _\text {data}$.

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Figure 3-a:
Distribution of the pruned jet mass $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ in the ${\ell \nu }$+jet high-mass analysis in the muon channel. All selections are applied except the requirement on $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ signal window. Data are shown as black points. The signal regions and $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ categories of the analyses are indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The shaded $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ region 105 -135 GeV is not used in these analyses. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data}- N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown together with the uncertainty band of the fit normalized by the statistical uncertainty of data points, $\sigma _\text {data}$.

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Figure 3-b:
Distribution of the pruned jet mass $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ in the ${\ell \nu }$+jet low-mass analysis in the muon channel. All selections are applied except the requirement on $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ signal window. Data are shown as black points. The signal regions and $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ categories of the analyses are indicated by the vertical dotted lines. The shaded $ {m_{\text {jet}}}$ region 105 -135 GeV is not used in these analyses. In the lower panel, the bin-by-bin fit residuals, $(N_\text {data}- N_\text {fit})/\sigma _\text {data}$, are shown together with the uncertainty band of the fit normalized by the statistical uncertainty of data points, $\sigma _\text {data}$.

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Figure 4:
(Upper plots) Final $ {m_{ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}} }} $ distributions for data and expected backgrounds in the high-mass analysis obtained from the combined muon and electron channels in the WW-enriched (left) and WZ-enriched (right) signal regions. (Lower plot) Final $ {m_{ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}} }} $ distributions for data and expected backgrounds in the signal region of the low-mass analysis obtained from the combined muon and electron channels. In each plot the solid curve represents the background estimation provided by the $\alpha $ ratio method. The hatched band includes both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The data are shown as black points. Signal benchmarks for a mass of 2 TeV (0.75 TeV) are also shown with black dashed lines for the upper (lower) plots. In the lower panel of each plot are the bin-by-bin fit residuals, ($N_\text {data}- N_\text {fit}$)/$\sigma _\text {data}$, shown together with the uncertainty band of the fit normalized by the statistical uncertainty of data, $\sigma _\text {data}$.

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Figure 4-a:
Final $ {m_{ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}} }} $ distribution for data and expected backgrounds in the high-mass analysis obtained from the combined muon and electron channels in the WW-enriched signal region. The solid curve represents the background estimation provided by the $\alpha $ ratio method. The hatched band includes both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The data are shown as black points. Signal benchmarks for a mass of 2 TeV (0.75 TeV) are also shown with black dashed lines for the upper (lower) plots. In the lower panel are the bin-by-bin fit residuals, ($N_\text {data}- N_\text {fit}$)/$\sigma _\text {data}$, shown together with the uncertainty band of the fit normalized by the statistical uncertainty of data, $\sigma _\text {data}$.

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Figure 4-b:
Final $ {m_{ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}} }} $ distribution for data and expected backgrounds in the high-mass analysis obtained from the combined muon and electron channels in the WZ-enriched signal region. The solid curve represents the background estimation provided by the $\alpha $ ratio method. The hatched band includes both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The data are shown as black points. Signal benchmarks for a mass of 2 TeV (0.75 TeV) are also shown with black dashed lines for the upper (lower) plots. In the lower panel are the bin-by-bin fit residuals, ($N_\text {data}- N_\text {fit}$)/$\sigma _\text {data}$, shown together with the uncertainty band of the fit normalized by the statistical uncertainty of data, $\sigma _\text {data}$.

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Figure 4-c:
Final $ {m_{ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}} }} $ distribution for data and expected backgrounds in the signal region of the low-mass analysis obtained from the combined muon and electron channels. The solid curve represents the background estimation provided by the $\alpha $ ratio method. The hatched band includes both statistical and systematic uncertainties. The data are shown as black points. Signal benchmarks for a mass of 2 TeV (0.75 TeV) are also shown with black dashed lines for the upper (lower) plots. In the lower panel are the bin-by-bin fit residuals, ($N_\text {data}- N_\text {fit}$)/$\sigma _\text {data}$, shown together with the uncertainty band of the fit normalized by the statistical uncertainty of data, $\sigma _\text {data}$.

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Figure 5:
Dijet invariant mass (left) and $m_{\ell \nu +{\rm jet}}$ (right) distributions expected for different signal mass hypotheses.

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Figure 5-a:
Dijet invariant mass distribution expected for different signal mass hypotheses.

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Figure 5-b:
$m_{\ell \nu +{\rm jet}}$ distribution expected for different signal mass hypotheses.

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Figure 6:
Observed (black solid) and expected (black dashed) 95% CL upper limits on the production of a narrow-width resonance decaying to a pair of vector bosons for different signal hypotheses. In the upper plots, limits are set in the context of a spin-1 neutral Z' (left) and charged W' (right) resonances, and compared with the prediction of the HVT Models A and B. In the lower left plot, limits are set in the same model under the triplet hypothesis (W' and Z'). In the lower right plot, limits are set in the context of a bulk graviton with $ {k/\overline {M}_\mathrm {Pl}} =$ 0.5 and compared with the prediction. For $\mathrm {G}_\text {bulk}$, Z' and triplet signals (W' signal) with masses <0.8 TeV (<0.75 TeV), the limits are obtained from the low-mass ${\ell \nu }$+jet channel, while for the higher masses they are obtained from the high-mass ${\ell \nu }$+jet and dijet channels.

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Figure 6-a:
Observed (black solid) and expected (black dashed) 95% CL upper limits on the production of a narrow-width resonance decaying to a pair of vector bosons in the context of a spin-1 neutral Z' resonance, compared with the prediction of the HVT Models A and B.

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Figure 6-b:
Observed (black solid) and expected (black dashed) 95% CL upper limits on the production of a narrow-width resonance decaying to a pair of vector bosons in the context of a spin-1 charged W' resonance, compared with the prediction of the HVT Models A and B.

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Figure 6-c:
Observed (black solid) and expected (black dashed) 95% CL upper limits on the production of a narrow-width resonance decaying to a pair of vector bosons for the HVT Models A and B under the triplet hypothesis (W' and Z').

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Figure 6-d:
Observed (black solid) and expected (black dashed) 95% CL upper limits on the production of a narrow-width resonance decaying to a pair of vector bosons in the context of a bulk graviton with $ {k/\overline {M}_\mathrm {Pl}} =$ 0.5 and compared with the prediction. .

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Figure 7:
Exclusion regions in the plane of the HVT couplings ($g^2c_\mathrm {F}/g_{ {\mathrm {V}}},g_{ {\mathrm {V}}}c_\mathrm {H}$) for three resonance masses, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.5 TeV . Model points A and B of the benchmarks used in the analysis are also shown. The solid, dashed, and dashed-dotted lines represent the boundaries of the regions excluded by this search for different resonance masses (the region outside these lines is excluded). The areas indicated by the solid shading correspond to regions where the resonance width is predicted to be more than 5% of the resonance mass and the narrow-resonance assumption is not satisfied.

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Figure 8:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the number of events for a $\mathrm{ W } {\mathrm {V}}\to {\ell \nu }$+jet (left) and a $ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}}\to \text {dijet}$ (right) resonance, as a function of its mass and normalized width. The dark shaded area denotes the kinematic regime where the limit is valid only for the quark-antiquark annihilation processes.

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Figure 8-a:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the number of events for a $\mathrm{ W } {\mathrm {V}}\to {\ell \nu }$+jet (left) and a $ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}}\to \text {dijet}$ (right) resonance, as a function of its mass and normalized width. The dark shaded area denotes the kinematic regime where the limit is valid only for the quark-antiquark annihilation processes.

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Figure 8-b:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the number of events for a $\mathrm{ W } {\mathrm {V}}\to {\ell \nu }$+jet (left) and a $ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}}\to \text {dijet}$ (right) resonance, as a function of its mass and normalized width. The dark shaded area denotes the kinematic regime where the limit is valid only for the quark-antiquark annihilation processes.

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Table 1:
Data-to-simulation scale factors for the efficiency of the ${\tau _{21}}$ selection used in the analyses, as extracted from top quark enriched data and from simulation.

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Table 2:
The W jet mass peak position and resolution, as extracted from top quark enriched data and from simulation. These results are used to apply corrections in the V tagging procedure.

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Table 3:
Summary of the final selections and categories for the ${\ell \nu }$+jet channel. The values indicated in parentheses correspond to the low-mass analysis.

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Table 4:
Summary of the final selections and categories for the dijet analyses.

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Table 5:
Data-to-simulation scale factors for ${\mathrm{ t } \mathrm{ \bar{t} } }$ and single top quark background processes, extracted from the comparison between data and simulation in the top quark enriched control sample.

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Table 6:
Summary of signal efficiencies for all analysis channels and all signal models. The quoted efficiencies are in percent, and include the branching fractions of the two vector bosons to the final state of the analysis channel, effects from detector acceptance, as well as reconstruction and selection efficiencies. Values are not indicated for categories and masses where the analysis channel has no sensitivity.

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Table 7:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties in the contribution from signal in the dijet analysis and their impact on the event yield in the signal region and on the reconstructed distribution in ${m_{ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}} }}$ (mean and width). The last three uncertainties result in migrations between event categories, but do not affect the overall signal efficiency.

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Table 8:
Summary of the signal systematic uncertainties for the ${\ell \nu }$+jet analyses and their impact on the event yield in the signal region and on the reconstructed ${m_{ {\mathrm {V}} {\mathrm {V}} }}$ shape (mean and width) for both muon and electron channels. The last three uncertainties result in migrations between event categories, but do not affect the overall signal efficiency. The correlations among different categories are taken into account.

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Table 9:
Generator-level requirements for the ${\ell \nu }$+jet analysis, to be used for the computation of the efficiency parametrization. The vector sum of the transverse neutrino momenta $\vec{p}_{\mathrm {T},\nu }$ is taken over all the neutrinos in the final state, coming either from $\mathrm{ W } \to \ell \nu $ or $\mathrm{W} \to \tau \nu \to \ell \nu \nu \nu $ decays with $\ell =\mu $ or e.

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Table 10:
Generator-level requirements for the dijet analysis, to be used for the computation of the efficiency parametrization.

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Table 11:
Reconstruction and identification efficiency for the (upper table) $\mathrm{ W } \to \mu \nu $ and $\mathrm{ W } \to \tau \nu \to \mu \nu \nu \nu $, and (lower table) $\mathrm{ W } \to \mathrm{ e } \nu $ and $\mathrm{ W } \to \tau \nu \to \mathrm{ e } \nu \nu \nu $ decays as function of generated $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\mathrm{ W } $ and $ {| \eta _\mathrm{ W } | }$. Uncertainties in the efficiencies are included in the generic limit calculation as discussed in the text.

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Table 12:
Reconstruction and identification efficiency for the (upper table) $\mathrm{ W } _{\text {L}}\to {\mathrm{ q } \mathrm{ \bar{q} } } $ and (lower table) $\mathrm{ Z } _{\text {L}}\to {\mathrm{ q } \mathrm{ \bar{q} } } $ decay as a function of generated $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^ {\mathrm {V}} $ and $ {| \eta _ {\mathrm {V}} | }$ applying the V tagging requirements used in the ${\ell \nu }$+jet analysis ($ {\tau _{21}}<$ 0.6). Uncertainties in the efficiencies are included in the generic limit calculation as discussed in the text.

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Table 13:
Reconstruction and identification efficiency for the (upper table) $\mathrm{ W } _{\text {L}}\to {\mathrm{ q } \mathrm{ \bar{q} } } $ and (lower table) $\mathrm{ Z } _{\text {L}}\to {\mathrm{ q } \mathrm{ \bar{q} } } $ decays as a function of generated $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^ {\mathrm {V}} $ and $ {| \eta _ {\mathrm {V}} | }$ applying the V tagging requirements used in the dijet analysis ($ {\tau _{21}}<$ 0.45). Uncertainties in the efficiencies are included in the generic limit calculation as discussed in the text.

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Table 14:
Simplified limits on the number of visible events from generic resonances decaying to pairs of V bosons in the ${\ell \nu }$+jet (left) and dijet (right) channels as a function of resonance mass, $M_\mathrm {X}$, and normalized width, $\Gamma _\mathrm {X}/M_\mathrm {X}$. Shown are limits on the visible number of events at 95% CL using the asymptotic $\mathrm {CL_S}$ approach. Results with $\Gamma _\mathrm {X}/M_\mathrm {X}=$ 0 are obtained using the resolution function only.
A search has been presented for new resonances decaying to WW, ZZ, or WZ boson pairs in which at least one of the bosons decays into quarks. The final states involve dijet and ${\ell \nu}$+jet events with $\ell=\mu $ or e. The results include the $\mathrm{ W }\to\tau\nu$ contribution with subsequent decay $\tau\to\ell\nu\bar{\nu}$. The W and Z bosons that decay to quarks are selected by requiring a jet with mass compatible with the W or Z boson mass, respectively. Additional information from jet substructure is used to suppress background from W+jets and multijet processes. No evidence for a signal is found. In particular, the excesses at a resonance mass of 2 TeV observed in previous searches are not confirmed. The result is interpreted as an upper limit on the production cross section of a narrow-width resonance as a function its mass, in the context of the bulk graviton model (with decays to WW or ZZ), heavy vector-triplet Models A and B, and W' and Z' singlet models. The upper limits are based on the statistical combination of the two channels. For the heavy vector-triplet, we exclude W' and Z' resonances with respective masses <2.0 and <1.6 TeV for Model A, <2.2 and <1.7 TeV for Model B. Under the triplet hypothesis, spin-1 resonances with masses below 2.3 and 2.4 TeV are excluded for heavy vector-triplet Model A and B, respectively. In the narrow-width bulk graviton model, cross sections are excluded in the range of 3-1200 fb. This is the first search for a narrow-width bulk graviton with $\tilde{k} = $ 0.5 at $\sqrt{s} =$ 13 TeV. Tabulated efficiencies for the reconstruction of the vector bosons within the kinematic acceptance of the analysis are also provided, allowing for a reintepretation of the exclusion limits in a generic phenomenological model.
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Compact Muon Solenoid