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Search for dark matter production in association with a single top quark
Abstract: A search for the production of a single top quark in association with invisible particles is performed on 138 fb$ ^{-1} $ of LHC proton-proton collision data collected at $ \sqrt{s}= $ 13 TeV. In this search, a flavor-changing neutral current produces a single top quark or antiquark and an invisible state nonresonantly. The invisible state consists of a hypothetical spin-1 particle acting as a new mediator and decaying to two spin-1/2 dark matter candidates. The analysis searches for events in which the top (anti)quark decays hadronically. No significant excess compatible with that signature is observed. Exclusion limits on the masses of the spin-1 mediator and the dark matter candidates are derived and compared to constraints from the dark matter relic density measurements. In a vector (axial vector) coupling scenario, masses of the spin-1 mediator are excluded up to 1.85 (1.85) TeV with an expectation of 2.0 (2.0) TeV whereas masses of the dark matter candidates are excluded up to 750 (550) GeV with an expectation of 850 (650) GeV.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Representative Feynman diagram of nonresonant mono-top production at tree level via a flavor-changing neutral current mediated by the spin-1 boson V. The off-shell up quark (u) decays into an on-shell top quark (t) and a V boson. The V boson decays directly to a pair of DM candidates $ \chi $ and $ \overline{\chi} $.

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Figure 2:
Prefit distribution of the magnitude of the hadronic recoil $ U_{\text{T}} $ in the inclusive SR, which contains all events from the SR (top-pass) as well as from the SR (top-fail). The background processes are stacked together and an representative mono-top signal (vector coupling scenario) with a mediator mass of 1 TeV and a DM candidate mass of 150 GeV is overlaid as an orange line. The mono-top signal is scaled such that the total number of signal events is equal to the total number of background events. The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events.

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Figure 3:
Prefit distribution of the magnitude of the hadronic recoil $ U_{\text{T}} $ in the SR (top-pass) and SR (top-fail). The background processes are stacked together and an representative mono-top signal (vector coupling scenario) with a mediator mass of 1 TeV and a DM candidate mass of 150 GeV is overlaid as an orange line. The mono-top signal is scaled such that the total number of signal events is equal to the total number of background events. The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events.

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Figure 3-a:
Prefit distribution of the magnitude of the hadronic recoil $ U_{\text{T}} $ in the SR (top-pass) and SR (top-fail). The background processes are stacked together and an representative mono-top signal (vector coupling scenario) with a mediator mass of 1 TeV and a DM candidate mass of 150 GeV is overlaid as an orange line. The mono-top signal is scaled such that the total number of signal events is equal to the total number of background events. The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events.

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Figure 3-b:
Prefit distribution of the magnitude of the hadronic recoil $ U_{\text{T}} $ in the SR (top-pass) and SR (top-fail). The background processes are stacked together and an representative mono-top signal (vector coupling scenario) with a mediator mass of 1 TeV and a DM candidate mass of 150 GeV is overlaid as an orange line. The mono-top signal is scaled such that the total number of signal events is equal to the total number of background events. The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events.

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Figure 4:
Categorization of events into SRs and CRs, which are sensitive to specific process, namely the mono-top signal, $ \text{V}+\text{jets} $ processes and $ \text{t}\bar{\text{t}} $ production.

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Figure 5:
Graphical illustration of the statistical model used for the estimation of the major background processes. This model is implemented for each bin of the hadronic recoil distribution, separately for the top-pass and top-fail regions. Each region containing charged leptons is included in this model twice, once for electrons and once for muons.

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Figure 6:
Postfit distributions in the SRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events in the signal region, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The orange line displays the prefit distribution of the mono-top signal with a mediator mass of 1 TeV and a DM candidate mass of 150 GeV for the vector coupling scenario, scaled such that the total number of signal events is equal to the total number of events of the postfit background prediction. The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 6-a:
Postfit distributions in the SRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events in the signal region, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The orange line displays the prefit distribution of the mono-top signal with a mediator mass of 1 TeV and a DM candidate mass of 150 GeV for the vector coupling scenario, scaled such that the total number of signal events is equal to the total number of events of the postfit background prediction. The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 6-b:
Postfit distributions in the SRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events in the signal region, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The orange line displays the prefit distribution of the mono-top signal with a mediator mass of 1 TeV and a DM candidate mass of 150 GeV for the vector coupling scenario, scaled such that the total number of signal events is equal to the total number of events of the postfit background prediction. The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 7:
Upper limits at 95% CL on $ \sigma\mathcal{B} $ presented in the two-dimensional plane spanned by the mediator and DM candidate masses for a mediator mass between 200 GeV and 2500 GeV and a DM candidate mass between 50 GeV and 1250 GeV only considering on-shell decays of the mediator to the DM candidates. The mediator has vector couplings to quarks and DM candidates in the upper plot and axial vector couplings in the lower plot. In the upper plot, $ g_{\text{q}} $ and $ g_{\text{DM}} $ represent the values of the vector couplings $ (g_{\text{V}}^{U})_{13} $ and $ g_{\text{V}}^{\chi} $ of the mediator to quarks and to DM candidates, while they represent the values of the respective axial vector couplings $ (g_{\text{A}}^{U})_{13} $ and $ g_{\text{A}}^{\chi} $ in the lower plot. The median expected exclusion range is indicated by a black solid line, demonstrating the search sensitivity of the analysis. The 68 $ \,% $ probability interval of the expected upper limit is shown in black dashed lines. Contours of theory predictions for constant values of $ \sigma\mathcal{B} $ are shown in grey dashed lines. The observed exclusion contour of mediator and DM candidate masses is represented by the red solid line. The exclusion contour obtained from measurements of the DM relic density $ \Omega_{\text{nbm}}h^{2} $ by the Planck collaboration is shown in the grey solid line.

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Figure 7-a:
Upper limits at 95% CL on $ \sigma\mathcal{B} $ presented in the two-dimensional plane spanned by the mediator and DM candidate masses for a mediator mass between 200 GeV and 2500 GeV and a DM candidate mass between 50 GeV and 1250 GeV only considering on-shell decays of the mediator to the DM candidates. The mediator has vector couplings to quarks and DM candidates in the upper plot and axial vector couplings in the lower plot. In the upper plot, $ g_{\text{q}} $ and $ g_{\text{DM}} $ represent the values of the vector couplings $ (g_{\text{V}}^{U})_{13} $ and $ g_{\text{V}}^{\chi} $ of the mediator to quarks and to DM candidates, while they represent the values of the respective axial vector couplings $ (g_{\text{A}}^{U})_{13} $ and $ g_{\text{A}}^{\chi} $ in the lower plot. The median expected exclusion range is indicated by a black solid line, demonstrating the search sensitivity of the analysis. The 68 $ \,% $ probability interval of the expected upper limit is shown in black dashed lines. Contours of theory predictions for constant values of $ \sigma\mathcal{B} $ are shown in grey dashed lines. The observed exclusion contour of mediator and DM candidate masses is represented by the red solid line. The exclusion contour obtained from measurements of the DM relic density $ \Omega_{\text{nbm}}h^{2} $ by the Planck collaboration is shown in the grey solid line.

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Figure 7-b:
Upper limits at 95% CL on $ \sigma\mathcal{B} $ presented in the two-dimensional plane spanned by the mediator and DM candidate masses for a mediator mass between 200 GeV and 2500 GeV and a DM candidate mass between 50 GeV and 1250 GeV only considering on-shell decays of the mediator to the DM candidates. The mediator has vector couplings to quarks and DM candidates in the upper plot and axial vector couplings in the lower plot. In the upper plot, $ g_{\text{q}} $ and $ g_{\text{DM}} $ represent the values of the vector couplings $ (g_{\text{V}}^{U})_{13} $ and $ g_{\text{V}}^{\chi} $ of the mediator to quarks and to DM candidates, while they represent the values of the respective axial vector couplings $ (g_{\text{A}}^{U})_{13} $ and $ g_{\text{A}}^{\chi} $ in the lower plot. The median expected exclusion range is indicated by a black solid line, demonstrating the search sensitivity of the analysis. The 68 $ \,% $ probability interval of the expected upper limit is shown in black dashed lines. Contours of theory predictions for constant values of $ \sigma\mathcal{B} $ are shown in grey dashed lines. The observed exclusion contour of mediator and DM candidate masses is represented by the red solid line. The exclusion contour obtained from measurements of the DM relic density $ \Omega_{\text{nbm}}h^{2} $ by the Planck collaboration is shown in the grey solid line.

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Figure 8:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{W}(\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 8-a:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{W}(\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 8-b:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{W}(\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 9:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{W}(\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 9-a:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{W}(\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 9-b:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{W}(\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 10:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{Z}(\mathrm{e}\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 10-a:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{Z}(\mathrm{e}\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 10-b:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{Z}(\mathrm{e}\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 11:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{Z}(\mu\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 11-a:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{Z}(\mu\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 11-b:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{Z}(\mu\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 12:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}(\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 12-a:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}(\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 12-b:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}(\mathrm{e}) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 13:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}(\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 13-a:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}(\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 13-b:
Postfit distributions in the $ \mathrm{t}\bar{\mathrm{t}}(\mu) $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 14:
Postfit distributions in the $ \gamma $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 14-a:
Postfit distributions in the $ \gamma $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Figure 14-b:
Postfit distributions in the $ \gamma $ CRs after the background-only fit across all analysis regions. The $ U_{\text{T}} $ distributions only contain events, in which the top tagging requirement for the leading \text{AK15} jet is either passed (on the left) or failed (on the right). The grey band represents the systematic and statistical uncertainties on the simulated events after the fit.

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Table 1:
Requirements on the $ p_{\mathrm{T}} $ of the object, which fired the trigger, for the $ p_{\text{T}}^{\text{miss,no} \mu} $ trigger, the electron trigger, and the photon trigger, in 2016, 2017 and 2018.

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Table 2:
The analysis pre-selection.

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Table 3:
Analysis selections for the signal and background CRs. These selections are applied in addition to the pre-selections in Table 2. Each of the leptonic CRs exists twice, once for electron flavor and once for muon flavor.
A search for DM produced in association with a single top quark via a flavor changing neutral current, called nonresonant mono-top production, was presented. The analysis was performed using data collected by the CMS experiment in 2016, 2017, and 2018 at the LHC at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV, and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb$ ^{-1} $. The Lorentz boost of the top quark is exploited to cluster the products of the hadronic top quark decay into a large-radius jet. Furthermore, a machine-learning based discriminator is used to distinguish large-radius jets originating from a hadronic top quark decay and QCD-initiated large-radius jets. As an observable, the hadronic recoil is used. A robust statistical model was built to determine the main backgrounds in the signal regions from data in dedicated control regions. The data are consistent with the background-only hypothesis, and no evidence for DM produced in association with a single top quark was found. Limits at 95% confidence level are calculated for the product of the signal production cross section and the branching fraction of the mediator decaying into DM candidates. Limits were calculated for both a purely vector and purely axial vector coupling scenario between the mediator and the DM candidates as well as the standard model quarks of the first and third generation. The analysis excludes a mediator below a mass of up to 1.85 (1.85) TeV, where 2.0 (2.0) TeV is expected for the vector (axial vector) coupling scenario. Dark matter candidate masses below 750 (550) GeV, where 850 (650) GeV is expected, are excluded for the vector (axial vector) coupling scenario. In both cases, the exclusion limits are calculated for mediator masses $ {\geq} $200 GeV and DM candidate masses $ {\geq} $ ]50 GeV. The exclusion regions for the DM candidate masses from this analysis cover a wide phase space previously uncovered by the DM relic density measurement with the Planck telescope. To date, these are the most stringent exclusion limits for vector or axial vector coupled DM production via an up-top FCNC to date.
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Compact Muon Solenoid