CMS-PAS-FTR-21-002 | ||
Prospects for the measurement of tˉtH production in the opposite-sign dilepton channel at √s = 14 TeV at the High-Luminosity LHC | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
March 2022 | ||
Abstract: Prospects for the measurement of top quark-antiquark associated Higgs boson (tˉtH) production in the HL-LHC era are presented. The measurement is performed in the opposite sign dilepton channel where e+e−, μ+μ− and e±μ± are considered, while focusing on the H →bˉb decay. A novel approach with respect to previous analyses and the projection study for the HL-LHC is explored. The analysis strategy is based on the reconstruction of the Higgs boson invariant mass through the analytical solution of the kinematic equations of the tˉtH system, employs a neural network for the selection of data and makes use of a data-based method to estimate the main backgrounds. The results are extrapolated to the full integrated luminosity expected at the High-Luminosity LHC at √s= 14 TeV, with the signal strength being expected to be extracted with +0.13−0.12 uncertainty. | ||
Links: CDS record (PDF) ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
Figures | |
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Figure 1:
Tree-level Feynman diagrams for the production of a Higgs boson in association with a top quark-antiquark pair (tˉtH) in the t-channel (left) and in the s-channel (right). In both cases the Higgs boson subsequently decays to a pair of b and anti-b quarks (H →bˉb). |
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Figure 1-a:
Tree-level Feynman diagrams for the production of a Higgs boson in association with a top quark-antiquark pair (tˉtH) in the t-channel (left) and in the s-channel (right). In both cases the Higgs boson subsequently decays to a pair of b and anti-b quarks (H →bˉb). |
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Figure 1-b:
Tree-level Feynman diagrams for the production of a Higgs boson in association with a top quark-antiquark pair (tˉtH) in the t-channel (left) and in the s-channel (right). In both cases the Higgs boson subsequently decays to a pair of b and anti-b quarks (H →bˉb). |
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Figure 2:
Reconstructed invariant mass mbˉb distribution in the signal region after the fit to Asimov data. The expected signal+background distribution is shown with a red line and is constructed using simulated events in the signal region at √s=14 TeV scaled to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb−1. The background prediction has been extrapolated to the signal region using events in the control region by applying event probability weights. The post-fit background prediction distribution is shown with a filled purple histogram. The pre-fit tˉtH signal distribution, multiplied by a factor 5, is overlayed with a blue line. The bottom panel shows the pull distribution defined as the per-bin ratio of the expected number of data minus the expected number of background events over the per-bin statistical uncertainty of the expected data. |
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Figure 3:
B-tagging probability map as a function of pT and η. |
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Figure 4:
Left: The mbˉb distribution is shown for tˉt+jets events in the 3b VR when applying the b-tagging selection (black) and when applying TRF weights to events in the 2b CR to predict the distribution in the 3b VR (blue) while the bottom panel shows the ratio of these two distributions (black points). The ratio has been fitted with a polynomial function of 0th degree (blue line) and of 1st degree (magenta line). The fitted parameter values of the 0th (1st) degree polynomials are shown in the blue (magenta) box. The goodness-of-fit is assessed by a chi-square test, the probability of which is also denoted. Right: The mbˉb distribution is shown for tˉt+jets events in the SR when applying the b-tagging selection (black) and when applying TRF weights to events in the 2b CR to predict the distribution in the SR (blue) while the bottom panel shows the ratio of these two distributions (black points). The ratio has been fitted with a polynomial function of 0th degree (blue line) and of 1st degree (magenta line). The fitted parameter values of the 0th (1st) degree polynomials are shown in the blue (magenta) box. The goodness-of-fit is assessed by a chi-square test, the probability of which is also denoted. |
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Figure 4-a:
Left: The mbˉb distribution is shown for tˉt+jets events in the 3b VR when applying the b-tagging selection (black) and when applying TRF weights to events in the 2b CR to predict the distribution in the 3b VR (blue) while the bottom panel shows the ratio of these two distributions (black points). The ratio has been fitted with a polynomial function of 0th degree (blue line) and of 1st degree (magenta line). The fitted parameter values of the 0th (1st) degree polynomials are shown in the blue (magenta) box. The goodness-of-fit is assessed by a chi-square test, the probability of which is also denoted. Right: The mbˉb distribution is shown for tˉt+jets events in the SR when applying the b-tagging selection (black) and when applying TRF weights to events in the 2b CR to predict the distribution in the SR (blue) while the bottom panel shows the ratio of these two distributions (black points). The ratio has been fitted with a polynomial function of 0th degree (blue line) and of 1st degree (magenta line). The fitted parameter values of the 0th (1st) degree polynomials are shown in the blue (magenta) box. The goodness-of-fit is assessed by a chi-square test, the probability of which is also denoted. |
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Figure 4-b:
Left: The mbˉb distribution is shown for tˉt+jets events in the 3b VR when applying the b-tagging selection (black) and when applying TRF weights to events in the 2b CR to predict the distribution in the 3b VR (blue) while the bottom panel shows the ratio of these two distributions (black points). The ratio has been fitted with a polynomial function of 0th degree (blue line) and of 1st degree (magenta line). The fitted parameter values of the 0th (1st) degree polynomials are shown in the blue (magenta) box. The goodness-of-fit is assessed by a chi-square test, the probability of which is also denoted. Right: The mbˉb distribution is shown for tˉt+jets events in the SR when applying the b-tagging selection (black) and when applying TRF weights to events in the 2b CR to predict the distribution in the SR (blue) while the bottom panel shows the ratio of these two distributions (black points). The ratio has been fitted with a polynomial function of 0th degree (blue line) and of 1st degree (magenta line). The fitted parameter values of the 0th (1st) degree polynomials are shown in the blue (magenta) box. The goodness-of-fit is assessed by a chi-square test, the probability of which is also denoted. |
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Figure 5:
The 68% confidence level uncertainty bands of the 1st degree polynomial used to correct the background prediction is shown as a function of the reconstructed mbˉb invariant mass. The number of events in simulation is assumed to be 10 times larger than the one expected in data. The progression of the uncertainty bands is shown for 140 fb−1 x 10 (pink), 300 fb−1 x 10 (light blue), 1000 fb−1 x 10 (green) and 3000 fb−1 x 10 (brown) of simulated events. |
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Figure 6:
Left: Projected background rate uncertainty originating from the data to simulation compatibility of the TRF prediction normalization in the 3b VR as a function of the integrated luminosity. Right: Projection of the uncertainty originating from the background prediction correction factor. The graph shows the average per- mbˉb -bin value of the 68% confidence interval of the 1st degree polynomial which is used to correct the background prediction as a function of the simulated luminosity. |
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Figure 6-a:
Left: Projected background rate uncertainty originating from the data to simulation compatibility of the TRF prediction normalization in the 3b VR as a function of the integrated luminosity. Right: Projection of the uncertainty originating from the background prediction correction factor. The graph shows the average per- mbˉb -bin value of the 68% confidence interval of the 1st degree polynomial which is used to correct the background prediction as a function of the simulated luminosity. |
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Figure 6-b:
Left: Projected background rate uncertainty originating from the data to simulation compatibility of the TRF prediction normalization in the 3b VR as a function of the integrated luminosity. Right: Projection of the uncertainty originating from the background prediction correction factor. The graph shows the average per- mbˉb -bin value of the 68% confidence interval of the 1st degree polynomial which is used to correct the background prediction as a function of the simulated luminosity. |
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Figure 7:
Projected estimated significance shown as a function of the integrated luminosity for the statistical uncertainties only scenario (black), the Run 2 uncertainty scenario (magenta), the conservative scenario (light blue) and the realistic scenario (green). |
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Figure 8:
Best fit values of the signal strength modifiers μ obtained in the latest CMS published result [4] (top) and for the fit of the Asimov dataset constructed for 3000 fb−1 for the different uncertainty scenarios. Also shown are the 68% expected confidence intervals (blue error bar) which are additionally split into their statistical (red error bar) and systematic (black error bar) components. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Baseline event selection criteria. |
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Table 2:
Expected significance and total (statistical and systematic) uncertainty on the signal strength modifier (δμ) calculated for different values of integrated luminosity for the conservative and the most realistic uncertainty extrapolation scenarios. |
Summary |
The discovery of the Higgs boson has played a key role in understanding the SM. With increased integrated luminosity acquired, the LHC has opened a new era of precision measurements allowing us to study the properties of this important particle, thoroughly testing the consistency of the foundations of the SM. The HL-LHC will provide a unique opportunity to extensively test the Higgs boson properties with increased statistical precision. For the prospective studies presented in this summary, a novel alternative approach with respect to the one presented in Ref. [4] was considered. The novel approach introduced is able to overcome the hurdle of being systematic-uncertainty-limited since the main background, arising from tˉt+jets events, is predicted with a data-based method. It also provides a measurement utilizing the mass of the Higgs boson as an observable, hence being orthogonal and complementary to the approaches which utilize the output of a ML estimator. Different uncertainty extrapolation scenarios were studied to take into account the different running conditions and expected increase in luminosity. With this analysis approach, one should be able to reach discovery with the dilepton channel alone accompanied by a significantly improved precision with as much as 1/3 of the HL-LHC integrated luminosity. A measurement that will utilize the full HL-LHC integrated luminosity can result to approximately 13% total uncertainty on the signal cross section. This translates to a similar level of precision in measuring yt and will allow us to probe possible deviations from the SM expectation. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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