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Search for supersymmetry with direct stau production at the HL-LHC with the CMS Phase-2 detector
Abstract: A search for the direct production of τ sleptons (˜τ) is developed assuming 3000 fb1 of proton-proton collision data produced by the HL-LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. Three final states are investigated: two τ leptons decaying hadronically, and one τ lepton decaying hadronically and the other one decaying to a muon or electron and neutrinos. The analysis is performed using the Delphes simulation of the CMS Phase-2 detector where the object reconstruction performance is tuned to the one achieved with CMS Phase-2 full simulation. In the mass-degenerate production scenario, ˜τ masses are excluded below 650 GeV, with the discovery contour of ˜τ masses reaching up to 470 GeV.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Diagram for the ˜τ pair production.

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Figure 2:
The main search variables for the τhτh analysis, (left) ΣMT and (right) MT2, both after the baseline selection. Scaled signal yields for direct ˜τ production with the mass-degenerate cross section are shown for three separate scenarios of ˜τ and LSP masses. All processes containing top quarks, i.e. t¯t, single top quark, and t¯t+X production are combined and referred to "Top Quark" in the figure, while "Other SM" corresponds to background processes with a low number of events that are combined, diboson and triboson production.

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Figure 2-a:
Search variable ΣMT for the τhτh analysis, after the baseline selection. Scaled signal yields for direct ˜τ production with the mass-degenerate cross section are shown for three separate scenarios of ˜τ and LSP masses. All processes containing top quarks, i.e. t¯t, single top quark, and t¯t+X production are combined and referred to "Top Quark" in the figure, while "Other SM" corresponds to background processes with a low number of events that are combined, diboson and triboson production.

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Figure 2-b:
Search variable MT2 for the τhτh analysis, after the baseline selection. Scaled signal yields for direct ˜τ production with the mass-degenerate cross section are shown for three separate scenarios of ˜τ and LSP masses. All processes containing top quarks, i.e. t¯t, single top quark, and t¯t+X production are combined and referred to "Top Quark" in the figure, while "Other SM" corresponds to background processes with a low number of events that are combined, diboson and triboson production.

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Figure 3:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the eτh analysis after the baseline selection: (upper left) the pTmiss distribution, (upper right) the MT distribution, and (lower) the MT2 distribution using pTmiss after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 3-a:
pTmiss distribution in the eτh analysis after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 3-b:
MT distribution in the eτh analysis after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 3-c:
MT2 distribution using pTmiss in the eτh analysis after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 4:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the μτh analysis after the baseline selection: (upper left) the pTmiss distribution, (upper right) the MT distribution, and (lower) the MT2 distribution using pTmiss after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 4-a:
pTmiss distribution in the μτh analysis after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 4-b:
MT distribution in the μτh analysis after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 4-c:
MT2 distribution using pTmiss in the μτh analysis after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top quark production.

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Figure 5:
The expected upper limits at the 95% CL and the 5σ discovery potential for the combination of the results of the τhτh and τh channels.

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Table 1:
Summary of object selection requirements for the analysis.

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Table 2:
Summary of the baseline selection requirements in each final state.

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Table 3:
Definition of the search regions (SR) used in the τhτh analysis. Signal depleted bins (low ΣMT, high MT2) are omitted. The full list of bins and background yields is presented in Table 6.

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Table 4:
Search region requirements in the τh analysis.

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Table 5:
Summary of the experimental systematic uncertainties.

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Table 6:
Signal region yields for for background and signal simulation in the τhτh channel. The three rightmost columns show the signal predictions in the degenerate scenario, for masses given in the form of (m˜τ/m~chi01) in GeV.

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Table 7:
Signal region yields for background and signal simulation in the eτh channel. The three rightmost columns show the signal predictions in the degenerate scenario, for masses given in the form of (m˜τ/m~chi01) in GeV.

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Table 8:
Signal region yields for background and signal simulation in the μτh channel. The three rightmost columns show the signal predictions in the degenerate scenario, for masses given in the form of (m˜τ/m~chi01) in GeV.
A search for the direct production of τ sleptons has been presented, assuming 3000 fb1 of proton-proton collision data produced by the HL-LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. Expected limits have been calculated for the final states that contain either two hadronically decaying τ leptons and missing transverse momentum, or one hadronically decaying τ lepton and one τ decaying to a muon or electron and neutrinos. The analysis is performed using the Delphes simulation of the CMS Phase-2 detector where the object reconstruction performance is tuned to the one achieved with CMS Phase-2 full simulation. In mass-degenerate scenarios, degenerate production of τ sleptons are excluded up to 650 GeV with the discovery contour reaching up to 470 GeV for a massless lightest neutralino.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
The main search variables for the τhτh analysis, ΣMT, after the baseline selection using object-based pTmiss, defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document). Scaled signal yields for direct ˜τ production with the mass-degenerate cross section are shown for three separate scenarios of ˜τ and LSP masses. All processes containing top quarks, i.e. t¯t, single top and t¯t+X production are combined and referred to "Top Quark" in the figure, while "Other SM" corresponds to background processes with a low number of events that are combined, diboson and triboson production.

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Additional Figure 2:
The main search variables for the τhτh analysis, MT2, after the baseline selection using object-based pTmiss, defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document). Scaled signal yields for direct ˜τ production with the mass-degenerate cross section are shown for three separate scenarios of ˜τ and LSP masses. All processes containing top quarks, i.e. t¯t, single top and t¯t+X production are combined and referred to "Top Quark" in the figure, while "Other SM" corresponds to background processes with a low number of events that are combined, diboson and triboson production.

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Additional Figure 3:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the eτh analysis after the baseline selection: the pTmiss distribution using object-based pTmiss (defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document)) after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top production.

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Additional Figure 4:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the eτh analysis after the baseline selection: the MT distribution using object-based pTmiss (defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document)) after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top production.

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Additional Figure 5:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the eτh analysis after the baseline selection: the MT2 distribution using object-based pTmiss (defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document)) after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top production.

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Additional Figure 6:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the μτh analysis after the baseline selection: the pTmiss distribution using object-based pTmiss (defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document)) after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top production.

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Additional Figure 7:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the μτh analysis after the baseline selection: the MT distribution, and (lower) using object-based pTmiss (defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document)) after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top production.

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Additional Figure 8:
The variables used to determine the search regions in the μτh analysis after the baseline selection: the MT2 distribution using object-based pTmiss (defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document)) after the baseline selection. "Other SM" refers to processes with a low number of events after the baseline selection and includes diboson, triboson, t¯t and single top production.

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Additional Figure 9:
The expected upper limits at the 95% CL and the 5σ discovery potential for the combination of the results of the τhτh and τh channels using object-based pTmiss, defined as the negative vector sum of the transverse momentum of all candidate objects in the event (candidate leptons and jets as defined in the main body of the document).

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Additional Figure 10:
The same as Fig. 5 from the plain text but with different style.

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Additional Figure 11:
Projection of the HL-LHC 5σ discovery contours and expected 95%CL exclusion contours for the combination of the τhτh and τh channels for a center-of-mass energy of 27 TeV and an integrated luminosity of 15 ab1 (HE-LHC). Except for the cross sections and the integrated luminosity, the HL-LHC analysis was not modified. Results are presented for m˜χ01< 300 GeV.
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Compact Muon Solenoid