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Prospects for a search for gluon-mediated FCNC in top quark production using the CMS Phase-2 detector at the HL-LHC
Abstract: Prospects are presented for a search for gluon-mediated flavour-changing neutral currents in the top quark production via tug and tcg vertices using the CMS Phase-2 detector at the HL-LHC. The analysis uses Monte Carlo samples of proton-proton collisions at s= 14 TeV with a full simulation of the Phase-2 upgraded CMS detector assuming an average of 200 proton-proton interactions per bunch crossing. The final state signature of the signal is similar to that for the t-channel single top quark production in the μe+ jets final state. Bayesian and deep learning neural networks are used to discriminate the signal events against backgrounds. The 95% C.L. expected exclusion limits on the coupling strengths are |κtug|/λ<1.8×103(2.9×103)TeV1 and |κtcg|/λ<5.2×103(9.1×103)TeV1 for integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 (300 fb1). The corresponding limits on branching fractions are B(tug)<3.8×106(9.8×106) and B(tcg)<32×106(99×106) for integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 (300 fb1). Therefore, the exploitation of the full HL-LHC data set with the upgraded CMS detector will allow to improve the current limits by an order of magnitude.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Tables References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Representative Feynman diagrams for the FCNC processes with tqg interactions (q=u,c).

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Figure 2:
The Multijet BNN input variable distributions: mT(W) (top left), EmissT (top right), Δϕ(lep,EmissT) (middle left) and pT(lep) (middle right). Comparison of distributions of the training and testing events of the Multijet BNN (bottom left) and resulting distribution of the Multijet BNN discriminant (bottom right). The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.09 and |κtcg|= 0.06 TeV1. Both muon and electron channels are presented on the plots.

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Figure 2-a:
The Multijet BNN input variable distributions: mT(W) (top left), EmissT (top right), Δϕ(lep,EmissT) (middle left) and pT(lep) (middle right). Comparison of distributions of the training and testing events of the Multijet BNN (bottom left) and resulting distribution of the Multijet BNN discriminant (bottom right). The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.09 and |κtcg|= 0.06 TeV1. Both muon and electron channels are presented on the plots.

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Figure 2-b:
The Multijet BNN input variable distributions: mT(W) (top left), EmissT (top right), Δϕ(lep,EmissT) (middle left) and pT(lep) (middle right). Comparison of distributions of the training and testing events of the Multijet BNN (bottom left) and resulting distribution of the Multijet BNN discriminant (bottom right). The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.09 and |κtcg|= 0.06 TeV1. Both muon and electron channels are presented on the plots.

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Figure 2-c:
The Multijet BNN input variable distributions: mT(W) (top left), EmissT (top right), Δϕ(lep,EmissT) (middle left) and pT(lep) (middle right). Comparison of distributions of the training and testing events of the Multijet BNN (bottom left) and resulting distribution of the Multijet BNN discriminant (bottom right). The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.09 and |κtcg|= 0.06 TeV1. Both muon and electron channels are presented on the plots.

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Figure 2-d:
The Multijet BNN input variable distributions: mT(W) (top left), EmissT (top right), Δϕ(lep,EmissT) (middle left) and pT(lep) (middle right). Comparison of distributions of the training and testing events of the Multijet BNN (bottom left) and resulting distribution of the Multijet BNN discriminant (bottom right). The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.09 and |κtcg|= 0.06 TeV1. Both muon and electron channels are presented on the plots.

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Figure 2-e:
The Multijet BNN input variable distributions: mT(W) (top left), EmissT (top right), Δϕ(lep,EmissT) (middle left) and pT(lep) (middle right). Comparison of distributions of the training and testing events of the Multijet BNN (bottom left) and resulting distribution of the Multijet BNN discriminant (bottom right). The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.09 and |κtcg|= 0.06 TeV1. Both muon and electron channels are presented on the plots.

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Figure 2-f:
The Multijet BNN input variable distributions: mT(W) (top left), EmissT (top right), Δϕ(lep,EmissT) (middle left) and pT(lep) (middle right). Comparison of distributions of the training and testing events of the Multijet BNN (bottom left) and resulting distribution of the Multijet BNN discriminant (bottom right). The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.09 and |κtcg|= 0.06 TeV1. Both muon and electron channels are presented on the plots.

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Figure 3:
Comparison of FCNC tgc and tgu signal with the SM processes for the BNN input variables. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings |κtug|= 0.06 TeV1 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied. The variables are described in Table1.

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Figure 3-a:
Comparison of FCNC tgc and tgu signal with the SM processes for the BNN input variables. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings |κtug|= 0.06 TeV1 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied. The variables are described in Table1.

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Figure 3-b:
Comparison of FCNC tgc and tgu signal with the SM processes for the BNN input variables. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings |κtug|= 0.06 TeV1 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied. The variables are described in Table1.

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Figure 3-c:
Comparison of FCNC tgc and tgu signal with the SM processes for the BNN input variables. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings |κtug|= 0.06 TeV1 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied. The variables are described in Table1.

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Figure 3-d:
Comparison of FCNC tgc and tgu signal with the SM processes for the BNN input variables. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings |κtug|= 0.06 TeV1 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied. The variables are described in Table1.

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Figure 3-e:
Comparison of FCNC tgc and tgu signal with the SM processes for the BNN input variables. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings |κtug|= 0.06 TeV1 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied. The variables are described in Table1.

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Figure 3-f:
Comparison of FCNC tgc and tgu signal with the SM processes for the BNN input variables. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings |κtug|= 0.06 TeV1 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied. The variables are described in Table1.

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Figure 4:
Comparison of the BNN and DNN FCNC discriminant distributions to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) and tgc (right) processes (signal) from the SM processes (background). The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 4-a:
Comparison of the BNN and DNN FCNC discriminant distributions to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) and tgc (right) processes (signal) from the SM processes (background). The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 4-b:
Comparison of the BNN and DNN FCNC discriminant distributions to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) and tgc (right) processes (signal) from the SM processes (background). The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 5:
The FCNC BNN discriminant distributions to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) or tgc (right) processes from the SM contribution. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings to be |κtug|= 0.06 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 5-a:
The FCNC BNN discriminant distributions to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) or tgc (right) processes from the SM contribution. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings to be |κtug|= 0.06 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 5-b:
The FCNC BNN discriminant distributions to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) or tgc (right) processes from the SM contribution. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming the couplings to be |κtug|= 0.06 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 6:
The FCNC DNN discriminant distributions when the DNN is trained to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) and tgc (right) processes from the SM processes. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.06 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1 on the left (right) plots. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 6-a:
The FCNC DNN discriminant distributions when the DNN is trained to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) and tgc (right) processes from the SM processes. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.06 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1 on the left (right) plots. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 6-b:
The FCNC DNN discriminant distributions when the DNN is trained to distinguish FCNC tgu (left) and tgc (right) processes from the SM processes. The solid and dashed lines give the expected distributions for FCNC tgu and tgc processes, respectively, assuming a coupling of |κtug|= 0.06 and |κtcg|= 0.09 TeV1 on the left (right) plots. The requirement of Multijet BNN > 0.7 is applied.

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Figure 7:
The expected exclusion limits at 95% C.L. on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions as a function of integrated luminosity.

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Figure 7-a:
The expected exclusion limits at 95% C.L. on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions as a function of integrated luminosity.

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Figure 7-b:
The expected exclusion limits at 95% C.L. on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions as a function of integrated luminosity.

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Figure 7-c:
The expected exclusion limits at 95% C.L. on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions as a function of integrated luminosity.

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Figure 7-d:
The expected exclusion limits at 95% C.L. on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions as a function of integrated luminosity.

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Figure 8:
Two-dimensional expected limits on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions at 68% and 95% C.L. for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1.

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Figure 8-a:
Two-dimensional expected limits on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions at 68% and 95% C.L. for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1.

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Figure 8-b:
Two-dimensional expected limits on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions at 68% and 95% C.L. for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1.

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Figure 9:
Effect of the systematic uncertainties on the expected exclusion limits on the branching fractions for B(tug) (left plot) and B(tcg) (right plot).

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Figure 9-a:
Effect of the systematic uncertainties on the expected exclusion limits on the branching fractions for B(tug) (left plot) and B(tcg) (right plot).

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Figure 9-b:
Effect of the systematic uncertainties on the expected exclusion limits on the branching fractions for B(tug) (left plot) and B(tcg) (right plot).

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Table 1:
Input variables for the BNN/DNNs used in the analysis. The symbol X represents the variables used for each particular BNN/DNN. The notations "leading" and "next-to-leading" refer to the highest-pT and second-highest-pT jet, respectively. The notation "best" jet is used for the jet that gives a reconstructed mass of the top quark closest to the value of 172.5 GeV, which is used in the MC simulation.

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Table 2:
The predicted event yields before and after the multijet BNN suppression for integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. The estimations for tug and tcg processes assume coupling values of |κtug|= 0.03 and |κtcg|= 0.03 TeV1, respectively.

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Table 3:
The expected exclusion 1D limits at 95% C.L. on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions for an integrated luminosity of 300 fb1 and 3000 fb1. In addition, a comparison with statistic-only uncertainties is shown.
A direct search for model-independent FCNC |κtug|/λ and |κtcg|/λ couplings of the tug and tcg interactions has been projected for HL-LHC pp collisions at s= 14 TeV based on full Monte Carlo simulation of the CMS experiment after the Phase II upgrades. The 95% C.L. expected exclusion limits on the coupling strengths are |κtug|/λ<1.8×103(2.9×103)TeV1 and |κtcg|/λ<5.2×103(9.1×103)TeV1 for the integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 (300 fb1). The corresponding limits on branching fractions for the integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 are B(tug)<3.8×106 and B(tcg)<32×106. These results demonstrate that about one order of magnitude improvement can be achieved with respect to existing limits [23] on the branching fractions of rare FCNC top quark decays.
Additional Tables

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Additional Table 1:
The FCNC pptj process cross sections for different energies of pp collisions at the LHC. The cross sections are calculated in CompHEP at LO and could be scaled to NLO cross sections using a corresponding k-factor [54]. The given numbers for tgu and tgc processes assume a coupling values of <κtug>/Λ= 0.03 and <κtcg>/Λ= 0.03 TeV1, respectively.

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Additional Table 2:
The expected exclusion 1D limits at 95% C.L. on the FCNC couplings and the corresponding branching fractions for s= 14 TeV and integrated luminosity L= 15 ab1, and extrapolation of the expected limits to s= 27 TeV, L= 15 ab1. The extrapolation has been performed with the following formula: <κexp27TeV>/Λ=<κexp14TeV>/Λσ14TeVσ27TeV.
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Compact Muon Solenoid