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Search for pair-produced resonances decaying to quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for the pair production of resonances decaying to two quarks is reported. The search is conducted separately for lighter resonances between 80 and 400 GeV in mass, when the resulting diquark decay products are collimated and reconstructed as a single jet producing a dijet final state, and for heavier resonances above 400 GeV in mass, when the decay products generate pairs of hadronic jets producing a four-jet final state. In addition, a b-tagged selection is applied to target resonances with a bottom quark in the final state. The analysis uses data collected with the CMS detector at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1 from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The mass spectra are analyzed for the presence of new resonant particles, and are found to be consistent with standard model expectations. The results are interpreted in the framework of R-parity-violating supersymmentry assuming the pair production of scalar top quarks decaying via the λ312 or the λ323 hadronic couplings, and upper limits are placed on the pair production cross section of top squarks as a function of the top squark mass for the two hadronic coupling scenarios.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Diagrams for the benchmark models used in this analysis: pair production of top squarks decaying into qq via the RPV λ312 coupling (left), and bq via the RPV coupling λ323 (right).

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Figure 1-a:
Diagrams for the benchmark models used in this analysis: pair production of top squarks decaying into qq via the RPV λ312 coupling (left), and bq via the RPV coupling λ323 (right).

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Figure 1-b:
Diagrams for the benchmark models used in this analysis: pair production of top squarks decaying into qq via the RPV λ312 coupling (left), and bq via the RPV coupling λ323 (right).

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Figure 2:
Boosted search: Kinematic distributions normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), backgrounds (solid colored lines), and a few selected ˜tqq signal simulated samples (dashed colored lines). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented. In the case of the τ21 and τ32 variables both τ21 and τ32 requirements are removed. The black dashed lines represent where the selection is applied. Top left: masym. Top right: Δη. Middle left: leading jet τ21. Middle right: subleading jet τ21. Bottom left: leading jet τ32. Bottom right: subleading jet τ32.

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Figure 2-a:
Boosted search: Kinematic distributions normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), backgrounds (solid colored lines), and a few selected ˜tqq signal simulated samples (dashed colored lines). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented. In the case of the τ21 and τ32 variables both τ21 and τ32 requirements are removed. The black dashed lines represent where the selection is applied. Top left: masym. Top right: Δη. Middle left: leading jet τ21. Middle right: subleading jet τ21. Bottom left: leading jet τ32. Bottom right: subleading jet τ32.

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Figure 2-b:
Boosted search: Kinematic distributions normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), backgrounds (solid colored lines), and a few selected ˜tqq signal simulated samples (dashed colored lines). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented. In the case of the τ21 and τ32 variables both τ21 and τ32 requirements are removed. The black dashed lines represent where the selection is applied. Top left: masym. Top right: Δη. Middle left: leading jet τ21. Middle right: subleading jet τ21. Bottom left: leading jet τ32. Bottom right: subleading jet τ32.

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Figure 2-c:
Boosted search: Kinematic distributions normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), backgrounds (solid colored lines), and a few selected ˜tqq signal simulated samples (dashed colored lines). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented. In the case of the τ21 and τ32 variables both τ21 and τ32 requirements are removed. The black dashed lines represent where the selection is applied. Top left: masym. Top right: Δη. Middle left: leading jet τ21. Middle right: subleading jet τ21. Bottom left: leading jet τ32. Bottom right: subleading jet τ32.

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Figure 2-d:
Boosted search: Kinematic distributions normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), backgrounds (solid colored lines), and a few selected ˜tqq signal simulated samples (dashed colored lines). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented. In the case of the τ21 and τ32 variables both τ21 and τ32 requirements are removed. The black dashed lines represent where the selection is applied. Top left: masym. Top right: Δη. Middle left: leading jet τ21. Middle right: subleading jet τ21. Bottom left: leading jet τ32. Bottom right: subleading jet τ32.

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Figure 2-e:
Boosted search: Kinematic distributions normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), backgrounds (solid colored lines), and a few selected ˜tqq signal simulated samples (dashed colored lines). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented. In the case of the τ21 and τ32 variables both τ21 and τ32 requirements are removed. The black dashed lines represent where the selection is applied. Top left: masym. Top right: Δη. Middle left: leading jet τ21. Middle right: subleading jet τ21. Bottom left: leading jet τ32. Bottom right: subleading jet τ32.

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Figure 2-f:
Boosted search: Kinematic distributions normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), backgrounds (solid colored lines), and a few selected ˜tqq signal simulated samples (dashed colored lines). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented. In the case of the τ21 and τ32 variables both τ21 and τ32 requirements are removed. The black dashed lines represent where the selection is applied. Top left: masym. Top right: Δη. Middle left: leading jet τ21. Middle right: subleading jet τ21. Bottom left: leading jet τ32. Bottom right: subleading jet τ32.

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Figure 3:
Boosted search: Left: Signal mass distributions for various simulated ˜tqq masses probed in this analysis after applying the inclusive selection. Right: Signal efficiency as a function of m˜t for the inclusive and b-tagged selections.

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Figure 3-a:
Boosted search: Left: Signal mass distributions for various simulated ˜tqq masses probed in this analysis after applying the inclusive selection. Right: Signal efficiency as a function of m˜t for the inclusive and b-tagged selections.

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Figure 3-b:
Boosted search: Left: Signal mass distributions for various simulated ˜tqq masses probed in this analysis after applying the inclusive selection. Right: Signal efficiency as a function of m˜t for the inclusive and b-tagged selections.

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Figure 4:
Boosted search: Transfer factor B/D as a function of ¯M for data (black points) corrected for the resonant background component. Fit to the data (black dotted line) with the sigmoid function described in Eq. (2) is also presented. Gray and red bands represent the uncertainties of the fit for the inclusive and b-tagged selection, respectively, and are used as systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 5:
Boosted search: ¯M distribution shown for data (black points) and the total background prediction. Left: inclusive selection. Right: b-tagged selection. The different background components are illustrated with different colors while the grey hashed band displays the total background uncertainty. On the bottom we show the ratio between data and the background prediction. The shaded colored regions on the bottom illustrate the effect when including a top squark signal for two different top squark masses.

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Figure 5-a:
Boosted search: ¯M distribution shown for data (black points) and the total background prediction. Left: inclusive selection. Right: b-tagged selection. The different background components are illustrated with different colors while the grey hashed band displays the total background uncertainty. On the bottom we show the ratio between data and the background prediction. The shaded colored regions on the bottom illustrate the effect when including a top squark signal for two different top squark masses.

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Figure 5-b:
Boosted search: ¯M distribution shown for data (black points) and the total background prediction. Left: inclusive selection. Right: b-tagged selection. The different background components are illustrated with different colors while the grey hashed band displays the total background uncertainty. On the bottom we show the ratio between data and the background prediction. The shaded colored regions on the bottom illustrate the effect when including a top squark signal for two different top squark masses.

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Figure 6:
Resolved search: The Masym distribution normalized to unity showing the comparison between data (black dots), background (solid blue line), and a selected signal ˜tqq with a m˜t= 500 GeV (dashed red line). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented, and the region to the left of the black dashed line indicates the optimized region of selected Masym values.

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Figure 7:
Resolved search: The ηjj1 value of the higher pT dijet system in the selected pair as a function of the ηjj2 value of the lower pT dijet system. The distribution is shown for simulated QCD multijet events (left) and a selected signal ˜tqq with a m˜t= 500 GeV (right). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented, and the region between the two red dashed lines indicates the optimized region of selected Δηdijet values.

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Figure 7-a:
Resolved search: The ηjj1 value of the higher pT dijet system in the selected pair as a function of the ηjj2 value of the lower pT dijet system. The distribution is shown for simulated QCD multijet events (left) and a selected signal ˜tqq with a m˜t= 500 GeV (right). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented, and the region between the two red dashed lines indicates the optimized region of selected Δηdijet values.

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Figure 7-b:
Resolved search: The ηjj1 value of the higher pT dijet system in the selected pair as a function of the ηjj2 value of the lower pT dijet system. The distribution is shown for simulated QCD multijet events (left) and a selected signal ˜tqq with a m˜t= 500 GeV (right). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented, and the region between the two red dashed lines indicates the optimized region of selected Δηdijet values.

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Figure 8:
Resolved search: The distribution of Δ as a function of ¯M, shown for simulated QCD multijet events (left) and a selected signal ˜tqq with a m˜t= 500 GeV (right). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented, and the region above the red dashed line indicates the optimized region of selected Δ values.

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Figure 8-a:
Resolved search: The distribution of Δ as a function of ¯M, shown for simulated QCD multijet events (left) and a selected signal ˜tqq with a m˜t= 500 GeV (right). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented, and the region above the red dashed line indicates the optimized region of selected Δ values.

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Figure 8-b:
Resolved search: The distribution of Δ as a function of ¯M, shown for simulated QCD multijet events (left) and a selected signal ˜tqq with a m˜t= 500 GeV (right). All selection criteria are applied apart from that on the variable being presented, and the region above the red dashed line indicates the optimized region of selected Δ values.

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Figure 9:
Resolved search: Left: The ¯M distributions for the data (black points), along with the resulting fit of the functional form in Eq. (3) (blue line) for the inclusive selection (top) and b-tagged (bottom) selections. The expected signals from the ˜tqq and ˜tbq simulated samples at m˜t= 500 GeV are also presented (red lines) for the inclusive selection and b-tagged selections, respectively. Right: The bin-by-bin pull and residual distributions, as described in the text.

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Figure 9-a:
Resolved search: Left: The ¯M distributions for the data (black points), along with the resulting fit of the functional form in Eq. (3) (blue line) for the inclusive selection (top) and b-tagged (bottom) selections. The expected signals from the ˜tqq and ˜tbq simulated samples at m˜t= 500 GeV are also presented (red lines) for the inclusive selection and b-tagged selections, respectively. Right: The bin-by-bin pull and residual distributions, as described in the text.

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Figure 9-b:
Resolved search: Left: The ¯M distributions for the data (black points), along with the resulting fit of the functional form in Eq. (3) (blue line) for the inclusive selection (top) and b-tagged (bottom) selections. The expected signals from the ˜tqq and ˜tbq simulated samples at m˜t= 500 GeV are also presented (red lines) for the inclusive selection and b-tagged selections, respectively. Right: The bin-by-bin pull and residual distributions, as described in the text.

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Figure 10:
Resolved search: Left: Gaussian fits on the mass of the simulated signals for various ˜tqq masses probed in this search after applying the inclusive selection. Right: Signal efficiency as a function of m˜t for the inclusive and b-tagged selections.

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Figure 10-a:
Resolved search: Left: Gaussian fits on the mass of the simulated signals for various ˜tqq masses probed in this search after applying the inclusive selection. Right: Signal efficiency as a function of m˜t for the inclusive and b-tagged selections.

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Figure 10-b:
Resolved search: Left: Gaussian fits on the mass of the simulated signals for various ˜tqq masses probed in this search after applying the inclusive selection. Right: Signal efficiency as a function of m˜t for the inclusive and b-tagged selections.

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Figure 11:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section times the branching ratio (B2) as a function of m˜t. The branching ratio to quarks is assumed to be 100%. The boosted analysis probes 80 m˜t< 400 GeV, while the resolved analysis searches for m˜t 400 GeV. Left: limits using the inclusive selection for ˜tqq assuming the RPV coupling λ312. Right: limits using the b-tagged selection for ˜tbq assuming the RPV coupling λ323. The dashed pink line shows the NLO + NLL theoretical predictions for top squark pair production.

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Figure 11-a:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section times the branching ratio (B2) as a function of m˜t. The branching ratio to quarks is assumed to be 100%. The boosted analysis probes 80 m˜t< 400 GeV, while the resolved analysis searches for m˜t 400 GeV. Left: limits using the inclusive selection for ˜tqq assuming the RPV coupling λ312. Right: limits using the b-tagged selection for ˜tbq assuming the RPV coupling λ323. The dashed pink line shows the NLO + NLL theoretical predictions for top squark pair production.

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Figure 11-b:
Observed and expected 95% CL upper limits on the product of the cross section times the branching ratio (B2) as a function of m˜t. The branching ratio to quarks is assumed to be 100%. The boosted analysis probes 80 m˜t< 400 GeV, while the resolved analysis searches for m˜t 400 GeV. Left: limits using the inclusive selection for ˜tqq assuming the RPV coupling λ312. Right: limits using the b-tagged selection for ˜tbq assuming the RPV coupling λ323. The dashed pink line shows the NLO + NLL theoretical predictions for top squark pair production.

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Table 1:
Signal selection criteria.

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Table 2:
Definition of the regions used in the QCD multijet background estimation for the boosted analysis. Region A is the signal dominated region while regions B, C, D are background dominated sideband regions.

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Table 3:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties on the signal acceptance. For the shape uncertainties, the value represents the percentage difference in the nominal value of the systematic uncertainty.

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Table 4:
Summary of the systematic uncertainties on the background prediction by source.
A search has been performed for the pair production of diquark resonances in two jet events in a boosted jet topology and in four-jet events in a resolved jet topology. Data is analyzed from proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV collected in 2016 with the CMS detector corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. In the boosted search the distribution of the average mass of the selected two jets has been investigated for localized disagreements between the data and the background estimate, consistent with a new resonance, while in the resolved analysis the average mass of the selected dijet pairs is examined for localized disagreements between data and the background expectations. The boosted search explores resonance masses between 60 and 450 GeV, while the resolved one covers masses above 350 GeV. We find agreement between observations and standard model expectations. These results are interpreted in the framework of RPV SUSY assuming the pair production of top squarks decaying to quarks via the λ312 or the λ323 couplings, assuming 100% branching ratios to ˜tqq or ˜tbq, respectively. Upper limits are set at 95% confidence level on the pair production cross section of top squarks as a function of the top squark mass. We exclude top squark masses from 80 to 520 GeV assuming the λ312 coupling, and from 80 to 270 GeV, 285 to 340 GeV, and 400 to 525 GeV assuming the λ323 coupling.
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Compact Muon Solenoid