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Search for excited states of light and heavy flavor quarks in the γ+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for excited states of light and heavy flavor quarks decaying into the γ+jets final state is presented. The analysis is based on data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1 collected by the CMS experiment in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV in 2016 at the LHC. Events containing at least one photon and one jet with high transverse momenta are selected and the γ+jets invariant mass distribution is searched for a resonance peak. The upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction are evaluated as a function of the excited quark masses. At 95% confidence level, the most stringent limits are presented in γ+jets final state to exclude the excited light quarks with masses below 5.5 TeV and the excited b quarks with masses below 1.8 TeV for coupling multiplier f=1.0.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Acceptance times efficiency for q and b signal for coupling f=1.0 as a function of generated Mq or Mb mass using MC simulation.

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Figure 2:
The γ+jets invariant mass distribution in data (black points) for the inclusive category used for the q analysis, after final selection. The result of the fit to the data using the parametrization defined in Eq. 2 is shown with the blue dashed curve. The bin-by-bin pull, (Data-Fit)/stat. unc., where stat. unc. refers to the statistical uncertainty in data, is also presented. Simulations of excited quark signals are shown for mass points 1.0 and 5.0 TeV for f=1.0 and for mass point 2.0 TeV for f=0.5.

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Figure 3:
The γ+b-jets invariant mass distribution in data (black points) used for the b analysis, after final selection for (a) 1 b tag category and (b) 0 b tag category. The result of the fit to the data using the parametrization defined in Eq. 2 is shown with the blue dashed curve. The bin-by-bin pull, (Data-Fit)/stat. unc., where stat. unc. refers to the statistical uncertainty in data, is also presented. Simulations of excited b quark signals are shown under 1 and 0 b tag category for masses 1.0 and 2.0 TeV for f=1.0.

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Figure 3-a:
The γ+b-jets invariant mass distribution in data (black points) used for the b analysis, after final selection for 1 b tag category. The result of the fit to the data using the parametrization defined in Eq. 2 is shown with the blue dashed curve. The bin-by-bin pull, (Data-Fit)/stat. unc., where stat. unc. refers to the statistical uncertainty in data, is also presented. Simulations of excited b quark signals are shown under 1 and 0 b tag category for masses 1.0 and 2.0 TeV for f=1.0.

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Figure 3-b:
The γ+b-jets invariant mass distribution in data (black points) used for the b analysis, after final selection for 0 b tag category. The result of the fit to the data using the parametrization defined in Eq. 2 is shown with the blue dashed curve. The bin-by-bin pull, (Data-Fit)/stat. unc., where stat. unc. refers to the statistical uncertainty in data, is also presented. Simulations of excited b quark signals are shown under 1 and 0 b tag category for masses 1.0 and 2.0 TeV for f=1.0.

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Figure 4:
The expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on σ×B for excited quark search in γ+jets final state corresponding to coupling f=1.0. The limits are compared with the theoretical predictions for excited quark production. The uncertainties at 1 and 2 standard deviations (s.d.) levels are shown as green and yellow shaded bands around expected limit.

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Figure 5:
The expected and observed 95% CL upper limits on σ×B for excited b quark search in γ+b-jets final state corresponding to coupling f=1.0. The limits are compared with the theoretical predictions for excited b quark production. The uncertainties at 1 and 2 standard deviations (s.d.) levels are shown as green and yellow shaded bands around expected limit.

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Figure 6:
The observed and expected excluded regions for q and b at 95% CL as a function of Mq, Mb and the coupling strength f.

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Table 1:
Summary of the dominant sources of uncertainties and their effect on yield.
We have presented a search for excited states of light and heavy flavor quarks in the γ+jets and γ+b-jets final states, respectively. The search is performed with data collected at s= 13 TeV in 2016, which corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1.

The 95% CL upper limits are placed on σ×B for q and b production in γ+jets and γ+b-jets final states, respectively. Comparing these cross section upper limits with theoretical predictions, an excited quark within mass range 1.0 <Mq< 5.5 TeV and an excited b quark within mass range 1.0 <Mb< 1.8 TeV are excluded at 95% CL for coupling multipliers f=1.0. We present the first result on the search of excited b quark at s= 13 TeV at the LHC. These are best results to date for q and b searches in γ+jets final state at the LHC.
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Compact Muon Solenoid