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Search for the rare decays of Z bosons and Higgs bosons to J/ψ plus photon at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for decays of Z and Higgs bosons to J/ψ and a photon, with the subsequent decay of the J/ψ to μ+μ, in proton-proton (pp) collisions at a center-of-mass energy (s) of 13 TeV, is presented. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1 collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2016. The observed (expected) upper limit on the ZJ/ψ γ decay branching fraction, assuming that the J/ψ is unpolarized, is 1.4 (1.6)×106 at 95% confidence level, which corresponds to 15 (18) times the standard model (SM) prediction. For the extreme polarization scenarios the observed (expected) limit varies from 13.6 (13.5) to +8.6 (+8.2)%. The observed (expected) upper limit on the branching fraction for HJ/ψ γ with mH= 125 GeV is 7.6 (5.2)×104, 260 (170) times the SM prediction, at 95% confidence level. The J/ψ from the Higgs decay is assumed to be completely transversely polarized. The results for the Higgs boson decay are combined with the results from pp collisions at s= 8 TeV corresponding to 19.7 fb1 and this results in an expected (observed) upper limit on the branching fraction for HJ/ψ γ of 220 (160) times the SM prediction.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Feynman diagrams for Z(H)J/ψγ. The diagram on the left shows the direct process and the remaining diagrams are the indirect processes.

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Figure 1-a:
Feynman diagrams for Z(H)J/ψγ. The diagram on the left shows the direct process and the remaining diagrams are the indirect processes.

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Figure 1-b:
Feynman diagrams for Z(H)J/ψγ. The diagram on the left shows the direct process and the remaining diagrams are the indirect processes.

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Figure 1-c:
Feynman diagrams for Z(H)J/ψγ. The diagram on the left shows the direct process and the remaining diagrams are the indirect processes.

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Figure 1-d:
Feynman diagrams for Z(H)J/ψγ. The diagram on the left shows the direct process and the remaining diagrams are the indirect processes.

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Figure 2:
Main diagrams for the Drell-Yan process, ppZμμγ, which is the background that will exhibit a peak in mμμγ at the Z boson mass, mZ.

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Figure 2-a:
Main diagrams for the Drell-Yan process, ppZμμγ, which is the background that will exhibit a peak in mμμγ at the Z boson mass, mZ.

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Figure 2-b:
Main diagrams for the Drell-Yan process, ppZμμγ, which is the background that will exhibit a peak in mμμγ at the Z boson mass, mZ.

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Figure 3:
Main diagrams for the Higgs Dalitz decay, Hγγμμγ, which is the background that will exhibit a peak in mμμγ at the Higgs mass, mH.

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Figure 3-a:
Main diagrams for the Higgs Dalitz decay, Hγγμμγ, which is the background that will exhibit a peak in mμμγ at the Higgs mass, mH.

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Figure 3-b:
Main diagrams for the Higgs Dalitz decay, Hγγμμγ, which is the background that will exhibit a peak in mμμγ at the Higgs mass, mH.

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Figure 3-c:
Main diagrams for the Higgs Dalitz decay, Hγγμμγ, which is the background that will exhibit a peak in mμμγ at the Higgs mass, mH.

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Figure 4:
The mμμ distributions in the Z (left) and Higgs (right) boson searches.

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Figure 4-a:
The mμμ distributions in the Z (left) and Higgs (right) boson searches.

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Figure 4-b:
The mμμ distributions in the Z (left) and Higgs (right) boson searches.

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Figure 5:
The proper decay time, t, distributions in the Z (left) and Higgs (right) boson searches.

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Figure 5-a:
The proper decay time, t, distributions in the Z (left) and Higgs (right) boson searches.

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Figure 5-b:
The proper decay time, t, distributions in the Z (left) and Higgs (right) boson searches.

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Figure 6:
Background fits with the lowest order unbiased functions to the three-body invariant mass mμμγ distributions in data for ZJ/ψγ in EB-HighR9 category (top), EB-LowR9 category (middle left), EE category (middle right), and HJ/ψγ (bottom).

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Figure 6-a:
Background fits with the lowest order unbiased functions to the three-body invariant mass mμμγ distributions in data for ZJ/ψγ in EB-HighR9 category (top), EB-LowR9 category (middle left), EE category (middle right), and HJ/ψγ (bottom).

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Figure 6-b:
Background fits with the lowest order unbiased functions to the three-body invariant mass mμμγ distributions in data for ZJ/ψγ in EB-HighR9 category (top), EB-LowR9 category (middle left), EE category (middle right), and HJ/ψγ (bottom).

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Figure 6-c:
Background fits with the lowest order unbiased functions to the three-body invariant mass mμμγ distributions in data for ZJ/ψγ in EB-HighR9 category (top), EB-LowR9 category (middle left), EE category (middle right), and HJ/ψγ (bottom).

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Figure 6-d:
Background fits with the lowest order unbiased functions to the three-body invariant mass mμμγ distributions in data for ZJ/ψγ in EB-HighR9 category (top), EB-LowR9 category (middle left), EE category (middle right), and HJ/ψγ (bottom).

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Table 1:
The number of selected events in data, the expected signal yield, and the expected peaking background contribution for the integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb1. The selected events are required to have 70 (100) <mμμγ< 120 (150) GeV for the Z (H) boson search.

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Table 2:
Summary of the impacts of different polarization scenarios on the expected yield for the Z boson decay.

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Table 3:
Systematic uncertainties in both Higgs and Z boson decays. In the Z boson decay, the pre-fit values, which are uncertainties before profiling in the limit setting procedure, are averaged over all categories.

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Table 4:
Upper observed (expected) limits on branching fraction of ZJ/ψγ and HJ/ψγ decays.

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Table 5:
Variations of the branching fractions of the Z decay for complete transverse and longitudinal polarizations for J/ψ, and the differences (labeled as Δ in the table) with respect to the unpolarized value.
A search is performed for the decays of the SM Z and Higgs bosons into a J/ψ and a photon with J/ψ subsequently decaying into μ+μ. No excess has been observed above the predicted background. The observed (expected) exclusion limit at 95% confidence level on the branching ratio of the Z boson decay in the unpolarized scenario is set at B(ZJ/ψ γ)<1.4 (1.6+0.60.5)×106, corresponding to 15 (17) times its SM prediction. Extreme polarization scenarios give rise to variations from -13.6 (-13.5)%, for a fully longitudinally polarized J/ψ, to +8.6 (+8.2)%, for a fully transversely polarized J/ψ, on the observed (expected) branching ratio. The limit on the branching ratio of the Higgs boson is set at B(HJ/ψ γ)<7.6 (5.2+2.41.6)×104, corresponding to 260 (170) times the SM value. The results for the Higgs boson decay are combined with the results from pp collisions at s= 8 TeV corresponding to 19.7 fb1 and this results in an expected (observed) upper limit on the branching ratio for HJ/ψ γ of 220 (160) times the SM prediction. The current sensitivity of the HJ/ψ γ search is compatible to the Hcˉc search from the ATLAS Collaboration. More data is needed to approach the SM prediction.
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Compact Muon Solenoid