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Compact Muon Solenoid

Measurement of the cross section of the electroweak production of a W boson with two jets in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV
Abstract: We present a measurement of the electroweak production cross section of a W boson in association with two jets events in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV. The analyzed dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.3 fb1 collected by the CMS detector at the LHC. The measured value of the cross section in the fiducial region for electroweak production of W (W ν, with =e,μ)+2 jets is 0.42 ± 0.04 (stat.) ± 0.09 (syst.) ± 0.01 (lumi.) pb, which is consistent with the standard model prediction of 0.50 ± 0.02 (scale) ± 0.02 (PDF) pb obtained by MADGRAPH interfaced to PYTHIA 6.

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Figure 1-a:
Representative diagrams for EWK νjj productions at the LHC: (a) Bremsstrahlung, (b) VBF, and (c) Multiperipheral processes.

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Figure 1-b:
Representative diagrams for EWK νjj productions at the LHC: (a) Bremsstrahlung, (b) VBF, and (c) Multiperipheral processes.

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Figure 1-c:
Representative diagrams for EWK νjj productions at the LHC: (a) Bremsstrahlung, (b) VBF, and (c) Multiperipheral processes.

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Figure 2-a:
BDT discriminant output in muon (a) and electron (b) channel.

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Figure 2-b:
BDT discriminant output in muon (a) and electron (b) channel.

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Figure 3-a:
Comparison of the leading jet pT distributions between data and MC for muon (a) and electron (b) channel.

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Figure 3-b:
Comparison of the leading jet pT distributions between data and MC for muon (a) and electron (b) channel.

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Figure 4-a:
Comparison of the Δη between the two tag jets distributions between data and MC for the muon (a) and electron (b) channel.

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Figure 4-b:
Comparison of the Δη between the two tag jets distributions between data and MC for the muon (a) and electron (b) channel.

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Figure 5-a:
(a,d) Distribution of the mjj for muon (a,b,c) and electron (d,e,f) channel. (b,e) The mjj after subtraction of all components except the EWK W+2 jets process. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties. (a,d) The distribution of (datafit)/(uncertainty).

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Figure 5-b:
(a,d) Distribution of the mjj for muon (a,b,c) and electron (d,e,f) channel. (b,e) The mjj after subtraction of all components except the EWK W+2 jets process. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties. (a,d) The distribution of (datafit)/(uncertainty).

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Figure 5-c:
(a,d) Distribution of the mjj for muon (a,b,c) and electron (d,e,f) channel. (b,e) The mjj after subtraction of all components except the EWK W+2 jets process. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties. (a,d) The distribution of (datafit)/(uncertainty).

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Figure 5-d:
(a,d) Distribution of the mjj for muon (a,b,c) and electron (d,e,f) channel. (b,e) The mjj after subtraction of all components except the EWK W+2 jets process. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties. (a,d) The distribution of (datafit)/(uncertainty).

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Figure 5-e:
(a,d) Distribution of the mjj for muon (a,b,c) and electron (d,e,f) channel. (b,e) The mjj after subtraction of all components except the EWK W+2 jets process. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties. (a,d) The distribution of (datafit)/(uncertainty).

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Figure 5-f:
(a,d) Distribution of the mjj for muon (a,b,c) and electron (d,e,f) channel. (b,e) The mjj after subtraction of all components except the EWK W+2 jets process. The error bars represent the statistical uncertainties. (a,d) The distribution of (datafit)/(uncertainty).
Compact Muon Solenoid