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CMS-SMP-13-012 ; CERN-EP-2016-093
Measurement of electroweak production of a W boson and two forward jets in proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV
JHEP 11 (2016) 147
Abstract: A measurement is presented of the cross section for the electroweak production of a W boson in association with two jets in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV. The data set was collected with the CMS detector and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.3 fb1. The measured fiducial cross section for W bosons decaying to electrons or muons and for pj1T> 60 GeV, pj2T> 50 GeV, |ηj|< 4.7, and mjj> 1000 GeV is 0.42 ± 0.04 (stat) ± 0.09 (syst) ± 0.01 (lumi) pb. This result is consistent with the standard model leading-order prediction of 0.50 ± 0.02 (scale) ± 0.02 (PDF) pb obtained with MADGRAPH5-aMC@NLO 2.1 interfaced to PYTHIA 6.4. This is the first cross section measurement for this process.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Representative diagrams for EW νjj productions at the LHC: (a) bremsstrahlung, (b) VBF, and (c) multiperipheral processes.

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Figure 1-a:
Representative diagrams for EW νjj productions at the LHC: (a) bremsstrahlung, (b) VBF, and (c) multiperipheral processes.

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Figure 1-b:
Representative diagrams for EW νjj productions at the LHC: (a) bremsstrahlung, (b) VBF, and (c) multiperipheral processes.

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Figure 1-c:
Representative diagrams for EW νjj productions at the LHC: (a) bremsstrahlung, (b) VBF, and (c) multiperipheral processes.

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Figure 2:
Comparison of the distributions of BDT discriminant output between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 2-a:
Comparison of the distributions of BDT discriminant output between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 2-b:
Comparison of the distributions of BDT discriminant output between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 3:
Comparison of the distributions of the leading jet pT between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 3-a:
Comparison of the distributions of the leading jet pT between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 3-b:
Comparison of the distributions of the leading jet pT between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 4:
Comparison of the distributions of Δη between the two leading jets between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 4-a:
Comparison of the distributions of Δη between the two leading jets between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 4-b:
Comparison of the distributions of Δη between the two leading jets between data and simulation for the electron (a) and muon (b) channels with mjj> 1000 GeV.

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Figure 5 :
Distribution of the two-jet invariant mass mjj for electron (a,b,c) and muon (d,e,f) channels. Fitted projections of signal and background processes are plotted as shaded regions (a,d). The mjj distributions are shown after subtraction of all components except the EW W+2-jets process (b,e). Finally, the (datafit)/uncertainty distributions are shown (c,f). Here the error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.

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Figure 5 -a:
Distribution of the two-jet invariant mass mjj for electron (a,b,c) and muon (d,e,f) channels. Fitted projections of signal and background processes are plotted as shaded regions (a,d). The mjj distributions are shown after subtraction of all components except the EW W+2-jets process (b,e). Finally, the (datafit)/uncertainty distributions are shown (c,f). Here the error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.

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Figure 5 -b:
Distribution of the two-jet invariant mass mjj for electron (a,b,c) and muon (d,e,f) channels. Fitted projections of signal and background processes are plotted as shaded regions (a,d). The mjj distributions are shown after subtraction of all components except the EW W+2-jets process (b,e). Finally, the (datafit)/uncertainty distributions are shown (c,f). Here the error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.

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Figure 5 -c:
Distribution of the two-jet invariant mass mjj for electron (a,b,c) and muon (d,e,f) channels. Fitted projections of signal and background processes are plotted as shaded regions (a,d). The mjj distributions are shown after subtraction of all components except the EW W+2-jets process (b,e). Finally, the (datafit)/uncertainty distributions are shown (c,f). Here the error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.

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Figure 5 -d:
Distribution of the two-jet invariant mass mjj for electron (a,b,c) and muon (d,e,f) channels. Fitted projections of signal and background processes are plotted as shaded regions (a,d). The mjj distributions are shown after subtraction of all components except the EW W+2-jets process (b,e). Finally, the (datafit)/uncertainty distributions are shown (c,f). Here the error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.

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Figure 5 -e:
Distribution of the two-jet invariant mass mjj for electron (a,b,c) and muon (d,e,f) channels. Fitted projections of signal and background processes are plotted as shaded regions (a,d). The mjj distributions are shown after subtraction of all components except the EW W+2-jets process (b,e). Finally, the (datafit)/uncertainty distributions are shown (c,f). Here the error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.

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Figure 5 -f:
Distribution of the two-jet invariant mass mjj for electron (a,b,c) and muon (d,e,f) channels. Fitted projections of signal and background processes are plotted as shaded regions (a,d). The mjj distributions are shown after subtraction of all components except the EW W+2-jets process (b,e). Finally, the (datafit)/uncertainty distributions are shown (c,f). Here the error bars represent the statistical uncertainties of the data.

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Table 1:
Summary of selection criteria.

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Table 2:
The expected event yields and the ratio of the measured and expected yields extracted from the maximum-likelihood fit to data.

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Table 3:
Sources of systematic uncertainties and the magnitude of their effect on the fiducial cross section.

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Table 4:
The measured values for the EW W(ν)+2-jets fiducial cross section.
A measurement has been performed of the cross section for the electroweak production of W bosons produced in association with two forward jets in proton-proton collisions. The W bosons were identified through their decay to electrons and muons. The data set was collected by the CMS experiment and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 19.2 (19.3) ± 0.5 fb1 in the electron (muon) channel at s= 8 TeV. The measured value of the fiducial electroweak W+2-jets cross section, for W bosons decaying to electrons or muons and for pj1T> 60 GeV, pj2T> 50 GeV, |ηj|< 4.7, and mjj> 1000 GeV, is 0.42 ± 0.04 (stat) ± 0.09 (syst) ± 0.01 (lumi) pb, consistent with the SM LO prediction of 0.50 ± 0.02 (scale) ± 0.02 (PDF) obtained via MADGRAPH5-aMC@NLO 2.1 interfaced with PYTHIA 6.4. This is the first measurement of the cross section for electroweak W+2-jets production.
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Compact Muon Solenoid