CMS-PAS-HIN-16-010 | ||
Observation of particle-species dependence and collectivity in azimuthal correlations of pp collisions at the LHC | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
May 2016 | ||
Abstract: Measurements of two- and multi-particle angular correlations in pp collisions at √s= 5, 7, and 13 TeV are presented as a function of charged-particle multiplicity. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 pb−1 (5 TeV), 6.2 pb−1 (7 TeV), and 0.7 pb−1 (13 TeV), were collected using the CMS detector at the LHC. The second-order (v2) and third-order (v3) azimuthal anisotropy harmonics of unidentified charged particles, as well as v2 of KS0 and Λ/¯Λ particles, are extracted from long-range two-particle correlations as functions of particle multiplicity and transverse momentum, after correcting for the contribution of back-to-back jet correlations. A clear particle-species dependence of v2 is observed for high-multiplicity pp events (e.g., with more than 105 charged particles produced within |η|< 2.4 ) at √s= 13 TeV. For pT< 2.5 GeV/c, a mass ordering is observed for the v2 values of charged hadrons (mostly pions), KS0, and Λ/¯Λ, with lighter particle species exhibiting a stronger azimuthal anisotropy signal. This observation is similar to what is seen in pPb and PbPb collisions. For 13 TeV data, the v2 signals are extracted from four- and six-particle correlations for the first time in pp collisions, with comparable magnitude to those from two-particle correlations. This observation supports the collective nature of the long-range correlations in high-multiplicity pp collisions. | ||
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These preliminary results are superseded in this paper, PLB 765 (2017) 193. The superseded preliminary plots can be found here. |
Figures | |
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Figure 1-a:
The 2D two-particle correlation functions for inclusive charged particles (top), KS0 particles (middle), and Λ/¯Λ particles (bottom), with 1 <ptrigT< 3 GeV/c and associated charged particles with 1 <passocT< 3 GeV/c, in low-multiplicity (10 ≤Nofflinetrk< 20, (a)) and high-multiplicity (105 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150, (b)) pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV. |
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Figure 1-b:
The 2D two-particle correlation functions for inclusive charged particles (top), KS0 particles (middle), and Λ/¯Λ particles (bottom), with 1 <ptrigT< 3 GeV/c and associated charged particles with 1 <passocT< 3 GeV/c, in low-multiplicity (10 ≤Nofflinetrk< 20, (a)) and high-multiplicity (105 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150, (b)) pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV. |
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Figure 2:
The 1D Δϕ correlation functions for the long-range (top) and short- minus long-range (bottom) regions after applying the ZYAM procedure in the multiplicity range 10 ≤Nofflinetrk< 20 (open symbols) and 105 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150 (filled symbols) of pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV, for trigger particles composed of inclusive charged particles (left), KS0 particles (middle), and Λ/¯Λ particles (right). A selection of 1-3 GeV/c for both ptrigT and passocT is used in all cases. |
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Figure 3:
The 1D Δϕ correlation functions for the long-range regions after applying the ZYAM procedure in the multiplicity range 105 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150 of pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV after subtracting scaled results from 10 ≤Nofflinetrk< 20. A selection of 1-3 GeV/c for both ptrigT and passocT is used in all cases. |
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Figure 4:
The second-order (left) and third-order (right) Fourier coefficients, V2Δ and V3Δ, of long-range (|Δη|> 2 ) two-particle Δϕ correlations as a function of Nofflinetrk for charged particles, averaged over 0.3 <pT< 3.0 GeV/c, in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV, before (open) and after (filled) correcting for back-to-back jet correlations estimated from the 10 ≤Nofflinetrk< 20 range. Results from PYTHIA 8 tune CUETP8M1 simulation are scaled by 0.7 for illustration purpose and shown as curves. The error bars correspond to statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 5:
The vsub2 (top) and vsub3 (bottom) results of charged particles as a function of Nofflinetrk, averaged over 0.3 <pT< 3.0 GeV/c, in pp collisions at √s= 5, 7, and 13 TeV, pPb collisions at √sNN= 5 TeV, and PbPb collisions √sNN= 2.76 TeV, after correcting for back-to-back jet correlations estimated from low-multiplicity data. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. Systematic uncertainties are found to have no dependence on √s for pp results and therefore are only shown for 13 TeV. |
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Figure 6:
The v2 results of inclusive charged particles, before (left) and after (right) subtracting correlations from low-multiplicity events, as a function of pT in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV for 105 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150 and at √s= 5, 7 TeVfor 110 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. Systematic uncertainties are found to have no dependence on √s for pp results and therefore are only shown for 13 TeV. |
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Figure 7:
The v2 results for inclusive charged particles, KS0 and Λ/¯Λ particles as a function of pT in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV, for 10 ≤Nofflinetrk< 20 (left) and 105 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150 (right). The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 8:
Top: the vsub2 results of inclusive charged particles, KS0 and Λ/¯Λ particles as a function of pT for 105 ≤Nofflinetrk< 150, after correcting for back-to-back jet correlations estimated from low-multiplicity data. Bottom: the nq-scaled vsub2 results for KS0 and Λ/¯Λ particles as a function of KET|/nq. Ratios of vsub2/nq for KS0 and Λ/¯Λ particles to a smooth fit function of data for KS0 particles are also shown. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 9-a:
The c2{4} (a) and c2{6} (b) values as a function of Nofflinetrk for charged particles, averaged over 0.3 <pT< 3.0 GeV/c and |η|< 2.4, in pp collisions at √s= 5, 7, and 13 TeV. The pPb data at √sNN= 5 TeV are also plotted for comparison. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. Systematic uncertainties are found to have no dependence on √s for pp results and therefore are only shown for 13 TeV. |
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Figure 9-b:
The c2{4} (a) and c2{6} (b) values as a function of Nofflinetrk for charged particles, averaged over 0.3 <pT< 3.0 GeV/c and |η|< 2.4, in pp collisions at √s= 5, 7, and 13 TeV. The pPb data at √sNN= 5 TeV are also plotted for comparison. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. Systematic uncertainties are found to have no dependence on √s for pp results and therefore are only shown for 13 TeV. |
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Figure 10:
Left: The vsub2, v2{4} and v2{6} values as a function of Nofflinetrk for charged particles, averaged over 0.3 <pT< 3.0 GeV/c and |η|< 2.4, in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV. Middle: The vsub2, v2{4}, v2{6}, v2{8}, and v2 LYZ values in pPb collisions at √sNN= 5 TeV [40]. Right: The vsub2, v2{4}, v2{6}, v2{8}, and v2 LYZ values in PbPb collisions at √sNN= 2.76 TeV [40]. The error bars correspond to the statistical uncertainties, while the shaded areas denote the systematic uncertainties. |
Tables | |
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Table 1:
Fraction of MB triggered events after event selections in each multiplicity bin, and the average multiplicity of reconstructed tracks per bin with |η|< 2.4 and pT> 0.4 GeV/c, before (Nofflinetrk) and after (Ncorrectedtrk) efficiency correction, for pp data at √s= 5, 7, and 13 TeV. |
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Table 2:
Summary of systematic uncertainties for multiplicity-dependent vsubn{2} from two-particle correlations (after correcting for jet correlations), and v2{4}, v2{6} from multi-particle correlations in pp collisions. Different multiplicity ranges are represented as [m,n). |
Summary |
The CMS detector has been used to measured two- and multi-particle azimuthal correlations with inclusive charged hadron, identified KS0 and Λ/¯Λ trigger particles over a broad pseudorapidity and transverse momentum range in pp collisions at √s= 5, 7, and 13 TeV. With the implementation of high-multiplicity triggers during the LHC 2010 and 2015 pp runs, the correlation data are explored over a broad particle multiplicity range. The observed long-range (|Δη|> 2 ) correlations are quantified in terms of azimuthal anisotropy Fourier harmonics (vn). The elliptic (v2) and triangular (v3) flow Fourier harmonics are extracted from long-range two-particle correlations. After subtracting contributions from back-to-back jet correlations estimated using low-multiplicity data, the v2 and v3 values are found to increase with multiplicity for Nofflinetrk≲ 100, and reach a relatively constant value at higher values of N^{\text{offline}}_\text{trk}. The p_{\mathrm{T}} dependence of the v_2 harmonics in high-multiplicity pp events is found to have no or very weak dependence on the collision energy. In low-multiplicity events, similar v_2 values as a function of p_{\mathrm{T}} are observed for inclusive charged particles, \mathrm{K_S}^0 and \Lambda/\overline{\Lambda} particles, possibly reflecting a common back-to-back jet origin of the correlations for all particles. Moving to the higher-multiplicity region, a particle species dependence of v_2 is observed with and without correcting for jet correlations. For p_{\mathrm{T}} \lesssim 2.5 GeV/c, the v_2 of \mathrm{K_S}^0 is found to be larger than that of \Lambda/\overline{\Lambda}. This behavior, which is consistent with predictions of hydrodynamic models, is similar to what was previously observed for identified particles produced in pPb and AA collisions at RHIC and the LHC. This mass ordering is reversed at higher p_{\mathrm{T}} values. Finally, v_2 signals based on four- and six-particle correlations are observed for the first time in pp collisions at \sqrt{s} = 13 TeV. The v_2 values obtained with two-, four-, and six-particle correlations are found to be comparable within uncertainties, providing strong evidence supporting the collective nature of the observed long-range correlations in high-multiplicity pp collisions. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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