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Search for long-lived particles decaying in the CMS endcap muon system in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV
Abstract: A search for long-lived particles (LLPs) produced in decays of standard model (SM) Higgs bosons in 137 fb1 of proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV recorded by the CMS experiment during 2016-2018 is presented. The search employs a novel technique to reconstruct hadronic decays of LLPs in the endcap muon system. The search is sensitive to a broad range of LLP decay modes including ττ+, LLP masses as low as a few GeV, and is largely model-independent. No excess of events above the SM background is observed and stringent limits on the Higgs boson (h0) branching fraction to LLPs (S) are obtained, particularly for proper decay lengths greater than a few meters. This search result represents the most stringent limits on the branching fraction B(h0SS) for proper decay lengths greater than 6-40 m for S masses between 7-40 GeV.
Figures Summary Additional Figures & Material References CMS Publications
Instructions for reinterpretation can be found here

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Figure 1:
The signal efficiency of the cluster reconstruction, veto, and identification selections as a function of the simulated r and z decay positions of S decaying to bˉb, for a mass of 15 GeV and a uniform mixture of cτ between 1 and 10 m. The barrel and endcap muon stations are drawn as black boxes and labeled by their station names. Regions occupied by steel shielding are shaded in gray.

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Figure 2:
The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sdˉd, and cτ= 1 m) and data distributions of Nhits (left) and Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) (right) in the search region. The Nhits plot includes events in bins C and D, while the Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) includes events in bins A and D. The last bin in the Nhits distributions include all events in the overflow. The bin width for the signal Nhits distribution is twice the size of the bin width for the data distribution.

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Figure 2-a:
The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sdˉd, and cτ= 1 m) and data distribution of Nhits Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) in the search region. The plot includes events in bins C and D. The last bin includes all events in the overflow. The bin width for the signal distribution is twice the size of the bin width for the data distribution.

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Figure 2-b:
The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sdˉd, and cτ= 1 m) and data distribution of Nhits Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) in the search region. The plot includes events in bins A and D.

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Figure 3:
The 95% CL expected (dotted curves) and observed (solid curves) limits on the branching fraction B(h0SS) as a function of cτ for the Sdˉd (left) and Sττ+ (right) decay modes. The exclusion limits are shown for four different mass hypotheses: 7 (green), 15 (black), 40 (red), and 55 (blue) GeV.

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Figure 3-a:
The 95% CL expected (dotted curves) and observed (solid curves) limits on the branching fraction B(h0SS) as a function of cτ for the Sdˉd decay mode. The exclusion limits are shown for four different mass hypotheses: 7 (green), 15 (black), 40 (red), and 55 (blue) GeV.

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Figure 3-b:
The 95% CL expected (dotted curves) and observed (solid curves) limits on the branching fraction B(h0SS) as a function of cτ for the Sττ+ decay mode. The exclusion limits are shown for four different mass hypotheses: 7 (green), 15 (black), 40 (red), and 55 (blue) GeV.
In summary, 137 fb1 of proton-proton collision data at s= 13 TeV recorded by the CMS experiment were used to conduct the first search for hadronically decaying LLPs using the endcap muon system. This unique detector signature makes the search sensitive to a broad range of LLP decay modes including TT, with LLP masses as low as a few GeV, and is largely model-independent. The excellent shielding provided by the CMS detector helped suppress backgrounds to a low level, thus enabling a search for a single LLP decay. We observe no significant deviation from the SM background and set the most stringent limits on the branching fraction B(h0SS) for cτ greater than 6, 20, and 40 m, and mS of 7, 15, and 40 GeV, respectively. For cτ above 100 m, this search outperforms the previous best limits [31] by a factor of 6 for mS= 7 GeV and by a factor 2 for mS 15 GeV.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
The 95% CL expected (dotted curves) and observed (solid curves) upper limits on the branching fraction B(h0SS) as a function of cτ for the Sb¯b decay mode. The exclusion limits are shown for three different mass hypotheses: 15 (black), 40 (red), and 55 (blue) GeV.

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Additional Figure 2:
The Nhits (left) and Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) (right) distributions. The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sd¯d, and cτ= 1 m) and data (black) distributions have Δϕ< 0.75 (Nhits> 130) selections applied in the left (right) plot. The data distribution shown in magenta includes the inverted cut Δϕ> 0.75 (Nhits< 130) applied in the left (right) plot. The last bin in the Nhits distributions includes all events in the overflow.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
The Nhits distributions. The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sd¯d, and cτ= 1 m) and data (black) distributions have Δϕ< 0.75 selections applied. The data distribution shown in magenta includes the inverted cut Δϕ> 0.75 applied in the left (right) plot. The last bin includes all events in the overflow.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
The Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) distribution. The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sd¯d, and cτ= 1 m) and data (black) distributions have Nhits> 130 selection applied. The data distribution shown in magenta includes the inverted cut Nhits< 130 applied.

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Additional Figure 3:
The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sd¯d, and cτ= 1 m), in-time data (Nhits<130), and out-of-time data (inclusive in Nhits) distributions of Nhits (left) and Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) (right). The signal distributions include events from regions A, B, C, and D (as defined in the analysis summary), the in-time data distributions include events from regions B and C, and the OOT data are out-of-time clusters from previous bunch crossings, with the yield normalized to that of the in-time distribution. The last bin in the Nhits distributions includes all events in the overflow.

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Additional Figure 3-a:
The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sd¯d, and cτ= 1 m), in-time data (Nhits<130), and out-of-time data (inclusive in Nhits) distributions of Nhits The signal distributions include events from regions A, B, C, and D (as defined in the analysis summary), the in-time data distributions include events from regions B and C, and the OOT data are out-of-time clusters from previous bunch crossings, with the yield normalized to that of the in-time distribution.

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Additional Figure 3-b:
The signal (assuming B(h0SS)= 1%, Sd¯d, and cτ= 1 m), in-time data (Nhits<130), and out-of-time data (inclusive in Nhits) distributions of Δϕ(pmissT,cluster). The signal distributions include events from regions A, B, C, and D (as defined in the analysis summary), the in-time data distributions include events from regions B and C, and the OOT data are out-of-time clusters from previous bunch crossings, with the yield normalized to that of the in-time distribution.

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Additional Figure 4:
The event display of a simulated signal event for mS= 40 GeV, cτ= 1 m, and Sb¯b in rz-plane (left) and rϕ-plane (right). The LLP decayed at the position x,y,z= 364, 92, 796 cm and produced a CSC hit cluster with 711 hits (orange dots). The green lines represent the tracks. The yellow lines represent jets. The red arrow represents the MET direction. The red and blue cones represent the ECAL and HCAL energy deposits, respectively.

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Additional Figure 4-a:
The event display of a simulated signal event for mS= 40 GeV, cτ= 1 m, and Sb¯b in the rz-plane. The LLP decayed at the position x,y,z= 364, 92, 796 cm and produced a CSC hit cluster with 711 hits (orange dots). The green lines represent the tracks. The yellow lines represent jets. The red arrow represents the MET direction. The red and blue cones represent the ECAL and HCAL energy deposits, respectively.

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Additional Figure 4-b:
The event display of a simulated signal event for mS= 40 GeV, cτ= 1 m, and Sb¯b in the rϕ-plane. The LLP decayed at the position x,y,z= 364, 92, 796 cm and produced a CSC hit cluster with 711 hits (orange dots). The green lines represent the tracks. The yellow lines represent jets. The red arrow represents the MET direction. The red and blue cones represent the ECAL and HCAL energy deposits, respectively.

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Additional Figure 5:
Distributions of cluster time in data and in simulated Sb¯b signal events. The signal distribution contains equal fractions of events with mass of 15, 40, and 55 GeV, each simulated with cτ uniformly distributed between 0.1 and 10 m. Both distributions are normalized to unit area and are required to pass the veto requirements as defined in the analysis summary.

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Additional Figure 6:
The clustering efficiency requiring >50 hits (left) and the overall signal efficiency of the clustering requiring >50 hits, veto, and identification selections (right), as defined in the analysis summary, as a function of the simulated z decay positions of S decaying to b¯b, for a mass of 15 GeV and a uniform mixture of cτ between 1 and 10 m. The endcap muon stations are labeled by their station names. Regions occupied by steel shielding are shaded in gray.

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Additional Figure 6-a:
The clustering efficiency requiring >50 hits, as defined in the analysis summary, as a function of the simulated z decay positions of S decaying to b¯b, for a mass of 15 GeV and a uniform mixture of cτ between 1 and 10 m. The endcap muon stations are labeled by their station names. Regions occupied by steel shielding are shaded in gray.

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Additional Figure 6-b:
The overall signal efficiency of the clustering requiring >50 hits, veto, and identification selections, as defined in the analysis summary, as a function of the simulated z decay positions of S decaying to b¯b, for a mass of 15 GeV and a uniform mixture of cτ between 1 and 10 m. The endcap muon stations are labeled by their station names. Regions occupied by steel shielding are shaded in gray.

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Additional Figure 7:
The cluster efficiency in bins of hadronic and EM energy in region A (left) and B (right), estimated with LLPs decaying to τ+τ. The sample contains equal fractions of events with LLP mass of 7, 15, 40, and 55 GeV and LLP lifetime of 0.1, 1, 10, and 100m. The first hadronic energy bins correspond to LLPs that decayed leptonically with 0 hadronic energy. Region A is defined as 391 cm <r< 695.5 cm and 400 cm <|z|< 671 cm. Region B is defined as 671 cm <|z|< 1100 cm, r<695.5 cm and |η|< 2. The cluster efficiency includes all cluster-level selections described in the paper, except for the jet veto, time cut, and Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) cut. The full simulation signal yield prediction for samples with various LLP mass between 7-55 GeV, lifetime between 0.1-100 m, and decay mode to d¯d and τ+τ can be reproduced using this parameterization to within 35% and 20% for region A and B, respectively. The statistical uncertainty for each bin is documented in Additional Figure 7 of the HEPData record of this paper.

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Additional Figure 7-a:
The cluster efficiency in bins of hadronic and EM energy in region A, estimated with LLPs decaying to τ+τ. The sample contains equal fractions of events with LLP mass of 7, 15, 40, and 55 GeV and LLP lifetime of 0.1, 1, 10, and 100m. The first hadronic energy bins correspond to LLPs that decayed leptonically with 0 hadronic energy. Region A is defined as 391 cm <r< 695.5 cm and 400 cm <|z|< 671 cm. The cluster efficiency includes all cluster-level selections described in the paper, except for the jet veto, time cut, and Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) cut. The full simulation signal yield prediction for samples with various LLP mass between 7-55 GeV, lifetime between 0.1-100 m, and decay mode to d¯d and τ+τ can be reproduced using this parameterization to within 35%. The statistical uncertainty for each bin is documented in Additional Figure 7 of the HEPData record of this paper.

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Additional Figure 7-b:
The cluster efficiency in bins of hadronic and EM energy in region B, estimated with LLPs decaying to τ+τ. The sample contains equal fractions of events with LLP mass of 7, 15, 40, and 55 GeV and LLP lifetime of 0.1, 1, 10, and 100m. The first hadronic energy bins correspond to LLPs that decayed leptonically with 0 hadronic energy. Region B is defined as 671 cm <|z|< 1100 cm, r<695.5 cm and |η|< 2. The cluster efficiency includes all cluster-level selections described in the paper, except for the jet veto, time cut, and Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) cut. The full simulation signal yield prediction for samples with various LLP mass between 7-55 GeV, lifetime between 0.1-100 m, and decay mode to d¯d and τ+τ can be reproduced using this parameterization to within 20%. The statistical uncertainty for each bin is documented in Additional Figure 7 of the HEPData record of this paper.

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Additional Figure 8:
The efficiency of Nstation> 1 requirement in bins of hadronic energy in region B, estimated with LLPs decaying to τ+τ. The sample contains equal fractions of events with LLP mass of 7, 15, 40, and 55 GeV and LLP lifetime of 0.1, 1, 10, and 100m. This efficiency is independent of the EM energy. The first hadronic energy bin corresponds to LLPs that decayed leptonically with 0 hadronic energy. Region B is defined as 671 cm <|z|< 1100 cm, r< 695.5 cm and |η|< 2. The efficiency is calculated with respect to clusters that pass all the cluster-level cuts described in the paper, except for the jet veto, time cut, and Δϕ(pmissT,cluster) cut. The full simulation signal yield prediction for samples with various LLP mass between 7-55 GeV, lifetime between 0.1-100 m, and decay mode to d¯d and τ+τ can be reproduced using this parameterization to within 10%.
Instructions for Reinterpretation

We provide signal efficiency parameterization for the cluster-level selections that allows for reproduction of the full-simulation signal yield for various LLP masses (7-55 GeV), lifetimes (0.1 - 100 m) and decay modes (dd̅ and τ+τ-). In order to recast this analysis, only the generator level LLP hadronic energy, EM energy, and decay position are needed. The following selection efficiencies are needed to account for all cluster-level selections mentioned in the paper:

  • Cluster efficiency, including the segment and rechit vetos, muon veto, time spread cut, and Nhits ≥ 130. This efficiency is provided as a function LLP EM and hadronic energy in two separate LLP decay regions A and B, as shown in Additional Figure 7 a and b, respectively. The LLP decay regions, EM, and hadronic energy are defined in the following paragraphs.

  • The jet veto, time cut, and Δφ(pTmiss, cluster) cut efficiencies. These three cuts are not included in the cluster efficiency parameterization, because they are model dependent. However, the 3 quantities can be calculated accurately for each model using generator level information, so it is left up to the recaster to calculate the efficiency of the jet veto, time cut, and Δφ(pTmiss, cluster) cut for the specific models.

  • Cut-based ID efficiency. This is provided in the python file cut_based_id.py attached. The function uses the LLP decay position to predict the average station of the cluster and the Nstation > 1 efficiency parameterization (Additional Figure 8).

The LLP EM and hadronic energy is assigned by matching stable (status 1) GenParticles that are produced 0.1 m from the LLP decay vertex. Neutral pions, electrons, and photons are assigned as EM energy. All other particles, except for neutrinos and muons, are assigned as hadronic energy. Neutrinos and muons are ignored because they do not produce showers in the muon system.

The LLP decay region is categorized into 2 regions. These 2 regions have qualitatively different behavior. Within each region, they have quantitatively similar behavior, so we will provide the efficiency parameterization for each region separately. Region A is defined as 391 cm < r < 695.5 cm and 400 cm < |z| < 671 cm. Region B is defined as 671 cm < |z| < 1100 cm, r < 695.5 cm, and |η| < 2. The fraction of LLPs that decay in each region are dependent on the LLP mass and cτ. However, the signal efficiency in B is much larger than A, so for the models considered, more than 90% of clusters passing all selections are from LLPs that decay in region B.

The cluster efficiency is parameterized in bins of LLP hadronic energy and EM energy in each LLP decay region (Additional Figure 7). The efficiency includes cluster-level selections mentioned in the paper, including the segment and rechit vetos, muon veto, time spread cut, and Nhits ≥ 130, except for the jet veto, time cut, and Δφ(pTmiss, cluster) cut. These latter requirements are model dependent, but they can be calculated accurately for each model using generator level information. When recasting the analysis, these additional selections need to be implemented, to be consistent with applying all selections described in the paper. The full simulation signal yield prediction for samples with various LLP mass between 7 - 55 GeV, lifetime between 0.1 - 100 m, and decay mode to dd̅ and τ+τ- can be reproduced using this parameterization to within 35% and 20% for region A and B, respectively.

The parameterization of the cut-based ID is provided in python file cut_based_id.py attached. The function uses the LLP decay position to predict the average station of the cluster (AvgStation function in the code) and the Nstation > 1 efficiency parameterization (Additional Figure 8). As described in the paper, the cluster ID requirement applies different η cuts depending on the Nstation and average station number. We need a parametrization of the efficiency of the Nstation > 1 requirement and a transfer function that takes gen-level LLP decay position to RECO-level cluster average station (only for clusters with Nstation = 1 ). Since the entire region A is in an η region (|η| < 1.3) that passes all the η selections used in the cut-based ID (tightest cut is |η| < 1.6), the cut-based ID efficiency in this region is 100%. The focus of the parameterization will be on region B only. The efficiency of Nstation > 1 in region B is provided in bins of LLP hadronic energy (Additional Figure 8) and the efficiency is independent of the LLP EM energy. The average station transfer function is provided as the AvgStation function in the code attached. The full simulation signal yield prediction for samples with various LLP mass between 7 - 55 GeV, lifetime between 0.1 - 100 m, and decay mode to dd̅ and τ+τ- can be reproduced using this parameterization to within 10%.

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Compact Muon Solenoid