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Search for long-lived particles decaying into two muons in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV using data collected with high rate triggers
Abstract: A search for displaced dimuon resonances is performed using proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2017--2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 101 fb1. The data sets used in this search were collected using a dedicated dimuon trigger stream with low transverse momentum thresholds, recorded at high rate by retaining a reduced amount of trigger-level information, in order to explore otherwise inaccessible phase space at low dimuon mass and non-zero displacement from the interaction point. We find no significant excess, and use the data to set stringent constraints on a wide range of mass and lifetime hypotheses for models of physics beyond the standard model where a Higgs boson decays to a pair of long-lived dark photons, or where a long-lived scalar resonance arises from the decay of a B hadron.
Figures Summary Additional Figures & Tables References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Diagrams illustrating a SM-like Higgs boson (h) decay to four leptons via one or two intermediate ZD [6]: (left) hZZD4, through the hypercharge portal; (right) hZDZD4, through the Higgs portal.

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Figure 1-a:
Diagrams illustrating a SM-like Higgs boson (h) decay to four leptons via one or two intermediate ZD [6]: (left) hZZD4, through the hypercharge portal; (right) hZDZD4, through the Higgs portal.

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Figure 1-b:
Diagrams illustrating a SM-like Higgs boson (h) decay to four leptons via one or two intermediate ZD [6]: (left) hZZD4, through the hypercharge portal; (right) hZDZD4, through the Higgs portal.

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Figure 2:
Diagram illustrating the production of a scalar resonance ϕ via a B hadron decay.

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Figure 3:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in bins of lxy as obtained from selected dimuon events in data where both muons are isolated with pTμμ< 25 GeV: (upper left) 0.0 <lxy< 0.2 cm; (upper right) 0.2 <lxy< 1.0 cm; (middle left) 1.0 <lxy< 2.4 cm; (middle right) 2.4 <lxy< 3.1 cm; (lower left) 3.1 <lxy< 7.0 cm; (lower right) 7.0 <lxy< 1.0 cm. The distribution expected for representative signal models is overlaid. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 4:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in bins of lxy as obtained from selected dimuon events in data where both muons are isolated with pTμμ 25 GeV: (upper left) 0.0 <lxy< 0.2 cm; (upper right) 0.2 <lxy< 1.0 cm; (middle left) 1.0 <lxy< 2.4 cm; (middle right) 2.4 <lxy< 3.1 cm; (lower left) 3.1 <lxy< 7.0 cm; (lower right) 7.0 <lxy< 1.0 cm. The distribution expected for representative signal models is overlaid. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 5:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in a mass window around 5 GeV, in one of the dimuon search bins (0.2 <lxy< 1.0 cm, pTμμ< 25 GeV, with two isolated muons). The result of the background-only fit to data is also shown together with the dimuon invariant mass distribution expected for a representative signal model (green), with mLLP= 5 GeV and cτLLP0= 1 mm.

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Figure 6:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mϕ) hypothesis for (upper left) cτϕ0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτϕ0= 10 mm and (lower) cτϕ0= 100 mm, for the BϕX signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 6-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mϕ) hypothesis for (upper left) cτϕ0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτϕ0= 10 mm and (lower) cτϕ0= 100 mm, for the BϕX signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 6-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mϕ) hypothesis for (upper left) cτϕ0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτϕ0= 10 mm and (lower) cτϕ0= 100 mm, for the BϕX signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 6-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mϕ) hypothesis for (upper left) cτϕ0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτϕ0= 10 mm and (lower) cτϕ0= 100 mm, for the BϕX signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 7:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD)×B(ZDμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 7-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD)×B(ZDμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 7-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD)×B(ZDμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 7-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD)×B(ZDμμ) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 8:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 8-a:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 8-b:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Figure 8-c:
Exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD) as a function of the signal mass (mZD) hypothesis for (upper left) cτZD0= 1 mm, (upper right) cτZD0= 10 mm and cτZD0= 100 mm, for the hZDZD signal model. The solid (dashed) black line represents the observed (median expected) exclusion. The inner green (outer yellow) band indicates the region containing 68 (95)% of the distribution of limits expected under the background-only hypothesis. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.
We presented a search for displaced dimuon resonances using proton-proton collision at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2017--2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 101 fb1. The data sets used in this search were collected using a dedicated dimuon trigger stream with low transverse momentum thresholds, recorded at high rate by retaining a reduced amount of trigger-level information, in order to explore otherwise inaccessible phase space at low dimuon mass and non-zero displacement from the interaction point. We found no significant excess, and used the data to set constraints on a wide range of mass and lifetime hypotheses for models of physics beyond the standard model where a Higgs boson decays to a pair of long-lived dark photons, or where a long-lived scalar resonance arises from the decay of a B hadron.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Distribution of pTμμ for data events and illustrative benchmark signal models, after applying the full event selection.

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Additional Figure 2:
Distribution of Δ(μμ,DV) for data events and illustrative benchmark signal models, after applying the trigger selections and muon and DV quality criteria.

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Additional Figure 3:
Distribution of log10(|Δημμ|/|Δϕμμ|) in data events and illustrative benchmark signal models. The cut value is indicated by the red vertical dashed line. All selections except those involving muon isolation, dxy, and number of excess hits in the pixel tracker for each muon are applied.

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Additional Figure 4:
Distribution of |dxy|/(lxymμμ/pTμμ) in data events and illustrative benchmark signal models. The cut value is indicated by the red vertical dashed line. All selections except those involving dxy are applied.

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Additional Figure 5:
Distribution of the number of excess pixel hits (number of observed hits minus expected hits) in data and illustrative benchmark signal models for the trailing muon. The cut value is indicated by the red vertical dashed line. All selections except those involving muon isolation, dxy, and log10(|Δημμ|/|Δϕμμ|) are applied.

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Additional Figure 6:
Distribution of DV position in the xy plane in data events passing trigger selections before a pixel tracker material veto is applied.

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Additional Figure 7:
Distribution of DV position in the xy plane in data events passing trigger selections after a pixel tracker material veto is applied.

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Additional Figure 8:
Distribution of lxy for data events passing trigger selections before (black) and after (red) a pixel tracker material veto is applied.

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Additional Figure 9:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in bins of lxy as obtained from all selected dimuon events.

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Additional Figure 10:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in bins of lxy as obtained from selected dimuon events in data where none of the two muons are isolated with pTμμ< 25 GeV: (upper left) 0.0 <lxy<0.2cm; (upper right) 0.2 <lxy<1.0cm; (middle left) 1.0 <lxy<2.4cm; (middle right) 2.4 <lxy<3.1cm; (lower left) 3.1 <lxy<7.0cm; (lower right) 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm. The distribution expected for representative signal models is overlaid. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 11:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in bins of lxy as obtained from selected dimuon events in data where none of the two muons are isolated with pTμμ 25 GeV: (upper left) 0.0 <lxy<0.2cm; (upper right) 0.2 <lxy<1.0cm; (middle left) 1.0 <lxy<2.4cm; (middle right) 2.4 <lxy<3.1cm; (lower left) 3.1 <lxy<7.0cm; (lower right) 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm. The distribution expected for representative signal models is overlaid. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 12:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in bins of lxy as obtained from selected dimuon events in data where only one muon is isolated with pTμμ< 25 GeV: (upper left) 0.0 <lxy<0.2cm; (upper right) 0.2 <lxy<1.0cm; (middle left) 1.0 <lxy<2.4cm; (middle right) 2.4 <lxy<3.1cm; (lower left) 3.1 <lxy<7.0cm; (lower right) 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm. The distribution expected for representative signal models is overlaid. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 13:
The dimuon invariant mass distribution is shown in bins of lxy as obtained from selected dimuon events in data where only one muon is isolated with pTμμ 25 GeV: (upper left) 0.0 <lxy<0.2cm; (upper right) 0.2 <lxy<1.0cm; (middle left) 1.0 <lxy<2.4cm; (middle right) 2.4 <lxy<3.1cm; (lower left) 3.1 <lxy<7.0cm; (lower right) 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm. The distribution expected for representative signal models is overlaid. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 14:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of cτϕ0 for various benchmark mϕ hypotheses, for the BϕX signal model. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories.

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Additional Figure 15:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD) as a function of cτZD0 for various benchmark mZD hypotheses, for the hZDZD signal model. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories and the four-muon event category.

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Additional Figure 16:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of mϕ for cτϕ0=1mm, for the BϕX signal model. The black line represents the observed exclusion when the inclusive B hadron production process is considered. The blue (magenta) line represents the observed exclusion after scaling the signal acceptance by the fraction of B± (B0) hadrons at generator level. The exclusion limits are compared to recent LHCb results on the corresponding exclusive production and decay channels, represented by the triangular markers. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories.

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Additional Figure 17:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of mϕ for cτϕ0=10mm, for the BϕX signal model. The black line represents the observed exclusion when the inclusive B hadron production process is considered. The blue (magenta) line represents the observed exclusion after scaling the signal acceptance by the fraction of B± (B0) hadrons at generator level. The exclusion limits are compared to recent LHCb results on the corresponding exclusive production and decay channels, represented by the triangular markers. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories.

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Additional Figure 18:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of mϕ for cτϕ0=100mm, for the BϕX signal model. The black line represents the observed exclusion when the inclusive B hadron production process is considered. The blue (magenta) line represents the observed exclusion after scaling the signal acceptance by the fraction of B± (B0) hadrons at generator level. The exclusion limits are compared to recent LHCb results on the corresponding exclusive production and decay channels, represented by the triangular markers. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories.

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Additional Figure 19:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(BϕX)×B(ϕμμ) as a function of cτϕ0 and mϕ, for the BϕX signal model. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories.

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Additional Figure 20:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD) as a function of cτZD0 and mZD, for the hZDZD signal model. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories and the four-muon event category.

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Additional Figure 21:
Observed exclusion limits at 95% CL on the branching fraction B(hZDZD) as a function of the kinetic mixing parameter ϵ and mZD, for the hZDZD signal model. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search. The upper limits are obtained using the combination of all dimuon event categories and the four-muon event category.

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Additional Figure 22:
Trigger efficiency as a function of lxy and trailing muon pT.

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Additional Figure 23:
Selection efficiency after trigger requirements as a function of generated lxy and generated pTμμ for muon pairs with dimuon mass between 0 and 3 GeV.

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Additional Figure 24:
Selection efficiency after trigger requirements as a function of generated lxy and generated pTμμ for muon pairs with dimuon mass between 3 and 10 GeV.

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Additional Figure 25:
Selection efficiency after trigger requirements as a function of generated lxy and generated pTμμ for muon pairs with dimuon mass above 10 GeV.

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Additional Figure 26:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 0.2 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 27:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 0.2 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 28:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 0.2 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 29:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 0.2 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 30:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 1.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 31:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 1.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 32:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 1.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 33:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 1.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 34:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 2.4 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 35:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 2.4 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 36:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 2.4 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 37:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 2.4 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 38:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 3.1 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 39:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 3.1 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 40:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 3.1 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 41:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 3.1 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 42:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 43:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 0 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 44:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and no requirement on muon isolation. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.

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Additional Figure 45:
Observed upper limit at 95% CL on number of signal events in aggregate signal region with 7.0 <lxy< 11.0 cm, pTμμ 25 GeV and two isolated muons. The vertical gray bands indicate mass ranges containing known SM resonances, which are masked for the purpose of this search.
Additional Tables

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Additional Table 1:
List of known resonances and corresponding masked mass windows, equal to ±5σ around the mean mass, where mean and resolution (σ) are determined from a fit to data.

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Additional Table 2:
List of aggregate signal regions for reinterpretation of the results. The aggregate signal regions are not mutually exclusive.
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Compact Muon Solenoid