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Measurement of the Λb polarization and the angular parameters of the decay ΛbJ/ψ(μ+μ)Λ0(pπ)
Abstract: We present a measurement of the Λb polarization based on an angular analysis of the decay ΛbJ/ψ(μ+μ)Λ0(pπ), using data from pp collisions at s= 7 TeV and 8 TeV collected with the CMS detector. A transverse Λb polarization of 0.00 ± 0.06 (stat) ± 0.02 (syst) is measured.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Definition of the angles used to describe the ΛbJ/ψ(μ+μ)Λ0(pπ) decay.

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Figure 2:
Distribution of the p vs π momentum obtained from the simulation of ΛbJ/ψΛ(pπ) (and complex conjugate) decays. Events lie always above the green line, ie., the p+ (p) momentum is always greater than π (π+) momentum.

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Figure 3-a:
Invariant mass distribution of Λb (a and c) and ¯Λb (b and d) candidates in (a-b) 2011 and (c-d) 2012 samples. The solid blue line represents the fit result. The signal (background) projection is shown with a dashed (dot-dashed) red (blue) line.

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Figure 3-b:
Invariant mass distribution of Λb (a and c) and ¯Λb (b and d) candidates in (a-b) 2011 and (c-d) 2012 samples. The solid blue line represents the fit result. The signal (background) projection is shown with a dashed (dot-dashed) red (blue) line.

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Figure 3-c:
Invariant mass distribution of Λb (a and c) and ¯Λb (b and d) candidates in (a-b) 2011 and (c-d) 2012 samples. The solid blue line represents the fit result. The signal (background) projection is shown with a dashed (dot-dashed) red (blue) line.

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Figure 3-d:
Invariant mass distribution of Λb (a and c) and ¯Λb (b and d) candidates in (a-b) 2011 and (c-d) 2012 samples. The solid blue line represents the fit result. The signal (background) projection is shown with a dashed (dot-dashed) red (blue) line.

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Figure 4-a:
Angular efficiencies for cosθΛ, cosθp, cosθμ (from a to c) obtained from simulated ΛbJ/ψΛ0. The angular efficiencies are parametrized with Chebychev polynomials and are fitted simultaneously to the three angular distributions.

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Figure 4-b:
Angular efficiencies for cosθΛ, cosθp, cosθμ (from a to c) obtained from simulated ΛbJ/ψΛ0. The angular efficiencies are parametrized with Chebychev polynomials and are fitted simultaneously to the three angular distributions.

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Figure 4-c:
Angular efficiencies for cosθΛ, cosθp, cosθμ (from a to c) obtained from simulated ΛbJ/ψΛ0. The angular efficiencies are parametrized with Chebychev polynomials and are fitted simultaneously to the three angular distributions.

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Figure 5-a:
Angular background distributions obtained from the mass sidebands are shown from left to right for cosθΛ, cosθp and cosθμ. The solid blue lines are the results of the fits.

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Figure 5-b:
Angular background distributions obtained from the mass sidebands are shown from left to right for cosθΛ, cosθp and cosθμ. The solid blue lines are the results of the fits.

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Figure 5-c:
Angular background distributions obtained from the mass sidebands are shown from left to right for cosθΛ, cosθp and cosθμ. The solid blue lines are the results of the fits.

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Figure 6-a:
Distributions of m(J/ψΛ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψΛ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Figure 6-b:
Distributions of m(J/ψΛ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψΛ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Figure 6-c:
Distributions of m(J/ψΛ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψΛ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Figure 6-d:
Distributions of m(J/ψΛ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψΛ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Figure 7-a:
Distributions of m(J/ψ¯Λ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for ¯Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψ¯Λ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Figure 7-b:
Distributions of m(J/ψ¯Λ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for ¯Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψ¯Λ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Figure 7-c:
Distributions of m(J/ψ¯Λ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for ¯Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψ¯Λ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Figure 7-d:
Distributions of m(J/ψ¯Λ), cosθp, cosθΛ, cosθμ (from a to d) for ¯Λb candidates in 2011 and 2012 datasets in m(J/ψ¯Λ)[5.56,5.68], with fit results superimposed. The signal (background) component is shown in red (gray).

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Table 1:
Functions describing the angular distribution of the decay ΛbJ/ψΛ0, J/ψμ+μ, Λ0pπ.

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Table 2:
Correlation Matrix of the fitted parameters.

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Table 3:
Summary of systematic uncertainties.
Based on an angular analysis of about 6000 ΛbJ/ψ(μ+μ)Λ(pπ) decays collected by the CMS experiment in 2011 and 2012, we perform a measurement of the Λb polarization (P), the weak asymmetry parameter of the Λb decay (α1), the Λ0 longitudinal polarization (α2), and a measure of the longitudinal/transverse composition of the J/ψ meson (γ0). The measured values are


corresponding to the helicity amplitudes


Our result of the Λb polarization is compatible with predictions from perturbative QCD calculations [21] for a polarization of 10% at 1.5σ, but it disfavors the 20% expectation reported in Ref. [22]. Also, as expected [11], our data analysis indicates a maximum longitudinal Λ0 polarization α2, or, equivalently, strongly suppressed transitions into the λΛ= 1/2 helicity states of the Λ baryon (T+0 and T++).
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Compact Muon Solenoid