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Compact Muon Solenoid
CMS-FWD-10-005 ; CERN-PH-EP-2011-187
Exclusive γγ→μ+μ− production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV
CMS Collaboration
24 November 2011
J. High Energy Phys. 01 (2012) 052
A measurement of the exclusive two-photon production of muon pairs in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV, pp → pμ+μ−p, is reported using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 40 pb−1. For muon pairs with invariant mass greater than 11.5 GeV, transverse momentum pT(μ)> 4 GeV and pseudorapidity |η(μ)|< 2.1, a fit to the dimuon pT(μ+μ−) distribution results in a measured cross section of σ(p→pμ+μ−p)= 338 +058−055 (stat.) ± 0.16 (syst.) ± 0.14 (lumi.) pb, consistent with the theoretical prediction evaluated with the event generator Lpair. The ratio to the predicted cross section is 083 +058−013 (stat.) ± 0.04 (syst.) ± 0.03 (lumi.). The characteristic distributions of the muon pairs produced via γγ fusion, such as the muon acoplanarity, the muon pair invariant mass and transverse momentum agree with those from the theory.
e-print arXiv:1111.5536 [hep-ex] (PDF) ;
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN
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