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CMS-BPH-18-005 ; CERN-EP-2019-128
Study of the B+J/ψˉΛp decay in proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV
JHEP 12 (2019) 100
Abstract: A study of the B+J/ψˉΛp decay using proton-proton collision data collected at s= 8 TeV by the CMS experiment at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.6 fb1, is presented. The ratio of branching fractions B(B+J/ψˉΛp)/B(B+J/ψK(892)+) is measured to be (1.054 ± 0.057 (stat) ± 0.035 (syst) ± 0.011 (B) )%, where the last uncertainty reflects the uncertainties in the world-average branching fractions of ˉΛ and K(892)+ decays to reconstructed final states. The invariant mass distributions of the J/ψˉΛ, J/ψp, and ˉΛp systems produced in the B+J/ψˉΛp decay are investigated and found to be inconsistent with the pure phase space hypothesis. The analysis is extended by using a model-independent angular amplitude analysis, which shows that the inclusion of contributions from excited kaons decaying to the ˉΛp system improves the description of the observed invariant mass distributions.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The invariant mass distribution of the selected B+J/ψˉΛp candidates (upper). The invariant mass distributions of J/ψK0Sπ+ (lower left) and K0Sπ+ (lower right) for the B+J/ψK+ decay candidates. The points are data and the solid curves are the results of the fits explained in the text. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. On the lower right picture the background-subtracted candidates using the M(J/ψK0Sπ+) as a discriminating variable are shown. The dash-dotted curves show the B+ signal in the upper and lower left plots, and the K+ signal in the lower right plot. The dashed lines indicate the background contributions. The vertical lines in the lower right plot indicate the K+ invariant mass window used for the normalization, as described in the text.

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Figure 1-a:
The invariant mass distribution of the selected B+J/ψˉΛp candidates. The points are data and the solid curves are the results of the fits explained in the text. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. The dash-dotted curves show the B+ signal. The dashed lines indicate the background contributions.

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Figure 1-b:
The invariant mass distributions of J/ψK0Sπ+ for the B+J/ψK+ decay candidates. The points are data and the solid curves are the results of the fits explained in the text. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. The dash-dotted curves show the B+ signal. The dashed lines indicate the background contributions.

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Figure 1-c:
The invariant mass distributions of K0Sπ+ for the B+J/ψK+ decay candidates. The points are data and the solid curves are the results of the fits explained in the text. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. The background-subtracted candidates using the M(J/ψK0Sπ+) as a discriminating variable are shown. The dash-dotted curves show the K+ signal. The dashed lines indicate the background contributions. The vertical lines indicate the K+ invariant mass window used for the normalization, as described in the text.

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Figure 2:
An illustration of the decay angles in the B+J/ψK+2,3,4(ˉΛp) decay.

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Figure 3:
The invariant mass distributions of the J/ψp (upper left), J/ψˉΛ (upper right), and ˉΛp (lower) systems from the B+J/ψˉΛp decay. The points show the efficiency-corrected, background-subtracted data; the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. Superimposed curves are obtained from simulation: the dashed lines correspond to the pure phase space fit (HPS); the solid curves represent the phase space distribution corrected for the ˉΛp angular structure with the inclusion of the first eight moments, corresponding to resonances decaying to the ˉΛp system with maximum spin of 4 (HL8); the dotted curves show the fits to the phase space distribution reweighted according to the cosθK distribution, which is defined as the Hcosθ hypothesis. The mentioned curves are explained in Section 8.1.

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Figure 3-a:
The invariant mass distributions of the J/ψp systems from the B+J/ψˉΛp decay. The points show the efficiency-corrected, background-subtracted data; the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. Superimposed curves are obtained from simulation: the dashed lines correspond to the pure phase space fit (HPS); the solid curves represent the phase space distribution corrected for the ˉΛp angular structure with the inclusion of the first eight moments, corresponding to resonances decaying to the ˉΛp system with maximum spin of 4 (HL8); the dotted curves show the fits to the phase space distribution reweighted according to the cosθK distribution, which is defined as the Hcosθ hypothesis. The mentioned curves are explained in Section 8.1.

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Figure 3-b:
The invariant mass distributions of the J/ψˉΛ systems from the B+J/ψˉΛp decay. The points show the efficiency-corrected, background-subtracted data; the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. Superimposed curves are obtained from simulation: the dashed lines correspond to the pure phase space fit (HPS); the solid curves represent the phase space distribution corrected for the ˉΛp angular structure with the inclusion of the first eight moments, corresponding to resonances decaying to the ˉΛp system with maximum spin of 4 (HL8); the dotted curves show the fits to the phase space distribution reweighted according to the cosθK distribution, which is defined as the Hcosθ hypothesis. The mentioned curves are explained in Section 8.1.

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Figure 3-c:
The invariant mass distributions of the ˉΛp systems from the B+J/ψˉΛp decay. The points show the efficiency-corrected, background-subtracted data; the vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty. Superimposed curves are obtained from simulation: the dashed lines correspond to the pure phase space fit (HPS); the solid curves represent the phase space distribution corrected for the ˉΛp angular structure with the inclusion of the first eight moments, corresponding to resonances decaying to the ˉΛp system with maximum spin of 4 (HL8); the dotted curves show the fits to the phase space distribution reweighted according to the cosθK distribution, which is defined as the Hcosθ hypothesis. The mentioned curves are explained in Section 8.1.

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Figure 4:
The background-subtracted and efficiency-corrected cosθK distribution from the data (points with vertical bars) and the phase space simulation (shaded histogram). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5:
The dependence of the first eight Legendre moments on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-a:
The dependence of the first Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-b:
The dependence of the second Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-c:
The dependence of the third Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-d:
The dependence of the fourth Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-e:
The dependence of the fifth Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-f:
The dependence of the sixth Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-g:
The dependence of the seventh Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Figure 5-h:
The dependence of the eighth Legendre moment on M(ˉΛp). The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainty.

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Table 1:
The mass, width, and JP quantum numbers for the known K+ states [3] that can decay to ˉΛp.

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Table 2:
Summary of the relative systematic uncertainties in the B(B+J/ψˉΛp)/B(B+J/ψK+) ratio.
Using a data set of proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment at s= 8 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.6 fb1, the ratio of branching fractions has been measured to be B(B+J/ψˉΛp)/B(B+J/ψK(892)+)= (1.054 ± 0.057 (stat) ± 0.035 (syst) ± 0.011 (B) )%. Using the world-average branching fraction of the B+J/ψK(892)+ decay, the branching fraction of the B+J/ψˉΛp decay is determined to be (15.1 ± 0.8 (stat) ± 0.5 (syst) ± 0.9 (B) )×106, the most precise measurement to date. A study of the two-body invariant mass distributions of the B+J/ψˉΛp decay products demonstrates that these spectra cannot be adequately modeled with a pure phase space decay hypothesis. The incompatibility of the data with this hypothesis is more than 6.1, 5.5, and 3.4 standard deviations for the J/ψp, J/ψˉΛ, and ˉΛp invariant mass spectra, respectively. A model-independent approach that accounts for the contribution from known K+2,3,4 resonances with spins up to 4 decaying to the ˉΛp system improves the agreement significantly, decreasing the incompatibility with data to less than three standard deviations in both the J/ψp and J/ψˉΛ invariant mass spectra.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Efficiency as the function of cos(θK) and M(¯Λp), ϵ(M(¯Λp),cos(θK)).
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Compact Muon Solenoid