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Measurement of the W boson mass in proton-proton collisions at $ \sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV
Abstract: In the standard model of particle physics, the masses of the carriers of the weak interaction, the W and Z bosons, are uniquely related. Physics beyond the standard model can change this relationship through the effects of virtual particle quantum loops, thus making it of paramount importance to measure these masses with the highest possible precision. While the mass of the Z boson is known to the remarkable precision of nearly 20 parts per million (2 MeV), thanks to the CERN LEP experimental program, the W boson mass is known much less precisely. The current precision of a global fit to electroweak data, used to predict the W boson mass in the standard model, yields an uncertainty of 6 MeV, so that reaching a comparable experimental precision would be a sensitive and fundamental test of the standard model. We report the first W boson mass measurement by the CMS Collaboration at the CERN LHC, based on a data sample collected in 2016 at the proton-proton collision energy of 13 TeV. The W boson mass is measured using a sample of $ \mathrm{W}\to\mu\nu $ events via a highly granular maximum likelihood fit to the kinematical distributions of the daughter muons, separated by electric charge. The significant in-situ constraints of theoretical inputs and their corresponding uncertainties provided by this novel approach, together with an accurate determination of the experimental effects, lead to a very precise W boson mass measurement, 80 360.2 $ \pm $ 9.9 MeV, in agreement with the standard model prediction.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Measured and simulated $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ dimuon mass distributions. The prediction reflects the best fit parameter values and uncertainties resulting from the maximum likelihood fit. The total uncertainty after the systematic uncertainty profiling procedure (gray band) and the 4.8 MeV uncertainty in the extracted $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ value (magenta lines) are also shown.

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Figure 2:
The generator-level $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ distribution, compared to the unfolded data, with the prediction and uncertainty before the maximum likelihood fit and with the distribution modified according to the postfit values and uncertainties of the relevant nuisance parameters. The distribution and uncertainties obtained from the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ measurement are shown in purple, whereas the blue band shows the distribution obtained from the direct fit to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ distribution. The generator-level distribution predicted by SCETLIB+DYTURBO (before incorporating the constraints obtained from fits to the data) is shown in black. The ratio of the predictions and unfolded data to the prefit prediction (shown in gray), as well as their uncertainties, are shown by the shaded bands in the bottom panel.

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Figure 3:
Measured and simulated $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ distributions, with the prediction adjusted according to the best fit values of the nuisance parameters obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. The solid and dashed pink lines represent, respectively, an increase and decrease of $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ by 9.9 MeV. The uncertainties in the predictions, after the systematic uncertainty profiling in the maximum likelihood fit, are shown by the shaded band.

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Figure 4:
The $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement from this analysis (in red) is compared with those of LEP [9], D0 [14], CDF [17], LHCb [19], and ATLAS [20]. The global EW fit prediction [1] is represented by the gray band.

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Figure A1:
Measured scale factors (SFs) for muons with positive charge as a function of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ in two representative $ \eta^{\mu} $ bins, for the reconstruction (left) and identification (right) selection efficiency. The black (gray) circles are the binned SFs measured with the T&P technique using the nominal (alternative) signal model, with the error bars representing their statistical uncertainty. The solid red (blue) line is the result of the smoothing fit with a third order polynomial for the nominal (alternative) model. The gray band represents the statistical uncertainty from the smoothing of the nominal SFs. The yellow bands represent the regions outside the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ range used in the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement.

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Figure A1-a:
Measured scale factors (SFs) for muons with positive charge as a function of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ in two representative $ \eta^{\mu} $ bins, for the reconstruction (left) and identification (right) selection efficiency. The black (gray) circles are the binned SFs measured with the T&P technique using the nominal (alternative) signal model, with the error bars representing their statistical uncertainty. The solid red (blue) line is the result of the smoothing fit with a third order polynomial for the nominal (alternative) model. The gray band represents the statistical uncertainty from the smoothing of the nominal SFs. The yellow bands represent the regions outside the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ range used in the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement.

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Figure A1-b:
Measured scale factors (SFs) for muons with positive charge as a function of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ in two representative $ \eta^{\mu} $ bins, for the reconstruction (left) and identification (right) selection efficiency. The black (gray) circles are the binned SFs measured with the T&P technique using the nominal (alternative) signal model, with the error bars representing their statistical uncertainty. The solid red (blue) line is the result of the smoothing fit with a third order polynomial for the nominal (alternative) model. The gray band represents the statistical uncertainty from the smoothing of the nominal SFs. The yellow bands represent the regions outside the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ range used in the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement.

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Figure A2:
Measured and predicted $ \eta^{\mu} $ distributions in $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events with the W-like Z selection for positively (left) and negatively (right) charged muons. The total normalized uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A2-a:
Measured and predicted $ \eta^{\mu} $ distributions in $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events with the W-like Z selection for positively (left) and negatively (right) charged muons. The total normalized uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A2-b:
Measured and predicted $ \eta^{\mu} $ distributions in $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events with the W-like Z selection for positively (left) and negatively (right) charged muons. The total normalized uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A3:
Measured and predicted $ m_{\mathrm{T}} $ distributions in Z (left) and W (right) events, after calibrating the hadronic recoil. The total normalized uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A3-a:
Measured and predicted $ m_{\mathrm{T}} $ distributions in Z (left) and W (right) events, after calibrating the hadronic recoil. The total normalized uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A3-b:
Measured and predicted $ m_{\mathrm{T}} $ distributions in Z (left) and W (right) events, after calibrating the hadronic recoil. The total normalized uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A4:
The observed data and the prediction of the extended ABCD method, as described in the text, for the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ (left) and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (right) distributions, in a region enriched in events with nonprompt muons obtained by selecting muons compatible with being produced in a secondary vertex. Small contributions from events with a prompt lepton, evaluated using simulated samples, are shown by the red histogram. The total uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A4-a:
The observed data and the prediction of the extended ABCD method, as described in the text, for the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ (left) and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (right) distributions, in a region enriched in events with nonprompt muons obtained by selecting muons compatible with being produced in a secondary vertex. Small contributions from events with a prompt lepton, evaluated using simulated samples, are shown by the red histogram. The total uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A4-b:
The observed data and the prediction of the extended ABCD method, as described in the text, for the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ (left) and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (right) distributions, in a region enriched in events with nonprompt muons obtained by selecting muons compatible with being produced in a secondary vertex. Small contributions from events with a prompt lepton, evaluated using simulated samples, are shown by the red histogram. The total uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A5:
The observed data and the prediction of the extended ABCD method after a fit to the $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distribution, as described in the text, for the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ (left) and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (right) distributions, in a region enriched in events with nonprompt muons obtained by selecting muons compatible with being produced in a secondary vertex. The upper plots show the prefit prediction and the lower ones show the prediction after a fit to the $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distribution. Small contributions from events with a prompt lepton, evaluated using simulated samples, are shown by the red histogram. The total uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A5-a:
The observed data and the prediction of the extended ABCD method after a fit to the $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distribution, as described in the text, for the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ (left) and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (right) distributions, in a region enriched in events with nonprompt muons obtained by selecting muons compatible with being produced in a secondary vertex. The upper plots show the prefit prediction and the lower ones show the prediction after a fit to the $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distribution. Small contributions from events with a prompt lepton, evaluated using simulated samples, are shown by the red histogram. The total uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A5-b:
The observed data and the prediction of the extended ABCD method after a fit to the $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distribution, as described in the text, for the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ (left) and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (right) distributions, in a region enriched in events with nonprompt muons obtained by selecting muons compatible with being produced in a secondary vertex. The upper plots show the prefit prediction and the lower ones show the prediction after a fit to the $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distribution. Small contributions from events with a prompt lepton, evaluated using simulated samples, are shown by the red histogram. The total uncertainties (statistical and systematic) are represented by the shaded bands.

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Figure A6:
Charge-independent (left) and charge-dependent (right) closure results from fits using $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $, $ \Upsilon $ (1S), and Z events. The charge-independent closure plot shows an equivalent magnetic field scale factor and the charge-dependent closure plot shows an equivalent misalignment term. The points with error bars represent the scale and statistical uncertainty associated with the closure test, while the band represents the corresponding statistical uncertainty in the calibration parameters themselves, from the $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $ calibration sample. The calibration uncertainties are fully uncorrelated from the Z and $ \Upsilon $ (1S) closure uncertainties, but very strongly correlated with the $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $ closure uncertainties, since they use the same data.

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Figure A6-a:
Charge-independent (left) and charge-dependent (right) closure results from fits using $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $, $ \Upsilon $ (1S), and Z events. The charge-independent closure plot shows an equivalent magnetic field scale factor and the charge-dependent closure plot shows an equivalent misalignment term. The points with error bars represent the scale and statistical uncertainty associated with the closure test, while the band represents the corresponding statistical uncertainty in the calibration parameters themselves, from the $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $ calibration sample. The calibration uncertainties are fully uncorrelated from the Z and $ \Upsilon $ (1S) closure uncertainties, but very strongly correlated with the $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $ closure uncertainties, since they use the same data.

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Figure A6-b:
Charge-independent (left) and charge-dependent (right) closure results from fits using $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $, $ \Upsilon $ (1S), and Z events. The charge-independent closure plot shows an equivalent magnetic field scale factor and the charge-dependent closure plot shows an equivalent misalignment term. The points with error bars represent the scale and statistical uncertainty associated with the closure test, while the band represents the corresponding statistical uncertainty in the calibration parameters themselves, from the $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $ calibration sample. The calibration uncertainties are fully uncorrelated from the Z and $ \Upsilon $ (1S) closure uncertainties, but very strongly correlated with the $ \mathrm{J}/\psi $ closure uncertainties, since they use the same data.

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Figure A7:
Measured and simulated $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ dimuon mass distributions, after applying the muon momentum scale and resolution corrections. The normalization of the simulated spectrum is scaled to the measured distribution to better illustrate the agreement between the two $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ line shapes.

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Figure A8:
Measured and simulated $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ (right) distributions in selected $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events. The standalone uncorrected MINNLO$_{\mathrm{PS}}$ predictions are shown in dashed gray. The nominal predictions (blue) correct the POWHEG MINNLO$_\mathrm{PS}$ $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{V}} $ with SCETLIB+DYTURBO at N$^{3}$LL+NNLO, as described in the text. Different sources of uncertainty are shown as solid bands in the bottom panel: the fixed-order uncertainty evaluated with $ \mu_{\mathrm{R}} $ and $ \mu_{\mathrm{F}} $ variations and the uncertainty in the resummation and fixed order matching (orange), resummed prediction using theory nuisance parameters (pink), the Collins-Soper (CS) kernel nonperturbative uncertainty (green), and other nonperturbative uncertainties (light blue). These sources of uncertainty impact different ranges of the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{V}} $ and $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ distributions.

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Figure A8-a:
Measured and simulated $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ distribution in selected $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events. The standalone uncorrected MINNLO$_{\mathrm{PS}}$ predictions are shown in dashed gray. The nominal predictions (blue) correct the POWHEG MINNLO$_\mathrm{PS}$ $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{V}} $ with SCETLIB+DYTURBO at N$^{3}$LL+NNLO, as described in the text. Different sources of uncertainty are shown as solid bands in the bottom panel: the fixed-order uncertainty evaluated with $ \mu_{\mathrm{R}} $ and $ \mu_{\mathrm{F}} $ variations and the uncertainty in the resummation and fixed order matching (orange), resummed prediction using theory nuisance parameters (pink), the Collins-Soper (CS) kernel nonperturbative uncertainty (green), and other nonperturbative uncertainties (light blue). These sources of uncertainty impact different ranges of distribution.

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Figure A8-b:
Measured and simulated $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ distribution in selected $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events. The standalone uncorrected MINNLO$_{\mathrm{PS}}$ predictions are shown in dashed gray. The nominal predictions (blue) correct the POWHEG MINNLO$_\mathrm{PS}$ $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{V}} $ with SCETLIB+DYTURBO at N$^{3}$LL+NNLO, as described in the text. Different sources of uncertainty are shown as solid bands in the bottom panel: the fixed-order uncertainty evaluated with $ \mu_{\mathrm{R}} $ and $ \mu_{\mathrm{F}} $ variations and the uncertainty in the resummation and fixed order matching (orange), resummed prediction using theory nuisance parameters (pink), the Collins-Soper (CS) kernel nonperturbative uncertainty (green), and other nonperturbative uncertainties (light blue). These sources of uncertainty impact different ranges of distribution.

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Figure A9:
The predicted $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ (right) distributions at generator-level with no selection applied to the muons (or muon and neutrino, in the W case) from the decay. The bottom panel shows the impact in the distribution of the ten theory nuisance parameters described in the text. The label ``BF" refers to the proton beam functions.

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Figure A9-a:
The predicted $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ (right) distributions at generator-level with no selection applied to the muons (or muon and neutrino, in the W case) from the decay. The bottom panel shows the impact in the distribution of the ten theory nuisance parameters described in the text. The label ``BF" refers to the proton beam functions.

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Figure A9-b:
The predicted $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ (left) and $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ (right) distributions at generator-level with no selection applied to the muons (or muon and neutrino, in the W case) from the decay. The bottom panel shows the impact in the distribution of the ten theory nuisance parameters described in the text. The label ``BF" refers to the proton beam functions.

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Figure A10:
The predicted $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ distribution for Z (left) and W (right) events, normalized to the number of data events, compared to the observed data. The bottom panel shows the impact on the distribution of the ten theory nuisance parameters described in the text. The label ``BF" refers to the proton beam functions.

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Figure A10-a:
The predicted $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ distribution for Z (left) and W (right) events, normalized to the number of data events, compared to the observed data. The bottom panel shows the impact on the distribution of the ten theory nuisance parameters described in the text. The label ``BF" refers to the proton beam functions.

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Figure A10-b:
The predicted $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ distribution for Z (left) and W (right) events, normalized to the number of data events, compared to the observed data. The bottom panel shows the impact on the distribution of the ten theory nuisance parameters described in the text. The label ``BF" refers to the proton beam functions.

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Figure A11:
Measured and predicted dimuon rapidity distributions for $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events. The nominal prediction, obtained with the CT18Z PDF set, is shown in filled light red. The uncertainty, evaluated as the sum of the eigenvector variation sets, is represented by the filled band in the lower panel. The predictions using the PDF4LHC21, MSHT20, NNPDF4.0, and CT18 sets are also shown (without uncertainty bands).

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Figure A12:
Measured and predicted $ \eta^{\mu} $ distributions for selected $ \mathrm{W^+} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{W^-} $ (right) events. The nominal prediction, obtained with the CT18Z PDF set, is shown in filled light red. The uncertainty, evaluated as the sum of the eigenvector variation sets, is represented by the filled band in the lower panel. The predictions using the PDF4LHC21, MSHT20, NNPDF4.0, and CT18 sets are also shown (without uncertainty bands).

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Figure A12-a:
Measured and predicted $ \eta^{\mu} $ distributions for selected $ \mathrm{W^+} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{W^-} $ (right) events. The nominal prediction, obtained with the CT18Z PDF set, is shown in filled light red. The uncertainty, evaluated as the sum of the eigenvector variation sets, is represented by the filled band in the lower panel. The predictions using the PDF4LHC21, MSHT20, NNPDF4.0, and CT18 sets are also shown (without uncertainty bands).

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Figure A12-b:
Measured and predicted $ \eta^{\mu} $ distributions for selected $ \mathrm{W^+} $ (left) and $ \mathrm{W^-} $ (right) events. The nominal prediction, obtained with the CT18Z PDF set, is shown in filled light red. The uncertainty, evaluated as the sum of the eigenvector variation sets, is represented by the filled band in the lower panel. The predictions using the PDF4LHC21, MSHT20, NNPDF4.0, and CT18 sets are also shown (without uncertainty bands).

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Figure A13:
Unfolded differential cross sections as function of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ (left) and $ |y^{\mathrm{Z}}| $ (right) compared to the prefit prediction.

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Figure A13-a:
Unfolded differential cross sections as function of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ (left) and $ |y^{\mathrm{Z}}| $ (right) compared to the prefit prediction.

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Figure A13-b:
Unfolded differential cross sections as function of $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ (left) and $ |y^{\mathrm{Z}}| $ (right) compared to the prefit prediction.

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Figure A14:
Measured and simulated $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ distributions in the Z boson events, with the normalization and uncertainties of the prediction set to the post-fit values. The gray band represents the total systematic uncertainty.

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Figure A15:
Comparison of the nominal result and its theory uncertainty, using SCETLIB+DYTURBO at N$^{3}$LL+NNLO, with the value of $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measured when using alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ modeling and its uncertainty. The impact of correcting the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $ distribution directly to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ data, via bin-by-bin reweighting, is also shown. The dash-dotted black line represents the nominal result, while the shaded gray band shows the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $-modeling uncertainty. The results from alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $-modeling and uncertainty are shown as points. The $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{Z}} $-modeling uncertainties are shown as the inner bars, while the outer bars denote the total uncertainty.

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Figure A16:
Comparison of the nominal result and its theory uncertainty, using SCETLIB+DYTURBO at N$^{3}$LL+NNLO, with the value of $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measured when using alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ modeling and its uncertainty. The impact of correcting the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ distribution with the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ data, both via bin-by-bin reweighting corrections and via a simultaneous maximum likelihood fit, is also shown. The dash-dotted black line represents the nominal result, while the shaded gray band shows the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling uncertainty. The results from alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling and uncertainty are shown as points. The $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling uncertainties are shown as the inner bars, while the outer bars denote the total uncertainty.

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Figure A16-a:
Comparison of the nominal result and its theory uncertainty, using SCETLIB+DYTURBO at N$^{3}$LL+NNLO, with the value of $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measured when using alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ modeling and its uncertainty. The impact of correcting the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ distribution with the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ data, both via bin-by-bin reweighting corrections and via a simultaneous maximum likelihood fit, is also shown. The dash-dotted black line represents the nominal result, while the shaded gray band shows the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling uncertainty. The results from alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling and uncertainty are shown as points. The $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling uncertainties are shown as the inner bars, while the outer bars denote the total uncertainty.

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Figure A16-b:
Comparison of the nominal result and its theory uncertainty, using SCETLIB+DYTURBO at N$^{3}$LL+NNLO, with the value of $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measured when using alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ modeling and its uncertainty. The impact of correcting the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $ distribution with the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu\mu} $ data, both via bin-by-bin reweighting corrections and via a simultaneous maximum likelihood fit, is also shown. The dash-dotted black line represents the nominal result, while the shaded gray band shows the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling uncertainty. The results from alternative approaches to the $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling and uncertainty are shown as points. The $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mathrm{W}} $-modeling uncertainties are shown as the inner bars, while the outer bars denote the total uncertainty.

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Figure A17:
Measured W boson mass with the helicity fit for different scaling scenarios of the prefit helicity cross section uncertainties, compared with the main result. The initial uncertainties of the $ \sigma_3 $ component and of the other components are denoted as $ \Delta_{\sigma_3} $ and $ \Delta_{\sigma_{\text{others}}} $, respectively.

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Figure A18:
Extraction of the differential cross section as a function of the W boson transverse momentum (left) and rapidity (right) from the muon $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distributions in data, using the helicity fit approach. The generator-level distributions predicted by SCETLIB+DYTURBO before incorporating in-situ constraints are shown in gray. The ratio of the postfit predictions (in red) to the prefit prediction (in gray), as well as their uncertainties, are shown by the shaded bands in the bottom panel.

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Figure A18-a:
Extraction of the differential cross section as a function of the W boson transverse momentum (left) and rapidity (right) from the muon $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distributions in data, using the helicity fit approach. The generator-level distributions predicted by SCETLIB+DYTURBO before incorporating in-situ constraints are shown in gray. The ratio of the postfit predictions (in red) to the prefit prediction (in gray), as well as their uncertainties, are shown by the shaded bands in the bottom panel.

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Figure A18-b:
Extraction of the differential cross section as a function of the W boson transverse momentum (left) and rapidity (right) from the muon $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}, q^{\mu}) $ distributions in data, using the helicity fit approach. The generator-level distributions predicted by SCETLIB+DYTURBO before incorporating in-situ constraints are shown in gray. The ratio of the postfit predictions (in red) to the prefit prediction (in gray), as well as their uncertainties, are shown by the shaded bands in the bottom panel.

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Figure A19:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the uncertainty in the prediction, before the fit to the data.

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Figure A19-a:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the uncertainty in the prediction, before the fit to the data.

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Figure A19-b:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the uncertainty in the prediction, before the fit to the data.

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Figure A20:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the uncertainty in the prediction, before the fit to the data.

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Figure A20-a:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the uncertainty in the prediction, before the fit to the data.

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Figure A20-b:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the uncertainty in the prediction, before the fit to the data.

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Figure A21:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The predictions and their uncertainties are adjusted to the best fit values obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the full uncertainty in the prediction, after the nuisances parameters are adjusted to the best fit values.

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Figure A21-a:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The predictions and their uncertainties are adjusted to the best fit values obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the full uncertainty in the prediction, after the nuisances parameters are adjusted to the best fit values.

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Figure A21-b:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The predictions and their uncertainties are adjusted to the best fit values obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the full uncertainty in the prediction, after the nuisances parameters are adjusted to the best fit values.

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Figure A22:
Measured and simulated $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $ distributions, with the prediction adjusted according to the best fit values of nuisance parameters obtained from the maximum likelihood fit of the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ analysis. The solid and dashed purple lines represent, respectively, an increase and decrease of $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ by 9.9 MeV. The uncertainties in the predictions, after the systematic uncertainty profiling in the maximum likelihood fit, are shown by the shaded band.

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Figure A23:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The predictions and their uncertainties are adjusted to the best fit values obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the full uncertainty in the prediction, after the nuisances parameters are adjusted to the best fit values.

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Figure A23-a:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The predictions and their uncertainties are adjusted to the best fit values obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the full uncertainty in the prediction, after the nuisances parameters are adjusted to the best fit values.

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Figure A23-b:
Measured and simulated $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ distributions used in the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement, for positively (upper) and negatively (lower) charged muons. The predictions and their uncertainties are adjusted to the best fit values obtained from the maximum likelihood fit. The two-dimensional distribution is ``unrolled" such that each bin on the $ x $-axis represents one $ (p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu}, \eta^{\mu}) $ cell. The gray band represents the full uncertainty in the prediction, after the nuisances parameters are adjusted to the best fit values.

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Figure A24:
Measured $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ values, for seven recent PDF sets, when using the original uncertainty for the given set (left) and when the uncertainties are scaled to accommodate the central prediction of the other sets (right). Each point corresponds to the result obtained when using the indicated PDF set and its uncertainty for the simulated predictions. The inner bar shows the uncertainty from the PDF, and the outer bar shows the total uncertainty. The nominal result, using CT18Z, is shown by the red line, with the CT18Z PDF uncertainty shown in light gray. The scaling procedure improves the consistency of the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ values across the PDF sets and with the nominal result.

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Figure A24-a:
Measured $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ values, for seven recent PDF sets, when using the original uncertainty for the given set (left) and when the uncertainties are scaled to accommodate the central prediction of the other sets (right). Each point corresponds to the result obtained when using the indicated PDF set and its uncertainty for the simulated predictions. The inner bar shows the uncertainty from the PDF, and the outer bar shows the total uncertainty. The nominal result, using CT18Z, is shown by the red line, with the CT18Z PDF uncertainty shown in light gray. The scaling procedure improves the consistency of the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ values across the PDF sets and with the nominal result.

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Figure A24-b:
Measured $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ values, for seven recent PDF sets, when using the original uncertainty for the given set (left) and when the uncertainties are scaled to accommodate the central prediction of the other sets (right). Each point corresponds to the result obtained when using the indicated PDF set and its uncertainty for the simulated predictions. The inner bar shows the uncertainty from the PDF, and the outer bar shows the total uncertainty. The nominal result, using CT18Z, is shown by the red line, with the CT18Z PDF uncertainty shown in light gray. The scaling procedure improves the consistency of the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ values across the PDF sets and with the nominal result.

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Figure A25:
The $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ fit split in three bins of kinematics of the two muons: $ |\eta^{\mu}| $ (both central, one central and one forward, and both forward) on the left, and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (both negative, one positive and one negative, and both positive) on the right. The result of a fit with three $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ parameters is compared the nominal $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ fit result and the $ \chi^2 $-like compatibility of the two fits is also shown, as assessed via the saturated goodness-of-fit test. The results show the uncertainty in $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $, separating the calibration and statistical uncertainty contributions.

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Figure A25-a:
The $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ fit split in three bins of kinematics of the two muons: $ |\eta^{\mu}| $ (both central, one central and one forward, and both forward) on the left, and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (both negative, one positive and one negative, and both positive) on the right. The result of a fit with three $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ parameters is compared the nominal $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ fit result and the $ \chi^2 $-like compatibility of the two fits is also shown, as assessed via the saturated goodness-of-fit test. The results show the uncertainty in $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $, separating the calibration and statistical uncertainty contributions.

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Figure A25-b:
The $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ fit split in three bins of kinematics of the two muons: $ |\eta^{\mu}| $ (both central, one central and one forward, and both forward) on the left, and $ \eta^{\mu} $ (both negative, one positive and one negative, and both positive) on the right. The result of a fit with three $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ parameters is compared the nominal $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ fit result and the $ \chi^2 $-like compatibility of the two fits is also shown, as assessed via the saturated goodness-of-fit test. The results show the uncertainty in $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $, separating the calibration and statistical uncertainty contributions.

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Figure A26:
For the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ analysis (left) and the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement (right) the result of a fit with 24 $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $ parameters corresponding to different $ \eta^{\mu} $ ranges is compared with the nominal $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $ fit result. The $ \chi^2 $-like compatibility of the two fits is also shown, assessed via the saturated goodness-of-fit test. The results show the uncertainty in $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $, separating the calibration and statistical uncertainty contributions.

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Figure A26-a:
For the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ analysis (left) and the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement (right) the result of a fit with 24 $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $ parameters corresponding to different $ \eta^{\mu} $ ranges is compared with the nominal $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $ fit result. The $ \chi^2 $-like compatibility of the two fits is also shown, assessed via the saturated goodness-of-fit test. The results show the uncertainty in $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $, separating the calibration and statistical uncertainty contributions.

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Figure A26-b:
For the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ analysis (left) and the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement (right) the result of a fit with 24 $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $ parameters corresponding to different $ \eta^{\mu} $ ranges is compared with the nominal $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $ fit result. The $ \chi^2 $-like compatibility of the two fits is also shown, assessed via the saturated goodness-of-fit test. The results show the uncertainty in $ m_{\mathrm{V}} $, separating the calibration and statistical uncertainty contributions.

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Table A1:
Breakdown of muon calibration uncertainties.

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Table A2:
Goodness-of-fit test statistics for different PDF sets when fitting simultaneously the $ \eta^{\mu} $ distributions for selected $ \mathrm{W^+} $ ($ \mathrm{W^-} $) events and the $ y^{\mu\mu} $ distribution for $ \mathrm{Z}\to\mu\mu $ events. The fit is performed in the nominal configuration with all uncertainties (left column), nominal configuration without PDF and $ \alpha_{s} $ uncertainties (middle column), and nominal configuration without theory uncertainties (right column). The $ p $-value denotes the probability for the observed data to agree with a given configuration as well as, or worse than, it does.

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Table A3:
Prefit uncertainty scaling factors required to cover the central predictions of the considered PDF sets and postfit impact in $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $, with and without scaled PDF uncertainties.

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Table A4:
Dominant systematic uncertainties in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ and $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurements, using the ``nominal'' [none-none-none] and ``global'' [101] definition of the impacts.

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Table A5:
Number of nuisance parameters for the main groups of systematic uncertainties, for the W-like Z and W fits. The measured mass parameter is also included, albeit it is treated in a special way in each fit. The number of parameters is displayed only once when it is the same for both fits, while ``$-$'' means that this source is not relevant. For completeness, subgroups of parameters are also reported as indented labels for a few groups.

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Table A6:
Dominant systematic uncertainties in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ and $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurements, comparing the mass difference between charges and the nominal charge combination, using nominal impacts.

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Table A7:
Dominant systematic uncertainties in the W-like $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ and $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurements, comparing the mass difference between charges and the nominal charge combination, using global impacts.

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Table A8:
The $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ values measured for different PDF sets, with uncertainties scaled following the procedure described in Section 11.10 and with the default unscaled uncertainties.
In this paper we report the first W mass measurement by the CMS Collaboration at the CERN LHC, with a precision very similar to that of the recent CDF measurement and better than that of all other results. The W mass is extracted from a sample of $ \mathrm{W}\to\mu\nu $ decays, collected in 2016 at the proton-proton collision energy of 13 TeV, via a highly granular maximum likelihood fit to the three-dimensional distribution of the muon $ p_{\mathrm{T}}^{\mu} $, $ \eta^{\mu} $, and electric charge. A number of novel experimental techniques have been used, together with state-of-the-art theoretical models, to improve the measurement accuracy. Both the data analysis methods and the treatment of the theory calculations used in the $ m_{\mathrm{W}} $ measurement have been validated in multiple ways, including a muon momentum calibration using only $ {\mathrm{J}/\psi} \to\mu\mu $ events and the extraction of $ m_{\mathrm{Z}} $ from a W-like analysis of Z boson dimuon decays. The measured value, $ m_{\mathrm{W}} = $ 80 360.2 $ \pm $ 9.9 MeV, agrees with the expectation from the standard model electroweak fit and is consistent with the present world average (excluding CDF), as shown in Fig. 4. This measurement constitutes a significant step towards reaching an experimental value with a precision approaching that of the standard model prediction.
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Compact Muon Solenoid