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Energy-energy correlators from PbPb and pp collisions at 5.02 TeV
Abstract: Energy-energy correlators have recently gained prominence as experimental observables that have predicted sensitivities to a multitude of perturbative and non-perturbative quantum chromodynamics phenomena in high-energy collisions. Using data recorded by the CMS detector, energy-energy correlators are measured in lead-lead (PbPb) collisions for the first time. The data are obtained at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 1.70 nb1. Inclusive jets with transverse momenta between 120 and 200 GeV are reconstructed using an anti-kT algorithm with R= 0.4. Two-point correlators are constructed by taking a weighted average of the separation of particle pairs (Δr) within a given jet cone, with the weight based on the product of the momenta of the two particles. Averages are taken over jets within common jet pT and collision centrality regions. A similar analysis is done for proton-proton (pp) collisions at the same center of mass energy to obtain a vacuum reference. Taking the ratio of PbPb to pp correlators reveals a non-monotonic shape change at intermediate Δr and a significant enhancement at large Δr.
Figures Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Centrality and pT,jet dependent energy-energy correlators for pchT> 1 GeV. The red squares show the n= 1 and the blue circles the n= 2 distributions for PbPb collisions. The pp results in each row are identical, with magenta diamonds showing the n= 1 and teal double diamonds the n= 2 distributions. The error bars show statistical uncertainties, the shaded boxes represent the point-by-point systematic uncertainties, while the error bands show systematic uncertainties related to the shape of the distribution. All correlators have been normalized to one in the plotted range.

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Figure 2:
Centrality and pT,jet dependent energy-energy correlators for pchT> 2 GeV. The red squares show the n= 1 and the blue circles the n= 2 distributions for PbPb collisions. The pp results in each row are identical, with magenta diamonds showing the n= 1 and teal double diamonds the n= 2 distributions. The error bars show statistical uncertainties, the shaded boxes represent the point-by-point systematic uncertainties, while the error bands show systematic uncertainties related to the shape of the distribution. All correlators have been normalized to one in the plotted range.

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Figure 3:
Centrality and pT,jet dependent ratios of PbPb to pp energy-energy correlators with pchT> 1 GeV and for both n= 1 (red squares) and n= 2 (blue circles). The error bars show statistical uncertainties, the shaded boxes represent the point-by-point systematic uncertainties, while the error bands show systematic uncertainties related to the shape of the ratio.

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Figure 4:
Centrality and pT,jet dependent ratios of PbPb to pp energy-energy correlators with pchT> 2 GeV and for both n= 1 (red squares) and n= 2 (blue circles). The error bars show statistical uncertainties, the shaded boxes represent the point-by-point systematic uncertainties, while the error bands show systematic uncertainties related to the shape of the ratio.

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Figure 5:
Centrality dependence of the double ratio of n= 1 PbPb to pp single ratios with pchT> 2 to pchT> 1. The error bars show statistical uncertainties, while the systematic uncertainties are represented by the shaded area. Many of the systematic uncertainties cancel in the double ratio.

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Figure 6:
Comparison of PYTHIA8 [49], Herwig7 [70,71] and Hybrid model [72] calculations to the observed energy-energy correlators for pchT> 1 GeV, 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV and n= 1 (left) and n= 2 (right) in pp collisions. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.

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Figure 6-a:
Comparison of PYTHIA8 [49], Herwig7 [70,71] and Hybrid model [72] calculations to the observed energy-energy correlators for pchT> 1 GeV, 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV and n= 1 (left) and n= 2 (right) in pp collisions. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.

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Figure 6-b:
Comparison of PYTHIA8 [49], Herwig7 [70,71] and Hybrid model [72] calculations to the observed energy-energy correlators for pchT> 1 GeV, 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV and n= 1 (left) and n= 2 (right) in pp collisions. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.

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Figure 7:
The PbPb to pp ratio of energy-energy correlators in 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV bin for pchT> 1 GeV (top row), pchT> 2 GeV (bottom row), n= 1 (left column), and n= 2 (right column). Hybrid model [72] predictions with three different wake settings are shown. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.

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Figure 7-a:
The PbPb to pp ratio of energy-energy correlators in 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV bin for pchT> 1 GeV (top row), pchT> 2 GeV (bottom row), n= 1 (left column), and n= 2 (right column). Hybrid model [72] predictions with three different wake settings are shown. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.

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Figure 7-b:
The PbPb to pp ratio of energy-energy correlators in 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV bin for pchT> 1 GeV (top row), pchT> 2 GeV (bottom row), n= 1 (left column), and n= 2 (right column). Hybrid model [72] predictions with three different wake settings are shown. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.

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Figure 7-c:
The PbPb to pp ratio of energy-energy correlators in 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV bin for pchT> 1 GeV (top row), pchT> 2 GeV (bottom row), n= 1 (left column), and n= 2 (right column). Hybrid model [72] predictions with three different wake settings are shown. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.

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Figure 7-d:
The PbPb to pp ratio of energy-energy correlators in 120 <pT,jet< 140 GeV bin for pchT> 1 GeV (top row), pchT> 2 GeV (bottom row), n= 1 (left column), and n= 2 (right column). Hybrid model [72] predictions with three different wake settings are shown. In the lower panels the uncertainties in the data are plotted in bands around 1.
For the first time, energy-energy correlators are presented for inclusive jets in lead-lead (PbPb) collisions, with the results compared to comparable correlators in proton-proton (pp) collisions. Both the PbPb and the pp collisions are measured at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. Taking Δr as the separation in azimuth and pseudorapidity of two particles within a jet cone, the two-particle energy-energy correlator is defined as a weighted distribution of all two particle pairings, with weights determined by the product of the momenta of the two particles. Two-particle energy-energy correlators are presented as functions of Δr for two momentum weights, two charged particle pT thresholds, four jet pT ranges, and four collision centrality ranges. The energy-energy correlators in PbPb collisions are found to have the same general shape as those in pp collisions, with the free hadron, transition, and free quark/gluon regimes [9] all being visible. It is also observed that the peak in the transition region in PbPb collisions is shifted to smaller opening angle compered to pp collisions, which is understood in terms of parton energy loss in the nuclear medium. The position of the peak is proportional to the initial virtuality of the jet, and peaking at smaller angles corresponds to higher initial virtuality. In a comparison of PbPb to pp ratios, a narrowing of the correlator shape is observed. Since the correlators are weighted by the charged particle transverse momenta, and high-momentum particles are more likely to be close to the jet axis, this is consistent with the narrowing of the substructure in inclusive PbPb jets as compared to pp jets. It is likely that this narrowing is caused by jets with narrower substructure being less quenched compared to jets with wider substructure. A key observation of this analysis is that this narrowing turns into enhancement in the region of large particle-pair separation region, where there is the greatest sensitivity to medium modification effects. By reducing the sensitivity to particle pairs where the product of the two constituent momenta are small, this enhancement disappears. The transition from narrowing to enhancement happens around Δr 0.1 and is stronger in the central collisions compared to peripheral collisions. Furthermore, it is observed that the PbPb to pp energy-energy correlator ratio is flat in the region where the separation of particles in a pair is small, corresponding to the free hadron region. This suggests universal scaling behavior for the free hadron regime. Predictions from PYTHIA8, Herwig7, and Hybrid model are found in reasonable agreement with pp experimental results when a simple momentum product is used as the energy-energy correlator weight. Increasing the sensitivity to higher pT pairs by taking the square of the momentum product leads to a narrowing of the model distributions as compared to experiment. In comparing predictions from the Hybrid model with jet wake contribution switched on and off to the ratio of PbPb to pp energy-energy correlations, it is observed that only when the jet wake is included do the calculations achieve qualitatively similar behavior to that observed.
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Compact Muon Solenoid