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Dependence of two-particle azimuthal correlations on the forward rapidity gap width in pPb collisions at sNN= 8.16 TeV
Abstract: Measurements of the Fourier coefficients (VnΔ) of the azimuthal distributions of charged hadron pairs produced in pPb collisions at 8.16 TeV are presented as functions of the forward rapidity gap width (ΔηF) for events in which particle production is concentrated in the direction of the outgoing Pb beam. The sample includes contributions from pomeron and photon induced processes as well as nondiffractive events. The data correspond to a luminosity of 174.5 nb1 recorded with the CMS detector in the LHC Run 2. The mean track multiplicity decreases by 53% from the bin 0 ΔηF< 0.5 to that with ΔηF> 2.5. The dependence of the results on the track multiplicity and the transverse momentum of the charged particles is also studied for the most forward events (ΔηF> 2.5). The measured values of V1Δ are negative and decrease with ΔηF, while those of V2Δ are positive for the ΔηF bins [0.5,1), [1,1.5), [2,2.5), and are consistent with zero elsewhere. The measured values of the elliptic flow coefficient (v2) is provided for the ΔηF bins [0.5,1), [1,1.5), [2,2.5). In the other bins, the v2 results are consistent with zero. In these bins, upper limits at 95% C.L. are determined, ranging up to 0.13 for the most inclusive category. The values of the upper limits are similar to the values of v2 measured in γp collisions with comparable multiplicity.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Sketch of a single-diffractive pPb event (left). The interaction proceeds via the exchange of a pomeron ( IP); the proton remains intact or dissociates into a low-mass state, and the nucleus breaks up (X). A single-diffractive event as seen in the detector (right). Activity is observed only in one side of the detector and a large forward rapidity gap (ΔηF) is present. Both diagrams are extracted from [47].

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Figure 1-a:
Sketch of a single-diffractive pPb event (left). The interaction proceeds via the exchange of a pomeron ( IP); the proton remains intact or dissociates into a low-mass state, and the nucleus breaks up (X). A single-diffractive event as seen in the detector (right). Activity is observed only in one side of the detector and a large forward rapidity gap (ΔηF) is present. Both diagrams are extracted from [47].

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Figure 1-b:
Sketch of a single-diffractive pPb event (left). The interaction proceeds via the exchange of a pomeron ( IP); the proton remains intact or dissociates into a low-mass state, and the nucleus breaks up (X). A single-diffractive event as seen in the detector (right). Activity is observed only in one side of the detector and a large forward rapidity gap (ΔηF) is present. Both diagrams are extracted from [47].

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Figure 2:
Nofflinetrk spectra for inclusive pPb events (labeled pPb, from Ref. [45]) and events from the nominal sample in different ΔηF bins.

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Figure 3:
Nofflinetrk spectra for inclusive pPb events (labelled pPb, from Ref. [45]) and diffraction enhanced events. The distribution for the diffraction enhanced events (black data points) is the same as that shown in orange in Fig. 2 (ΔηF> 2.5). Predictions based on EPOS-LHC are also shown. The lower panel shows the ratio of data to MC yields.

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Figure 4:
2D correlation distribution for multiplicity (left) and its projection on the Δϕ axis for |Δη|> 2, 2 Nofflinetrk< 40, and 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV (right). The one-dimensional Δϕ distributions are symmetrized by construction around Δϕ= 0 and Δϕ=π, so all the data are contained in [0, π] and are averaged over |Δη|> 2. The Fourier coefficients VnΔ are fitted over the Δϕ range [0, π].

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Figure 4-a:
2D correlation distribution for multiplicity (left) and its projection on the Δϕ axis for |Δη|> 2, 2 Nofflinetrk< 40, and 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV (right). The one-dimensional Δϕ distributions are symmetrized by construction around Δϕ= 0 and Δϕ=π, so all the data are contained in [0, π] and are averaged over |Δη|> 2. The Fourier coefficients VnΔ are fitted over the Δϕ range [0, π].

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Figure 4-b:
2D correlation distribution for multiplicity (left) and its projection on the Δϕ axis for |Δη|> 2, 2 Nofflinetrk< 40, and 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV (right). The one-dimensional Δϕ distributions are symmetrized by construction around Δϕ= 0 and Δϕ=π, so all the data are contained in [0, π] and are averaged over |Δη|> 2. The Fourier coefficients VnΔ are fitted over the Δϕ range [0, π].

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Figure 5:
Summary of measurements of V1Δ (left) and V2Δ (right) as a function of ΔηF. The results are for tracks with 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV. The 2 in the VnΔ variable name means that it was measured from the correlations from particle pairs. The filled circles indicate the data. The open triangles indicate the simulation, in blue for PYTHIA 8.3 and red for EPOS-LHC. The data points are plotted at the center of the corresponding ΔηF bin. The shaded bands indicate the size of the systematic uncertainties. The vertical lines indicate the size of the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 5-a:
Summary of measurements of V1Δ (left) and V2Δ (right) as a function of ΔηF. The results are for tracks with 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV. The 2 in the VnΔ variable name means that it was measured from the correlations from particle pairs. The filled circles indicate the data. The open triangles indicate the simulation, in blue for PYTHIA 8.3 and red for EPOS-LHC. The data points are plotted at the center of the corresponding ΔηF bin. The shaded bands indicate the size of the systematic uncertainties. The vertical lines indicate the size of the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 5-b:
Summary of measurements of V1Δ (left) and V2Δ (right) as a function of ΔηF. The results are for tracks with 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV. The 2 in the VnΔ variable name means that it was measured from the correlations from particle pairs. The filled circles indicate the data. The open triangles indicate the simulation, in blue for PYTHIA 8.3 and red for EPOS-LHC. The data points are plotted at the center of the corresponding ΔηF bin. The shaded bands indicate the size of the systematic uncertainties. The vertical lines indicate the size of the statistical uncertainties.

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Figure 6:
Summary of measurements of V1Δ (left) and V2Δ (right) for the diffraction enhanced events for different classes of N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch. The results are for tracks with 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV. The 2 in the VnΔ variable name means that it was measured from the correlations from particle pairs. The filled circles indicate the data. The open triangles indicate the simulation, in blue for PYTHIA 8.3 and red for EPOS-LHC. The data points are plotted at the mean of N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch within the corresponding Nofflinetrk bin. The shaded bands indicate the size of the systematic uncertainties. The vertical lines indicate the size of the statistical uncertainties. The inclusive pPb and γp results from Ref. [45] are also shown.

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Figure 6-a:
Summary of measurements of V1Δ (left) and V2Δ (right) for the diffraction enhanced events for different classes of N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch. The results are for tracks with 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV. The 2 in the VnΔ variable name means that it was measured from the correlations from particle pairs. The filled circles indicate the data. The open triangles indicate the simulation, in blue for PYTHIA 8.3 and red for EPOS-LHC. The data points are plotted at the mean of N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch within the corresponding Nofflinetrk bin. The shaded bands indicate the size of the systematic uncertainties. The vertical lines indicate the size of the statistical uncertainties. The inclusive pPb and γp results from Ref. [45] are also shown.

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Figure 6-b:
Summary of measurements of V1Δ (left) and V2Δ (right) for the diffraction enhanced events for different classes of N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch. The results are for tracks with 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV. The 2 in the VnΔ variable name means that it was measured from the correlations from particle pairs. The filled circles indicate the data. The open triangles indicate the simulation, in blue for PYTHIA 8.3 and red for EPOS-LHC. The data points are plotted at the mean of N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch within the corresponding Nofflinetrk bin. The shaded bands indicate the size of the systematic uncertainties. The vertical lines indicate the size of the statistical uncertainties. The inclusive pPb and γp results from Ref. [45] are also shown.

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Table 1:
Measured values of VnΔ as a function of ΔηF. The uncertainties include both statistical and systematic components. The table shows the v2 results when they are non-zero. For the rest of the cases, upper limits at 95% C.L. are displayed with the symbol.

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Table 2:
Measured values of VnΔ for the diffractive-enhanced sample as a function of N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch and Nofflinetrk for both ptrigT bins. The uncertainties include both statistical and systematic components. The table also shows the 95% C.L. upper limits on v2 displayed with the symbol. In the lower table, v2 values for γp events for 0.3 <ptrigT< 3 GeV [45] in similar N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch ranges are given.
Long-range azimuthal two-particle correlations have been searched for in proton-lead (pPb) events at sNN=8.16 TeV as a function of the forward rapidity gap width (ΔηF) and the charged particle multiplicity (N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch). Events have been selected by requiring an asymmetric distribution of energy in the forward and backward calorimeters, and no energy deposition in the region 2.5 <η< 3, so that activity is only present in the direction of the outgoing Pb beam. A separate set of measurements with a selection that enhances the fraction of diffractive events has also been carried out by requiring ΔηF> 2.5. The average track multiplicity is lower in the diffractive sample than for inclusive proton-lead (pPb) events, but larger than for photon-proton (γp) events. The slope of the multiplicity distribution becomes steeper with increasing ΔηF. The mean track multiplicity Nofflinetrk decreases by 53% when ΔηF changes from 0 ΔηF< 0.5 to ΔηF> 2.5. The two-dimensional two-particle correlation functions have been averaged over |Δη|> 2 and the resulting Δϕ distributions have been studied in terms of its Fourier coefficients V1Δ and V2Δ. The measured values of V1Δ are negative and decrease with ΔηF, while those of V2Δ are positive for the ΔηF bins [0.5,1), [1,1.5), [2,2.5), and are consistent with zero elsewhere. The results have been compared with the predictions of the PYTHIA 8.3 Monte Carlo simulation, which does not include collective effects, and with EPOS-LHC simulation, which includes such effects. The measured values of the elliptic flow coefficient (v2) are provided for the bins [0.5,1), [1,1.5), [2,2.5). In the other bins, the v2 results are consistent with zero. In these bins, 95% confidence level upper limits have been determined; they are stable across the ΔηF and N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch regions studied, and range up to 0.13 for the most inclusive Nofflinetrk bin. The values of the upper limits are similar to the values measured in γp events for comparable N|η|<2.4,pT>0.3ch and ptrigT ranges.
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Compact Muon Solenoid