CMS-PAS-FTR-21-010 | ||
Search for the nonresonant tˉtHH production in the semileptonic decay of the top pair and the Higgs pair decay into b quarks at the HL-LHC | ||
CMS Collaboration | ||
March 2022 | ||
Abstract: This work describes a prospective search for the production of a top quark-antiquark pair associated to a pair of Higgs bosons with the upgraded CMS detector at the High-Luminosity LHC using proton-proton collisions at √s= 14 TeV. The analysis is performed on dedicated samples simulated with the upgraded Phase-2 conditions. The candidate tˉtHH events are selected with criteria targeting the lepton plus jets decay channels of the tˉt system and the decay of the double Higgs bosons into two bottom quark-antiquark pairs. In order to increase the sensitivity of the search, selected events are input to a multi-classifier deep neural network. The resulting discriminants are split into several b jet multiplicity categories with different expected signal and background rates. A simultaneous maximum likelihood fit is performed to evaluate the expected sensitivity reach. The analysis is expected to exclude tˉtHH production down to 3.14 times the SM cross section with 3000 fb−1 of data. The sensitivity for Minimal Composite Higgs Model scenarios is also presented. | ||
Links: CDS record (PDF) ; CADI line (restricted) ; |
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Figure 1:
Total cross sections at the LO and NLO in QCD for HH production channels, as a function of the self-interaction coupling λ [5]. The dashed (solid) lines and light-(dark) colored bands correspond to the LO (NLO) results and to the scale of the PDF uncertainties added linearly. The SM values of the cross section are obtained at λ/λSM= 1. |
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Figure 2:
Representative diagrams for the tˉtHH production process at LO within MCHM. Top: the non-resonant part of the tˉtHH production process, illustrating the three distinct physical subprocesses: the Yukawa vertex and the Higgs trilinear self-coupling, as in the SM case, and the "double Higgs" Yukawa vertex arising in Composite Higgs Models (CHM). Bottom: the resonant part illustrating the QCD pair production of the top heavy partners, with their top-Higgs decay. |
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Figure 2-a:
Representative diagrams for the tˉtHH production process at LO within MCHM. Top: the non-resonant part of the tˉtHH production process, illustrating the three distinct physical subprocesses: the Yukawa vertex and the Higgs trilinear self-coupling, as in the SM case, and the "double Higgs" Yukawa vertex arising in Composite Higgs Models (CHM). Bottom: the resonant part illustrating the QCD pair production of the top heavy partners, with their top-Higgs decay. |
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Figure 2-b:
Representative diagrams for the tˉtHH production process at LO within MCHM. Top: the non-resonant part of the tˉtHH production process, illustrating the three distinct physical subprocesses: the Yukawa vertex and the Higgs trilinear self-coupling, as in the SM case, and the "double Higgs" Yukawa vertex arising in Composite Higgs Models (CHM). Bottom: the resonant part illustrating the QCD pair production of the top heavy partners, with their top-Higgs decay. |
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Figure 3:
Feynman diagram of the tˉtHH production process, the signal topology studied in this analysis. |
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Figure 4:
Distributions of different discriminating variables after the baseline selection of the SM tˉtHH signal and the SM backgrounds, normalized to 3000 fb−1 luminosity. The variables are: b jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and minimum (middle right) ΔR between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). Background distributions are stacked. The ratio plots in the bottom panels are computed by taking signal and total background yields to be normalized to 1. |
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Figure 4-a:
Distributions of different discriminating variables after the baseline selection of the SM tˉtHH signal and the SM backgrounds, normalized to 3000 fb−1 luminosity. The variables are: b jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and minimum (middle right) ΔR between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). Background distributions are stacked. The ratio plots in the bottom panels are computed by taking signal and total background yields to be normalized to 1. |
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Figure 4-b:
Distributions of different discriminating variables after the baseline selection of the SM tˉtHH signal and the SM backgrounds, normalized to 3000 fb−1 luminosity. The variables are: b jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and minimum (middle right) ΔR between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). Background distributions are stacked. The ratio plots in the bottom panels are computed by taking signal and total background yields to be normalized to 1. |
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Figure 4-c:
Distributions of different discriminating variables after the baseline selection of the SM tˉtHH signal and the SM backgrounds, normalized to 3000 fb−1 luminosity. The variables are: b jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and minimum (middle right) ΔR between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). Background distributions are stacked. The ratio plots in the bottom panels are computed by taking signal and total background yields to be normalized to 1. |
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Figure 4-d:
Distributions of different discriminating variables after the baseline selection of the SM tˉtHH signal and the SM backgrounds, normalized to 3000 fb−1 luminosity. The variables are: b jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and minimum (middle right) ΔR between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). Background distributions are stacked. The ratio plots in the bottom panels are computed by taking signal and total background yields to be normalized to 1. |
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Figure 4-e:
Distributions of different discriminating variables after the baseline selection of the SM tˉtHH signal and the SM backgrounds, normalized to 3000 fb−1 luminosity. The variables are: b jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and minimum (middle right) ΔR between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). Background distributions are stacked. The ratio plots in the bottom panels are computed by taking signal and total background yields to be normalized to 1. |
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Figure 4-f:
Distributions of different discriminating variables after the baseline selection of the SM tˉtHH signal and the SM backgrounds, normalized to 3000 fb−1 luminosity. The variables are: b jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and minimum (middle right) ΔR between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). Background distributions are stacked. The ratio plots in the bottom panels are computed by taking signal and total background yields to be normalized to 1. |
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Figure 5-a:
Probability density functions for different discriminating variables after the baseline selection, comparing the SM tˉtHH signal shown as a filled histogram to two irreducible backgrounds : tˉtZH and tˉtZZ. The variables are: b-jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and maximum (middle right) Δη between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). |
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Figure 5-b:
Probability density functions for different discriminating variables after the baseline selection, comparing the SM tˉtHH signal shown as a filled histogram to two irreducible backgrounds : tˉtZH and tˉtZZ. The variables are: b-jet multiplicity (top left), hadronic transverse momentum built from b jets (top right), average (middle left) and maximum (middle right) Δη between any two b jets, invariant mass of the reconstructed Higgs candidate with the closest mass to that of the Higgs boson (bottom left), and minimum χ2HH (bottom right). |
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Figure 7-a:
Final discriminant distributions for SM tˉtHH are shown for three different nbjet categories; nbjet= 3 (top) nbjet= 4 (middle), and nbjet> 4 (bottom). The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 7-b:
Final discriminant distributions for SM tˉtHH are shown for three different nbjet categories; nbjet= 3 (top) nbjet= 4 (middle), and nbjet> 4 (bottom). The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 7-c:
Final discriminant distributions for SM tˉtHH are shown for three different nbjet categories; nbjet= 3 (top) nbjet= 4 (middle), and nbjet> 4 (bottom). The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 8-a:
Final discriminant distributions for the tˉtHH MCHMC25 benchmark point case (left) and tˉtHH MCHMD714 benchmark point case (right) are shown. The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 8-b:
Final discriminant distributions for the tˉtHH MCHMC25 benchmark point case (left) and tˉtHH MCHMD714 benchmark point case (right) are shown. The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 8-c:
Final discriminant distributions for the tˉtHH MCHMC25 benchmark point case (left) and tˉtHH MCHMD714 benchmark point case (right) are shown. The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 8-d:
Final discriminant distributions for the tˉtHH MCHMC25 benchmark point case (left) and tˉtHH MCHMD714 benchmark point case (right) are shown. The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 8-e:
Final discriminant distributions for the tˉtHH MCHMC25 benchmark point case (left) and tˉtHH MCHMD714 benchmark point case (right) are shown. The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 8-f:
Final discriminant distributions for the tˉtHH MCHMC25 benchmark point case (left) and tˉtHH MCHMD714 benchmark point case (right) are shown. The plots show the expected event yields. |
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Figure 9:
The 95% upper limits on the signal strength shown for the SM tˉtHH, tˉtHH + tˉtZH and tˉtHH +tˉtZH + tˉtZZ processes for different scenarios of systematic uncertainties. |
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Figure 10:
The 95% upper limits on the signal strength shown for the tˉtHH MCHMC25 and tˉtHH MCHMD714 processes for different scenarios of systematic uncertainties. |
Summary |
A study was performed to assess the sensitivity of the HL-LHC and the Phase-2 CMS detector to standard model di-Higgs production in association with a top-antitop quark pair (tˉtHH) for an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb−1. The Higgs bosons are assumed to decay into b quark pairs while the tˉt system is assumed to decay semileptonically. In addition, the study explored the HL-LHC sensitivity to beyond the standard model contributions to tˉtHH within the context of the Minimal Composite Higgs Models (MCHM). The analysis explored final states with exactly one electron or muon, multiple jets, multiple b-quark jets and moderate missing transverse energy, using Monte Carlo simulated events. Selected events were used for training deep neural networks that enhance signal by classifying events into signal and background categories. Dedicated networks were trained for the SM and MCHM signals. Events were partitioned into 3 search channels having number of b-quark jets equal to 3, equal to 4 and greater then or equal to 5. A statistical analysis was performed by simultaneously fitting the multi-classifier DNN discriminants in all available categories for the three b-jet multiplicity channels using a profile likelihood ratio method. Effects of various systematic uncertainties for the Phase-2 conditions are taken into account. With 3000 fb−1 of data, and considering the YR18 systematic uncertainties, it is expected that the upper limit at the 95% CL on the combined tˉtZZ+tˉtZH+tˉtHH production cross section is 0.84+0.34−0.24 times the SM prediction. If tˉtZZ is taken as background, the upper limit on the combined tˉtZH+tˉtHH production cross section is expected to be 1.31+0.53−0.37 times the SM prediction. If tˉtZZ+tˉtZH are taken as backgrounds, the upper limit on the tˉtHH production cross section alone is expected to become 3.14+1.27−0.9 times the SM prediction. For the MCHM case, the upper limits at the 95% CL tˉtHH cross sections are obtained as 1.72+0.76−0.53 times the MCHMC25 prediction and 1.08+0.43−0.30 times the MCHMD714 prediction, respectively. Moreover, the analysis demonstrated various kinematic characteristics of the MCHM scenarios that would discriminate them from the SM tˉtHH process. Overall, this exploratory work demonstrates the importance of studying tˉtHH as a key process in establishing the top-Higgs sector and its prospects, both on the SM and BSM fronts, in view of the expected progress within the next 2 decades, until the completion of the HL-LHC. |
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Compact Muon Solenoid LHC, CERN |
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