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Compact Muon Solenoid

Prospects for the precise measurement of the Higgs boson properties in the H μμ decay channel at the HL-LHC
Abstract: The expected precision for measurements of the Higgs boson properties in the H μμ channel at the High-Luminosity LHC with an integrated luminosity of up to 3 ab1 at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV is presented. The precision is estimated by extrapolating the Run 2 results obtained at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb1. The extrapolation takes into account the increased center-of-mass energy, as well as the changes to the CMS detector geometry and performance after the Phase-2 upgrade. The uncertainty on the H μμ signal strength and the uncertainty on the coupling modifier κμ are found to decrease by 30-35% with respect to previous projections performed for this search.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Uncertainty on signal strength modifier rμμ (left) and κμ (right).

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Figure 1-a:
Uncertainty on signal strength modifier rμμ (left) and κμ (right).

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Figure 1-b:
Uncertainty on signal strength modifier rμμ (left) and κμ (right).

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Figure 2:
Effect of improved dimuon mass resolution in ggH channel for S2 uncertainty scenario. Left: uncertainty on signal strength modifier rμμ. Right: uncertainty on coupling modifier κμ.

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Figure 2-a:
Effect of improved dimuon mass resolution in ggH channel for S2 uncertainty scenario. Left: uncertainty on signal strength modifier rμμ. Right: uncertainty on coupling modifier κμ.

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Figure 2-b:
Effect of improved dimuon mass resolution in ggH channel for S2 uncertainty scenario. Left: uncertainty on signal strength modifier rμμ. Right: uncertainty on coupling modifier κμ.

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Figure 3:
Left: extrapolation of the expected significance for S1 and S2 uncertainty scenarios. Right: effect of the improved dimuon mass resolution on expected significance in ggH channel for S2 uncertainty scenario.

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Figure 3-a:
Left: extrapolation of the expected significance for S1 and S2 uncertainty scenarios. Right: effect of the improved dimuon mass resolution on expected significance in ggH channel for S2 uncertainty scenario.

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Figure 3-b:
Left: extrapolation of the expected significance for S1 and S2 uncertainty scenarios. Right: effect of the improved dimuon mass resolution on expected significance in ggH channel for S2 uncertainty scenario.

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Table 1:
Changes of the inclusive event yields due to updated cross sections and detector acceptance at the HL-LHC relative to the Run 2 yields for a given integrated luminosity.

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Table 2:
Uncertainty on the signal strength modifier rμμ at L= 3000 fb1.

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Table 3:
Uncertainty on the coupling modifier κμ at L= 3000 fb1.
The measurements of the Higgs properties in the dimuon decay channel were extrapolated to the projected conditions at the HL-LHC, with upgraded CMS detector and LHC center-of-mass energy increased to 14 TeV. The projections were performed for the integrated luminosity values up to 3 ab1 by rescaling the results of the full Run 2 analysis. The main factors affecting the analysis sensitivity at the HL-LHC were found to be the improved dimuon mass resolution, the extended pseudorapidity coverage of the Phase-2 detector, as well as the increase in signal cross sections at s= 14 TeV.

For L= 3 ab1 the uncertainty on the H μμ signal strength was estimated to be 8.5% (7.0%), and the uncertainty on coupling modifier κμ was estimated to be 4.3% (3.5%) for uncertainty scenario S1 (S2). The projected H μμ analysis sensitivity at the HL-LHC was found to improve by 30-35% with respect to the extrapolation performed after the 2016 data-taking period of the Run 2, and by 50-60% with respect to the extrapolation performed after the Run 1.
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Compact Muon Solenoid