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CP-violation studies at the HL-LHC with CMS using B0s decays to J/ψϕ(1020)
Abstract: We have estimated the expected sensitivity on the CP-violating phase ϕs measured in the decay channel B0sJ/ψϕ(1020) in pp collisions with the CMS detector at the end of the HL-LHC data-taking with 3 ab1 of collected data. The sensitivity on ϕs mainly depends on the collected statistics, on the flavour-tagging power, and on the proper-decay-time resolution. The study is performed using fully simulated signal events and toy Monte Carlo experiments, for a few assumed tagging scenarios. The sensitivity on ϕs is expected to be in the 5-6 mrad range, which improves the current world average uncertainty by a factor of five.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Left: invariant mass resolution in the Phase 2 sample compared with Phase 1 case. Right: cτ uncertainty distribution in 2012 data (blue) and Phase 2 MC (red) samples. The better performance of Phase 2 w.r.t. 2012 data is due to the Phase 2 tracker.

Figure 1-a:
Left: invariant mass resolution in the Phase 2 sample compared with Phase 1 case. Right: cτ uncertainty distribution in 2012 data (blue) and Phase 2 MC (red) samples. The better performance of Phase 2 w.r.t. 2012 data is due to the Phase 2 tracker.

Figure 1-b:
Left: invariant mass resolution in the Phase 2 sample compared with Phase 1 case. Right: cτ uncertainty distribution in 2012 data (blue) and Phase 2 MC (red) samples. The better performance of Phase 2 w.r.t. 2012 data is due to the Phase 2 tracker.

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Figure 2:
Left: variation of the ϕs statistical uncertainty as function of the tagging power (ϵD2) see equation (1), measured in different flavour tagging scenarios. A function proportional to 1/ϵD2 is shown to describe the behaviour of the ϕs uncertainty in the selected range. Right: 68% confidence level (CL) contour from the fit of a toy MC pseudo-experiment generated in the tagging scenario c. The contour combines statistical and systematic uncertainties. The black cross represents the SM expectations [2][1].

Figure 2-a:
Left: variation of the ϕs statistical uncertainty as function of the tagging power (ϵD2) see equation (1), measured in different flavour tagging scenarios. A function proportional to 1/ϵD2 is shown to describe the behaviour of the ϕs uncertainty in the selected range. Right: 68% confidence level (CL) contour from the fit of a toy MC pseudo-experiment generated in the tagging scenario c. The contour combines statistical and systematic uncertainties. The black cross represents the SM expectations [2][1].

Figure 2-b:
Left: variation of the ϕs statistical uncertainty as function of the tagging power (ϵD2) see equation (1), measured in different flavour tagging scenarios. A function proportional to 1/ϵD2 is shown to describe the behaviour of the ϕs uncertainty in the selected range. Right: 68% confidence level (CL) contour from the fit of a toy MC pseudo-experiment generated in the tagging scenario c. The contour combines statistical and systematic uncertainties. The black cross represents the SM expectations [2][1].

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Table 1:
Statistical uncertainty of ϕs obtained from toy MC pseudo-experiments for different scenarios of flavour tagging.
The CMS sensitivity for the measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕs in the HL-LHC era has been estimated using simulated data and MC toy pseudo-experiments corresponding to the 3 ab1 of integrated luminosity. The offline selection of signal events and the analysis strategy are similar to what was used in the past except for the tagging performance, for which three different scenarios have been considered. Assuming the new tagging power (ϵD2) to be in the range 1.2-2.4%, and a total of 9 million B0s candidates, we expect the ϕs statistical uncertainty to be 5-6 mrad at the end of Phase 2 data taking, which improves the current world average uncertainty by a factor of five.
1 CKMfitter Group Collaboration CP violation and the CKM matrix: Assessing the impact of the asymmetric B factories EPJC41 (2005), no. 1, 1--131 hep-ph/0406184
2 M. Artuso, G. Borissov, and A. Lenz CP violation in the B0s system Rev. Mod. Phys. 88 (2016), no. 4, 045002 1511.09466
3 HFLAV Collaboration Averages of b-hadron, c-hadron, and τ-lepton properties as of summer 2016 EPJC77 (2017), no. 12, 895 1612.07233
4 CMS Collaboration Measurement of the CP-violating weak phase ϕs and the decay width difference ΔΓs using the B0sJ/ψϕ(1020) decay channel in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV PLB 757 (2015) 97--120
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15 LHCb Collaboration Opposite-side flavour tagging of B mesons at the LHCb experiment EPJC72 (2012) 2022 1202.4979
Compact Muon Solenoid