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Measurement of rare Bμ+μ decays with the Phase-2 upgraded CMS detector at the HL-LHC
Abstract: The sensitivity of the upgraded CMS detector for measuring the rare decays Bs0μ+μ and B0μ+μ in the HL-LHC scenario is studied. The upgraded detector, especially with its improved momentum resolution, and the foreseen total integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 are expected to enable high precision measurements of the branching fractions of Bs0μ+μ and the effective lifetime of the Bs0μ+μ decay with reduced systematic and statistical uncertainties. At 3000 fb1, it will also be possible to observe the B0μ+μ decay with more than 5σ significance.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
The left plot shows the Bs0 and B0 invariant mass distributions in the Run-2 scenario. The right plot shows the Bs0 and B0 invariant mass distributions for Phase-2. The Bs0 distribution is normalized to unity and the B0 distribution is normalized according to the SM expectation.

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Figure 1-a:
The plot shows the Bs0 and B0 invariant mass distributions in the Run-2 scenario.

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Figure 1-b:
The plot shows the Bs0 and B0 invariant mass distributions for Phase-2. The Bs0 distribution is normalized to unity and the B0 distribution is normalized according to the SM expectation.

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Figure 2:
(left)Mass distributions for Bs0μ+μ in the Run-2 and Phase-2 scenarios for |ηf|< 1.4. A single Gaussian is fit to the core of the mass distribution (see text for details). (right) Mass resolution as a function of |ηf|.

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Figure 2-a:
Mass distributions for Bs0μ+μ in the Run-2 and Phase-2 scenarios for |ηf|< 1.4. A single Gaussian is fit to the core of the mass distribution (see text for details).

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Figure 2-b:
Mass resolution as a function of |ηf|.

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Figure 3:
Contribution of B0πμ+ν background events (with the pion misidentified as a muon) into the signal regions. The ratio of number of B0πμ+ν events for Phase-2 to Run-2 is 5/19 in the mass interval 5.2 <m< 5.3 GeV of the B0 signal region.

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Figure 4:
Normalized isolation variable distributions for the Bs0 signal for the two pile-up scenarios is shown. The blue distribution represents the case with no pile-up while the red one is for average pile-up of 200 interactions per bunch crossing. In the bottom, the ratio between the PU=0 and the PU=200 distributions is also shown.

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Figure 5:
Invariant mass distributions with the fit projection overlayed, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1. The left plot shows the central barrel region, |ηf|< 0.7 and the right plot is for 0.7 <|ηf|< 1.4.

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Figure 5-a:
Invariant mass distribution with the fit projection overlayed, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 in the central barrel region, for |ηf|< 0.7.

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Figure 5-b:
Invariant mass distribution with the fit projection overlayed, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1 for 0.7 <|ηf|< 1.4.

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Figure 6:
The binned maximum likelihood fit to the background-subtracted decay time distribution for the Phase-2 scenario. The effective lifetime from the fit is 1.61 ±0.05 ps.

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Table 1:
Input sources of systematic uncertainties and the propagated uncertainties on the Bμ+μ branching fractions, δB(Bs0μ+μ) and δB(B0μ+μ).

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Table 2:
Mass resolutions for Bs0μ+μ and B0μ+μ, obtained from Gaussian fits to the core of the respective mass distributions (see text for details). The last column shows the ratio between the Run-2 and Phase-2 resolutions.

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Table 3:
Estimated analysis sensitivity for different integrated luminosities. Columns in the table, from left to right: the total integrated luminosity, the median expected number of reconstructed Bs0 and B0 mesons, the total uncertainties on the Bs0μ+μ and B0μ+μ branching fractions, the range of the significance of B0 observation (the range indicates the ±1σ of the distribution of significance) and the statistical uncertainty on the Bs0μ+μ effective lifetime.
The inner tracker of the Phase-2 detector provides an order of 40-50% improvement on the mass resolutions over the Run-2 case that will allow precise measurements of the Bs0μ+μ and B0μ+μ rare decays. The semileptonic background contribution into the signal regions will be reduced substantially and the improved separation of the Bs0 and B0 yields will lower the signal cross feed contamination, which is crucial for the B0 observation. With an integrated luminosity of 3000 fb1, CMS will have the capability to measure the Bs0μ+μ effective lifetime with an error of about 0.05 ps and to observe the B0μ+μ decay with more than 5 standard deviation significance.
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Compact Muon Solenoid