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Identification of c-quark jets at the CMS experiment
Abstract: An accurate identification of jets originating from b quarks is of primary importance in many measurements and searches at the LHC. The development of a charm tagger, identifying jets initiated by charm jets, would be of similar importance. In this note a technique where an MVA-based discriminator is used in order to select charm jets is presented, together with its expected performance on simulations, and its calibration on W+c and top quark pairs. The datasets used for the calibration of the algorithm are from proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV, recorded by the CMS experiment during the first year of the LHC Run II.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1-a:
Agreement between data and simulated samples for some of the input variables: 3D flight distance significance of the secondary vertex (a), the number of secondary vertices associated to the jet (b), the secondary vertex mass (c) and a variable called ``massVertexEnergyFraction'' which is defined as the product of the vertex mass and the fraction of the vertex energy with respect to the jet energy (d).

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Figure 1-b:
Agreement between data and simulated samples for some of the input variables: 3D flight distance significance of the secondary vertex (a), the number of secondary vertices associated to the jet (b), the secondary vertex mass (c) and a variable called ``massVertexEnergyFraction'' which is defined as the product of the vertex mass and the fraction of the vertex energy with respect to the jet energy (d).

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Figure 1-c:
Agreement between data and simulated samples for some of the input variables: 3D flight distance significance of the secondary vertex (a), the number of secondary vertices associated to the jet (b), the secondary vertex mass (c) and a variable called ``massVertexEnergyFraction'' which is defined as the product of the vertex mass and the fraction of the vertex energy with respect to the jet energy (d).

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Figure 1-d:
Agreement between data and simulated samples for some of the input variables: 3D flight distance significance of the secondary vertex (a), the number of secondary vertices associated to the jet (b), the secondary vertex mass (c) and a variable called ``massVertexEnergyFraction'' which is defined as the product of the vertex mass and the fraction of the vertex energy with respect to the jet energy (d).

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Figure 2:
Performance of the CvsL tagger compared between the default BDT options (in red) and the optimized BDT options (in green). The dashed grey line (the diagonal in this plane) represents a tagger with a random choice.

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Figure 3-a:
a: Overlay of the BDT discriminator output for the different flavours for the CvsL (top) and for the CvsB (bottom) discriminators (normalized for each flavour). b: ROC curves showing the final performance of the CvsL (blue full line and axis) and CvsB (red full line and axis) trainings, validated on the ${\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}$ sample. For comparison the performance of the CSVv2 and cMVAv2 [1] algorithms (used for b tagging) is also shown by the dotted lines.

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Figure 3-b:
a: Overlay of the BDT discriminator output for the different flavours for the CvsL (top) and for the CvsB (bottom) discriminators (normalized for each flavour). b: ROC curves showing the final performance of the CvsL (blue full line and axis) and CvsB (red full line and axis) trainings, validated on the ${\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}$ sample. For comparison the performance of the CSVv2 and cMVAv2 [1] algorithms (used for b tagging) is also shown by the dotted lines.

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Figure 4-a:
Agreement between data and simulated samples for the CvsL and CvsB discriminator distributions.

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Figure 4-b:
Agreement between data and simulated samples for the CvsL and CvsB discriminator distributions.

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Figure 5-a:
a: two dimensional scatter overlay of the BDT discriminators for b (red), c (green), and light jets (blue). The CvsL discriminator is shown on the x-axis and the CvsB discriminator is shown on the y-axis. b: relation between bottom and light mistag efficiency for different values of a constant charm efficiency.

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Figure 5-b:
a: two dimensional scatter overlay of the BDT discriminators for b (red), c (green), and light jets (blue). The CvsL discriminator is shown on the x-axis and the CvsB discriminator is shown on the y-axis. b: relation between bottom and light mistag efficiency for different values of a constant charm efficiency.

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Figure 6-a:
Data (dots) to Monte Carlo (stacked solid histogram, divided by jet flavour) comparison of the discriminator distributions for negative (negative side of the distribution) and positive taggers (positive side) for the CvsL and CvsB discriminators (a and b plot, respectively). A jet-trigger ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ threshold of 40 GeV is required for both data and simulation. The simulation is normalised to the number of entries in the data.

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Figure 6-b:
Data (dots) to Monte Carlo (stacked solid histogram, divided by jet flavour) comparison of the discriminator distributions for negative (negative side of the distribution) and positive taggers (positive side) for the CvsL and CvsB discriminators (a and b plot, respectively). A jet-trigger ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ threshold of 40 GeV is required for both data and simulation. The simulation is normalised to the number of entries in the data.

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Figure 7-a:
Misidentification probability in data and simulation (top), breakdown of systematic uncertainties contributions (middle), data-to-simulation scale factor of the light mis-idenfication probability (bottom) for the loose (a), medium (b) and tight (c) working points. The solid curve in the bottom plots represents a fit to the observed data, while the dashed curves show the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties on the measurements.

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Figure 7-b:
Misidentification probability in data and simulation (top), breakdown of systematic uncertainties contributions (middle), data-to-simulation scale factor of the light mis-idenfication probability (bottom) for the loose (a), medium (b) and tight (c) working points. The solid curve in the bottom plots represents a fit to the observed data, while the dashed curves show the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties on the measurements.

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Figure 7-c:
Misidentification probability in data and simulation (top), breakdown of systematic uncertainties contributions (middle), data-to-simulation scale factor of the light mis-idenfication probability (bottom) for the loose (a), medium (b) and tight (c) working points. The solid curve in the bottom plots represents a fit to the observed data, while the dashed curves show the combined statistical and systematic uncertainties on the measurements.

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Figure 8:
Left and middle: leading order production of W+c signal with opposite sign charges (OS). Right: production of W+charm final state through gluon splitting process. In gluon splitting there is an additional charm quark with the same sign as the W boson (SS).

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Figure 9-a:
Distribution of the c tagger discriminators (CvsB and CvsL) after applying W+charm selection and OS-SS subtraction. The plots corresponds to the sum of both electron and muon decays of the W.

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Figure 9-b:
Distribution of the c tagger discriminators (CvsB and CvsL) after applying W+charm selection and OS-SS subtraction. The plots corresponds to the sum of both electron and muon decays of the W.

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Figure 10-a:
c tagging efficiencies ($\epsilon _{ {\mathrm {\mathrm{c}}}}$) and scale factors ($SF_{ {\mathrm {\mathrm{c}}}}$) as a function of $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\text {jet}$ for the loose, medium, and tight c tagger working points (from a to c, respectively) using W+c events.

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Figure 10-b:
c tagging efficiencies ($\epsilon _{ {\mathrm {\mathrm{c}}}}$) and scale factors ($SF_{ {\mathrm {\mathrm{c}}}}$) as a function of $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\text {jet}$ for the loose, medium, and tight c tagger working points (from a to c, respectively) using W+c events.

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Figure 10-c:
c tagging efficiencies ($\epsilon _{ {\mathrm {\mathrm{c}}}}$) and scale factors ($SF_{ {\mathrm {\mathrm{c}}}}$) as a function of $ {p_{\mathrm {T}}} ^\text {jet}$ for the loose, medium, and tight c tagger working points (from a to c, respectively) using W+c events.

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Figure 11-a:
Data and MC distributions of the invariant mass of the hadronically-decaying W (a), top quark (b), and of combined discriminant ${\lambda _{M}}$ (c) for every permutation in pre-selected events (i.e. those passing trigger and objects selection). The lower panels show the distribution of the MC over data ratio. These distributions were obtained processing 2.3 fb$^{-1}$ of 2015 data.

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Figure 11-b:
Data and MC distributions of the invariant mass of the hadronically-decaying W (a), top quark (b), and of combined discriminant ${\lambda _{M}}$ (c) for every permutation in pre-selected events (i.e. those passing trigger and objects selection). The lower panels show the distribution of the MC over data ratio. These distributions were obtained processing 2.3 fb$^{-1}$ of 2015 data.

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Figure 11-c:
Data and MC distributions of the invariant mass of the hadronically-decaying W (a), top quark (b), and of combined discriminant ${\lambda _{M}}$ (c) for every permutation in pre-selected events (i.e. those passing trigger and objects selection). The lower panels show the distribution of the MC over data ratio. These distributions were obtained processing 2.3 fb$^{-1}$ of 2015 data.

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Figure 12:
Data and MC distributions of ${\lambda _{M}}$ after full selection, including the selection of the best permutation and the b tagging identification of two of the jet of the permutation. The different simulated processes contributing are shown with different colours. The major contributions are semi-leptonic top quark pair decays with the hadronic W properly matched to the generator particles (violet), wrongly matched semi-leptonic top quark decays (red), and non semi-leptonic top quark decays (azure). Minor contributions are also present due to single top events (green), vector-boson plus jets (labeled as ``V+jets'', in yellow), and multi-jet production (``QCD'', in blue).

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Figure 13-a:
(upper panels) Data-to-simulation scale factor of the charm tagging efficiency for the c-tagging WP (loose on a, medium on b, tight on c) as measured with the two methods, with (thick error bar) statistical error and (narrow error bar) combined statistical and systematic uncertainties. The combined SF value with its overall uncertainty is displayed as a hatched area. (lower panels) Same combined SF value with the result of a linear fit function superimposed (solid curve). The combined statistical and systematic uncertainty is centred around the fit result (points with error bars). The last bin includes the overflow.

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Figure 13-b:
(upper panels) Data-to-simulation scale factor of the charm tagging efficiency for the c-tagging WP (loose on a, medium on b, tight on c) as measured with the two methods, with (thick error bar) statistical error and (narrow error bar) combined statistical and systematic uncertainties. The combined SF value with its overall uncertainty is displayed as a hatched area. (lower panels) Same combined SF value with the result of a linear fit function superimposed (solid curve). The combined statistical and systematic uncertainty is centred around the fit result (points with error bars). The last bin includes the overflow.

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Figure 13-c:
(upper panels) Data-to-simulation scale factor of the charm tagging efficiency for the c-tagging WP (loose on a, medium on b, tight on c) as measured with the two methods, with (thick error bar) statistical error and (narrow error bar) combined statistical and systematic uncertainties. The combined SF value with its overall uncertainty is displayed as a hatched area. (lower panels) Same combined SF value with the result of a linear fit function superimposed (solid curve). The combined statistical and systematic uncertainty is centred around the fit result (points with error bars). The last bin includes the overflow.

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Table 1:
Explanation of the BDT options that are explicitly set during the c tagger training and their used values. To ease the reproducibility, the setting names used by TMVA are listed under the BDT Option column.

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Table 2:
Definitions of the three working points with the corresponding cuts on the discriminator values and the global efficiencies, obtained from simulated ${\mathrm {t}\overline {\mathrm {t}}}$ samples, for each flavour.

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Table 3:
Efficiencies and $SF_{\mathrm{c}}$ for the c-tagger algorithm using W+c events. $SF_{\mathrm{c}}$ and the sum in quadrature of statistical and systematical uncertainties are shown in the third column.

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Table 4:
Measured scale factors for the efficiency of tagging charm jets in semi-leptonic $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ events. The quoted uncertainty includes both statistical and systematic uncertainty. The last column shows the statistical-only uncertainty.

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Table 5:
Combined $SF_{\mathrm{c}}$ values
A new tool for identifying charm jets is presented. The tagger has been developed using two boosted decision trees, trained and tested on simulated input datasets. The light-to-charm mistagging rate has been measured in multi-jet events. The performance of the tagger has been measured on W+c and semi-leptonic top quark pairs events, deriving scale factors for the charm identification. The precision achieved with the first method ranges between 6% and 21%, while the second provides a more precise evaluation of the scale factor, in the order of 5%, but without jet $p_{\mathrm{T}}$ dependence. The W+c jet population is strongly skewed towards low-$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ jets. The datasets for the efficiency calibrations have been extracted from proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment in 2015.
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Compact Muon Solenoid