CMS logoCMS event Hgg
Compact Muon Solenoid

CMS-TOP-17-002 ; CERN-EP-2018-039
Measurement of differential cross sections for the production of top quark pairs and of additional jets in lepton+jets events from pp collisions at s=s= 13 TeV
Phys. Rev. D 97 (2018) 112003
Abstract: Differential and double-differential cross sections for the production of top quark pairs in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV are measured as a function of kinematic variables of the top quarks and the top quark-antiquark (tˉt) system. In addition, kinematic variables and multiplicities of jets associated with the tˉt production are measured. This analysis is based on data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.8 fb1. The measurements are performed in the lepton+jets decay channels with a single muon or electron and jets in the final state. The differential cross sections are presented at the particle level, within a phase space close to the experimental acceptance, and at the parton level in the full phase space. The results are compared to several standard model predictions that use different methods and approximations. The kinematic variables of the top quarks and the tˉt system are reasonably described in general, though none predict all the measured distributions. In particular, the transverse momentum distribution of the top quarks is more steeply falling than predicted. The kinematic distributions and multiplicities of jets are adequately modeled by certain combinations of next-to-leading-order calculations and parton shower models.
Figures & Tables Summary Additional Figures References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Comparison between the pT(th) distributions at the particle and parton level, extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left : fraction of parton-level top quarks in the same pT bin at the particle level (purity), fraction of particle-level top quarks in the same pT bin at the parton level (stability), ratio of the number of particle- to parton-level top quarks (bin efficiency), and fraction of events with a particle-level top quark pair that are not considered as signal events at the parton level (non-parton-level signal). Right : pT-bin migrations between particle and parton level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panel. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the fraction of particle-level events in this bin at the parton level in the full phase space.

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Figure 1-a:
Comparison between the pT(th) distributions at the particle and parton level, extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left : fraction of parton-level top quarks in the same pT bin at the particle level (purity), fraction of particle-level top quarks in the same pT bin at the parton level (stability), ratio of the number of particle- to parton-level top quarks (bin efficiency), and fraction of events with a particle-level top quark pair that are not considered as signal events at the parton level (non-parton-level signal). Right : pT-bin migrations between particle and parton level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panel. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the fraction of particle-level events in this bin at the parton level in the full phase space.

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Figure 1-b:
Comparison between the pT(th) distributions at the particle and parton level, extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left : fraction of parton-level top quarks in the same pT bin at the particle level (purity), fraction of particle-level top quarks in the same pT bin at the parton level (stability), ratio of the number of particle- to parton-level top quarks (bin efficiency), and fraction of events with a particle-level top quark pair that are not considered as signal events at the parton level (non-parton-level signal). Right : pT-bin migrations between particle and parton level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panel. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the fraction of particle-level events in this bin at the parton level in the full phase space.

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Figure 2:
Upper: normalized two-dimensional mass distribution of the correctly reconstructed hadronically decaying W bosons M(W) and the correctly reconstructed top quarks M(th) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements. Lower: normalized distributions of the distance Dν,min for correctly and incorrectly selected b jets from the leptonically decaying top quarks. The distributions are taken from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 tˉt simulation.

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Figure 2-a:
Upper: normalized two-dimensional mass distribution of the correctly reconstructed hadronically decaying W bosons M(W) and the correctly reconstructed top quarks M(th) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements. Lower: normalized distributions of the distance Dν,min for correctly and incorrectly selected b jets from the leptonically decaying top quarks. The distributions are taken from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 tˉt simulation.

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Figure 2-b:
Upper: normalized two-dimensional mass distribution of the correctly reconstructed hadronically decaying W bosons M(W) and the correctly reconstructed top quarks M(th) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements. Lower: normalized distributions of the distance Dν,min for correctly and incorrectly selected b jets from the leptonically decaying top quarks. The distributions are taken from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 tˉt simulation.

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Figure 2-c:
Upper: normalized two-dimensional mass distribution of the correctly reconstructed hadronically decaying W bosons M(W) and the correctly reconstructed top quarks M(th) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements. Lower: normalized distributions of the distance Dν,min for correctly and incorrectly selected b jets from the leptonically decaying top quarks. The distributions are taken from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 tˉt simulation.

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Figure 2-d:
Upper: normalized two-dimensional mass distribution of the correctly reconstructed hadronically decaying W bosons M(W) and the correctly reconstructed top quarks M(th) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements. Lower: normalized distributions of the distance Dν,min for correctly and incorrectly selected b jets from the leptonically decaying top quarks. The distributions are taken from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 tˉt simulation.

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Figure 3:
Reconstruction efficiency of the tˉt system as a function of the number of additional jets for the (left) parton- and (right) particle-level measurements. The efficiencies are calculated based on the simulations with POWHEG+PYTHIA8 (P8) with scale variations up and down of the final-state PS, POWHEG+HERWIG++ (H++), and MG5_aMC@NLO+PYTHIA8. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainties in each simulation.

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Figure 3-a:
Reconstruction efficiency of the tˉt system as a function of the number of additional jets for the (left) parton- and (right) particle-level measurements. The efficiencies are calculated based on the simulations with POWHEG+PYTHIA8 (P8) with scale variations up and down of the final-state PS, POWHEG+HERWIG++ (H++), and MG5_aMC@NLO+PYTHIA8. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainties in each simulation.

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Figure 3-b:
Reconstruction efficiency of the tˉt system as a function of the number of additional jets for the (left) parton- and (right) particle-level measurements. The efficiencies are calculated based on the simulations with POWHEG+PYTHIA8 (P8) with scale variations up and down of the final-state PS, POWHEG+HERWIG++ (H++), and MG5_aMC@NLO+PYTHIA8. The vertical bars represent the statistical uncertainties in each simulation.

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Figure 4:
Distribution of the negative log-likelihood for the selected best permutation in the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulations. Events generated with POWHEG+PYTHIA8 are used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the sum of the predicted yields are provided at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 4-a:
Distribution of the negative log-likelihood for the selected best permutation in the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulations. Events generated with POWHEG+PYTHIA8 are used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the sum of the predicted yields are provided at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 4-b:
Distribution of the negative log-likelihood for the selected best permutation in the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulations. Events generated with POWHEG+PYTHIA8 are used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the sum of the predicted yields are provided at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-a:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-b:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-c:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-d:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-e:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-f:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-g:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 5-h:
Comparisons between data and simulation at the particle level of the reconstructed distributions of the pT of jets as identified by the tˉt reconstruction algorithm. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 6:
Comparisons of the reconstructed pT (upper) and |y| (lower) in data and simulations for the t (left) at the parton level and the th (right) at the particle level. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 6-a:
Comparisons of the reconstructed pT (upper) and |y| (lower) in data and simulations for the t (left) at the parton level and the th (right) at the particle level. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 6-b:
Comparisons of the reconstructed pT (upper) and |y| (lower) in data and simulations for the t (left) at the parton level and the th (right) at the particle level. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 6-c:
Comparisons of the reconstructed pT (upper) and |y| (lower) in data and simulations for the t (left) at the parton level and the th (right) at the particle level. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 6-d:
Comparisons of the reconstructed pT (upper) and |y| (lower) in data and simulations for the t (left) at the parton level and the th (right) at the particle level. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 7:
Comparisons of the reconstructed distributions of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulation. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 7-a:
Comparisons of the reconstructed distributions of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulation. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 7-b:
Comparisons of the reconstructed distributions of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulation. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 7-c:
Comparisons of the reconstructed distributions of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulation. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 7-d:
Comparisons of the reconstructed distributions of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulation. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 7-e:
Comparisons of the reconstructed distributions of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulation. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 7-f:
Comparisons of the reconstructed distributions of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower) for the (left) parton- and the (right) particle-level measurements in data and simulation. The simulation of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 is used to describe the tˉt production. The contribution of multijet, DY, and W boson plus jets background events is extracted from the data (cf. Section 7). Combined experimental (cf. Section 9) and statistical uncertainties (hatched area) are shown for the total predicted yields. The data points are shown with statistical uncertainties. The ratios of data to the predicted yields are given at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 8:
Migration studies of the (upper) parton- and (lower) particle-level measurements of pT(th), extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and parton (particle) level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panels. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the parton (particle) level.

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Figure 8-a:
Migration studies of the (upper) parton- and (lower) particle-level measurements of pT(th), extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and parton (particle) level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panels. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the parton (particle) level.

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Figure 8-b:
Migration studies of the (upper) parton- and (lower) particle-level measurements of pT(th), extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and parton (particle) level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panels. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the parton (particle) level.

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Figure 8-c:
Migration studies of the (upper) parton- and (lower) particle-level measurements of pT(th), extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and parton (particle) level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panels. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the parton (particle) level.

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Figure 8-d:
Migration studies of the (upper) parton- and (lower) particle-level measurements of pT(th), extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and parton (particle) level. The pT range of the bins can be taken from the left panels. Each column is normalized such that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the parton (particle) level.

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Figure 9:
Migration studies of the particle-level measurement of the jet pT spectra, extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and particle level. On the axes the pT bins for each jet are shown. Each column is normalized in the way that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the particle level.

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Figure 9-a:
Migration studies of the particle-level measurement of the jet pT spectra, extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and particle level. On the axes the pT bins for each jet are shown. Each column is normalized in the way that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the particle level.

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Figure 9-b:
Migration studies of the particle-level measurement of the jet pT spectra, extracted from the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 simulation. Left: purity, stability, and bin efficiency. Right: bin migrations between detector and particle level. On the axes the pT bins for each jet are shown. Each column is normalized in the way that the sum of its entries corresponds to the percentage of reconstructed events in this bin at the particle level.

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Figure 10:
Relative uncertainties due to the individual sources in the absolute (upper) and normalized (lower) measurement of pT(th) at the parton level (left) and particle level (right). Sources whose impact never exceeds 1% are summarized in the category "Others''. The combination of the individual sources of jet energy uncertainty is labeled "Jet energy''. The combined uncertainty is the sum in quadrature of the statistical and all the systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 10-a:
Relative uncertainties due to the individual sources in the absolute (upper) and normalized (lower) measurement of pT(th) at the parton level (left) and particle level (right). Sources whose impact never exceeds 1% are summarized in the category "Others''. The combination of the individual sources of jet energy uncertainty is labeled "Jet energy''. The combined uncertainty is the sum in quadrature of the statistical and all the systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 10-b:
Relative uncertainties due to the individual sources in the absolute (upper) and normalized (lower) measurement of pT(th) at the parton level (left) and particle level (right). Sources whose impact never exceeds 1% are summarized in the category "Others''. The combination of the individual sources of jet energy uncertainty is labeled "Jet energy''. The combined uncertainty is the sum in quadrature of the statistical and all the systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 10-c:
Relative uncertainties due to the individual sources in the absolute (upper) and normalized (lower) measurement of pT(th) at the parton level (left) and particle level (right). Sources whose impact never exceeds 1% are summarized in the category "Others''. The combination of the individual sources of jet energy uncertainty is labeled "Jet energy''. The combined uncertainty is the sum in quadrature of the statistical and all the systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 10-d:
Relative uncertainties due to the individual sources in the absolute (upper) and normalized (lower) measurement of pT(th) at the parton level (left) and particle level (right). Sources whose impact never exceeds 1% are summarized in the category "Others''. The combination of the individual sources of jet energy uncertainty is labeled "Jet energy''. The combined uncertainty is the sum in quadrature of the statistical and all the systematic uncertainties.

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Figure 11:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 11-a:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 11-b:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 11-c:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 11-d:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 12:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 12-a:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 12-b:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 12-c:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 12-d:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 13:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 13-a:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 13-b:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 13-c:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 13-d:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) (upper) and pT(t) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 14:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 14-a:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 14-b:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 14-c:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 14-d:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| (upper) and |y(t)| (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 15:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of the transverse momentum of the top quark with the higher and lower pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 15-a:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of the transverse momentum of the top quark with the higher and lower pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 15-b:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of the transverse momentum of the top quark with the higher and lower pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 15-c:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of the transverse momentum of the top quark with the higher and lower pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 15-d:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of the transverse momentum of the top quark with the higher and lower pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 16:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 16-a:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 16-b:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 16-c:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 16-d:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 16-e:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 16-f:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 17:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 17-a:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 17-b:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 17-c:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 17-d:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 17-e:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 17-f:
Absolute (left) and normalized (right) differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) (upper), |y(tˉt)| (middle), and M(tˉt) (lower). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 18:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 18-a:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 18-b:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 18-c:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 18-d:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 19:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 19-a:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 19-b:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 19-c:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 19-d:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 20:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 20-a:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 20-b:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 20-c:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 20-d:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 21:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 21-a:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 21-b:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 21-c:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 21-d:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 22:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 22-a:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 22-b:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 22-c:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 22-d:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 23:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 23-a:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 23-b:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 23-c:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 23-d:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 24:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 24-a:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 24-b:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 24-c:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 24-d:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 25:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 25-a:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 25-b:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 25-c:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 25-d:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 26:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 26-a:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 26-b:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 26-c:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 26-d:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 27:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 27-a:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 27-b:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 27-c:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 27-d:
Normalized double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), and the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 28:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 28-a:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 28-b:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 28-c:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 28-d:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 30:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 30-a:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 30-b:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 30-c:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 30-d:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 31:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 31-a:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 31-b:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 31-c:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 31-d:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(th) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 32:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 32-a:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 32-b:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 32-c:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 32-d:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 33:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 33-a:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 33-b:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 33-c:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 33-d:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of M(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 34:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 34-a:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 34-b:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 34-c:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 34-d:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 35:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 35-a:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 35-b:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 35-c:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 35-d:
Differential cross sections at the particle level normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges as a function of pT(tˉt) in bins of the number of additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the various predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-a:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-b:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-c:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-d:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-e:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-f:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-g:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 36-h:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-a:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-b:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-c:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-d:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-e:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-f:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-g:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 37-h:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet pT. The upper two rows show the pT distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 38:
Upper: absolute (left) and normalized (right) cross sections of jet multiplicities. Middle, lower: absolute cross sections of jet multiplicities for various thresholds of the jet pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 38-a:
Upper: absolute (left) and normalized (right) cross sections of jet multiplicities. Middle, lower: absolute cross sections of jet multiplicities for various thresholds of the jet pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 38-b:
Upper: absolute (left) and normalized (right) cross sections of jet multiplicities. Middle, lower: absolute cross sections of jet multiplicities for various thresholds of the jet pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 38-c:
Upper: absolute (left) and normalized (right) cross sections of jet multiplicities. Middle, lower: absolute cross sections of jet multiplicities for various thresholds of the jet pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 38-d:
Upper: absolute (left) and normalized (right) cross sections of jet multiplicities. Middle, lower: absolute cross sections of jet multiplicities for various thresholds of the jet pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 38-e:
Upper: absolute (left) and normalized (right) cross sections of jet multiplicities. Middle, lower: absolute cross sections of jet multiplicities for various thresholds of the jet pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 38-f:
Upper: absolute (left) and normalized (right) cross sections of jet multiplicities. Middle, lower: absolute cross sections of jet multiplicities for various thresholds of the jet pT. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 39:
Distributions of the gap fractions f1(pT) and f2(pT). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The measurements are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 39-a:
Distributions of the gap fractions f1(pT) and f2(pT). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The measurements are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 39-b:
Distributions of the gap fractions f1(pT) and f2(pT). The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The measurements are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-a:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-b:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-c:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-d:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-e:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-f:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-g:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 40-h:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-a:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-b:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-c:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-d:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-e:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-f:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-g:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 41-h:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet |η|. The upper two rows show the |η| distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distributions for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-a:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-b:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-c:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-d:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-e:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-f:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-g:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 42-h:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-a:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-b:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-c:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-d:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-e:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-f:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-g:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 43-h:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of jet ΔRjt. The upper two rows show the ΔRjt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-a:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-b:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-c:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-d:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-e:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-f:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-g:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 44-h:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-a:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-b:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-c:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-d:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-e:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-f:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-g:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Figure 45-h:
Normalized differential cross section at the particle level as a function of ΔRt. The upper two rows show the ΔRt distributions for the jets in the tˉt system, the lower two rows the distribution for additional jets. The data are shown as points with light (dark) bands indicating the statistical (statistical and systematic) uncertainties. The cross sections are compared to the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations MG5_aMC@NLO (MG5)+PYTHIA8 FxFx and SHERPA. The ratios of the predictions to the measured cross sections are shown at the bottom of each panel.

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Table 1:
Comparison between the measured absolute differential cross sections at the parton level and the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++), the multiparton simulation MG5_aMC@NLO FxFx, and the NNLO QCD+NLO EW calculations. The compatibility with the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 prediction is also calculated including its theoretical uncertainties (with unc.), while those are not taken into account for the other comparisons. The results of the χ2 tests are listed, together with the numbers of degrees of freedom (dof) and the corresponding p-values.

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Table 3:
Comparison between the measured absolute differential cross sections at the particle level and the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations of MG5_aMC@NLO FxFx and SHERPA. The compatibilities with the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 and the SHERPA predictions are also calculated including their theoretical uncertainties (with unc.), while those are not taken into account for the other comparisons. The results of the χ2 tests are listed, together with the numbers of degrees of freedom (dof) and the corresponding p-values.

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Table 5:
Comparison between the absolute measurements involving multiplicities and kinematic properties of jets and the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations of MG5_aMC@NLO FxFx and SHERPA. The compatibilities with the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 and the SHERPA predictions are also calculated including their theoretical uncertainties (with unc.), while those are not taken into account for the other comparisons. The results of the χ2 tests are listed, together with the numbers of degrees of freedom (dof) and the corresponding p-values. The rows labeled as "Additional jets'' refer to the measurement of the cross section as a function of jet multiplicities for up to five additional jets with pT> 30 GeV (Fig. 38 upper row).

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Table 6:
Comparison between the normalized measurements involving multiplicities and kinematic properties of jets and the predictions of POWHEG combined with PYTHIA8 (P8) or HERWIG++ (H++) and the multiparton simulations of MG5_aMC@NLO FxFx and SHERPA. The compatibilities with the POWHEG+PYTHIA8 and the SHERPA predictions are also calculated including their theoretical uncertainties (with unc.), while those are not taken into account for the other comparisons. The results of the χ2 tests are listed, together with the numbers of degrees of freedom (dof) and the corresponding p-values. The rows labeled as "Additional jets'' refer to the measurement of the cross section as a function of jet multiplicities for up to five additional jets with pT> 30 GeV (Fig. 38 upper row).

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Table 7:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(thigh). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 8:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(tlow). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 9:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 10:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)|. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 11:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 12:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(tˉt)|. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 13:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 14:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 15:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 16:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 17:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 18:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)|. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 19:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(t). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 20:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(t)|. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 21:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 22:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(tˉt)|. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 23:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 24:
Cross sections at the particle level for different numbers of additional jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 25:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 26:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)|. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 27:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt). The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 28:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) for different numbers of additional jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 29:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) for different numbers of additional jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 30:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) for different numbers of additional jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 31:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(jet) for jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 32:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of |η(jet)| for jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 33:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of ΔRjt for jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 34:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of ΔRt for jets. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 35:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(thigh) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 36:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(tlow) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 37:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 38:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 39:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(tˉt) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 40:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(tˉt)| normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 41:
Differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

png pdf
Table 42:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured in the two-dimensional range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 43:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)| normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured in the two-dimensional range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 44:
Double-differential cross section at the parton level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured in the two-dimensional range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 45:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 46:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 47:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(t) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 48:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(t)| normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 49:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 50:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(tˉt)| normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 51:
Differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 52:
Cross sections at the particle level for different numbers of additional jets normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 53:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of |y(th)| vs. pT(th) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured in the two-dimensional range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 54:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) vs. |y(tˉt)| normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured in the two-dimensional range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

png pdf
Table 55:
Double-differential cross section at the particle level as a function of pT(th) vs. M(tˉt) normalized to the cross section σnorm in the measured in the two-dimensional range. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 56:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(th) for different numbers of additional jets normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 57:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(tˉt) for different numbers of additional jets normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 58:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of M(tˉt) for different numbers of additional jets normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm in the measured ranges. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 59:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of pT(jet) of jets normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm of all jets in the measured ranges. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 60:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of |η(jet)| of jets normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm of all jets in the measured ranges. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 61:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of ΔRjt of jets normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm of all jets in the measured ranges. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.

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Table 62:
Differential cross sections at the particle level as a function of ΔRt of jets normalized to the sum of the cross sections σnorm of all jets in the measured ranges. The values are shown together with their statistical and systematic uncertainties.
Measurements of the absolute and normalized differential and double-differential cross sections for tˉt production in proton-proton collisions at s= 13 TeV have been presented. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 35.8 fb1 recorded by the CMS experiment. The tˉt production cross section is measured in the +jets channels at the parton and particle levels as a function of the transverse momentum pT and absolute rapidity |y| of the top quarks and pT, |y|, and invariant mass of the tˉt system. In addition, at the particle level detailed studies of multiplicities and kinematic properties of the jets in tˉt events are performed. The dominant sources of uncertainty are the jet energy scale uncertainties on the experimental side and parton shower modeling on the theoretical side.

The results are compared to several standard model predictions that use different methods and approximations for their calculations. The simulations of POWHEG+PYTHIA8 and SHERPA, for which theoretical uncertainties are considered, describe most of the studied kinematic distributions of the top quark and the tˉt system reasonably well. The largest deviation is the measurement of a softer pT spectrum of the top quarks compared to all the predictions. This has also been observed in other measurements [5-10,13,14,18]. Most of the kinematic distributions and multiplicities of additional jets are modeled reasonably well by POWHEG+PYTHIA8, however, this description of additional jets relies on the phenomenological model of the parton shower with tuned parameters. With the selected settings SHERPA fails to describe most of these distributions. Comparisons of the measurements to the central values of all tested models, ignoring their theoretical uncertainties, result in low p-values for many distributions related to the pT of the top quarks or the tˉt system, and for the kinematic distributions and multiplicities of additional jets.
Additional Figures

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Additional Figure 1:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-a:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-b:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-c:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-d:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-e:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-f:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-g:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 1-h:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 2:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 2-a:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 2-b:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 2-c:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 2-d:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 2-e:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 2-f:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 3:
Correlations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 3-a:
Correlations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 3-b:
Correlations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 3-c:
Correlations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 3-d:
Correlations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 4:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 4-a:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 4-b:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 4-c:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 4-d:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 4-e:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 4-f:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 5:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 5-a:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 5-b:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 5-c:
Correlations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 6:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 6-a:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 6-b:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 6-c:
Correlations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 7:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-a:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-b:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-c:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-d:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-e:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-f:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-g:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 7-h:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 8:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 8-a:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 8-b:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 8-c:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 8-d:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 8-e:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 8-f:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at particle level.

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Additional Figure 9:
Migrations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 9-a:
Migrations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 9-b:
Migrations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 9-c:
Migrations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 9-d:
Migrations among the bins in the cross section measurements of jet kinematical properties at particle level.

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Additional Figure 10:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 10-a:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 10-b:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 10-c:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 10-d:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 10-e:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 10-f:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 11:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 11-a:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 11-b:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 11-c:
Migrations among the bins in the differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 12:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 12-a:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.

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Additional Figure 12-b:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.

png pdf
Additional Figure 12-c:
Migrations among the bins in the double-differential cross section measurements at parton level.
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Compact Muon Solenoid