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CMS-SMP-14-010 ; CERN-EP-2016-254
Measurements of the associated production of a Z boson and b jets in pp collisions at s= 8 TeV
Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 751
Abstract: Measurements of the associated production of a Z boson with at least one jet originating from a b quark in proton-proton collisions at s= 8 TeV are presented. Differential cross sections are measured with data collected by the CMS experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.8 fb1. Z bosons are reconstructed through their decays to electrons and muons. Cross sections are measured as a function of observables characterizing the kinematics of the b jet and the Z boson. Ratios of differential cross sections for the associated production with at least one b jet to the associated production with any jet are also presented. The production of a Z boson with two b jets is investigated, and differential cross sections are measured for the dijet system. Results are compared to theoretical predictions, testing two different flavour schemes for the choice of initial-state partons.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Exclusive b-tagged jet multiplicity distributions for Z (1b) events, for the electron (left) and muon (right) decay channel of Z boson. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 1-a:
Exclusive b-tagged jet multiplicity distributions for Z (1b) events, for the electron decay channel of Z boson. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 1-b:
Exclusive b-tagged jet multiplicity distributions for Z (1b) events, for the muon decay channel of Z boson. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 2:
Dilepton invariant mass distributions for Z (1b) events, for the electron (left) and muon (right) Z boson decay channels. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 2-a:
Dilepton invariant mass distributions for Z (1b) events, for the electron Z boson decay channels. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 2-b:
Dilepton invariant mass distributions for Z (1b) events, for the muon Z boson decay channels. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 3:
Distributions of the secondary vertex (SV) mass of the leading jet after the Z (1b) selection with the Z boson decaying into electrons (left) and muons (right). The subsamples corresponding to b-tagged jets originating from b, c, and light-flavour quarks or gluons are shown, with normalizations determined in the fit to data. Non-Drell-Yan background sources are subtracted. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 3-a:
Distributions of the secondary vertex (SV) mass of the leading jet after the Z (1b) selection with the Z boson decaying into electrons. The subsamples corresponding to b-tagged jets originating from b, c, and light-flavour quarks or gluons are shown, with normalizations determined in the fit to data. Non-Drell-Yan background sources are subtracted. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 3-b:
Distributions of the secondary vertex (SV) mass of the leading jet after the Z (1b) selection with the Z boson decaying into muons. The subsamples corresponding to b-tagged jets originating from b, c, and light-flavour quarks or gluons are shown, with normalizations determined in the fit to data. Non-Drell-Yan background sources are subtracted. Error bars account for statistical uncertainties in data in the upper plots and in both data and simulation in the bottom ratio plots.

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Figure 4:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of the leading b jet pT (left), and the cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of the leading b/inclusive (j) jet pT (right), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 4-a:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of the leading b jet pT, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 4-b:
Cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of the leading b/inclusive (j) jet pT, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 5:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of the leading b jet |η| (left), and the cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of the leading b/inclusive (j) jet |η| (right), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 5-a:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of the leading b jet |η|, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 5-b:
Cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of the leading b/inclusive (j) jet |η|, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 6:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of the Z boson pT (left), and the cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of the Z boson pT (right), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 6-a:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of the Z boson pT, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 6-b:
Cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of the Z boson pT (right), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 7:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of HT (left), and the cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of HT (right), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 7-a:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of HT (left), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 7-b:
Cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of HT, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 8:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of ΔϕZb (left), and the cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of ΔϕZ(b/j) (right), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 8-a:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(1b) production as a function of ΔϕZb, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 8-b:
Cross section ratio for Z(1b) and Z+jets production as a function of ΔϕZ(b/j), compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 9:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of the leading b jet pT, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 10:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of the subleading b jet pT, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 11:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of the Z boson pT, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 12:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of the invariant mass of the b jet pair, Mbb, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 13:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of the invariant mass of the Zbb system, MZbb, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 14:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of Δϕbb, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 15:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of ΔRbb, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 16:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of ΔRZbmin, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Figure 17:
Differential fiducial cross section for Z(2b) production as a function of AZbb, compared with the MadGraph 5FS, MadGraph 4FS, MadGraph5-aMC@NLO, and POWHEG / MINLO theoretical predictions (shaded bands), normalized to the theoretical cross sections described in the text. For each data point the statistical and the total (sum in quadrature of statistical and systematic) uncertainties are represented by the double error bar. The width of the shaded bands represents the uncertainty in the theoretical predictions, and, for NLO calculations, the inner darker area represents the statistical component only.

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Table 1:
Normalization scale factors for c and light-flavour (u, d, s quark and gluon) components in the selected Z (1b) events, and for b in the selected Z (2b) events, obtained from a fit to the secondary vertex mass distribution for dielectron and dimuon final states.

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Table 2:
Uncertainties (in percent) in the differential cross sections as a function of the leading b jet pT and |η|, the Z boson pT, HT, and ΔϕZb between the Z boson and the leading b jet, for the Z (1b) sample.

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Table 3:
Uncertainties (in percent) in the differential cross sections as a function of the leading and subleading b jet pT, the Z boson pT, the invariant mass of the two b-tagged jets, and the invariant mass of the Z boson and the two b-tagged jets, for the Z (2b) sample.

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Table 4:
Uncertainties (in percent) in the differential cross sections as a function of ΔR and Δϕ between the two b-tagged jets, ΔR between the Z boson and the closer b-tagged jet, and the asymmetry AZbb, for the Z (2b) sample.
The process of associated production of jets, including b jets, and a Z boson decaying into lepton pairs (=e,μ) are measured in LHC pp collisions at s= 8 TeV with the CMS experiment, using a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.8 fb1. The measured fiducial cross sections are compared to several theoretical predictions. The cross sections are measured as a function of various kinematic observables describing the event topology with a Z boson and at least one b jet: the pT and η of the leading b jet, the Z boson pT, the scalar sum HT of the jet transverse momenta, and the azimuthal angular difference between the directions of the leading b jet and the Z boson. A comparison is made of the unfolded data with leading-order pQCD predictions based on matrix element calculations matched with parton showering, testing models using the MadGraph event generator, or with the NLO calculations, merging predictions for zero, one, and two extra jets with aMCatNLO, or for the first two jets with POWHEG in the MINLO approach. In most cases the theoretical predictions agree with the data, with the shape of the b jet pT distribution below 80 GeV slightly better reproduced by MadGraph 4FS, while its normalization is underestimated by about 20%. The ratios of differential cross sections for the production of a Z boson in association with at least one b jet and the inclusive Z+jets production are measured and compared with theoretical expectations. The 4FS-based prediction fails to describe the shape of the ratio as a function of the leading b jet pT, and discrepancies in the shape are also observed for high values of the Z boson pT. The production of a Z boson in association with two b jets is also investigated. In this case the kinematic observables are the transverse momenta of the leading and subleading b jets, the pT of the Z boson, the separations of the b jets both in azimuthal angle and in the η-ϕ plane, the minimal distance in the η-ϕ plane between the Z boson and a b jet, the asymmetry between the minimal and the maximal distances between the Z boson and a b jet, and the invariant masses of the bb and the Zbb systems. The measured distributions are generally well reproduced by the predictions.
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Compact Muon Solenoid